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Научно-технический словарь

4.41 Mб

Реакция продвигается настолько, что


Реакция продвигается настолько, что

Let us assume that the reaction proceeds by an amount that produces a great change in...

Реакция с

The reaction of potassium amalgam with (or and) anhydrous АlСl 3.


Stage efficiencies close to unity can be realized (or achieved).

If such conditions are realized, ...

Реалистичный [см. Отражать действительность, Правдоподобный].

Реальное ощущение полёта

The space-shuttle simulator creates a true sensation of flight.

Реальные условия [см. В реальных условиях].


Let us see how this is related to actual experimental conditions.

A discussion of major forms of actual electrical communication systems ...

Ребристая конструкция

The finned design of the water tubes ...

Ребро [см. Снабжён рёбрами]. Регистрация [см. Вести записи].

Регистрировать [см. тж. Вести записи]

Keep a record оf the variation of the room temperature.

It is planned to register (or record) the results on sensitive instruments. The solution level was followed by instruments.

The thickness of the coils was recorded from a contact micrometer.


Water is of critical importance in controlling body temperature. Monitoring of the reaction so that the alkene alone can be isolated ...

Регулирование по высоте [см. тж. Можно регулировать высоту]

Height adjustment of the fixtures...

Регулировать [см. тж. Можно регулировать высоту, Осуществлять управление]

Pressures were adjusted to obtain the same flow rate throughout. The knob controls (or governs) the volume of combustion air. The adjustable filters control the colour of the light.

The temperature is carefully regulated.

Регулироваться пирометром

All heaters are pyrometer controlled.

Регулируемый диффузией

The deposition of cadmium on the mercury surface is diffusion controlled.


The laws governing the arrangement of atoms in molecules ...


Vehicles should be cleaned at regular intervals.




Stable atomic hydrogen is by no means scarce in the universe as a whole.

Редко бывает, чтобы

It is rare for one reaction to occur (or It is seldom that one reaction should occur) to the total exclusion of the others.

Редко встречаться [см. тж. Встречаться очень редко]

Rings of seven or more members, though comparatively uncommon, are well established. These minerals are rare in occurrence.

Natural streamcuts are few and far between. Such rock masses are a rarity in nature.

Редко, если вообще когда-л.

Dolomite is seldom if ever precipitated directly from seawater.

Редко случаться

Fire is of infrequent occurrence (or is rare, or rarely occurs) on the major deserts. This is seldom the case.

Реже всего [см. Наиболее редко].

Реже встречаться

Aragonite is less common (or less abundant) [or occurs (or is encountered) more rarely] than calcite.

Режим [см. тж. В жёстких условиях, Вводить в режим]

The oscillator behaviour was described by...

The operating conditions of the boiler...

Under d-c operation the grid is negative.

The flow is within the turbulent regime.

He is active in the field of lunar and interplanetary flight regimes.

An opportunity for studying grass and forest regimes alongside one another.

A high-protein, limited carbohydrate, and plenty of water regimen is prescribed.

Режим работы

The mode of operation [or The operating conditions (or mode)] of each machine is identified for each element.

Режим смазки

Relubrication intervals.

Резание [см. Глубина резания]. Резать на [см. Разрезать на].

Резать по шаблону

Slabs are cut to templates.

Резать точно по заданной ширине

The material can be cut to the exact required width.


The chemist now has an alternate means at his disposal for speeding up reactions.

Резкие колебания

The widest swings in annual precipitation from year to year occur in ...

Резкие колебания температуры


Резкие колебания температуры

Adhesive joints in service may be subjected to a number of deteriorating influences such as weathering, temperature extremes (or wide fluctuations in temperature), or chemical fluids.

Резкие отличия

Nonetheless, sharp distinctions do exist.


The wood has been subjected to pronounced (or drastic, or dramatic, or abrupt, or sharp) humidity changes.

The steep rise in the cost of coal...

A conventional enamel can withstand a sudden temperature change without failure.

Резкий поворот

The discovery that interferon is induced by double-strand RNA provided a (major) breakthrough in the understanding of inlerferon induction by viruses.

Резкий скачок (матем.)

As x changes gradually, y must either change gradually, or not at all; abrupt jumps are forbidden.


Permeability fluctuates drastically (or dramatically, or sharply).

These loading conditions differ markedly (or sharply, or widely) from the test conditions. The heat capacity changes abruptly.

Jupiter's great mass dramatically increases the velocity of incoming objects.

Резко возрастать

The potential energy rises steeply (or sharply).

