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America in close-up.doc
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1. Analyzing a Song


  1. The song is recited by two groups of Puerto Ricans. Generally speaking, what is the difference in the two groups' views of America?

  2. Looking at each of the eight stanzas of the song, how is the theme of the ambivalent American experience developed?

  3. Now have a closer look at the language which is used in the song to express the contrasting views of America. Which stylistic and syntactical means does Stephen Sondheim use when he makes the second group take up and react to the points brought up by the first group?

  4. How are these stylistic devices used to convey the differing viewpoints of the singers? How would you describe the general tone of the song?

  5. What do you think Stephen Sondheim's intention was when writing the lyrics of this song?

2. Interview Practice

New York—A Melting Pot?

Working in pairs, simulate an interview with Mayor Koch based on the information given on the back cover of his book. You want to know:

  • how he felt about being the mayor of New York

  • how many inhabitants the mayor of New York is responsible for

  • what he did to get to know the people of New York

  • how many people are represented at the U.N.

  • in which respects the people of New York differ

  • whether he thinks New York is a melting pot

  • what he thinks about those who tried to forget their heritage in order to become true Americans

  • the role ethnic traditions should play

  • why some immigrant groups changed their names

  • if he can give examples of the new awareness of ethnic traditions

3. Writing a Resume

Immigration Today: A Case Study

Savuth Sath reads the following ad in the

Chelsea Gazette.

Major expanding food company is seeking career-oriented applicants for the position of


to supervise production of our chicken processing plant, plan and coordinate new food section.

We offer advancement opportunities and an attrac­tive salary.

Send your application with a resume in tabular form including

  • all personal facts

  • qualifications and present job

  • hobbies and other interests


Write the tabularized resume and the applicationfor Savuth Sath.

4. Comprehension Check

A Newsweek Poll on Immigration

Determine whether the statements are true or false and correct the false ones with reference to the information given in the Newsweek poll.

  1. About half the Americans surveyed believe that too many Asians immigrate into the U.S.

  2. Most Americans believe that the fastest way of being integrated into American life is speaking only English.


  1. A vast majority of Americans believe that firms which hire illegal aliens should be penalized.

  2. Most Americans feel that the government would have too much control over them if identity cards were introduced.

  3. Most Americans would not like to see illegal immigrants return to their countries.

  4. There is almost unanimous agreement that illegal immigrants are hard-working people.

  5. About a third of all Americans agree that many immigrants are a social and economic burden for society.

  6. The notion that the culture of immigrants enriches the American culture is not shared by most people surveyed.

5. Discussion Points

1. Are there different ethnic groups in your country? Where do they come from? Where

do they live? How do they differ from the majority of people in your country with respect to customs, religion, clothing, food, music, etc.?

  1. How is immigration handled in your country? Are there any major restrictions? What do you know about the immigrants' motives for leaving their mother countries and what are their expectations about living in your country?

  2. To what extent do you think immigrants of different ethnic backgrounds should be integrated into society? How do the ethnic minorities themselves feel about this issue?

6. Picture Analysis

Describe and compare these pictures featuring immigration to the U.S. 100 years ago and today.

Illegal Mexican immigrants detected by helicopter border control as they try to cross the Rio Grande

German immigrants in the 1890s greeting the Statue of Liberty as they enter New York Harbor


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