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14-es / Анг.яз / умк_Лиша_Англ. для начинающих_РТ,ВС

2.35 Mб

УЭ – 9

1.Read and memorize the words.

1)a first -year student – первокурсник

2) department – 1) отделение,

2)факультет 3) специальность

3)day-time department – дневное отде-


4)extra-mural (correspondence) department – заочное отделение

5)preparatory department – подготови-

тельное отделение

6)Chemical-Engineering Faculty – хими-

ко-технологический факультет

7)the Faculty of Geodesy – геодезиче-

ский факультет

8)Radio-Engineering Faculty – радио-

технический факультет

9)Financial-Economic Faculty – финан-

сово-экономический факультет

10)the Faculty of Law – юридический факультет

11)Machine-Building Faculty – маши-

но-строительный факультет

12) the

Faculty of History and




13)Sports and Pedagogy Faculty – спор-

тивно-педагогический факультет

14)Civil-Engineering Faculty – инже-

нерно-строительный факультет

15)Information Technologies Faculty –

факультет информационных технологий

16)information technologies software –

программное обеспечение информаци- онных технологий

17)industrial electronics – про-

мышленная электроника




ние и компьютерное проекти- рование РЭС

20)to train – обучать, готовить

21)computer systems and networks – вычислительные маши- ны и сети

22)computer security – компью-

терная безопасность

23)information and bibliography centre – информационный и библиографический центр

24)search – искать, поиск

25)refectory – студенческая сто- ловая

26)sports facilities – спортивное оборудование

27)exhibition space – выставоч-

ный комплекс

28)gala complex – актовый зал

29)diverse – разнообразный

30)necessary – необходимый

31)to take part (in) – принимать участие (в)

32)higher mathematics – высшая математика

33)physics – физика

34)descriptive geometry – начер-

тательная геометрия

35)chemistry – химия

36)to attend – посещать


2. Match the words in the first two columns to make expressions and find the Russian equivalents to them from the third column.

1. exhibition

1. engineering

a) принимать участие




2. industrial

2. technologies

b) промышленная электроника




3. take

3. electronics

c) информационные технологии




4. sport

4. complex

d) начертательная геометрия




5. radio

5. geometry

e) спортивное оборудование




6. information

6. space

f) радиотехника




7. gala

7. mathematics

g) выставочный комплекс




8. higher

8. student

h) высшая математика





9. descriptive

9. part


актовый зал





10. first-year

10. facilities







3.Find the words in your vocabulary list which are related to 1) the names of faculties 2)the names of specialties of Radio-Engineering and Information Technologies Faculties 3) the names of subjects 4) student social life 5) University material base.

4.Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from your active vocabulary.

1.The University has three … : Extra-Mural, Prepar atory and Day-Time.

2… … is for students who study by correspondence. 3

. Radio-Engineering Fac-

ulty. … specialists in industrial electronics, radi

o-engineering and radio-

design. 4. I am a … - … … of …. … Faculty. 5. We study a lot of differe

nt sub-

jects such as … , …, …. etc. 6. Our library is the

largest … and …centre of the

region. 7. The electronic catalogue makes the … eas

ier and faster 8. Students

can find all … information there. 9. They have good


conditions for study such as

…, …, ….. , … . 10. Our life at the University is i

nteresting and … 11. Our stu-

dents … … in student conferences which PSU organize

s every year.


5.Match synonyms in lines A and B

A:faculty, teach, correspondence, look for, canteen, visit, friend.

B:extra-mural, mate, attend, train, department, search, refectory.


6. Study and learn the rule.

Модальные глаголы can и must и их эквиваленты

В английском языке имеется группа глаголов, лексическое значение которых не обозначает действия, а выражает отношение к действию, то есть возможность, вероятность, необходимость совершения действия. Та- кие глаголы называются модальными. Само же действие выражается ин- финитивом смыслового глагола, следующего за модальным глаголом.

Эту группу глаголов объединяют следующие признаки; а) у них нет форм инфинитива и причастия;

б) они не изменяются по лицам и числам, т. е. имеют единую форму для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа;

в) инфинитив смыслового глагола следует за ними без to;

г) вопросительную и отрицательную формы они образуют без вспо- могательного глагола to do.

