- •А.А. Атрошкина, к.Ф. Варламова,
- •Contents предисловие 4
- •Предисловие
- •Lesson 1. Energy
- •Active Vocabulary
- •I . Practise reading the words written below. You’ll come across them in text 1 a.
- •II. Put the words from the box into the correct columns below. Translate them into Russian.
- •III. Read text 1 a. Try to understand its content. Text 1 a. Energy
- •Post-Text Exercises
- •IV. Find the word with the similar meaning, according to the idea of text 1 a.
- •V. Connections: match a line in a with a line in b.
- •VI. Read and translate word combinations consisting of two or more components. See model. Read and translate the sentences from the text containing these word combinations.
- •VII. Answer the following questions.
- •VIII. Are the sentences True or False? Correct the false sentences.
- •Grammar Exercises (The Tenses: Active and Passive Voice. See appendix, gr. Ref., p. 97-99)
- •X. Find the correct sentences. Underline the predicates. Trans-late the sentences into Russian.
- •XI. Choose the correct tense form. Translate sentences into Russian, pay attention to the meaning of the word “time”.
- •XII. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and voice.
- •XIII. Find active and passive forms of the verb in text 1 a. Write them out into two columns.
- •XIV. Read text 1 b. Find the answers in text 1 b to the following questions:
- •Text 1 b. Generators
- •XV. Make the plan of the given text.
- •XVI. Discuss the main points of your plan with a partner.
- •XVII. Skim over text 1c (See appendix, lang. Learn. Focus, p. 117). Give a better title for this text and prove your point of view. Text 1 c. Batteries
- •Lesson 2. Atomic energy
- •Active Vocabulary
- •I . Practise reading the words written below. You’ll come across them in text 2 a.
- •II. Put the words from the box into the correct columns below. Translate them into Russian.
- •III. Read text 2 a. Try to understand its content. Text 2 a. Atomic Energy
- •Post- Text Exercises
- •IV. Find the word with the similar meaning, according to the idea of text 2 a.
- •V. Connections: match a line in a with a line in b.
- •XI. Read the following sentences. Find the sentences in which the modal verb ‘must’ expresses supposition. Translate them into Russian.
- •XII. Find the sentences with modal verbs in text 2 a (passages 2 and 3). Change these modal verbs to their equivalents. Translate the sentences into Russian.
- •XIII. Fill in blanks with the appropriate modal verb or its equivalent. Mind the tense.
- •XIV. A. Read the conversation. Choose the correct modal verb.
- •XV. Read text 2 b. Find the answers in text 2 b to the following questions:
- •Text 2 b. The Law of Energy Conservation
- •XVI. Read text 2 b using some more information about well known more physicists mentioned in the text.
- •1895 World War II 1913 1896 1931 1896-1912 1898 1946 1922 text 2 c. History of Radiography: X-rays, Gamma Rays
- •Gamma rays
- •Lesson 3. Electricity
- •Active Vocabulary
- •I. Practise reading the words written below. You’ll come across them in text 3a.
- •II. Put the words from the box into the correct columns. Translate them into Russian.
- •III. Read text 3a. Try to understand its content. Text 3 a. Electricity
- •IV. Find the word with the similar meaning, according to the idea of text 3 a.
- •Post-Text Exercises
- •V. Connections: match a line in a with a line in b.
- •VI. Match paragraphs with the appropriate summary.
- •VII. Answer the following questions.
- •VIII. Translate the parts of the sentences. Complete these sentences.
- •IX. Give a short report on the topic “The discovery of electricity and its usage today”. (Use text 3a).
- •X. Find the correct sentences. Underline the participles. Translate these sentences into Russian.
- •XII. Find the participles (passage 3) in text 3 a. Define the functions of the participles.
- •XIII. Translate the following sentences into Russian, pay attention to the Absolute Participle Construction. Underline “the doer” in the construction.
- •XIV. Form one sentence of each pair of sentences using the Absolute Participle Construction.
- •XV. Read text 3 b. Find the answers in text 3 b to the following questions:
- •Text 3 b. Transformers
- •XVI. Complete the sentences using the correct variant.
- •XVII. Make a short summary of the text (See appendix, lang. Learn. Focus, p.117-118).
- •XVIII. Read text 3 c.Describe the process of electric current flow in a vacuum in your own words. Text 3 c. Electric Current In a Vacuum
- •Lesson 4. Power transmission
- •Active Vocabulary
- •I. Practise reading the words written below. You’ll come across them in text 4 a.
- •II. Put the words from the box into the correct columns. Translate them into Russian.
- •III. Read text 4 a. Try to understand its content. Text 4 a. Power Transmission
- •Post-Text Exercises
- •IV. Find the word with the similar meaning according to the idea of text 4 a.
- •V. Connections: match a line in a with a line in b.
