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Научно-технический словарь

4.41 Mб

Считаться II [см. Приходится считаться с].


The average composition of continental crust is judged (or speculated) to be petro-logically intermediate.

The difference in variance is deemed (or considered, or believed to be) statistically significant. If there is one peak in the frequency curve, the distribution is said to be unimodal.

The radial eddy diffusion coefficient was taken to be equal to the eddy viscosity. All fluxes are taken [or assumed (to be)] positive in the direction of increasing y.

Считаться II [см. Приходится считаться с].

Считаться III

The pure component was taken as the standard state.

Считаться доказательством того, что

The colour shifts of remote galaxies are taken as evidence that the universe is expanding.

Считаться правильным

These values are (now) (generally) accepted as correct.


Read the number of minutes from the straightedge scale.

The values of the x's are read directly from the potentiometers. The number of millimetres of acid is read off the scale.

The density is read on the corresponding scale. Readings can be taken without opening the meter case.

Считывать показания [см. Снимать показания].

Счищать [см. тж. Очистка от]

The accumulated zinc is stripped from the cathode sheet.


The ormer is important as a food (or an edible) animal.


The microscope incorporates a demountable (or detachable, or removable) secondary electron multiplier.

The saddle is fitted with replaceable ways.

Сыграть [см. Играть].

Сыграть свою роль

The protein skin has (now) served its purpose and can be removed from the cell surface.

Сыпучие тела [см. Меры сыпучих тел].

Сырьё [см. тж. Исходный материал] Titanium is an (ideal) source (or raw, or initial, or starting) material for many processes.

This light gasoline would be a (good) starting material for ethylene or acetylene production. We obtained pure nickel from stock contaminated with cobalt.

Gas oil is commonly used as catalytic-cracking feed stock.



Pellets of sodium hydroxide are often used for removal of acids from the atmosphere.

Таблица [см. В виде таблицы, В таблице перечислены, В форме таблицы, Представлен в таблице,

Сводить в таблицу].


Таблица [см. В виде таблицы, В таблице перечислены, В форме таблицы, Представлен в таблице, Сводить в таблицу].

Табличные данные

Tabulated data.


The long-standing problem about the light of the enigmatic quasars ...

Так [см. тж. Таким образом]

At gun pressures the rate of burning of cordite depends on the calorific value but at rocket motor pressures this is not always the case (or so).

Так быстро один за другим, что

The two deposits of ash erupted so close in time that...

Так же

Although the system responds much better to high-temperature targets, it is almost as sensitive to the reflected energy of the Sun.

Так же давно, как и

Earthquakes at sea have been known as long as seismometers have existed to detect them.

Так же, как и [см. тж. А также, Аналогично, Наряду с]

Physogastry may occur in larvae as well as in adults.

This calculation, along with (or as well as) our finding, shows that...

The retorts are made of fire-clay, as also are the condensers.

The theories of colour vision are clearly represented, as are explanations of...

The diameter required in order to fulfil this condition depends upon the reaction zone length as does the critical diameter.

The catalyst was washed and dried in the same manner (or way, or fashion) as the chromium catalyst.

Так же легко, как и

The diffusion of ... can proceed as easily as it does on the smooth regions.

Так и есть (на самом деле) [см. тж. Именно так и обстоит дело]

Such, indeed, is the case.

Так или иначе [см. тж. В любом случае]

In any event (or case), the stress finally reached the point where ...

There are several other types of uranium deposit, but in one way or another they all owe their origin to ...

One way or the other, the answer should be known soon.

Так как [см. тж. Ввиду того, что; Поскольку]

The manufacturer builds for possible temperatures of 70 to 90 deg., for (or because, or as, or since) he expects to find fairly high temperatures in some cases.

Так назван потому, что

The binary system of numbers takes its name from the fact that it employs only two symbols: 0 and 1.

Так называемый

This population inversion, as it is called, has the unique property of...

The spectral line is split into two parts, each exhibiting what is known as (or so-called) circular polarization.

The air-speed indicator presents what is termed (or called) indicated air speed.

Так называется


Так называется

This amplifier is so named because ...

Так обстоит дело с

Such is the case for the "torsional" motion in ethane.

This is how matters stand in implementing the Clean Air Act.

Так что

The corresponding expression is z 0 = ..., so that the transient extends a factor of 2π further than ...


Heterojunctions tend to trap holes and electrons in such a way as to prevent recombination from occurring with the production of useful light.

The valves are adjusted so that both are slightly open.

The unit is so constructed that it can be moved from place to place.

Также [см. тж. А также, Аналогичным образом, Кроме того]

This technique can be applied to ... as well (or can also be applied to ...). The structure could equally be written: ...