Резко выделяющийся

These lines, especially a prominent yellow line, were found in the spectrum of...

Резко выраженный

The marked dependence of the structure on...

These copolymers have a less pronounced block structure.

In this area very slight changes of temperature cause sharply defined changes in the - resistance of...

Резко изменяться

The mass velocities change drastically through the column. The treatrnent of mental illness in the US.

has changed profoundly in the past 30 years. The situation changed abruptly with the developments in nuclear physics and...

The extent of adherence varies widely.

Резко обозначенный [см. тж. Чётко обозначенный]

The smallest details of the ridges and valleys are sharply outlined (or defined). The berm usually has a well-defined edge.

Резко обрываться

Several geosynclinal belts end (or terminate) abruptly.

Резко останавливаться

The eruption came to an abrupt halt (or halted abruptly).

Резко отличаться

These phenomena differ markedly (or sharply, or greatly, or drastically) from supersonic flow.

Резко отличаться друг от друга


The two types of engines differ widely in their combustion requirements, The properties of many carbohydrates differ enormously (or vastly) from one substance to another.

Резко отличаться друг от друга

The nonhistone proteins showed marked distinctions (or differed widely).

Резко отличаться от

These larvae differ radically (or widely) in appearance from their parents by having no wings. This behaviour contrasts with (or is distinctly different from) that of carbon monoxide.

The Sun's chemical composition is in marked contrast to that of the innermost planets.

Резко поворачивать вниз

Here, the intestine takes a sharp downward turn.

Резко поворачивать налево (направо)

The band makes a sharp left (right) turn.

Резко прекращаться

At this point the surface laser action abruptly ceases.

Резко сокращать

The drug drastically reduced the digestive system's secretion of acid and pepsin. Maintaining a large inventory would cut deeply into profit.

Резко сокращаться

The duration of the uniform flow decreased drastically.

Резко увеличиваться

The number of hadrons emitted abruptly increased a hundred-fold.

The pressure difference increases steeply (or sharply, or dramatically).

Резко улучшаться

Then the world food supply could be drastically improved.

Резкое изменение

Our atomic age has suggested some drastic

(or dramatic) changes in fundamental thinking.

Резкое различие между

In relation to transport through polymers, the distinction between gases and liquids is by no means sharp.

Резкое увеличение

A drastic (or sharp) increase in ...

Резкое уменьшение

A severe (or drastic, or sharp) decrease in the silver content...

Результат [см. тж. В результате. Возникать в результате, Давать лучшие показатели, чем;

Давать необходимый эффект; Давать результаты; Данные; Конечный результат; Повреждение в результате; Полученный в результате; Являться результатом (или следствием)]

The most unexpected outcome of the above work was the discovery of...

This method is an outgrowth of broad studies of...

This book is the result of research in the field of...

Much of the bad posture of adults are the sequels of rickets in childhood. Electrical resistance is a result of the scattering of...

This is a direct consequence of...

Результаты исследования


Результаты исследования

The findings (or results) of an investigation into...

Результаты экспериментов одних исследователей отличаются от результатов других

The results of the experiments vary from one investigator to another.

Резьба [см. Срывать резьбу, Тонкая резьба].

Резьба любого направления

The spindle is for cutting threads of either hand.

Резюмировать [см. тж. Охарактеризо-вывать вкратце. Подводить итоги]

The above results may be summed up as follows: ...

We shall now summarize some of the basic theorems.


In summary, 1° alcohols are oxidized to ...

Резюмируя, можно сказать, что

In summary (or Summarizing, or Summing up, or To sum up, or To summarize), (we can say that) the paleomag-netic data vindicate all the details of the drift hypothesis.

Рекомбинация [см. В результате рекомбинации].

Рекомендовать [см. тж. Настоятельно рекомендовать]

The serious student of the subject is recommended (or advised) to read ...

Рекомендуемая литература

We have included suggested reading at the end of each chapter.


Suggested (or Recommended, or Advisable) starting concentration is 10 to 100 parts of...

Рекомендуется [см. тж. Настоятельно рекомендуется, Полезно, Целесообразно]

It is therefore best to apply the Debye equation to ...

These antifoams are best added before foaming starts. Such calculations are best conducted by digital computer.

It is advisable (or advised, or wise) to have as much slope in the piping as possible. In some cases it is good practice first to locate the hole with a drill of smaller diameter. It is well to have an electric hoist for handing this operation.

It is recommended that these values be measured at...

It will be well for you to become thoroughly versed in tool handling. Boroxines have been proposed as extinguishing agents.

