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Cadence / DSD 4 / ver_l1

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Description Styles

• Design Hierarchy

The principal design entity in the Verilog language is the module.

• Structural Descriptions

The structural elements of a Verilog structural description are generic logic gates, library-specific components, and user-defined components connected by wires.

A Verilog structural description can define a range of hierarchical and gate-level constructs, including module definitions, module instantiations, and netlist connections.

• Functional Descriptions

The functional elements of a Verilog description are function declarations, task statements, and always blocks. These elements describe the function of the circuit but do not describe its physical makeup or layout.

• Mixing Structural and Functional Descriptions

• Register Selection

The clocking scheme and the placement of registers are important architectural factors.

• Asynchronous Designs

Asynchronous designs use multiple or gated clocks

Structural Descriptions

• Modules

Structural Parts of a Module

`include "<file_name>"

Ex: `include "paramters.v"

• Macromodules

The macromodule construct makes simulation more efficient, by merging the macromodule definition with the definition of the calling (parent) module.

• Port Declarations

module <module_name> ( port_list );

• input declarations, output declarations, inout declarations

input, output, inout, inout reg, output reg

module ex1( a, b, c, d, e, f, g );

input a, b;

inout c;

input [3:0] d;

inout reg [15:0] e; (!!!)

output f;

output reg [15:0] g;


The syntax for a range specification is [msb : lsb]

• Module Statements and Constructs

• parameter declarations

parameter <name> = <value>;

parameter TRUE=1, FALSE=0;

parameter [1:0] S0=3, S1=1, S2=0, S3=2;

Structural Data Types

Verilog structural data types include wire, wand, wor, tri, supply0, and supply1.

  • wire

• By connecting the wire to the output of a gate or module

• By assigning a value to the wire in a continuous assignment

wire {[msb : lsb]} <name>;

wire signed {[msb : lsb]} <name>;

<variable> signed <net data type> signed

  • wand (wired-AND), wor (wired-OR), tri

module wand_test(a, b, c, d, e);

input a, b;

output c, d, e;

wand c;

wor d;

tri e;

assign c = a;

assign c = b;

assign d = a;

assign d = b;

assign e = a; (!!!)

assign e = b; (!!!)


The value of c is determined by the logical AND of a and b.

The value of d is determined by the logical OR of a and b.

All variables that drive the tri must have a value of Z (high-impedance), except one.

  • supply0, supply1

The supply0 and supply1 data types define wires tied to logic 0 (ground) and logic 1 (power).

supply0 gnd;

supply1 power;

reg declarations

A reg represents a variable in Verilog. A reg can be a 1-bit quantity or

a vector of bits.

reg <name>;

reg [15:0] <name>;

reg signed [15:0] <name>;

reg <name> = 1'b0;

reg signed [15:0] <name> = 16'h0000;

reg <name> [3:0];

reg [3:0] <name> [9:0];

• Continuous assignments

wire a; //declare

assign a = b & c; //assign

wire a = b & c; //declare and assign

The left side of a continuous assignment can be

• A wire, wand, wor, or tri

• One or more bits selected from a vector (Ex: a[3:0])

• A concatenation of any of these (Ex: {a,b,c[1:0]})

!!! You cannot assign a value to a reg in a continuous assignment.

• Module instantiations

module_name instance_name1 ( terminal, terminal, ...),

instance_name2 ( terminal, terminal, ...);

module SEQ(BUS0,BUS1,OUT); //description of module SEQ

input BUS0, BUS1;

output OUT;


module top( D0, D1, D2, D3, OUT0, OUT1 );

input D0, D1, D2, D3;

output OUT0, OUT1;

SEQ SEQ_1 (D0, D1, OUT0), //instantiations of module SEQ

SEQ_2 (.OUT(OUT1), .BUS1(D3), .BUS0(D2));


Module instantiations can use either named or positional notation to specify the terminal connections.

  • Parameterized Designs

module_name #( parameter_value, parameter_value,...)

instance_name ( terminal_list)

module foo (a,b,c);

parameter width = 8;

input [width-1:0] a,b;

output [width-1:0] c;

assign c = a & b;


• Gate instantiations

and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor, buf, not, tran

buf bufa (buf_out, e);

and and2 (and_out, a, b);

and and5 (and_out, a, b, c, d, e);

Three-State Buffer Instantiation

bufif0 (active-low enable line)

bufif1 (active-high enable line)

notif0 (active-low enable line, output inverted)

notif1 (active-high enable line, output inverted)

• The first terminal connects to the output of the gate.

• The second terminal connects to the input of the gate.

• The third terminal connects to the control line.


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