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Sodium Channels and Neuronal Hyperexcitability

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temperature (26 8C vs. 37 8C). Another Brugada syndrome mutant Nav1.5 (T1620M) exhibits subtle shifts in the voltage-dependence of inactivation and acceleration of recovery from inactivation when expressed alone in Xenopus oocytes. Coexpression with b1 enhanced both of these e¡ects, resulting in a further positive shift in the voltage-dependence of inactivation and further acceleration of the rate of recovery from inactivation. The authors suggested that b1 expression causes a severe functional defect by exposing a large overlap in the relationship between activation and inactivation, or a window current, inducing hyperexcitability and arrhythmias (Makita et al 2000).

Neuropathic pain. In rat models of neuropathic pain, chronic constrictive injury results in dynamic changes in the relative expression of Na + channel a subunits in the dorsal root ganglion as well as in the spinal cord. In the Bennett and Xie model, levels of b1and b2 subunit mRNA in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord are di¡erentially regulated (Blackburn-Munro & Fleetwood-Walker 1999). b1 mRNA levels increased, while b2 mRNA levels decreased signi¢cantly within laminae I-II on the ipsilateral side of the spinal cord relative to the contralateral side. In laminae II-IV b1mRNA levels remained constant while b2 levels again showed a small but signi¢cant decrease. The authors proposed that a functional down-regulation of b2 subunits may decrease the interaction of b subunits with tenascins, thereby promoting axonal growth and projection of neurons into the super¢cial laminae where new synaptic contacts could be initiated. It remains to be seen whether b subunit protein levels correspond to the reported changes in mRNA following neuronal injury. Changes in b subunit protein expression would be expected to regulate Na+ channel density and localization in the neuronal plasma membrane or modulate interactions between Na + channels and the cytoskeleton or extracellular matrix.


Na + channel b subunits play important roles in channel modulation and regulation of channel density at the plasma membrane. b subunits also function as cell adhesion molecules in heterologous expression systems. What are the potential implications of these ¢ndings? It has been shown previously that ankyrinG, the CAMs neurofascin and NrCAM, and voltage-gated Na + channels colocalize at the axonal membrane of the adult node of Ranvier in specialized membrane domains (Davis et al 1996, Kordeli et al 1990). Early clusters of neurofascin and NrCAM are joined later by ankyrinG and Na + channels during di¡erentiation of myelinated axons. Formation of the node of Ranvier may then result from the fusion of two cluster intermediates. An ankyrinG-mediated link between neurofascin, NrCAM, and ion channels may allow these CAMs to cluster Na +

FIG. 1. Model of voltage-gated Na + channel b subunit cell adhesive interactions at the node of Ranvier. Na + channel b subunits are cell adhesion molecules of the Ig superfamily. In the nervous system, they are expressed in neurons, including the node of Ranvier, and in glia. b subunits modulate Na + channel gating and plasma membrane expression levels, interact with the extracellular matrix protein TN-R, and communicate with other b subunits through trans homophilic cell adhesive interactions to recruit ankyrin to the plasma membrane. b subunits may also communicate with other CAMs at the node of Ranvier such as neurofascin, NrCAM, or contactin via cis heterophilic interactions or other b subunits in the node via cis homophilic adhesion. We propose that b subunits on astrocyte projections, on the axon and on oligodendrocytes or Schwann cells communicate to modulate Na + channel density and localization at nodes of Ranvier. (Insert) Astrocyte projection encircling node of Ranvier on a myelinated axon. (From Isom 2001, with permission.)



channels in the axonal membrane. It was proposed that Na+ channel b2 subunits, because of their homology to F3/contactin, may interact in a lateral or cis fashion with NrCAM and thus contribute to Na + channel localization. Our data expand this model to propose a direct link between Na + channels and ankyrinG through homophilic b subunit interactions (Malhotra et al 2000) (Fig. 1). The multivalent membrane binding domain of ankyrinG (Michaely & Bennett 1993) may allow interaction with multiple CAMs, including neurofascin, NrCAM, as well as Na + channel b subunits, forming a Na + channel signalling complex at the node of Ranvier that may also include contactin (Kazarinova-Noyes et al 2001). b subunit mRNA expression has been described in sciatic nerve Schwann cells, astrocytes from spinal cord, optic nerve and sciatic nerve, and B104 oligodendrocyte precursor cells in culture (Dib-Hajj et al 1996, Oh et al 1997, Oh & Waxman 1994). Trans-homophilic cell adhesion may occur between axonal and glial cell Na + channel b subunits. This putative adhesion may also contribute to Na + channel clustering in nodes of Ranvier during the process of myelination.