Модальный глагол can употребляется для выражения следующих значении:

1) возможности, умения, способности:

Не can do this work.

Он может выполнить эту работу.

My son can read now.

Мой сын уже умеет читать.

2) разрешения:


You can take my textbook –

Ты можешь взять мой учебник.

Вопросительную и отрицательную формы модальный глагол can об- разует аналогично вспомогательному глаголу.

Сап you play chess?

Ты умеешь играть в шахматы?

Отрицательная частица not пишется с глаголом can слитно cannot:

I cannot swim.

Я не умею плавать.

В разговорной речи употребляется сокращенная отрицательная форма can’t.

You can’t take it away. Это уносить нельзя.

В повествовательных фразах can произносится без ударения и имеет, как правило, редуцированную форму [k(n] или [kn].

Одним из модальных значений глагола must является долженствование. Модальный глагол must в утвердительной форме выражает приказ,

настоятельный совет, необходимость, обязанность.

I must go to work at 8 o'clock.

Я должен (обязан) уходить на рабо-


ту в восемь часов.

You must do as I tell you.

Вы должны поступать так, как я


вам говорю.


You must go and see this film. It’s

Вы (обязательно) должны, посмот-

very interesting.

реть этот фильм.

Он очень интересныйВ отрицательной форме must имеет значение категорического запрещения и переводится на русский язык нельзя, запре-

щается, не должен.


You mustn’t do that.

Нельзя так делать.

You mustn't take the books home.

Нельзя брать книги домой.

В отрицательном ответе на вопрос с глаголом must обычно употреб- ляется отрицательная форма модального глагола need – needn’t. Needn’t

означает не нужно, нет необходимости.

Must I type the letter?

No, you needn’t. Нет, не нужно (в этом нет необходимости)

Но: – Must I type the letter?


– Yes, you must.

Да, обязательно.

Модальный глагол саn не имеет формы будущего времени, а глагол must не имеет форм прошедшего и будущего времени. В этих случаях ис- пользуются их лексические эквиваленты: to be able to вместо can в буду- щем времени и to have to вместо must в прошедшем и будущем времени.

Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple






will be able to





had to

will have to




Will he be able to come?

Он сможет придти?

I had to agree

Я должен был согласиться.

They will have to wait

Они должны будут подождать.

Наряду с употреблением в качестве эквивалентов модальных глаго- лов can и must в значении возможности и долженствования, сочетания to be able to и to have to могут употребляться в самостоятельном модальном значении во всех временах группы Simple Tenses.

То be able to сочетание с модальным значением мочь, быть в со-



I am able to understand the problems.

Я в состоянии понять проблемы.

I was able to do the work myself.

Я смог выполнить работу сам.

В будущем времени перед сочетанием to be able to употребляется вспомогательный глагол will.

I’ll be able to meet you tomorrow Will he be able to finish it in time?

Я смогу встретить тебя завтра.

Он сможет это закончить во время?


Глагол в to have сочетании с инфинитивом с частицей to является модальным глаголом, который употребляется для выражения необходимо- сти, обусловленной внешними обстоятельствами. На русский язык перево-

дится словами приходится, вынужден, должен.

I have to get up early.

Мне приходится рано вставать.

He had to change the job.

Он вынужден был поменять работу.

They will have to agree.

Им придётся согласиться.

Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с модальным глаго- лом to have to в Present Simple и Past строятся при помощи вспомогатель- ного глагола do в соответствующем времени и лице и глагола will в буду-

щем времени (Future Simple).

Do you have to go there?

Тебе необходимо туда ехать?

I didn’t have to say “yes”.

Мне не было необходимости говорить да”.

Will they have to stay?

Им придётся остаться?

7.Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to modal verbs and their equivalents.

1.Kate can speak English well. 2. We can take books from the library.

3.You can find all necessary information here. 4. Can your brother help me with mathematics? 5. My friend cannot come in time. 6. I cannot enter the room. The door is locked. 7. We couldn’t translate this article without a dictionary. 8. Will you be able to come to the lecture? 9. I wasn’t able to write my lecture notes.

10.We must study hard. 11. You must learn the words.12. You must not talk at the lessons.13. Must she write a report? 14. They must not be late for the lecture.