An analytic function F [ f(z) ] of an analytic function f(z) is likewise analytic.

Because the atoms are very tiny, their masses likewise are very small (or are also very small).

Также не

The outcome also does not single out one observer as being "better" than the other.

Также показан

Also shown are curves for conventional abrasive grinds.

Такие далёкие друг от друга как

Attempts to stimulate the coalescence process have been made in places so far apart as Australia, the Caribbean, East Africa, and Pakistan.

Таким же образом (или путём)

The lower part of the oval can be constructed by the same procedure.

Таким же образом, как и

The emission will be dependent upon the field in the same fashion that the emission from thermionic cathodes is dependent upon the temperature.

Thread cutting in lathes is accomplished in (exactly) the same manner as for brass or steel.

Таким образом

By this means network requirements are greatly simplified. In such a manner the synchronous motor pulls into step and ...

The rate of change of the potential energy can be maximized in this fashion. In this manner (or way) a maximum amount of sound steel is produced. The liquid so produced is practically pure heavy water.

Hence the material is conductive.

To explain why populations change (in) the way they do,...

The random motions of the air thus healed are recorded by...

By this means certain regions of DNA can be amplified (biol.).

Таким образом, чтобы [см. тж. С таким расчётом, чтобы; Так, что(бы)]

The chamber is designed so (or is so designed) that part of the piston head comes close to...

Arrange the system in such a way (or so) that electrons flow through a wire.

Таким путём [см. тж. Таким образом]

Tremendous current densities can be obtained by this means (or strategy).

It is along this pathway that the usual image is transformed into a visual percept.

Таково положение


By this expedient a catalyst can be used continuously.

Таково положение

That was how matters stood in the summer of 1989.

This is the situation in the analysis for toluene.

Такого рода

Experiments of this sort (or type, or kind) are quite common.

Такого типа

Experiments along these lines have revealed a strong protective effect of poly I:C in mice. All reactions of this sort (or type, or kind) lead to...

Такое большое количество

That much oxygen does not seem to be present.

Такой большой

There is no contradiction in supposing that the main refractory material could form particles as large as this.

Такой же

Gamma rays have effects almost identical with (or to) those of X-rays.

At the same time as the outer wheel on a turn overruns the differential case, the inner wheel lags by a like amount.

Такой же как и

Short reaction times and low partial pressure have as favourable an influence on limiting methane formation as they have on limiting carbon formation.

Такой же как при

By using a procedure identical to that for absorption ...

Такой как

When iodine is dissolved in a solvent like carbon tetrachloride,...

The activation energy for some chemical reactions, like the thermal conversion of... is equal to...

When lighter nuclei are assembled into elements as heavy as iron, ...

Такой, какой встречается в

Well-formed single crystals, as occur in natural minerals,...

Там, где

Where (or Wherever) really large moulds are to be produced, a vertical band saw can be used advantageously.

Where the curve shows a maximum or minimum, the equilibrium vapour has ...

Там, где требуется

Plastics and rubber are employed where flexibility is desired.

Там есть

We do not usually see water on slopes, but the water is there.

Твердо уверен

I firmly believe (or I am strongly convinced, or I am firmly impressed with the belief) that...

Твердо установлен

Techniques for forming ...are well established.

This principle has been securely (or firmly) established by experiment.

Твердо установленный

There arf well-established empirical rules saying that...

Твердое правило


Твердое правило

There are few hard-and-fast rules governing the machining of...

Твердое тело

A solid (body).

Твердость по Моосу

The hardness of chabazite is 4 to 5 on Mohs scale (or 4 to 5 Mohs). The hardness is 6 (Mohs scale).

Твердые частицы

The atmosphere contains solid matter (or particles), liquid drops, etc.


These opportunities could be provided through the imaginative application of telecommunication technology.

Тем более

Generation in this region is not possible by causing electrons to oscillate either in conductors or vacuum, much less by mechanical movement.

The more so (or Especially) as ...

This makes the quarkonium system all the more important for studies of ...

Тем временем

In the interim (or In the meantime) the primary system was heating up.

Тем или иным образом

A very large part of chemistry is concerned, in one way or another, with the state of equilibrium.

Тем или иным путём

In one way or another (or In some way or other) the protostar must get rid of some of the angular momentum.

A large number of experiments have employed thermality (in) one way or another.

By one means or another some fraction of the gravitational energy released by the collapse is transferred outward.

Тем не менее [см. тж. Всё же]

Nontheless (or Nevertheless, or Just the same), this must be considered a real possibility.

Тем самым [см. тж. Таким образом, Что приводит к]

A sodium atom loses one electron and a chlorine atom gains one electron because, by doing so, a more stable electronic configuration is formed by both elements.