- •VI. Match each paragraph with the appropriate summary:
- •VII. Answer the following questions.
- •VIII. Translate the parts of the sentences. Complete these senten-ces.
- •X. Underline the gerund and define the forms of it in the examples given below. Translate the sentences into Russian.
- •XI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of the gerund. Define the functions of the gerund. Translate the sentences into Russian.
- •XII. Find the gerund (paragraph 3) in text 4 a. Define the functions of the gerund.
- •XIII. Translate the following sentences into Russian, pay attention to the Gerundial Complex.
- •XIV. Use Participle I, Participle II or the Gerund of the verbs in brackets and translate the sentences.
- •XV. Translate the following sentences and define the non-finite forms of the verb.
- •XVI. Read text 4 b. Find the answers in text 4 b to the following questions:
- •Text 4 b. Electric Power Consumers and Power Systems
- •XVII. Complete the sentences using correct variant.
- •XVIII. Describe a power system and its operation.
- •XIX. Read text 4 c. Find in it the answer to the question that follows it. Text 4 c. Electric Power Interruptions
- •Lesson 5. Electronics
- •Active Vocabulary
- •I. Practise reading the words written below. You’ll come across them in text 5 a.
- •II. Put the words from the box into the correct columns below. Translate them into Russian.
- •III. Read text 5 a. Try to understand its content. Text 5 a. Electronic Elements
- •Post-Text Exercises
- •IV. Find the word with the similar meaning according to the idea of text 5a.
- •V. Connections: match a line in a with a line in b.
- •VI. Find in the text the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
- •VII. Read and translate word combinations consisting of two or more components. See model. Read and translate the sentences from the text containing these word combinations.
- •VIII. Answer the following questions:
- •IX. Read the definitions below and guess what word is defined in each case.
- •X. Use the verb in parentheses in the correct form with the appropriate preposition. Translate the sentences into Russian.
- •XI. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the correct form of the word in parentheses:
- •XII. Look through text 5 a again. Give main points of each passage. Use “is / are about …”. See Model. Make an annotation of the text (See appendix, lang. Learn. Focus, p.118)
- •XVI. What forms of the Infinitives are used in the Infinitive Complexes given below – Complex Subject or Complex Object?
- •XVII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the phrases from ex. 1.
- •XVIII. Read text 5 Band fill in the gaps with the words, in the box. Try to guess the meaning of the words from the context.
- •Text 5 b. Electronic Devices
- •XIX. Choose one of the titles to best match the text.
- •Lesson 6. Electronic devices: amplifiers, diodes, oscillators
- •Active Vocabulary
- •I. Practise reading the words written below. You’ll come across them in text 6 a.
- •II. Put the words from the box into the correct columns below. Translate them into Russian.
- •III. Read text 6 a. Try to understand its content. Text 6 a. Amplifiers
- •Post-Text Exercises
- •IV. Find the word with the similar meaning according to the idea of text 6a.
- •V. Complete the following. Use the words in the box to help you.
- •XVI. Fill in the correct word from the list below.
- •XVII. Discuss the main points of the text. Use this plan.
- •XVIII. Read text 6 c and complete these sentences using ideas from the text.
- •Text 6 c. Requirements For Oscillators
- •Additional reading the world of the atom
- •Natural radioactivity
- •How long does the radioactivity last?
- •Plants and the atom
- •Animals and the atom
- •Telemeters in the atomic laboratory
- •Atomic power for rockets
- •Atomic power for space travel
- •The first russian woman-scientist (1850 —1891)
- •James clerk maxwell (1831–1879)
- •The use of electromagnetic waves
- •A great invention of a russian scientist
- •Astronomy and radio
- •How can the efficiency of utilisation of solar energy be improved?
- •Solar energy
- •Electronics and technical progress
- •Mysterious devices or not
- •Lasers help science and industry
- •Atomic clock puzzles scientists
- •Development of robots
- •Electric fish
- •Machines aren’t free of errors
- •Automation and mechanization
- •Appendix
- •Страдательный залог – Passive Voice
- •Lesson 2 Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты – Model Verbs and Their Equivalents
- •Lesson 3
- •Формы причастия I
- •ПричастиеI переводится на русский язык
- •Функции причастия I
- •Причастие II Образование и формы причастия II
- •ПричастиеIi переводится на русский язык
- •Функции причастия II
- •Независимый причастный оборот (нпо)
- •Нпо переводится на русский язык:
- •Lesson 4
- •Формы герундия
- •Функции герундия. Способы его перевода
- •Герундиальный оборот
- •Lesson 5
- •Инфинитив
- •Формы инфинитива
- •Функции инфинитива. Способы его перевода.
