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Разрабатывать методику


New methods of energy conversion are being devised.

A method is currently being sought to induce vortex breakdown behind wide-bodied transport jets.

Разрабатывать методику

The general procedure for constructing the modes of ... was laid down in Section 13-5.

Разрабатывать на основе

A workshop instrument has been developed from the original design.

Разрабатывать проблему

He is working on the use of the system as an aid in ...

Разрабатывать теорию

To evolve (or develop, or work out, or elaborate, or devise) a theory.

Разрабатывать эксперимент

Experiments must be devised (or worked out) to test this suggestion.

Разрабатывать шахту

To work a mine.

Разрабатываться I

Doppler radar, laser anemometers, and acoustic detectors have been developed for measuring both the strength and the location of vortices.

Extra low-temperature enamels are under development (or are being developed).

Разрабатываться II

These petroleum resources are already under development.

Разработан [см. тж. Недостаточно разработав]

A variety of new experimental tests of gravitation theories has been devised. This method is due to Landau.

The procedure was worked up by our firm.

Разработан в ... году

This classification dates from 1894.

Разработан по типу

The theory is patterned after QED.


No other system so far devised (or developed, or elaborated) can give such an effect. The process evolved by them ...

An alternative method, due to Pauling, makes use of...

Разработанный на основе

The machines developed from a smaller twin-wheel tool grinder...

The instrument, which stems from the one designed for...

Разработка [см. Находиться в стадии разработки]

The elaboration of a successful theory ...

Разрастаться в

Rapidly, this information snowballed into an enormous accumulation of details.

As a result the polyacrylamide grows into a complex web of interconnected loops and branches.

Разрез [см. тж. В разрезе]

A sectional view of a phonograph cutter is shown in Fig. 15. Figure 3 is a section through the converter.

Разрезать на


Разрезать на

The foil was cut into squares.


It is permissible to run mains and alarm leads in a single conduit.


The local legislature authorized the construction of the canal.

Разрешать противоречие

The presence of deep-earth gas could resolve this contradiction.

Разрешать сомнение

Computer studies may settle this doubt.

Разрешать спор

Published experimental work has resolved this controversy.

Разрешённый [см. Допустимый].

Разрешимая проблема

A tractable problem.

Разрешить вопрос

Our laboratory may be capable of laying this question to rest (or solving this question).

Разрушать [см. тж. Нарушать]

Moderate earthquake motions can collapse (or destroy) walls and ...

Such tumours are destructive to adjacent tissues.

Only molten alkali metals and gaseous fluorine at high temperatures and pressures attack TFE resin.

The maximum stress applied to rupture the material is called ultimate stress. Such forces of expansion can break down the strongest material.

Разрушать окружающую среду

To destroy the environment.

Разрушать связь (хим.)

This process breaks (or ruptures) one of the two carbon-carbon bonds.


The atom would collapse on collision with the sphere. Sudden forcing may cause the grinding wheel to disintegrate.

The material will fail if the load is applied and removed many times. It was believed that titanium strip would rupture in drawing.

Разрушаться вследствие

A short compression member may fail by twisting of the section. Rock is broken up by chemical action.


As the comet approached the earth it was disrupted by gravitational forces.

Разрушение [см. тж. Испытывать до разрушения, Подвергаться механическому разрушению]

Collapse of a crystal...

The chemical weathering of these minerals involves the disruption of their structures. High temperatures cause disintegration of the electrode material.

Breakage of rock by explosives.

Разрушение вследствие


The breakdown of the coating ...

Severe damage to homes was announced.

This would lead to a complete shattering of the oxygen atom.

Break-up, Degradation ...

Failure of walls or other effects of blast...

Some fracture of the rock will occur.

Разрушение вследствие

Failure by local buckling or by twisting ...


The pieces of the failed pan ...

Mechanically degraded rocks ...

Разрыв во времени между

There is no time lag between pressure and density changes.

The lapse of 30 years between invention and production of...

Разрыв связей

The breaking (or rupture, or disruption, or dissociation) of hydrogen bonds ...

Разрывать на части

Reactions in which molecules are torn (or pulled) apart and new ones are assembled...

Разрывать связи

To break (or rupture, or disrupt) bonds in complex proteins ...


The bond may finally disrupt (or be disrupted).

Разрывное усилие [см. Находящийся под действием разрывного усилия].

Разряжаться на

The capacitor discharges into the primary circuit.

Разумеется [см. Излишне говорить, что; Само собой разумеется, что].


This problem must be dealt with intelligently.

It would be prudent (or reasonable, or proper) to begin thinking now about...