It has been proposed that cardiac Na + channels may be targeted and clustered to speci¢c locations in a similar manner to that observed for Na + channels in brain (Cohen 1996). The presence of b subunits in cardiac myocytes may facilitate Na + channel localization and clustering to discrete functional domains via homophilic or heterophilic cell adhesion interactions. Interestingly, treatment of inside-out patches of ventricular cells with cytochalasin-D induced Na + channels to enter a mode characterized by lower peak open probability with a greater persistent activity, consistent with a decrease in the rate of inactivation (Undrovinas et al 1995). Na + channels in ankyrinB knockout mice display reduced current density and abnormal kinetics that contribute to prolonged action potential duration and abnormal QT-rate adaptation (Chauhan et al 2000). Thus, cytoskeletal interactions may be critical to Na + channel localization and gating in the heart as well as in the brain. We propose that the presence of b1 and b2 subunits in cardiac myocytes may facilitate Na+ channel^cytoskeletal interactions and play a key role in the regulation of the cardiac action potential. Our challenge now is to relate these exciting observations in heterologous expression systems to physiological events.


This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (1R01MH5998001A1) and the National Science Foundation (IBN-9734462) to LLI.


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Noebels: Isn’t the recovery in the peripheral nervous system preventing that astrocyte^node interaction? In this case, wouldn’t you expect to see some di¡erences between PNS and CNS?

Isom: Yes, and we do. For instance, in our work with Peter Shrager (KazarinovaNoyes et al 2001) where we see the interaction of Na + channels with contactin, contactin is colocalized to adult optic nerve nodes of Ranvier, but not sciatic nerves. The cell adhesion interactions appear to be very di¡erent in those two areas.



Noebels: Have you introduced the GEFS1 +

mutation that is supposed to

disrupt that extracellular protein fold, and does this a¡ect cell adhesion?

Isom: Yes, in S2 cells b1C121W does not cause aggregation, although it is expressed (Loukas et al 2001). In mammalian cells and oocytes we can see modulation of the channel kinetics, but we have to put in a high concentration of RNA. I think it is an a⁄nity issue, so we can push the association if we add a lot (Loukas et al 2001). In the original paper (Wallace et al 1998) they showed no modulation of the channel, and I think this is true at that concentration. If you put in a high concentration, you can make it act like b1.

Segal: When we record Na + currents using outside^out patch recordings, we get relatively long channel openings. When we record cell-attached patch recordings we get much shorter openings, a di¡erence noted by Aldrich & Stevens (1987). Our natural inclination is to think that the cell-attached patch recordings are more physiological. One hypothesis to explain the di¡erence between di¡erent patch types is that there are di¡erent cytoskeletal interactions, but it seems that we could imagine an e¡ect directly at the b subunits explaining this. Do you think this is plausible? Do you have any suggestions as to how we might coax the inside^out patches into a more physiological state?

Isom: Once you interrupt interactions with the underlying cytoskeleton, the characteristics of the current change. Have you seen Shcherbatko’s paper on the same subject in oocytes (Shcherbatko et al 1999)? A shift to fast inactivation could be accomplished by patch excision. They predicted that b1 may interact with the cytoskeleton.

Horn: Our results suggest that this probably won’t be to do with the cytoskeleton. We see the same thing with a cell-attached patch and an inside^out patch. The cell-attached patch itself disrupts the cytoskeleton when you draw the membrane into the patch pipette. I think something else is going on when you pull it away. There is probably still some cytoskeleton in there, and I think the membrane is disrupted in inside^out patches.

