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The theatre has recently become less popular than the cine­ma and lost even more of its attraction due to the popularity of television and since the appearance of video and DVD. Besides, theatre tickets are very expensive, especially in good theatres. So we can say that a visit to a famous theatre has become a luxury.

Still, the theatre is an inseparable part of the cultural life of any country. We can even say that the theatre as an art reflects the state of society and of the mind of the nation. In every coun­try theatre has its own history, traditions, and peculiarities.

Theatre was one of the most important branches of art in Ancient Greece. Ancient Greek plays have some peculiarities due to the strict rules the Greeks had for theatre, but they are still very popular and we can say that the Ancient Greece is the birthplace of the theatre. In medieval times the theatrical art was often disapproved by the church, but at the same time there were things like sacred plays representing in dramatic form the Bible stories. Since 16th century theatre has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment.

There are a lot of theatres in Russia and some of them are popular all over the world. In Moscow theatre-goers try not to miss the first nights at the Vakhtangov, Sovremennik, or Khudozhestvenny (Art) theatres. St. Petersburg also has a variety of theatres, which meet all the tastes. Lovers of classic music never miss a chance to visit, the Philharmonic Society Hall. Opera and ballet lovers can go to Mariinsky opera house and Maly opera house. Those who are fond of drama visit the Bolshoi Drama Theatre, Alexandrinsky Theatre, Lensovet theatre, and many others. Many new theatres and studios have appeared during the last five or ten years. Many theatres are famous for their excellent company, sets, and great directors.


1. due to – из-за

2. meet - удовлетворять

3. Philharmonic Society Hall – зал Филармонии

Generation gap

Sometimes our parents don't understand us. They don't understand some problems and things which are very important in teens life; for example, the lifestyles of young people, piercing, tattoos, drugs, sex, relationship with friends and teachers. So sometimes teens can't tell them about their private life. Some parents don't want to understand modern views, ideals and system of values.

Elderly people usually compare their childhood and youth with the present, and regard old times as better, always talking about "the good old days". The young people tend to think their times as the best. Teens look at the world with fresh eyes. Everything is new, interesting to them. Sometimes they cannot solve their everyday problems. But they want to cope with them by themselves. So adults shouldn't prevent them from making their own mistakes.

People are considered to become wiser with age. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it is not. I think that you can meet a wise man among the old as often as among the young. It is false that when old age wisdom has come, useless illusions have disappeared. Sometimes when teens talk to adults, a monologue is a preferred form of expressing adults` ideas in such talks. That's why some teens don't like to talk to adults.

Probably, that it's in people's nature to give advice. It seems to people that giving advice they can help somebody or put somebody on the right track. But if a person takes their advice and fails, he can blame an adult all of his life.

Parents have their own ideas and views that their children don't share and understand. They think that their children won't find their place in life. They often say that now teens are very difficult to socialize with and dumpy. But children should settle all problems peacefully because they are their parents. They brought them up with loving care. And if children come to their parents for advice and help, they will do their best and help children to cope with problems and difficulties.


1. are considered – считается

2. teens – подростки

3. dumpy – унылый

4. do their best – сделать все возможное

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