- •Основы проектирования и конструирования
- •Санкт-Петербург
- •1. General guidelines
- •1.1. Objective and purposes of the coursework
- •1.2. Content and scope of the coursework
- •1.2.1. Explanatory note
- •1.2.2. Graphic portion of the course work
- •1.3. Selection of task for the course work
- •2. Guidelines of calculation portion of the course work
- •2.1. Electric-motor selection
- •2.2. Reduction unit kinematical and capacity calculations.
- •2.3. Toothed gear drive calculation
- •2.3.1. Assessment of permissible stresses
- •Permissible stresses for surface load durability
- •Permissible stresses for bending fatigue strength
- •Designedcalculationofhelicalgear
- •2.3.3.Testbendingfatiguestrengthcalculation
- •Designs of cylindrical gearings
- •2.3.4. Reduction unit wheels layout method
- •Calculation of forces acting in cylindrical toothed gears coupling
- •2.4. Design-basis calculation of the shafts
- •2.5. Selection of rolling bearings
- •Extension to reduction unit layout Slow speed (output) shaft.
- •Draw shaft diameter for the wheel of
- •(Fig.8)
- •2.6. General recommendations for the design of reduction unit housing elements
- •Inner walls of the housing mate the radius . (Fig.9)
- •2.7. Selection of tab
- •2.8 Test calculation of output shaft fatigue strength
- •Values и for the shafts with tab groove, made by end milling cutter
- •3. Guidelines to execution of graphic portion of the course work
- •4. Requirements to coursework completion
- •4.1. Requirements to explanatory note execution
- •4.2. Requirements to completion of coursework graphic section
- •5. Suggested reading
- •Example of title sheet execution for explanatory note to the coursework
- •Explanatory note to the coursework under the following topic:
- •Saint-Petersburg
Example of title sheet execution for explanatory note to the coursework
Federal Educational Agency
State higher educational establishment
«Saint-Petersburg State
Engineering and Economics University»
Department of engineering science and technologies
Explanatory note to the coursework under the following topic:
“Design engineering of parts of machine building related product”
Performed by: ___________________________________
(Фамилия И.О.)
student ____ course ________ spec. ________________
group ________ № record-book______________
Signature: ________________________________
Professor: ____________________________
(Name, Surname)
Chair: ____________________________________
Mark: _____________Date: _______________
Signature: __________________________