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Parts of a Memo

  • To: This includes a list of all the people who will receive the memo. The names usually appear in order of seniority, where the most superior person comes first on the list. It is best to list full names and titles although in a smaller set-up using only first names may be acceptable.

  • From: This will list the name of the sender or senders.

  • Date: State the exact date when the memo is being written, including the day, month and year. Use business English and abstain from the use of short forms.

  • Subject: This states the reason for the memo and should not exceed one sentence.

  • CC: This will mention the names of the people who will receive this memo but will not be expected to carry out the action. This is generally used for superiors who need to be informed of the intra-office memos even if they are not directly concerned with them.

  • The Body: The main copy will give a list of facts and discuss the issue. The facts have to be explained in a manner that is relevant to the recipients so they know exactly how they stand to benefit or lose in regards to the given piece of information. Although the memo looks like a short piece of text you cannot overlook proofreading or using a grammar checker.

  • Conclusion: State the specific action that needs to be carried out.

Пример меморандума


Date: August 5, 20XX

To: All Employees

From: Susanna Graham, President

Subject: Promotion to Vice President/Sales

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Truc Phan to Vice President in Charge of Sales. In the past 12 months, Mr. Phan has consistently provided outstanding service to his clients, brought in several new accounts and demonstrated outstanding sales leadership. Nacogdoches Notebooks has grown substantially because of Mr. Phan's work. He will assume his new position on August 10 and will be located in Suite 25.

Please join me in congratulating Mr. Phan on his new position.

A Business Contract

A business contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties for an exchange of services that are of value. For a contract to be valid, an offer must be made and accepted. Using a contract in business dealings helps ensure an agreement is acted on, insofar as a broken contract could result in a lawsuit or out-of-court settlement and the payment of damages caused by the breach. The best way to avoid a dispute or potential litigation, however, is to craft a solid agreement in which you’re confident you’ve negotiated the best terms for your business.

A business contract is often used for:

  • Hiring or being employed as an independent contractor

  • Buying or providing services or goods

  • Leases and real estate

  • Selling your business

  • Partnerships and joint ventures

  • Franchising

  • Confidentiality agreements

  • Noncompete agreements

A business contract should be labeled "contract" or "agreement" at the top. These are some items it can include:

  • Date of contract

  • Names of parties involved

  • Details of services that your company will provide or receive

  • Payment amounts

  • Payment due dates. Note that payments do not need to be made in a lump sum at the end of the project. You can make or receive incremental payments for specific services rendered once they are completed.

  • Interest on late payments

  • Deadlines for services due. This is also called a "time is of the essence" clause. You will probably want to use this phrase in your contract if you have a timeline for a project.

  • Expiration dates for the contract, such as a lease expiry

  • Renewal terms, if applicable

  • Damages for breach of contract. Also called "liquidated damages," this clause can specify amounts to be paid if services are incomplete or deadlines are missed. A court can also award damages if a contract is breached, even if damages and amounts were not included in the agreement.

  • Termination conditions

  • Signatures

Exercises 1. Переведите устно следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные предлоги:

Предлоги, которые относятся к месту работы:





Тип учреждения

In an insurance company

Сфера деятельности

In insurance



On processing claims


Конкретное учреждение

At Dependable Insurance Co. (также: for Dependable Insurance)


Используется с глаголом to be

I worked at Break-a-Leg Insurance for four years. I am now with Dependable Insurance.

  1. All the information that you need in the report.

  2. I wish I had some facts concerning the legal contract.

  3. Who spilled coffee on the annual report?

  4. Please send the report to Sonia.

  5. According to this report, we need more accountants.

  6. The report was accidentally left inside the car.

  7. After 15 years, she is still in search of the perfect assistant.

  8. The meeting is scheduled for 5:30.

  9. Jim comes to us from Sun Corporation.

  10. Your role in our company's success was invaluable.

Exercises 2. Выберите правильный предлог из предложенных в скобках:

  1. Exports grew (at, to) $4 (in, on) July 1999.

  2. Harry and I divided the workload (among, between) us.

  3. Expenses for petrol are shared equally (among, between) the six members of the staff.

  4. Most of Mike's data falls (under, within) three main categories.

  5. I received an important phone call (about, during) the budget.

  6. Mark interrupted us several times (from, during) the meeting.

  7. I have been on this project team (since, from) last week.

  8. Our new brochure was created (by, from) Anthony.

  9. The company cafeteria is (to, like) a four-star restaurant.

  10. We want to familiarize you (of, with) our capabilities.

Exercises 3. В деловой речи и письме часто приходится пользоваться так называемыми инфинитивами цели (Infinitives of Purpose). За этими глаголами всегда следует инфинитив. Составьте и запишите свои предложения, используя слова в левой колонке.

