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Дементьева. Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса факультета ветеринарной медицины..docx
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It has already been translated

1) Write the letter!

2) Take the book from the library!

3) Clean the blackboard!

4) Do the exercise!

5) Disinfect the instruments!

Упражнение 7. По следующей модели дополните предложения вторым высказыванием, употребив отрицательную форму

Past Perfect Passive:

Model: They did the exercise.

They did the exercise. It had not been done before.

1) The students translated the text.

2) I brought the magazine to the reading room.

3) I read this book.

4) I wrote the letter.

5) I made my homework.

6) I cleaned the blackboard.

Упражнение 8. Составьте по модели диалоги, состоящие из вопроса и отрицательного ответа.

Употребите в ответе наречие “yet”

Model. Statement: The book has been read.

Dialogue: Has the book been read?

- No, it has not been read yet.

1) The text has been translated.

2) The instruments have been cleaned.

3) The animal has been treated .

4) The work has been done.

Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения. Найдите предложения, сказуемое которого стоит в одном из времен Perfect Passive.

1. Two pigs had shown symptoms of indigestion by the end of the week.

2. The veterinarian has been on the farm today.

3. Water had been given to the animal before the veterinarian came. 4. The test animal will have recovered by the start of the experiment.

5. The sick animal will have been treated by the end of the month.

6. The sick animal will recover soon.

Упражнение 10. Прочтите вслух следующие слова :

lesion, blood, canine, earth, vegetation, indigestion, infectious, recently, diagnostic, pathogenesis, enzymes, heart, activity ,cardiac

Blood serum enzymes as diagnostic aids in canine heart disease

Recently there has been a trend toward physicochemical orientation of the research in the basic medical sciences. The pathogenesis of some diseases has been traced to the development of biochemical lesions.

In the past 10 years there has been an explosive increase in the interest to the enzymes of blood and other tissues. A certain experience has been accumulated in the experimental as well as in the clinical aspects of the alterations in the serum activity at pathologic conditions of certain tissues and organ systems.

The cardiac tissue is especially high in several of these enzymes, but other tissues also contain large amounts, so these enzymes are considered nonspecific as to origin. Much work in this area had been done with dogs, but emphasis was soon placed on the importance of these enzymes in human medicine, and animal data have been either forgotten or disregarded.

More recently it has been reported by scientists that the prevalence of heart disease in dogs of all ages is about 10%. These scientists have found a progressive increase of heart disease with age.

Many serum enzymes have been investigated as possible diagnostic aids in human medicine. Some of the enzymes which have recently been so advantageous in the differential diagnosis of cardiac disease in man are of benefit to the veterinary profession as well. These enzymes which have shown the most promise in veterinary medicine have been outlined in special literature.

Упражнение 1. Прочтите следующие слова и словосочетания.

  1. development of biochemical lesions

  2. an explosive increase

  3. especially high in enzymes

  4. disregarded

  5. prevalence

  6. human medicine

  7. to be of benefit

  8. to be advantageous

Упражнение 2. Повторите слова и словосочетания упр.1 и переведите их на русский язык.

Упражнение 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “Blood Serum Enzymes” по-русски, а затем по-английски:

1. Какие научные направления имели место в последнее время в ветеринарии?

2. Насколько глубоко прослежен патогенез некоторых болезней?

3. Какие ферменты вызвали интерес исследователей в последнее десятилетие?

Упражнение 4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “Blood Serum Enzymes”:

  1. Has there been an explosive increase in the interest in the enzymes of blood and other tissues in the past 10 years?

  2. Is the cardiac tissue high in enzymes?

  3. Do the other tissues contain large amounts of these enzymes?

  4. Is there any progressive increase of heart disease with age?

  5. Have many serum enzymes been investigated as possible diagnostic aids in human medicine?

  6. Are those enzymes of benefit to the veterinarians?

Упражнение 5. Повторите следующие слова за учителем: per cent, noninfectious, reestablishment, specificity, species, specific


Задание 62. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова:

protoplasm, protein, carbohydrate, muscular, rumen, rumenotomy, abdominal, catgut, herbivorous, absorb, digestion, ingesta, incision, suture

Задание 63. Переведите следующие слова и объясните их значение:

accomplish, salt, change, alter, utilize, reduce, physically, proceed, piece, stomach, thoroughly, swallow, perform, insert, remove, wound, medicine, hour

Упражнение 1. Прочтите следующие слова и на своем опросном листе напишите номера сначала существительных, затем прилагательных и наречий: 1) digestion; 2) thoroughly; 3) eater; 4) abdominal; 5) re­moval; 6) outer; 7) firmly; 8) digestive; 9) inorganic.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в следующих словах словообразующие суффиксы и переведите эти слова на русский язык: plasmic, effectively, physical, muscular, assistant, physically, operation.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

1) The English noun "absorption" is formed from the Latin word "absorptio". What is the meaning of the verb "to absorb"?

Water is absorbed by the organism of animals from the digestive tract.

2) The verb "to accomplish" is the synonym of the verb "to finish".

Vaccination of the dairy cows will be accomplished tomorrow.

3) The verb "to alter" is the synonym of the verb "to change". Protoplasmic materials alter in the digestive tract.

4) Animals eat their food in different manner. Cows chew their food.

5) The English noun "action" is formed from the Latin noun "actio" (действовать).

Changes occurred in the action of the digestive tract of this patient.

6) The adverb "through" means "через" in Russian. Some mediсinеs are injected in the body through the skin.

7) The adjeсtive "herbivorous" is formed from the Latin word "herba". Cows, horses and sheep are herbivorous animals.