Segal: We tested a few cytoskeletal hypotheses and came up with no method of making the recordings physiological (M. Segal & A. Douglas, unpublished results).

Horn: Also, I think a cell-attached patch is already unphysiological. There were some early reports from Buzz Brown’s lab that when you make a cell-attached patch, within a couple of minutes there are some shifts in the gating behaviour, as if something were already changing.

Isom: That shift happens over about the ¢rst 10 min.

Ptacek: It could be phosphorylation, for example. That is one experiment you could do in vitro.

Catterall: I agree that you should think about phosphorylation, and not only serine and threonine phosphorylation but also tyrosine phosphorylation. In



relatively recent experiments, we found that a receptor tyrosine phosphatase is associated with Na + channels, and dephosphorylates the a subunit with a functional e¡ect on the inactivation. You need to consider not only protein kinase A and protein kinase C, but also tyrosine kinases and phosphatases whose activity may be changed when you go from an intracellular milieu to either a cellattached or inside^out patch. Adding ATP is probably not enough to reconstitute that regulation, because it is not clear that you have all the kinases that would be part of the complex when you pull a patch o¡.

Segal: It seems to be an important methodological issue to ¢gure out, not just for its own sake, but also because we will probably be seeing mutations in such regulatory systems operating on these channels.

Catterall: The tyrosine phosphatase interacts with both a and b1 subunits. So far we have only been able to show that it dephosphorylates a, but I fully expect that we will ¢nd conditions under which it dephosphorylates the tyrosine residue that Lori Isom described on the b1 subunit (Malhotra et al 2001).

I wanted to come back to the point that Lori Isom made about the di¡erent modulation of Na + channel function by the b subunits that was observed in her original experiments on oocytes, compared to what is observed in the knockout mouse experiments. In oocytes the voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation is shifted to the left by co-expression of b1 subunits. This was also the case when we made continuous cell lines expressing a and b1 in the CHO cell background, but there was a di¡erence between the oocytes and the cell lines in that the inactivation was slow in the oocytes but fast in the CHO cell lines. More recently, we have done the same experiments in transiently transfected HEK 293 cells. When we coexpress b subunits with Na + channel a subunits in HEK cells, we get shifts of the voltage dependence of inactivation in the opposite direction, positive relative to a subunits alone. This result correlates with the mouse experiment in which knockout of b2 causes a shift to the left in the voltage dependence of inactivation. The conclusion is that a mouse hippocampal neuron is more like an HEK cell than it is like a CHO cell or a Xenopus oocyte. I think it means that the e¡ects of b subunits are dependent on cell-type-speci¢c signal transduction, and no absolute conclusion can be made. The e¡ect depends on the modulatory e¡ects of cell signalling pathways before you put the b1 subunit in.

Waxman: Following up on that, how ¢nely parsed is the nervous system in terms of channels manifesting their presence di¡erently in di¡erent types of neurons? Bruce Bean, I think you have made the point that the type 6 channel expressed in a CA3 neuron is di¡erent from the type 6 channel expressed in a Purkinje cell.

Catterall: We only know the tip of the iceberg, because so few classes of neurons are studied in this regard. Everyone studies hippocampal or cortical neurons except for a few people like Bruce who study Purkinje cells.



Bean: Along similar lines, do you have any speculation about the mechanism by which the tenascin R piece is regulating the Na+ current? Do you think this is by a¡ecting the interaction with the b subunits?

Isom: Yes. You can see modulation in the absence of b subunits. My student has recently shown by gel overlay and co-immunoprecipitation that tenascin-R binds directly to the a subunit as well as b (Davis et al 2001). They all bind, but they bind di¡erent domains of tenascin R. The b subunits bind similar domains and the a subunit binds a di¡erent domain.

Bean: Are these extracellular domains?

Isom: Yes.

Bean: Is there any relation to the scorpion toxin binding sites? Isom: We haven’t looked that closely yet.

Strichartz: What are the indications that the a and either of the two b subunits associate in Golgi before they get to the plasma membrane?