Слово с переводом


Agree (соглашаться)

She agreed to accept the proposal.

Appear (оказываться)

The client appears to be solvent.

Attempt (пытаться)

Don't attempt to negotiate with him.

Be able (мочь, уметь)

Is your trainer able to operate the computer?

Consent (соглашаться)

He consented to lead the team.

Decide (решать)

The manager will decide when to add staff.

Fail (не смочь)

Sheila failed to pass the interview.

Forget (забыть)

Please don't forget to schedule the appointment.

Норе (надеяться)

We hope to sign that contract.

Knows (how) (знать, как)

Your secretary knows how to fill out that form.

Understands (how) (понимать, как)

George understands how to deal with them.

Allow (позволять)

The agreement allows us to open a second office.

Convince (убеждать)

Her proposal will convince the manager to increase our budget.

Encourage (побуждать)

Good managers encourage staff to help each other.

Want (хотеть)

Everyone wants my secretary to get organized.

Условные предложения

Exercises 4. Выберите правильную форму глагола из предложенных в скобках.

1. If I (was, were) your superior, I could give you credit.

2. I wish I (was, were) the project manager.

3. Marie (was, were) the office manager before the reorganization.

4. When Laura accepted the promotion, she (was, were) ready for a change.

5. If he (was, were) an accountant, he would help us with the report.

6. If she (was, were) the candidate, she could win the interview.

7. When I introduced my sister to my boss, she (was, were) only 19.

Exercises 5. Переведите следующие предложения из пассивного залога в активный:

1. Our recommendations were proposed last Tuesday.

2. The decision has not been made by the management yet.

3. Reports will be investigated promptly by the personnel manager.

4. A slight rise in temperature was recorded by the research team.

5. Their arrangements have been made for hundred people.

6. Sales were increased by 10 percent by our regional office.

Переходные слова

Переходные слова (Transition words) как бы соединяют между собой Ваши мысли и позволяют читателю легко переходить с одной темы на другую. Их можно использовать в пределах одного абзаца, либо они могут соединять абзацы и разделы в более длин­ных документах. В таблице приводятся наиболее распространенные переходные слова и раскрываются их функции.

Exercises 6. Составьте предложения с одним из слов в каждой категории.

Указание на



Near, nearby, here, where, wherever, next to, adjacent to


Now, then, meanwhile, later, before, after, since


Next, first, second, last


Indeed, in fact, certainly, clearly, of course, naturally

Смещение акцентов:

Yet, however, but, although, nonetheless, on the contrary, in contrast, on the other hand, nevertheless


Similarly, just as, as though


For example, for instance, to illustrate

Показать причину и результат:

Consequently, because, therefore, as a result, if/ then

Подвести к заключению:

Therefore, in conclusion, in summary, finally, in other words


Moreover, in addition, too, also, besides, additionally

Рабочие ситуации

Составьте следующие типы деловых писем:

  • Inquiry

  • Offer

  • Complaint letter

  • Apology letter

  • Order

  • Memo



Business trips are just part of doing business. A company tries to choose only its best people to represent it. Trips can happen in or out of the country.  And there are as many reasons to go on a business as there are places to go: to sign contracts, to discuss terms of delivery, payment or shipment, to have tests, to consult, to improve one’s professional skills, to provide support. Representatives of the companies involved usually make preliminary arrangements in order to meet. Whether a long-term or short-term trip, the itinerary must be carefully planned by the head of a department or another executive.   After the trip, an employee is ordinarily expected to give a full financial accounting of the trip to his boss. Sightseeing, cultural events and just plain relaxing are a regular part of every business trip.  And no businessman would dare forget to buy gifts for relatives, friends and colleagues while on a business trip to an interesting, new location.  These trips are important because they contribute to the expansion of a company’s business relationships and help that company succeed in the competitive world market.  

Business today is international in character, and business people often have to travel. On a business trip people might meet colleagues and business partners for the first time. Often, colleagues from different countries experience cultural difficulties, that is, they are surprised by strange, to them, social conventions in a new place. Different cultures do things differently! Management styles also differ from country to country. It’s often useful when doing business in a foreign land, to get some advice from a special agency which consults on questions of international business. These days business trips are very important because face to face meetings are more valuable to profitable business than any other type of strategy.