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The theatre has recently become less popular than the cine­ma and lost even more of its attraction due to the popularity of television and since the appearance of video and DVD. Besides, theatre tickets are very expensive, especially in good theatres. So we can say that a visit to a famous theatre has become a luxury.

Still, the theatre is an inseparable part of the cultural life of any country. We can even say that the theatre as an art reflects the state of society and of the mind of the nation. In every coun­try theatre has its own history, traditions, and peculiarities.

Theatre was one of the most important branches of art in Ancient Greece. Ancient Greek plays have some peculiarities due to the strict rules the Greeks had for theatre, but they are still very popular and we can say that the Ancient Greece is the birthplace of the theatre. In medieval times the theatrical art was often disapproved by the church, but at the same time there were things like sacred plays representing in dramatic form the Bible stories. Since 16th century theatre has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment.

There are a lot of theatres in Russia and some of them are popular all over the world. In Moscow theatre-goers try not to miss the first nights at the Vakhtangov, Sovremennik, or Khudozhestvenny (Art) theatres. St. Petersburg also has a variety of theatres, which meet all the tastes. Lovers of classic music never miss a chance to visit, the Philharmonic Society Hall. Opera and ballet lovers can go to Mariinsky opera house and Maly opera house. Those who are fond of drama visit the Bolshoi Drama Theatre, Alexandrinsky Theatre, Lensovet theatre, and many others. Many new theatres and studios have appeared during the last five or ten years. Many theatres are famous for their excellent company, sets, and great directors.


1. due to – из-за

2. meet - удовлетворять

3. Philharmonic Society Hall – зал Филармонии

Russian character

There are a lot of wonders in Russia. But it is true to say that Russia is most famous for its people.

To understand Russian people, one must know from where they come. Nature has not been kind to Russia. Winters in Russia are cold, windy and snowy. So in old Russia people could do little during long winter months. But in spring there was a lot to be done, and in a short period of time. Perhaps, this explains why the Russians are often inactive for long periods of time and then show bursts of energy.

The harsh climate explains the Russians' strength and their ability to overcome hardships. Climate has also made them cautious.

Yet most of the Russians are open people. They are neither reticent nor reserved as the British. Russian people love to sit down for a nice long chat. They like having parties and receiving guests. The Russians are known to be a hospitable people. According to old traditions, a guest should always be welcomed with the symbol of life-giving food — bread and salt.

Russian people have always loved their country, though life in Russia has never been easy. They have always been devoted to their Motherland, fighting for peace and independence against enemies.

We can't say that the Russians are conservative. On the contrary, they encourage research and innovation. Still, there are a lot of customs and traditions in their life. For example, before leaving on a journey, many Russian people sit down quietly together for a few minutes.

Russian people are clever and talented. We can name a lot of outstanding Russians who are well-known all over the world. And we can say that we are a nation that has done a lot for the world civilization.

When foreign guests leave Russia, they usually say different things about the country. Some of them like it, others don't. But practically everybody agrees that Russian people are wonderful. They are friendly, kind and very hospitable.


1. yet – тем не менее

2. reticent – скрытный

3. are known – известно

4. still – и все-таки

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