Isom: That is a critical experiment that we need to do. The closest anyone has got is John Schmidt, in Bill Catterall’s lab, who showed that during Na + channel biosynthesis, association with b2 was the very ¢nal step. There is a large intracellular pool of free a subunits. When they are at the cell membrane, then they are associated with b2, so we think it is a late step.

Strichartz: But you think that the a subunits would be membrane associated, so if they are intracellular, they are likely to be found on Golgi. The b subunits are also membrane associated so they would also be in Golgi, but there is no indication that there is a complex formed at the level of Golgi.

Isom: We don’t know that yet.

Horn: Didn’t Bill Agnew show that there is an association in the plasma membrane in oocytes? He showed that you could express a alone and then inject the next day an antisense a along with a b subunit, and they would associate in the plasma membrane.

Isom: Yes.

Horn: Is that believable? Could the association between a and b in the plasma membrane be dynamic?

Isom: I think it is, and our mutagenesis studies are starting to suggest this. We have a new paper coming out in which we have looked at a mutant called b1 stop that lacks the intracellular tail (Meadows et al 2001). In oocytes, this mutant associates very poorly with a and has approximately a 10 000-fold lower a⁄nity for a than wild-type b1. It is expressed as e⁄ciently as wild-type b1 yet does not associate with a e⁄ciently. In transfected cells only a small portion of the total mutant b1 pool can be co-immunoprecipitated with a, even though they are both present in the plasma membrane.

Ptacek: The Tyr181Glu mutant caused a phenotype of not concentrating at the nodes. Do you think that phosphorylation keeps it away from the nodes?


Isom: Yes.

Ptacek: One could synthesize a phosphotyrosine-speci¢c antibody. Then it would be interesting to look at the shiverer mouse, to look for di¡erences between phosphotyrosine b1 versus the non-phosphorylated form.

Isom: Yes. The reason we went after that is because in the L1 family of cell adhesion molecules an intracellular tyrosine residue is critical for cell adhesion and ankyrin recruitment. We predict that the tyrosine in b1 will be very important in formation of the Na+ channel signalling complex (Malhotra et al 2001).

Ptacek: So you think that phosphorylation of b1 might lead to redistribution of Na + channels?

Isom: Yes, that is where Bill Catterall’s paper showing the interaction of b1 with RPTP b comes in. RPTP b may regulate whether b1 is communicating with ankyrin.

Noebels: I wanted to follow up on Bill Catterall’s earlier comment on the diversity of action. Do you think it is paradoxical that the b2 knockout reduced the Na + population by 30%, but it has a lower seizure threshold and is a hyperexcitable nervous system? (Bharucha et al 2000).

Isom: There could be a reduction in Na+ channels in inhibitory neurons. Noebels: So you are suggesting that if we look carefully at where these channels

are lost from, the phenotype may make more sense?

Segal: The other possibility is that the persistent Na + current is the most important determinant of excitability. The excitability increase from a doubling of the persistent Na + current could outweigh a 30% decrease in channel number.

Catterall: In the hippocampal neurons there is an obvious change in persistent Na + current in the b2 knockouts.

Goldin: Does the decreased number of channels mean that the safety factor is decreased, so as you raise temperature, you begin to see the e¡ect?

Isom: That may be true. We need to challenge these mice. Ptacek: I presume you are going to breed the double knockouts.

Isom: Yes, we have started that. They will probably live to about day 10. Baker: Could the Na + channel expression in Schwann cells and astrocytes be

related to their ability to stick to axons?

Isom: Yes. One thing we are looking for is whether or not b subunits are expressed anywhere by themselves without a subunits. This will be pretty easy to see for b2. We have seen b1 expressed in tissues like epithelia where you wouldn’t expect to ¢nd Na + channels. I wonder whether they can be expressed as cell adhesion molecules in their own right without the channel. That is what I think they would be doing in the glia.

Strichartz: With respect to the question about whether you get hyperexcitability or positive neurological signs with a de¢cit of Na + channels, I think there are several neurological examples where there are actually de¢cits that lead to positive

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