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America in close-up.doc
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1. Scanning

Second Thoughts on Having It All

Other people's assessments of Rebecca Murray's life are obviously not identical with her own.

Find arguments in the text which support the notion of "Having it all," on the one hand, and "What is missing," on the other.

2. Comprehension

The Choices That Brought Me Here

Which way of completing each of the following sentences agrees with the original text? Some sentences may be completed in more than one


1. Frances Farley, a woman running for Congress in the state of Utah,

  1. impressed the Mormons.

  2. gave an all-female dinner-party in Washington.

  3. had a hard time fighting for equal rights for women in Utah.

2. A 35-year-old successful female television reporter

  1. does not think of getting married.

  2. would like to get married.

  1. is somewhat frustrated because she has not yet managed to find a man she could marry.

3. Quite a number of women born in the 1940s and early 1950s discovered that they could find a meaningful life

  1. only outside marriage.

  2. only in marriage.

  3. also in a career.

4. According to Amanda Spake, this group of feminists

  1. considered the traditional female roles of wife and mother to be too emotional.

  2. fought for new female values that were traditionally associated with men.

  3. were determined to be mothers and wives, on the one hand, and successful career women, on the other.

5. Today this group of women finds that

  1. they can build up more solid relationships between men and women.

  2. men still seem to prefer the traditional "feminine" values in women.

  3. society still does not accept women as equal partners of men.

3. Comprehension

How to Have a Successful Christian Family

Number the paragraphs following Falwell's assumption that "the greatest heritage Christian parents leave their children is the love and training they receive in a Christian home" and match each statement below with the paragraph it summarizes.

  1. Anti-authoritarian education leads to the decay of the American family.

  2. God made the family the basic unit of society.

  3. Great families have traditionally been the source of American greatness.

  4. The high percentage of working mothers leads to a perverted image of motherhood.

  5. Love and shelter in families produce happy people.

  6. The playboy cult destroys the American family.

  7. The feminist movement, which regards self- fulfillment higher than a family, destroys the traditional family.

h) Conflict and undeclared war destroy the

traditional family, i) The importance of the family has been

undermined in recent years, j) The greatest concern for the author and his

wife is the love of their children.


4. Functional Analysis

It is the author's aim to convince the reader of the importance of his initial assumption. The paragraphs of the text either

  • support the assumption

  • indicate how the assumption has been endangered lately

  • give reasons for that danger.

Determine which paragraph serves which function.

5. Reading Statistics


Which of the following statements are true and which are false? Correct the false ones.

  1. There were about twice as many American families with three or more children in 1985 as there had been in 1970.

  2. In 1985 almost twice as many children lived in female-headed households as

in 1970.

  1. Between 1970 and 1985 the number of children living with two parents decreased.

  2. Within those 15 years the number of American households grew in proportion to the increase in population.

  3. One reason for more households is the decrease in family size.

  4. Another reason for more households lies in the tendency of people to marry at a later age.

  5. In 1982 fewer women than men were married between the age of 20 and 24.

  6. The increase of households other than families is at least partly due to the fact that men and women marry later.

6. Discussion


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