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Gas Distributor and
Plenum Design in
Fluidized Beds
S.B. Reddy Karri and Ted M. Knowlton
The gas distributor (also called a grid) in a fluidized bed reactor is intended to induce a uniform and stable fluidization across the entire bed cross-section, operate for long periods (years) without plugging or breaking, minimize weepage of solids into the plenum beneath the grid, minimize attrition of the bed material, and support the weight of the bed material during start-up and shut-down. In practice, grids have taken a variety of forms, a few of which are discussed in subsequent pages. Whatever the physical form, all are fundamentally classifiable in terms of the direction of gas entry: either upward, laterally, or downward. The choice depends on prevailing process conditions, mechanical feasibility, and cost. In the past, grid design has been more of an art than a science. However, more recent studies now allow grid designs based on scientific principles.

210 Fluidization, Solids Handling, and Processing
2.1Perforated Plates (Upwardly-Directed Flow)
Main Advantages: Simple fabrication; most common; inexpensive; easy to modify hole size; easy to scale up or down; easy to clean; can be flat, concave, convex, or double dished; ports are easily shrouded.
Possible Disadvantages: Bed weepage to plenum; high pressure drop; can be subject to buckling or thermal distortion; requires peripheral seal to vessel shell; requires support over long spans.
2.2Bubble Cap (Laterally-Directed Flow)
Main Advantages: Minimizes weeping; good turndown ratio; lower pressure drop; can incorporate caps as stiffening members; can support internals.
Possible Disadvantages: Expensive; difficult to avoid stagnant regions; more subject to immediate bubble merger; difficult to clean; difficult to modify; not advisable for sticky solids; requires peripheral seal; ports not easily shrouded.

Gas Distributor and Plenum Design 211
2.3Sparger (Laterally or Downwardly-Directed Flow)
Main Advantages: Can minimize weeping; good turndown ratio; low pressure drop; can support internals; can undergo thermal expansion without damage; ports are easily shrouded; well suited to multilevel fluid injection; solids can flow from above the grid to below.
Possible Disadvantages: Defluidizedsolids beneath the grid; can be a less-for- giving mechanical design.
2.4Conical Grids (Laterally-Directed Flow)
Main Advantages: Promotes solidmixing; prevents stagnant solids buildup, minimizes solids segregation.
Possible Disadvantages: Difficult to construct, requires careful design to ensure good gas distribution, requires high pressure drop for good gas distribution.
Among the foregoing advantages and limitations, the designer must select those most pertinent or critical to his process application. There are, for example, instances in which solids below the grid level are tolerable, where grid thermal expansion is significant, where bed solids are very friable, where pressure drop and, therefore, the cost of compressive
212 Fluidization, Solids Handling, and Processing
horsepower is critical, where solids are “sticky” and must be kept in motion throughout, where internal impellers or stirrers must be provided, or where grids are expected to have a short life due to corrosion.
These and many other specifics have dictated a host of design variations. It should be emphasized that each application requires thoughtful engineering consideration before final design selection.
3.1Jet Penetration
Gas flowing from the grid holes can either take the form of a series of bubbles or a permanent jet, depending on system parameters and operating conditions. However, a permanent jet prevails for most industrial conditions. Jet penetration is one of the most important design parameters since it helps in:
(a)Determining how far to keep the bed internals, such as feed nozzles, heat exchanger tubes, etc., away from the grid to minimize erosion of internals.
(b)Deciding on grid design parameters such as hole size and the gas jet velocity required to achieve a certain jetting region.
(c)Minimizing or maximizing particle attrition at grids.
Knowlton and Hirsan (1980) reported that the jet penetration for upwardly-directed jets fluctuated greatly. Karri (1990) noted that jet penetration can vary as much as 30% for upwardly-directed jets. However, the jet emanating from a downwardly-directed grid hole is stable and its penetration length doesn’t significantly fluctuate with time. Figure 1 indicates jet penetration configurations for jets oriented upwardly, horizontally, and downwardly. According to Karri, the jet penetrations for various orientations can be approximately related by:
Eq. (1) Lup ≈ 2Lhor ≈ 3Ldown

Gas Distributor and Plenum Design 213
Lup |
Ldown |
Upwardly |
Horizontally |
Downwardly |
Directed Jet |
Directed Jet |
Directed Jet |
Figure 1. Jet penetrations at grid holes for different orientations.
There are numerous jet penetration correlations (Zenz, 1969; Shakhova, 1968; Merry, 1971; Yang and Keairns, 1979; Knowlton and Hirsan, 1980; Yates et al., 1986; Blake et al., 1990; Roach, 1993) in the literature. Massimilla (1985) and Karri (1990) have shown that the jet penetrations predicted by these correlations can vary by a factor of 100 or more. Among them, Merry’s correlation for horizontal jets was shown (Karri; Chen and Weinstein, 1993; Roach) to give reliable predictions. Merry’s correlation to calculate the penetration of horizontal jets is:
Lhor |
æ |
ρ U 2 |
ö0.4 |
æ |
ρ |
ö0.2 |
æ d |
ö0.2 |
Eq. (2) |
= 5.25 |
ç |
g,h h |
÷ |
ç |
g,b ÷ |
ç |
p ÷ |
dh |
ç |
÷ |
ç |
÷ |
ç |
÷ |
è |
ρ p (1-ε mf ) gd p ø |
è |
ρ p ø |
è dh ø |
The jet penetration lengths for upwardly and downwardly directed jets can be calculated from Eq. (1). These equations take into account the effects of pressure and temperature on jet penetration. Knowlton and Hirsan (1980) and Yates et al. found that the jet penetration increases significantly with system pressure. In addition, Sishtla et al. (1989) found that the jet penetration decreases with increasing system temperature. Bed
214 Fluidization, Solids Handling, and Processing
internals should not be placed in the jetting zone near the grid, otherwise the internals could be severely eroded.
3.2Grid Pressure-Drop Criteria
For a grid, achieving equal distribution of gas flow through many parallel paths requires equal resistances and sufficient resistance to equal or exceed the maximum value of any unsteady-state pressure fluctuation. It has been determined experimentally that the “head” of solids in some fluidized beds above an upwardly-directed grid port can vary momentarily by as much as 30%. This is due to large fluctuations in the jet penetration for an upwardly-directed jet as discussed in the previous section. The equivalent variation downstream of a downwardly-directed port is less than 10%. Thus, as a rule of thumb, the criteria for good gas distribution based on the direction of gas entry are:
(a) For upwardly and laterally-directed flow:
Eq. (3) |
Pgrid ³ 0.3 Pbed |
(b) For downwardly-directed flow:
Eq. (4) |
Pgrid ³ 0.1 Pbed |
(c)Under no circumstances should the pressure drop across a large-scale commercial grid be less than 25 cm of water, i.e.,
Eq. (5) |
Pgrid ³ 25 cm H2O |
Several investigators (Hiby, 1964; Zuiderweg, 1967; Whitehead, 1971; Siegel, 1976; and Mori and Moriyama, 1978) have found the ratio of pressure drops to be in the range of 0.015 to 0.4.
If turndown is desired, the grid pressure-drop criteria (Eqs. 3 and 4) must apply at the minimum gas flow rate. Also, if the grid is curved, i.e., concave, convex, or conical, the criterion must apply with respect to the