Разумно выбранный

A judiciously chosen spectral band ...

Разумно задать вопрос

A rational question at this point is: If so much is known about earthquakes, why cannot they be


Разумно предположить, что

The basalt is rich in calcium, and seawater contains less calcium, so that it is reasonable (or it

stands to reason) that the sea-water would take calcium out of the rock.

It is reasonable (or appropriate) to suggest (or assume) that this sequence may reflect...

Разумное использование

Supplement evaporation by judicious (or rational) use of chemicals ...

Разумное существо

If there were any sentient beings on that planet,...


If intelligent feed-water treatment is exercised, ...

Разупорядоченный (антон. Упорядоченный)


The judicious use of antidepressants is recommended.

This is an absurd idea for a panicle but completely rational for trains of waves. Such calculations provide reasonable explanations for the observed formation of...

This is a sound statement.

Разупорядоченный (антон. Упорядоченный)

The lattice structure of glass is highly disordered (anton. ordered).

Разъедать [см. тж. Коррелировать]

The aqueous solution of HF rapidly attacks glass and most metals. A nail will be eaten up if dropped into an acid.


The quarks are bound so lightly that they cannot be pried apart.

To separate the molecules completely ...

Разъяснение [см. Нуждаться в объяснении].


In that paper he clarified his ideas.

As was made clear (or explained) in the previous chapter,...

I will enlighten you upon many features of...

Ракета [см. Установленный на ракете].

Ракета для исследования Луны (Марса)

A lunar (Martian) probe.

Ракета на лазерной энергии

The system is a laser-powered spherical rocket whose payload is ...

Рамки [см. В рамках. Выходить за рамки].


To study one-photon forbidden transitions to hitherto (or previously) inaccessible electronically excited molecular states,...

The sources discussed previously (or before) ...

Ранний период [см. В начале развития].

Ранний этап [см. На раннем этапе развития].

Раньше [см. тж. В прошлом, До, Значительно раньше, чем; Одно время] Previously (or

Formerly) we said that...


Water freezing in a crack in the rock will tend to split the rock apart.


Great stresses cause hard rock to break apart.


The airship envelope is spread out on the floor of the hangar.


This substance is known to serve in unwinding superhelical molecules.


These sea shells cannot be pried loose when given warning.

Раскрывать возможности


Раскрывать возможности

This feature of laser-excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry unveils its potential as a trace element analytical technique.

Раскрывать природу молекулы

The results of these measurements are a guide to the nature of (or reveal the nature of) the molecule.

Раскрывать тайны материи

Our efforts to unravel the secrets of matter ...


This phenomenon can be understood only by untangling the intricate relations among temperature, viscosity, and ...

Распад [см. тж. При разложении]

The tyrosine formed undergoes further degradation (or breakdown, or disintegration).

Распад кометы

Disruption (or Break-up) of a comet.

Распад на элементы

Bi2S3 is not very stable, and decomposition to the elements takes place slightly above 100°C.

Распадаться I [см. тж. Разлагаться]

The five d orbitals break up into two sets. The gas has to dissociate into single atoms.

A χ-meson decays (or breaks down) into several charged particles. These silicone fluids do not decompose into gums or tars.

Glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water with the release of energy. The glucose-phosphate compound breaks down to pyruvic and acetic acids.

The crystal broke into three pieces.

The hydrogen molecules are dissociated (or degraded) to hydrogen atoms in the arc. The substance of that star disintegrated and spread out into space.

Распадаться II

These graphs fall into two groups.

Распадаться с образованием

Samarium 147 decays to yield neodymi-um 143.


When a drop strikes a surface, it spreads out.


The term chromatin is broad and indefinite.

Располагать [см. тж. Размещать]

Mendeleev arranged the 63 known elements in eight groups.

Suppose a number of electrically charged particles have been set out in some definite configuration.

It remains only to locate pairs of Geiger counters.

It is desirable to position (or locate, or accommodate, or place) the atomizers so that...

The order in which we have listed the sec-lions in the table...

Располагать в порядке трудности

The problems in the text are graded in difficulty.

Располагать далеко друг от друга


Располагать далеко друг от друга

The two parts of the loop are as widely separated as possible.

Располагать информацией

If information on ... is available,...

Располагать основными сведениями о You must know the basics of flight before you venture aloft alone.

Располагать под небольшим углом к

The rolls are slightly skewed with respect to the longitudinal axis of the work.

Располагать последовательно

Several accelerators are lined up (or arranged) in series.

Располагаться [см. тж. Находиться]

The figure shows how these detergents line up in water. How are subatomic particles arranged within the atom? The waves align themselves on a straight line.