8) The meaning of the verb 'to swallow" is - "глотать". Cows chew their food and then swallow it.

9) You know the meaning of the adjective "digestive". What is the meaning of the noun "digestion"?

Digestion is an important function of the digestive tract.

10) to perform = to do

This operation is performed only in severe cases.

11) This is a stomach. The stomach is the organ where the digestion is continued.

  1. The word "without" is the antonym of the word "with".

The veterinarian can do this operation without the assistant.

13) Ingesta is the food that is contained in the stomach.

14) The English noun "reduction" is formed from the Latin noun "reductio".

The reduction of the disease in cattle was caused by preventive measures.

15) The noun "wound" means "рана".

The wound is very dangerous.

16) We may use the verb "to proceed" instead of the verb "to occur" in the following sentence:

The process of digestion proceeds in the digestive tract and stomach.

  1. We know that the heart is situated in the left side of the chest.

  2. The adjective "strong" is the antonym of the adjective "weak". - The horse is a strong animal.

Задание 64. Повторите по Грамматике английского языка тему «Модальные глаголы».

Упражнение 4. Укажите английское предложение, соответствующее русскому: «Хирург должен вы­полнить операцию».

1) The surgeon performed the operation.

2) The surgeon must perform the operation.

3) The surgeon can perform the operation.

4) The surgeon may perform the operation.

5) The surgeon will perform the operation.

Упражнение 5. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол «саn» означает «могу» (в смысле умственной способности, умения).

  1. You can diagnose the disease.

  2. You can use this surgical instrument.

  3. This plant can absorb much water.

  4. You can understand my question.

  5. He can visit the patient at the clinic

Упражнение 6. Найдите английское предложение, соответствующее русскому: «Вы можете завершить эксперимент на следующей неделе».

  1. You must accomplish the experiment next week.

  2. You will accomplish the experiment next week.

  3. You can accomplish the experiment next week.

Помните! За модальным глаголом всегда следует инфинитив без частицы «to» (исключение «ought to»). Сочетание модального глагола с инфинитивом выполняет в предложении функцию составного глагольного сказуемого.

Упражнение 7. Укажите предложение, сказуемое которого состоит из модального глагола и инфинитива.

  1. Circulation of blood of this patient proceeds properly.

  2. The ingesta must be removed from the stomach.

  3. They want to alter the method of fracture treatment.

  4. The surgeon must introduce some medicine into the stomach.

  5. He will improve this method of treatment.

  6. You may increase the number of experiments next month.

  7. He can continue vaccination of animals tomorrow.

Упражнение 8. Перепишите предложения, поставив в конце каждого соответствующий знак препинания. Сделайте перевод.

1) Can you suture (зашивать) the wound

2) You can suture the wound

  1. You cannot suture the wound

  2. Must we accomplish our work by Friday

  3. We must use transfusion of blood in this case

Упражнение 9. Укажите предложения в отрицательной форме.

  1. Не can insert the surgical instrument into the organ.

  2. She must remove the foreign body from the respiratory tract of the cow.

  3. This patient cannot swallow the medicine.

  4. You may use reptiles in the experiment.

  5. He must not introduce the medicine through the skin.

В английском языке есть заменители модальных глаголов.

Задание 65. Выучите следующие заменители модальных глаголов:

must = to have to; to be to

can = to be able to

may = to be allowed to

После заменителей модальных глаголов следует инфинитив с частицей «to».

Упражнение 10. "I can apply the new method of treatment" - Найдите соответствие.

  1. I shall apply the new method of treatment.

  2. I have to apply the new method of treatment.

  3. I am to apply the new method of treatment.

  4. I am allowed to apply the new method of treatment.

  5. I am able to apply the new method of treatment.

Упражнение 11. Определите соответствующий глагол к каждому из следующих предложений:

  1. He ... to accomplish the experiment only yesterday: a) can, b) was able, c) will be able.

  2. We ... to report about the results of our experiments today: a) must, b) have, c) can.

  3. We ... to go to the dairy farm tomorrow: a) may, b) might, c) shall be allowed.

  4. We ... to remove sick animals from healthy ones: a) had, b) could, c) may.

Упражнение 12. Какое английское предложение соответствует русскому: «Хирургу следует удалить инородное тело из пищеварительного тракта коровы»? –

  1. The surgeon ought to remove the foreign body from the digestive tract of the cow.

  2. The surgeon could remove ...

  3. The surgeon might remove ...

  4. The surgeon should remove ...

Задание 66. Изучите конструкцию - модальный глагол + Infinitive Passive (напр. can be asked, must be treated, should be caused).

Упражнение 13. Укажите предложения, содержащие модальный глагол + Infinitive Passive:

  1. My research work must be accomplished by the end of the year.

  1. He ought to remove the foreign body immediately.

  2. My dog has to be operated today.

  1. You may report about the results of your experiments at the conference.

  1. Veterinarians should examine animals regularly.

  1. Losses from this dangerous communicable disease can be reduced this year.


The plant and animal food taken by animals consists of protoplasm, which is made up of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, together with vitamins and water. The water and inorganic salts can be absorbed from the digestive tract without change, but the protoplasmic materials must be altered before they can be utilized. Many animals use food that must be reduced physically before chemical digestion can proceed effectively. This is accomplished by teeth in the mouth. Some flesh eaters may bolt down their food in large pieces, and its physical reduction is accomplished by muscular action in the stomach. Herbivorous mammals that subsist upon plant materials chew their food thoroughly before they can swallow it.