Рекомендуется для использования в

Materials with high dielectric constants are desirable for capacitors.

Рекомендуется использовать

If the effect of high velocity is dominant, then titanium is indicated.

Рекомендуется использовать в качестве Some of these compounds have been suggested (or proposed) as polymerization catalysts.


It was decided to redesign (or revise the design of) the cooler fans.


Only slight revision (or re-designing) of the system was needed.

Modernization, Reconstruction, Renovation ...

Ремонт [см. тж. Аварийный ремонт, Капитальный ремонт]


Ремонт [см. тж. Аварийный ремонт, Капитальный ремонт]

These parts need frequent maintenance due to corrosion. Repairs to the leaking areas have been successful.

Ремонт "домашним способом"

Do-it-yourself repair can be disastrous.

Ремонтная бригада

In case of a fan failure a maintenance crew (or gang) can be despatched immediately.

Рентабельно [см. тж. Добывать рентабельно]

Only 1/10 of this amount can be mined on an economically successful (or profitable) basis (or mined economically).


Development of this resource is not economically feasible at this time, but the ultimate potential is great.


BaSO4 is used in X-ray studies (or examination) of the gastrointestinal tract.


Some English cars are of a sprung type.

Рессоры [см. тж. Устанавливать рессоры]

Independent springing of the front wheels to the frame ...

Рецепт [см. тж. Для ... нет готовых рецептов]

The standard recipe for renormalization would not solve the problem.

Речь идёт о [см. тж. Если идёт речь о]

The case in point (or at hand, or in hand) is the core plate. When chemical reactions are dealt with the notation means ...

Here, we are dealing (or have to do) with a dichroic material.

Решать вопрос

At first these were suspected to be ..., but later it was proposed that ...; to settle the question, a study was made.

We know enough to tackle (or solve) some relevant questions,

Решать задачу I

One should always draw such diagrams when working (out) problems.

Решать задачу II

A given problem is attacked by solving a differential equation ...

Решать задачу на

If the pilot is working a problem in fuel consumption, the figures will represent gallons of gasoline.

To solve (or do) problems in multiplication, division and proportion,...

Решать на ЭВМ

The equation can be solved with a computer.

Решать пример

Let us work through an example. Решать проблему в несколько приёмов

One has to approach the problem in stages.

Решать уравнение относительно

The preceding equation can be solved for the unknown velocities v2 and v1 .

Решающая роль [см. Играть решающую роль в].


Решающая роль [см. Играть решающую роль в].

Решающее значение [см. тж. Играть решающую роль в, Иметь решающее значение, Исключительно важен]

Reliability is of crucial (or critical, or decisive) importance in ...


The pivotal (or decisive) role of the microprocessor in advanced system design today offers ...

Решающий фактор [см. тж. Один из решающих факторов]

Here, the laser pulse energy would be the deciding (or governing) factor instead of peak power.

Решение [см. тж. Семейство решений, Строгое решение]

It has not proved feasible to obtain a solution of this equation.

This grader is the economical answer to all haul-road maintenance problems.

To make use of this vaporization in overcoming the terminal problems of re-entry, one has to ...

Решение вопроса

The resolution of the issue will have to await further study of ...

Решение, выполненное на ЭВМ

The authors obtained computer solutions.

Решение задачи

The method for handling (or tackling, or solving) a problem ...

One solution of (or to) the problem was proposed by ...

One of the first modes of attacking the problem was that of removing the water by...

Решение уравнения

Various solutions to the simple diffusion equation may be employed.

Риск [см. Без риска].


It is hazardous (or risky) to offer any sweeping generalization.


In these circumstances we risk (or run the risk of) losing ...

Рисунок [см. Как показано на рисунке, На рисунке показан (или приведён)].

Ровно столько ... , сколько нужно для

Only (or Just) enough heat must be added to maintain conditions of constant temperature.

Ровно столько ... , сколько он может

Then Jupiter could acquire just as much angular momentum as it could store.

Ровное покрытие

An even coating of slurry is deposited.

Родиной ... является

About 80 species of clover are native to the United States. Collard is of Mediterranean origin.


This group includes sugar, starches, and cellulose, along with many other related substances. Hydraulic jumps are akin to shock waves.

This board is used in the building and allied (or related) industries.



Papers on mining practice and kindred subjects ...

Gamma rays arc electromagnetic radiation related to light rays and X-rays, but ...

There is an allied problem.


Since pions and kaons are unstable, some of them decay as they proceed down the tube, usually giving rise to a muon and a neutrino.