- •Инфинитивный оборот
- •Инфинитив как часть сложного дополнения
- •Инфинитив в конструкции сложное дополнение употребляется:
- •Инфинитив как часть сложного подлежащего
- •Lesson 6 Простое предложение
- •Порядок слов в простом повествовательном предложении. Утвердительная форма
- •Отрицание в простом повествовательном предложении
- •Порядок слов в вопросительном предложении
- •1. Альтернативные и общие вопросы
- •2. Специальные вопросы
- •Построение специальных вопросов с предлогами
- •I вариант
- •II вариант
- •Irregular verbs
- •Language learning focus skimming
- •Writing a summary
- •Make sure you understand all the main points. Go through the article and underline the relevant information in each paragraph.
- •Writing an annotation
- •Библиографический список
- •Energy and electronics
- •654007, Г. Новокузнецк, ул. Кирова, 42
II. Put the words from the box into the correct columns. Translate them into Russian.
overhead, flexible, normally, to subdivide, intercon-nection, conductor, consumer, overcurrent, exceedingly, undesirable, feeder, greatly, inefficient, insulator, distri-bution, reliable, combination, comparatively, resistance.
Noun (what/who?) |
Adjective (what kind of?) |
Verb (what to do?) |
Adverb (in what manner?) |
… |
… |
III. Read text 4 a. Try to understand its content. Text 4 a. Power Transmission
They say that more than a hundred years ago, power was never carried far away from its source. Later on, the range of transmission was expanded to a few miles. Nowadays in a comparatively short period of time it has become possible converting mechanical energy into electrical and transmitting of the electricity over long distances and the length of transmitting power lines varies from area to area. So, a power system is an interconnection of electric power stations by high voltage power transmission lines. It isn’t difficult to understand that the above process has been made possible owing to generators, transformers, and motors as well as to other necessary electrical equipment.
A wire system is termed a power line in case it has no parallel branches and a power network in case it has parallel branches.
According to their functions, power lines and networks are subdivided into transmission and distribution lines. Transmission lines serve to deliver power from a station to distribution centers. Distribution lines deliver power from distribution centers to the loads. Lines are also classed into: 1) overhead; 2) indoor; 3) cable (underground).Overhead lines include line conductors, insulators, and supports. The conductors are connected to the insulators, and these are connected to the supports. Conductors used for electric wiring are commonly produced of copper and aluminium. Wires connecting the components of various installations may be insulated. They may also be used without insulating. Since in short lengths of wire power loss is exceedingly low one can ignore it. However, the longer the wire, the greater is its resistance to current flow. On the other hand, the higher the offered resistance, the greater are the heating losses in electric wires. Reducing these undesirable losses is possible in two ways, namely, one can reduce either the resistance or the current. It’s easy for us to see how we can decrease resistance: making use of a better conducting material is necessary and as thick wires as possible. However, such wires are calculated to require too much material and hence, they will be too expensive. Is the decreasing of the current permissible? Yes, it’s quite permissible to reduce the current in the transmission line by employing transformers. In effect, the waste of useful energy has been greatly decreased due to high-voltage lines. It’s well-known that high voltage means low current in its turn results in reduced heating losses in electrical wires. However, using of power at very high voltages for anything’s dangerous but transmission and distribution. For that reason, the voltage is always reduced again before making use of power. Power loss in a line should not exceed a definite value. If this value is exceeded the line becomes inefficient.
One should know that the efficiency of a line isn’t constant - it may reverse. The value of the line efficiency depends on the load: the greater the load, the lower is the line efficiency. Protecting devices, fuses and relays are employed to protect the circuit against overcurrents and short-circuits.
The next line type is indoor line which includes conductors, cords and buses. The conductor may consist of one wire or a combination of wires not insulated from one another. They deliver electric current to the consumers.
As to underground lines, they are used in city areas and in the areas of industrial enterprises.
Also substations play an important role in transmitting the electric power. They are designed to receive energy from a power system, convert it and distribute it to the feeders. Thus a substation serves as a distribution centre. Substation feed various consumers provided that their basic load characteristics are similar. Therefore the energy is distributed without transforming of the voltage supplied.
Common substations comprise isolators, switchgear buses, oil circuit breakers, fuses, power and instrument transformers and reactors.
Substations are classed into step up and step down ones. The step up substation includes transformers that increase the voltage. Connected to the busbars of the substation are the power transmission lines of power plants of the system. As to step down substations, they reduce the voltage to 10 or 6 kV. At this voltage the power is supplied to the distribution centers and to the transformer substations of power consumers. A transformer substation serves for transmitting and distributing electric power. It comprises a storage battery, control devices and auxiliary structures. These substations are applied for feeding industrial enterprises. They possess certain advantages: they have flexible construction and easy and reliable operation. In case of a fault in the left-hand section, the main circuit breaker opens while the normally open section circuit breaker closes and puts the voltage of the section to normal.