Magnetostatic fields always oppose the magnetization and in doing so (or in so doing) they reduce the overall magnetization of...

No clamping device is needed and the reliability of the sets is thereby greatly increased.

The balance weight for the side head is completely enclosed in the column thus affording complete protection to operator and machine.


The subject matter of the book is outlined in Chap.1.


When the tissue is exposed to hydrogen peroxide, the injected neuron turns dark (or turns a dark colour).

Темнота [см. В полной темноте].


Темнота [см. В полной темноте].

Температура [см. тж. Высокая температура, Измерять температуру, Колебания

температуры, Повышенная температура, При давлении и температуре, При комнатной температуре, Разность температур]

The inlet (anton. outlet) temperature is 68°F.

Температура окружающей среды

Select a location as dry as possible, where

the ambient temperature does not exceed 50°C. The surrounding [or environment(al)] temperature will reach 300°F.

Температура опыта [см. При температуре опыта].

Температура повышается

Inside stars plasmas of ordinary hydrogen and other light elements are raised (or increased) to ignition temperatures.

The solvent undergoes a temperature rise (or rises in temperature) as it passes through the tower.


The pace of development continues to increase.

Тенденции ... противостоит

This tendency is opposed by the thermal motions of the molecules.

Тенденция [см. тж. Иметь тенденцию к, Наблюдается тенденция к, Проявлять тенденцию к]

The tendency for a decrease ...

The tendency to leak is a serious defect.

The tendency toward instability ...

Today the trend is to unitized construction. The trend today is to differential counting. Two major patterns appear to be followed.

Тенденция к сохранению

There is a tendency for the unsaturated ring structure to be preserved.

Теорема [см. Доказывать теорему].


Most theorists (or theoreticians) consider an aqueous environment to be most probable.

Теоретическая основа [см. Давать теоретическую основу].


In theory (or Theoretically) this type of deficiency is possible.

Теория завоевывает признание

In the late 1960s, the case for plate tectonics gained strength.

Теперь, когда

Now that we have presented ..., we need to focus upon ...

Тепло [см. Выделение тепла, Отводить тепло, Подача тепла].

Тепло выделяется

Heat is given out (or released, or liberated) when all elements and compounds are formed from their atoms.




The laser was mounted on a diamond to allow very efficient heat removal.


Amber acquires an electric charge when rubbed with fur. If one substance is rubbed with (or against) another,...

Тереться друг о друга

The journal and the bearing will rub against each other.

Термин переосмыслился

The term has changed its meaning.

Термин прочно вошёл в литературу

The term "aromaticity" is deeply embedded in the chemical literature.

Терминология... несколько расходится

Different crystallographers vary somewhat in the nomenclature of crystal systems.

Термозащитное покрытие

Extra heat-shielding for re-entry (into the atmosphere) will be needed.

Термообработка [см. Подвергаться термообработке].


In such cases operation in a temperature-controlled (or thermostated) room may be necessary.

Терпеть [см. Не выносить критики].

Терпеть фиаско

Such schemes will fail.

Территория университета [см. На территории университета].

Терять [см. тж. Потери]

These rays suffer power loss by tunneling.

Терять зрение

If the patient has failing eyesight,...

Терять на

The body loses heat by radiation.

Терять свой обычный смысл

The gas is so tenuous that the term temperature ceases to have its conventional meaning.

Терять силу

In most molecules, the electrons are not moving in a single field of force, and the Larmor theorem breaks down (or fails, or does not hold).

Терять смысл

These concepts lose their meaning (or significance) on a molecular scale.

Терять энергию на

A beta particle loses its energy by excitation and ionization of atoms.

Терять энергию при столкновениях

The electrons have lost (much) energy by (or in) collisions.


This advantage is somewhat offset by increasing wear.

This enables the components to be separated, but some sensitivity is sacrificed (or lost).

Теряться в догадках [см. тж. Учёные теряются в догадках]


Теряться в догадках [см. тж. Учёные теряются в догадках]

One is left wondering how the underlying mass can have such a low luminosity.

Теряться в результате

Some energy is lost as friction in the operation of the generator.

Теряться на радиацию

All the power of the ray has been lost to (or by) radiation.

Тесная связь

There is an intimate connection (or relationship) between dispersion and absorption.

The intimate linkage among (or connection between) mathematics, art theory and philosophy...

Because of the close association of soil horizons with (or and) climate ...

Тесная смесь

A solution is a homogeneous mixture; in order to predict whether or not two substances can form such an intimate mixture,...

Тесно переплетаться

The effects of mechanization on productivity and on working conditions are deeply intertwined.

Тесно связан с

Supernovas may have much to do with the triggering of star birth.

Closely allied (or related, or connected) to noise control is vibration control.