The molecules are aligned so that charged plates attract oppositely charged ends of dipole. Atomic p orbilals that lie along the molecular axis ...

The tanks are arranged (or positioned, or located, or placed) horizontally. The anthracene data fall on a straight line.

Располагаться в виде

The regions of star formation are arranged in a spiral galaxy.

Располагаться в определённом порядке

The beads fall into a certain order.

Располагаться в том же порядке, что и The transition lines are ordered like the expected components of a rotation-vibration band.

Располагаться в форме шестиугольника

The six carbon atoms are arranged in a hexagon.

Располагаться вокруг

Groups of atoms are arranged about the central carbon atom.

Располагаться группами

The species included in the tables are arranged by groups.

Располагаться на

Some of these bodies took up orbits around Saturn.

Располагаться над [см. Над ... расположен].

Расположен [см. тж. В ... расположен, Находиться, Установлен]

When installing the thermometer, the tip should be arranged (or placed, or sited) as near as possible to ...

Loudspeakers are so disposed as to give a three-dimensional effect. Pollution sources should not be located in valleys.

The luminous reaction zone occurs very close to the solid surface. The cabins may be placed (or located, or sited) near the mill. The thermocouple is positioned in the outflow pipe.

The atomizers are positioned to apply a multi -colour finish. The blade is set at right angles to the handle.

The screw is situated at the rear of the clamp.

The turns are spaced 1/8 in. apart (or at 1/8 in. intervals).

Расположен бесконечно далеко от


Four sets of burners are patterned around the inner periphery of each furnace section. When atoms are arranged in a solid ...

Volcanic islands often occur in long, straight chains.

The boxes are aligned (or arranged) parallel to the optic axis of the telescope.

Расположен бесконечно далеко от

The apex of the cone is infinitely distant from the base.

Расположен в виде геометрической фигуры

The bonds are arranged in a symmetrical geometric pattern.

Расположен далеко от

This taxonomic group is far removed from the taxon to which the genus Escherichia belongs.

Расположен между

Intervening between the black bands are layers of bright or dull coal.

Расположен на

The fluidized bed rests on a travelling grate.

Расположен над [см. Над... расположен].

Расположен под углом к

A"Angular" means that the strata of one rock group are set at an angle to the strata of the other group.

Расположен таким образом, что

The liquid crystal molecules are aligned with their long axes parallel to the electrode surface.

Расположение [см. тж. Важно только знать расположение, Взаимное расположение, Положение, Пространственное расположение]

Diamagnelic anisotropy is dependent on the alignment of the molecule in the magnetic field. When melting occurs the regular arrangement in the crystalline lattice becomes the random array of particles of the liquid.

The disposition of the dikes in the rock ...

The layout of material in the book ...

Engines differ in the positioning (or arrangement) of their cylinders.

The layout of the section is shown in Fig. 4.

Расположение ... вдоль и против направления

Lining up the nuclear moments with and against the magnetic field ...

Расположенные близко друг к другу

Electronic interactions may occur among closely spaced groups (or groups located in close proximity).

Расположенные в соответствующем порядке

The illusion of motion can be created by sequentially illuminating stationary objects of similar shape arranged in an appropriate pattern.

Расположенные далеко друг от друга

Specially designed equipment has been set up in two widely separated (or spaced ) locations.

Расположенные друг на друге

There are actually three spectra on top of one another.

Расположенные на равном расстоянии (друг от друга)

A series of regularly (or equally, or evenly) spaced lines ...

Расположенные на расстоянии ... друг от друга [см. тж. На расстоянии ... друг от друга].


Расположенные на расстоянии ... друг от друга [см. тж. На расстоянии ... друг от друга].

The computers actuate transformers and solid-state switches positioned at one-mile intervals along the guideway.

Conducting brushes are spaced at intervals of ... cm.

Расположенные по обе стороны

The cromaffin masses disposed bilaterally along the dorsal aorta ... (biol.).

Расположенные последовательно

An assembly of two cushions in tandem is designated "CC". The cooler consisted of two shell-and-tube units in series.

Расположенный [см. тж. Атомы, расположенные в узлах; Беспорядочно расположенные; Находящийся]

The furnace consists of several hearths arranged (or positioned, or situated, or located, or placed) one above the other.

The roof sprays consist of three rows of 14 nozzles disposed along the length of the building. Ultrasonic energy is obtained from a generator housed in the base.

Расположенный в центре

Each flagellum consists of a circle of paired microtubules surrounding one centrally located pair.