15.You mustn’t use your lecture notes during the exam. 16. – Must we retell the text? – No, you needn’t. You can read it. 17. We wi ll have to learn programming this term. 18. I had to finish the work yesterday, but I didn’t have time.19. He has to take a taxi.

8.Put the sentences into Past Indefinite first, then into Future Indefinite.

1.I can attend different sport sections at our University. 2. He is able to come and see us every Sunday. 3. We can stay at the laboratory after classes.

4.Can you write your course paper in time? 5. I cannot come to the lecture. I am ill. 6. We must pass our exams during the session. 7. Every young man must serve in the army. 8. You mustn’t park your car here. 9. Must they read or retell their report? 10. Must we get ready for the seminar? 11. Sometimes I have to go to the library to look for information for writing my course paper. 12. Do I have to print this information?


9.Put the sentences into negative and interrogative form.

1.Students must know how to use this program. 2. I can work with a computer. 3. You must learn the rule. 4. He will be able to attend the conference on programming. 6. They could find the correct answer. 7. She had to attend lectures on higher mathematics regularly.8. We have to wait for the next lecture. 9. He has to cook his breakfast himself.

10.Read the sentences and ask for additional information using question words in brackets.

1.We must stay after classes today. (how long) 2. I can’t agree with you. (why) 3. I can’t speak German. (what language) 4. You mustn’t smoke here. (where) 5. We will have to study new subjects next term. (what subjects) 6. She had to speak at the conference. (when) 7. We could use new equipment during the experiment. (what equipment) 8. I will be able to pass my exams soon. (when) 9. We couldn’t stay at that hostel. (where) 10. He has to do this work today. (why)

11.a) What opportunities do students have at our University? Tell what they can / cannot do. Complete the list.

- work at computer rooms - have new equipment

- take books from the library

- go to concerts, parties, discos - learn any foreign language

- use the Internet center - attend sport sections

-go to the swimming pool

-study by correspondence

-use crib sheets (шпаргалки) during exams

-take part in international conferences

b)What obligations and prohibitions do students have? Tell what they must / mustn’t (needn’t) do. Complete the list.

-be late for classes

-pass their exams during sessions

-get ready for lectures and seminars

-think about their future

-write lecture notes

-respect teachers


-attend lectures and seminars regularly

-hand in their course papers in time

-study hard

-lead active social life

c)Make a list of obligations and prohibitions for teachers.

12. Translate modal verbs in brackets according to the meaning of the sentences.

1.They (могут) speak English well. 2. You (должен) do your homework now! 3. When (можете) you come and see us? – I ( смогу) to visit you in a few days. 4. He (не умеет) read in English. He (должен) study harder or he (не сможет) to pass his exam this term.5.She (не смогла) translate this article herself. 6. You (нельзя) use this printer. 7. You (не можете) use this printer. It’s out of order.8. You (не нужно) use this printer. I’ll do it myself. 9. – ( Должен) I learn all the words for the next lesson? – Yes, you (должен). 10. – ( Умеешь) you play volleyball? – No, I ( не умею). 11. – ( Могу) I help you? – Yes, you (можете). 12. They (должны были) to write a report for the seminar in information technologies. 13. He (вынужден) to ask for help.

13.Define the contextual meaning of the words in bold. Find the index corresponding their translation.

1.PSU is one of the most dynamically developing higher schools in Belarus. 2. It was founded in 1993 on the basis of Novopolotsk Polytechnical Institute. 3. It is rather difficult to study but it is interesting as well. 4. Usually I have 4 periods a day. 5. Sometimes I go to the students theatre with my friends

to watch a new play.

a) пары; b) пьесу; c) динамично развивающаяся; d) был основан; e) на базе; f) также.

14. Read and translate the text.

My Studies at Polotsk State University

My name is Nick. I am a first-year student of Polotsk State University. It is one of the most dynamically developing higher schools in Belarus. PSU was founded in 1993 on the basis of Novopolotsk Polytechnical Institute.

The University has three departments: Extra-Mural (for students who study by correspondence), Preparatory (for those who want to enter the University) and Day-Time. There are ten faculties at PSU: Civil-Engineering Faculty, Chemical-Engineering Faculty, the Faculty of Geodesy, Radio-Engineering


Faculty, Information Technologies Faculty, Financial-Economic Faculty, the Faculty of Law, Machine-Building Faculty, the Faculty of History and Philology, Sports and Pedagogy Faculty.