Рождать надежду

The discovery of superconductivity gave birth to hopes that this phenomenon might eventually be put to many practical uses.


Planets may come into being when small planetesimals fall together. The electronic differential analyzer had its genesis during World War II. This technology is just emerging.

Роковая ошибка

There was a fatal flaw in his calculations.

Роль[см. тж. Важная роль. Играть роль]

The function of the foaming agent is to cover the surface of...

The part played by (or The role of) this factor in the development of... is great.

Роль повысилась

The spring washers have increased in importance with the trend towards smaller, more compact machinery.

Рост [см. тж. Задерживать рост]

With (a) rise of (or in) temperature ...

Рубрика [см. В эту рубрику входят]. Рука об руку [см. Идти рука об руку].

Руководитель группы

The leader of the team for astrometry ...

Руководство [см. Под руководством].


The choice of carrier frequency is governed by the ionization time. In doing this we are guided by efficiency considerations.

Руководствоваться знанием

Land managers can be guided by a knowledge of potential end points.

Руководящие работники

The shortage of electronics technicians is acknowledged by key personnel in manufacturing.

Руководящий персонал

These reports are read by top executives.

Рулон плёнки (фото)

D35-mm film in rolls giving 20 to 36 exposures ...

Ручное управление [см. С ручным управлением]. Ручной [см. тж. Вручную, С ручным управлением]

A hand-held remote control. A hand saw.

Ручной калькулятор


The brake is released by a hand-operated (or manually operated) lever. This method saves manual (or hand) labour.

Ручной калькулятор

A hand-held calculator.

Рушиться под собственной тяжестью

Such a structure would collapse (or topple) under its own weight.


When an air pump works with a jerky motion (or runs in jerks),...


The originally loose sediments were made solid subsequent to deposition.

Рычаг [см.. Нажимать на рычаг].

Ряд I [см. тж. Один из ряда, По ... в каждом ряду, Серия, Степенной ряд по, Целый ряд]

The accelerator has an array of rectifiers and condensers. A number of new machines ...

A sequence (or series, or succession) of long and short alternating pulses ...

This research extended over a series of years.

A series of holes at the rear of the case provide for...

Oxalic acid is present in the form of salts in a variety of plants.

A succession of extrusions of this type may lead to the development of extensive lava plains. A set of functions ...

A series of runs (or experiments) ...

Ряд II

The figures are arranged in two rows.

Ряд лет

My own tests upon this point, covering years of time, ...

Ряд последовательных ступеней

The reaction proceeds by means of a sequence of steps.

Ряд реакций

In processes which involve successive (or a succession of) reactions the speed of the whole process is determined by ...

Ряд сочетаний

A wide array of (or A number of, or A variety of) possible combinations ...

Ряд убедительных доказательств того, что [см. тж. Накопить ряд убедительных доказательств того, что]

For many years there has been a body of compelling (or convincing) evidence that the water in human red blood cells has anomalous properties.


The storage silos are arranged in two rows.


The unit cells are placed alongside each other.

The plants growing side by side were suddenly separated by several metres.

Рядом с

Permanent shops will be located adjacent to No. 2 shaft. One of these units was to be placed alongside the first station.

С аналогичной структурой





С аналогичной структурой

All these eukaryotes have similarly structured chromatin.

С большей и большей точностью

Machine tools will be built to closer and closer limits of accuracy.

С большей точностью, чем

Astronomers cannot compute ... closer than a tenth of a degree. The g factor is now known to greater accuracy than ...

С большим выходом

To produce esters in high yields,...

С большим трудом

As a result of waste disposal animals are sometimes hard put to find adequately oxygenated water.

С большим увеличением

Examination of fossil tools at high magnification ...

С большим усилением

Ahigh-gain amplifier.

Сбольшим успехом

Aluminium has been used to great advantage (or very successfully, or with great success) for sour crude oil storage tank roofs.

С большой затратой энергии

At a considerable cost (or expenditure) of energy ...

С большой легкостью

These molecular fragments react with great ease.

С большой массой

Massive stars (or Stars with a large mass)...

С большой осторожностью

Great care should be exercised in handling all blueprints. These data must be used with (a) great (deal of) caution.

С большой скростью

As the tool rotates at high speed, ...

The controller input is changing at a high rate.

С большой точностью

These standards must be calibrated to a high accuracy.

This instrument is designed to measure, to a high (degree of) accuracy, the parameters of...

С введением

With the advent (or introduction) of high-frequency heating, new techniques were developed in the field of ...

С внешней стороны

The tubing is coated on the outside with pure block tin.