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Essential vocabulary:

  1. thrust force – сила тяги

  2. to exert– оказывать, действовать

  3. plane of rotation– плоскость вращения

  4. to hover- реять

  5. drag force– тормозная сила

  6. to tip- наклоняться

  7. mast- мачта

  8. to tilt– наклонять

  9. pitch angle – угол наклона

  10. torque– вращающий момент

  11. offset– офсет, смещение, сдвиг

  12. gyroscopic precession effect – эффект гироскопической прецессии

  13. retreat- отступление

  14. rolling– прокрутка, прокатывание

  15. flapping hinge– маховик (шарнир), закрылок

  16. hub– узел, втулка

  17. feathering– вращение (по принципу пера), резать крылом воздух

  18. to permit– позволять, разрешать

  19. to attach– прикреплять

  20. to increase– увеличивать, повышать

  21. to decrease– снижать, уменьшать

  22. to equalize- выравнивать

  23. to dampenout – демпфировать, тормозить

  24. to absorb– поглощать, впитывать

  25. to contribute– содействовать

  26. coning– конус

  27. bending – изгиб

  28. centrifugal force– центробежная сила

  29. acceleration– ускорение

  30. drift– парение, дрейф

I. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the total lift and thrust forces in a helicopter exerted to?

  2. How can a helicopter achieve a forward (sideward, rearward) flight?

  3. How does the pilot control the thrust of the tail rotor?

  4. What is the gyroscopic precession effect of the rotor?

  5. What forces do you know acting upon only a helicopter?

II. Find the English equivalents of the following phrases in the text:

  • сила подъема

  • параллельно земле

  • единичный вектор

  • направленный вниз (вверх)

  • движение вертолета

  • обычный самолет

  • ровное поднятие в воздух

  • похожий эффект

  • в условиях безветрия

  • изменение угла наклона

III. Look at the groups of words below. Which word is the odd one?

1. a) helicopter b) aircraft c) rocket d) automobile

2. a) weight b) acceleration c) velocity d) speed

3. a) forward b) rearward c) drift d) sideward

4. a) blade b) wind c) rotor d) fuselage

5. a) lift force b) drag force c) power d) thrust force

6. a) coning b) moving c) feathering d) bending


Other types of vertical-takeoff aircraft include convertiplanes. There are two types of V/STOL (vertical- or short-takeoff-and-landing) aircraft that may alternate between vertical takeoff and conventional horizontal flight. These are convertible rotorcraft and convertible airplanes.

The first group consists of two types, the most important of which is the tilt-rotor aircraft, such as the Bell/Boeing V-22, in which a helicopter rotor is tilted vertically for vertical lift and horizontally for ordinary flight. The V-22 stemmed from more than three decades of development, which began with the Bell XV-3 in the early 1950s. It represents a configuration offering the greatest promise for intercity air transportation, combining the utility of the helicopter with speeds approaching that of turboprop transports. The second type is the less frequently found compound helicopter, which has driven rotors and uses both an additional power source and an additional means of generating aerodynamic lift.

The second group, convertible airplanes with propellers, has four basic configurations. The first of these are the deflected thrust type, in which large propellers exert thrust against a wing deflected into a broad arc. The second type is the tilt wing. In these aircraft, the wing is rotated to point the propellers vertically for takeoff and landing, then adjusted for horizontal flight by bringing the wing to a normal angle of attack. The third is the tilt duct, in which propellers shrouded in ducts are rotated from one flight mode to the other. The fourth is the tilt propeller, perhaps the least successful of the group. The Curtiss-Wright Corporation built the X-100 test-bed, which was successful enough to allow the building of the more advanced but ill-fated X-l9 prototype that crashed during testing.