I study at Radio-Engineering Faculty. It trains specialists in industrial electronics, radio-engineering and radio-design. We must study a lot of different subjects such as higher mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry, chemistry, programming, history, English etc. Usually I have 4 periods a day. After classes I come back to my hostel where I live with my group mates.

It is rather difficult to study but it is interesting as well.

I think the students have good conditions for study: new equipment, laboratories, a computing centre, computer rooms, and a library. Our library is the largest information and bibliography centre of the region. We can find all necessary information there. The electronic catalogue makes the search easier and faster. Sometimes I have to go to the library to look for information for writing my course paper.

Our students can take part in student conferences which PSU organizes every year.

We can attend refectories, exhibition space, the gala complex, and use sports facilities. The University has 5 hostels. Most of the students live there including me.

Our life at the University is interesting and diverse. There are different students and sport clubs. As for me I attend volleyball section twice a week. We have got a student theatre. Sometimes I go there with my friends to watch a new play. PSU organizes different concerts, parties, meetings, sporting events for students.

I think our university is a good place to study.

15. Agree or disagree with the following statements using the following ex-

pressions: I agree…, I quite agree…, Quite so…, Tha

t’s right…, I believe…,

I suppose so…, I disagree…, I can’t agree…, I don’t

think it’s right, etc.

1)PSU was founded in 1958 on the basis of Novopolotsk Polytechnical Institute.

2)The University has two departments: Extra-Mural and Day-Time.

3)There are ten faculties at PSU.

4)Radio-Engineering Faculty trains specialists in information technologies software, computer systems and networks, computer security.

5)It is quite easy to study at the University.

6)Students have good conditions for study: new equipment, laboratories, computer rooms, a library.


7)The University library is the largest information and bibliography centre of the republic.

8)Students can take part in conferences which PSU organizes once in three years.

9)The University has 3 hostels.

10)There is no theatre at the University.

11)Student life at PSU is boring.

16.Answer the following questions.

1)When was Polotsk State University founded?

2)What departments and faculties are there at the University?

3)What conditions for study and rest do students have?

4)Can students take part in students conferences every year?

5)What is the social life of PSU like?

6)How many hostels does the University have?

7)Is PSU a good or a bad place to study?

17.Read the sentences. Translate the underlined parts into English.

1)PSU is one of the most динамично развивающихся высших школ in


2)Заочное отделение is for students who study заочно.

3)The biggest department is дневное отделение.

4)Our specialty is вычислительные сети.

5)We study a lot of different subjects such as высшая математика, фи-

зика , программирование, начертательная геометрия, химия, и т.д.

6)The students have good условия for study: new оборудование, labora-

tories, computer rooms, a library.

7)Students can find all необходимую information in the library.

8)The electronic каталог makes поиск easier and faster.

9)Students can посещать студенческие столовые, выставочный зал, актовый зал. They can use спортивное оборудование.

10)After classes I come back to my общежитие where I live with my од-


18.Make up dialogues between students of different faculties. You can use the following questions.

1. Is your Faculty large? 2. How many students are there? 3. What specialties does your Faculty have? What is your specialty? 4. What subjects do you study? 5. How many periods a day do you have? 6. How many students are there


in your group? 7. What clubs and societies are there at your department? Are you a member of any club? 8. Is sport popular at your Faculty? 9. When is the Day of your Faculty? 10. What is interesting (difficult, easy) in your student life?

19. Supplementary reading Appendix 1 Text 1.

УЭ – 10

В данном учебном элементе выполняйте в лексических и послетек- стовых упражнениях часть А (Part A), если вы изучаете тему “Novopolotsk” и часть В (Part В), если изучаете тему “Polotsk”. Упражнения, не разделен- ные на указанные части выполняются всеми.

1. Read and memorize the words.


Part A


1. existence


2. oil-refining


3. to be estimated

получать оценку

4. to rise


5. tower


6. from afar

издалека; с высоты

7. enterprise


8. industrial


9. to offer


10.consumer service

потребительские услуги




место жительства


органы власти


место сбора; встречи

15.to stretch


16.to rush

спешить; стремиться





19.feature film

художественный фильм




близость, соседство