Расположенный вблизи [см. Близко расположенный, Близлежащий]. Расположенный далеко [см. Далеко расположенный].

Расположенный дальше от

The choice is more limited for dyes farther away from the centre of the visible region.

Расположенный на далеком расстоянии

A remotely located command station ...

Расположенный поблизости [см. тж. Близко расположенный, Близлежащий]

Reflections occur from lenses, nearby instruments, and so on.

Расположенный рядом с

The hydrogen atom adjacent to the car-bonyl group ...

Расположены близко друг к другу

The housing for the photomultiplier and the lamp should be close together (or to each other) (or closely spaced).

Расположены близко или далеко друг от друга

The boards are spaced closely and widely.

The anodes and cathodes could be close together or far apart.

Расположены в виде

The hydroxyl ions are arranged to form (or in the form of ) a tetrahedron.

Расположены в виде кольца

A compound in which six carbons are arranged in a ring ...

Расположены далеко друг от друга

The atoms are far apart (from each other).

Расположены на ... расстоянии друг от друга

Identically oriented antennas are separated (or spaced at) 500 ft (or are 500 ft apart).

Расположены параллельно (друг другу)

The optic axes of the binocular halves must be (aligned) parallel (to each other).

Расположены по обе стороны


Расположены по обе стороны

The chromaffin masses are disposed bilaterally along the dorsal aorta and ...

Расположены через промежутки в [см. тж. На расстоянии, Расположены на расстоянии ...

друг от друга]

The repeater stations are located at intervals of 165 miles.

Распределение по I

The distribution of the molecules throughout the available energy levels ...

The radial distribution of bound-ray power over the core cross section ...

Распределение по II

The distribution of coal by rank, geologic age, and district...

Распределение по высоте

The distribution of electrons with height can thus be measured.

Распределение по размерам

The size distribution of the oil fields ...

Распределение по сезонам

The distribution of water from season to season ...

Распределение по уровням

The distribution of gas molecules over (or throughout) the energy levels ...

Распределение пор по размерам

Pore-size distribution.

Распределение ресурсов

The allocation of resources.

Распределённый среди

The positive ions uniformly distributed among the negative ones ...


Special equipment to spread the load among the three phases of a power line ...

To distribute the load uniformly over the entire area of...

Распределять между

The available water is allocated to those who need it most.

Распределяться между

Light power is distributed among(st) all bound and leaky rays. The book is out of print.


Resistance to crack propagation ...

The propagation of radio waves.

To prevent the transmission of vibration, ...

Распространение информация

Our aims are collection and dissemination of information on ...

Распространение на [см. Обобщение на].

Распространение света

The propagation of light.

Распространены по всему миру

These environments are distributed throughout the world.

Распространён [см. Наиболее распространен].


These mollusks are world-wide in their distribution (or are distributed worldwide, or throughout the world).

Распространён [см. Наиболее распространен].

Распространён среди

This disease is common in elderly women.


The incidence of mental disorders in the USA is hard to assess.

Распространённость в земной коре

Both metals have roughly the same crustal abundance.

The abundance (or The occurrence) of this element in the Earth's crust ...

Распространённость в природе

The natural occurrence of boron ...

Распространённость во всём мире

The global abundance of uranium ...

Распространённость на земле

The terrestrial (natural) abundance of deuterium is 1 part in 6700 parts of ordinary hydrogen.

Распространённый [см. тж. Наиболее распространенный, Широкораспро-странённый среди]

Naturally occurring carbonates are the most abundant of the calcium minerals. One popular error is to regard the absolute zero as...

Распространённый во всём мире

This is an extinct group of Cambrian organisms with world-wide distribution.


The Office will distribute a list of authors among ...

Распространять на

The qualitative conclusions regarding ... can be carried over (or extended) to liquids and solids. All attempts to extend the approach to atoms with more than one electron were unsuccessful. We can extend this model to a broad spectrum of covalent species.

The summation should be extended over the possible combinations of arguments. This enables the results to be extended to cover (or include) the finite currents.

Within the past ten years the use of seismic survey methods has been extended into the field of...

Распространяться [см. тж. Проходить через. Свет распространяется со скоростью]

The waves would propagate (or progress) downward. Strain energy is propagated through the rocks.

The crack propagated at a high rate.

Each end of the crack is drilled so that the crack will not spread. The flame travels forward.

The two rays of light travel at different velocities.

The shock wave travels (or is propagated) through the ground. Solar radiation streams out in all directions from the Sun.

Распространяться волнообразно

Light travels in waves.

Распространяться на I

The rate at which the flame advances into

the combustible mixture ...