The problem is closely allied to [or connected (or associated) with] seepage control. Flow rate and pressure are closely (inter)linked [or (inter)related].

The response to most compounds is closely related to the mass of ...

Other auxiliary systems are intimately connected.

Intimately related to the economics of the accelerators are the technological factors that...

Hemophilia is closely linked to colour blindness in some families. The electron is tightly bound to the atom.

Тесно связанные

Two tightly coupled ions...

Тесно связанные между собой

Two closely related questions arise.

Тесно связаны друг с другом

The studies of electronic spectra and photochemistry are intimately related.

Тесно сотрудничать с

Geologists work closely with hydrologists in studying water on and beneath the lands.

Тесные взаимоотношения

A key constituent of the method is a close relationship between the staff and the patients.

Тесный контакт [см. Находиться в тесном контакте с]. Техническая ориентация [см. Иметь техническую ориентацию].

Технические требования [см. В соответствии с техническими требованиями]. Технические условия [см. Спецификация на].


Commercial(-grade) aluminium...

Technical(-grade) toluene...

Техническое обслуживание


Техническое обслуживание

Much of the repair and maintenance-work required by the equipment underground is done in temporary shops.

Технологическая вода

Process water.

Технологическая информация

The lack of background know-how has caused some users to question the process effectiveness.

Технологические трубы

Process piping.

Технологическое оборудование

Pipelines, storage tanks, reaction vessels and other types of process equipment...

Течение [см. В нижнем течении реки, Вверх по течению, Вниз и вверх по течению, С течением времени].

Течение реакции [см. Ход реакции].

Течь I [см. Давать течь, Испытание на течь (или утечку), Протекающий клапан].

Течь II [см. тж. В ... протекает ток]

When a current flows along a rectangular conductor, ...

When the unit is switched off no current flows in the cell. The current flows through a modulator coil.

Тип [см. тж. Вид, Имеется много типов]

The most common positive clutch is the spiral jaw type. This is an open type of system.

There are two types of indicator electrode.

The simplest type of colour centre is one called an F-centre. Butt Welding Machine-Type MS 301.

The V-12 types were developed on this basis.

The Type 3M Amplifier is identical to the Type 1M.

Other similar type valves (or valves of a similar type) have only an accuracy of +20% of...

We are fabricating a new line of cooling towers.

The horse was replaced with motors of various descriptions.


This is true for any equation of this sort (or type, or kind).

The experiment was performed in an apparatus like that depicted in Fig. 2-13. The fourth bond must be of the π type.

The branched-chain type of explosion ...

Типично [см. тж. Для которого характерно]

These are characteristically substitution reactions.

Типичный [см. тж. Характерный для]

Representative circuits of these detectors are shown in Fig. 1. Representative steels of the various types now in use...

These formations will contain known quantities of potassium in amounts representative of average sedimentary formations.

High-moisture smog seems typical for London. This feature is typical of such assemblies.

Типичный для


Типичный для

These properties are typical of the non-metals.

Типичный пример

Figure 2 shows some representative (or typical, or characteristic) examples.

Типичным представителем ... является

A group of amoebas that has a shell is typified by Arcella.

Типичными симптомами (заболевания) являются

Haemmorages, perforations and related changes are typical.

To вперёд, то назад

The marine shoreline shifted back and forth many times. To есть

Subsequent heating processes would be inherently more likely to melt the upper layer, that is (to say), the first few hundred kilometres below the surface would be susceptible to melting, whereas ...

To же (самое) относится к [см. тж. Это также относится к]

It is well known that the heart rate of an

adult changes when he is surprised, and the same is true of (or for) infants. To же (самое) произойдёт и с

The period of the satellite going around the Earth will lengthen; so it will also be for the disk moving around the solar nebula.

To же (самое) происходит

A similar situation holds when we observe an object move behind another object.

As the number of layers in a single platelet increases, so does the reflectivity of the platelet. To одним, то другим [см. Объяснять то одним, то другим].

То ..., то [см. тж. По-разному]

The rate at which individual sunspots migrate is alternately faster and slower. To туда, то сюда

These planktons exhibit no special pattern and are blown hither and thither by the wind. To,что

That the extinction coefficient is increased by denaturation is well known.

The fact that surface diffusion may be important in such cases is suggested by ...

Тогда и только тогда, когда

This is true if and only if U is a function of x/t .

Тогда как

The outer shell of the wave front is not convex, whereas the inner one is.

Pig pancreas is rich in amylase, whereas cattle, sheep and dog pancreases have lower concentrations.

Того времени

These losses were not noticed by the aeronautical engineers of the day.

Того или иного типа

A tremendous number of counters of one kind or another were manufactured.


The study showed virtual identity of the cytoplasmic enzyme with that extracted from ...