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Дементьева. Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса факультета ветеринарной медицины..docx
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Vocabulary List

Verb Noun Adjective

absorb – впитывать digestion - пищеварение severe -тяжелый –- swallow – глотать wound -рана mild - лёгкий (о болезни)

accomplish- завершать action - действие herbivorous - травоядный alter -изменять flesh- плоть thoroughly - тщательно

chew- жевать ingesta - кишечное содержимое

introduce- вводить stomach- желудок

perform-совершать(ся) reduction- зд. измельчение

proceed - происходить removal- удаление

Упражнение 14. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту по-русски и по-английски.

1) What do the plant and animal foods consist of?

  1. What is the role of teeth in the mouth?

  2. How do herbivorous mammals eat their food?

  3. What do herbivorous mammals do with food before they can swallow it?

  4. What is the text about?

Упражнение 15. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1) Is protoplasm made up of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and water?

2) Can the water and inorganic salts be absorbed from the digestive tract without change?

3) How do some flesh eaters eat food?

  1. Do herbivorous mammals subsist upon plant materials?

  2. Do herbivorous mammals chew their food thoroughly?

Упражнение 16. Какие глагольные формы следует употребить в предложениях:

1) Livestock of the farm ... last week

a) vaccinated b) was vaccinated c) has vaccinated

2) Dairy cows ... tomorrow

a) will be examined b) will examine c) shall examine

3) The veterinarian ... some animals for breeding today a) has selected b) selected c) will select

Упражнение 17. Укажите предложения, сказуемое которых выражено модальным глаголом и инфинитивом.

  1. Не continues to work at the clinic.

  2. The fracture must heal soon.

  3. We must preserve rare species of wild animals.

  4. They want to reduce losses from this infectious disease.

  5. He could report about the results of the experiment only yesterday.

Упражнение 18. Вставьте необходимую глагольную форму.

  1. He ... to finish the experiment only last week

a) can, b) was able c) will be able

  1. You ... to dissect the lesion tomorrow.

a) may b) is allowed c) will be allowed

3) You ... to find the cause of this disease a) have b) must

Упражнение 19. Определите, какое английское предложение соответствует русскому: «Ему следует продолжить эксперимент».

  1. Не ought to proceed the experiment.

  2. He might proceed the experiment.

  3. He could proceed the experiment.


Probably, during a year's time more dairy cattle suffer from indigestion of one sort or another than there are cows that suffer from infectious diseases. It has been estimated that 70 percent of ailing animals have noninfectious disorders. Often recovery from disease depends upon the reestablishment of normal digestive function. Too little is known about the normal functions of the digestive tract of the dairy cow.

In all probability, the ruminant could remain on this earth because its digestive processes have been adapted to the natural seasonal changes in the plant life of the area where they lived. Some species of ruminants had to be adapted to cold climates and the type of vegetation that has been found there.

Many cases of disturbances of alimentary system and indigestion may be connected with rumen. Therefore rumenotomy should be used. Rumenotomy is the opening of the paunch, or rumen, and the removal of a part or the whole of the ingesta through the formed opening. . The operation should be performed in severe cases only. The animal has to be placed with its right side against a wall and firmly held in position by strong assistants. The incision must be made in the most distended portion of the left side of the animal. As the opening is increased in size the operator's hand can be inserted into the rumen. Before any of the contents are removed from that organ a linen cloth should be placed from the outer wound into the rumen, because no ingesta must get into the abdominal cavity. After removing contents of the rumen some medicine may be introduced in the wound. Then the opening in the rumen should be closed with uninterrupted carbonized catgut sutures. No food should be given for several hours after the operation.

Упражнение 20. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту В по-русски и по-английски:

  1. What is termed rumenotomy?

  2. When should rumenotomy be performed?

  3. In what position must the animal be during the rumenotomy?

  4. What is done after removing a portion of the contents of the rumen?

  5. Is it allowed to give food to the animal after rumenotomy?'

Упражнение 21. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту В по-английски:

  1. Should rumenotomy be performed in severe cases only?

  2. Where must be made an incision?

  3. Is it possible to give food to the animal just after the rumenotomy?

Упражнение 22. Переведите предложения:

1) Herbivorous mammals chew their food and then swallow it.

  1. After the removal of the foreign body from the digestive tract the animal recovered soon.

  2. The disorder of the digestion of this ruminant was caused by bad fodder.

4) This medicine is introduced into the body through the skin.

  1. Some operations cannot be done by veterinarians without strong assistants.

6) The number of cases of pneumonia depends on environmental conditions.

7) Dairy cows on the farm have been vaccinated from an infectious disease this month.

8) Feeding with bad fodder can cause severe diseases.

Упражнение 23. Переведите на английский язык, используя заменители модальных глаголов (must — to have to, can — to be able to, may — to be allowed to):

  1. Мы должны были прооперировать корову вчера.

  2. Я смогу сообщить результаты эксперимента через неделю.

  3. Кто должен выполнить операцию на желудке этого животного?

  4. Мне пришлось отправить больное животное в клинику, так как случай был очень тяжелый.

5) Завтра этому студенту будет разрешено ассистировать хирургу.

6) Тебе придется завершить эксперимент к маю.


Упражнение 1. Прочтите вслух следующие слова: blizzard, reality, usually, climb, receiver, try, reply, of course, convenient, wait, die, gasp, wrap, pupil, widely, dilate, gum, dry, break (broke, broken), alive

Упражнение 2. Запомните следующие наречия, переведите их:

slowly, commonly, promptly, highly, locally, environmentally

Упражнение 3. Повторите следующие глаголы и выучите их:

to fix - вправлять (кость)

to sleep (slept, slept) - спать

to reply - отвечать

to die - умирать

to break (broke, broken) - ломать

to save - спасать

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения:

1) To fix the bone means to put it into the proper position.

2) A pupil is a part of the eye. It is black. We can see it in the centre of the eye.

  1. When the temperature is high the pupils usually become big. When pupils are big we say: "The pupils are dilated".

  2. The English adverb "widely" means «широко» in Russian. For example: Vaccination of animals is widely used in our country.

5) Hау (сено) is a dry fodder.

Упражнение 5. Определите форму глагола-сказуемого:

1) is fixed; 2) was sleeping; 3) replied; 4) had died; 5) has been gasping; 6) was dilated; 7) will be examining; 8) breaks; 9) will save

Упражнение 6. Какую глагольную форму следует употребить в предло­жении:

  1. Не ... the broken leg in some minutes,

a) will fix b) had fixed c) is fixing

  1. The dog ... from the dangerous infectious disease yesterday.

a) has died b) died c) will die

  1. He ... the bone fracture for 10 minutes.

a) has examined b) was examined c) was examining

4) The dog ... the leg today.

a) had broken b) has broken c) will be broken

5) The surgeon ... the fractured joint by an artificial one two days ago.

а)replace b) will replace c) has replaced

Упражнение 7. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и их заменители:

1) You must apply new methods of treatment.

2) He ought to remove the foreign body from the respiratory tract of the bird immediately.

3) The pupils of the eyes must be dilated in this disease.

4) He can perform any operation.

5) Students should examine animals according to the instruc­tions of specialists.

6) The scientist had to accomplish the experiment with rep­tiles last month.

7) The student was allowed to examine the mouth of the horse.

8) The cow will be able to chew food when the foreign body is removed from her mouth.

9) He has to save this patient.

10) Preventive measures against infectious diseases should be widely used.