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Insert frequently used and pre-formatted formulas

On the Insert tab, in the Symbols group, click the arrow next to Formula One, and then select the desired formula.


Adding to the list of formulas commonly used formulas:

  1. Select the formula you want to add.

  2. On the Design tab in the Working with formulas in the Tools group, click Formulas, and then click Save Selection to the collection of formulas.

  3. In the dialog box Create a new standard block, type the name of the formula.

  4. In the list, click Formula Collection

  5. Select other required parameters.

Inserting mathematical structures common areas

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Symbols group, click the arrow next to Equation, and then select Insert new equation


  1. On the Design tab in the group work with formulas in the Symbols group, select the type of structure (eg, a fraction or radical), and then click the desired structure.

  2. If the structure contains placeholders, click the placeholder and enter the desired number or symbol. The placeholders formulas - a small field in the formula,

Task 1.

1.Create a new document

Create a table of basic derivatives and integrals

Table Derivatives

  1. 6.

  2. 7.

  3. 8.

  4. 9.

The table should look like.



Table of integrals.

  1. 5.

  2. 6.

  3. 7.

Table of integrals similar



Task 2.

Write the formula.

  1. Trustee integra

  2. The correlation coefficient

  3. The normal distribution law