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Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке А, соотнесите её с соответствующим словом из списка В и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все слова списка В даны в списке А.


['кшпрэгэЬэ!]; [a'nirld]; faesid]; [traen'spearansi]; [,kDnsan'tret/an]; [ri'zistsns]; [skraetf]; [,kDndAk'tivm]; ['dro:baekJ; [ji:ld]; [/еэ]; [taip]; [metn];

['propsti] В

yield shear acid



tape scratch comparable propriety


screech share conducti



x(k transparency f "^Concentration property drawback 1 ' type

consternation annealed v



Текст A


Although there are hundreds of types of glass they all share almost similar properties, the main ones of them are transparency, high compressive strength, bnttleness and good resistance to most corrosive agents.

Annealed Glass. The important general characteristics of glass compared to other building materials and structures are as follows:

Glass is a very durable material. It has a hardness comparable with steel, so that it is difficult to scratch, and has good resistance to almost all acids, including those sometimes present in rainwater.

Glass is an elastic material. However, unlike other elastic materials, such as steel, it cannot yield in a 'plastic' manner under tension so that scratches on the surface of the glass, cause high stress concentrations there and make the glass fail in a brittle manner.

Glass is a strong material in compression but is only able to provide its full strength in tension if it is free of scratches. Therefore the tensile strength of glass depends on the state of the surface. Glass can take much higher tensile stresses if those are caused by very short term loads. The allowable tensile stresses for such short term loads arc more than twice higher than those for long term loads.

Glass has low thermal conductivity. This means that significant temperature dif-ferences can be found within any glass in general use, as is the case for plastics which also have low thermal conductiv-ities. However, glass is a more brittle material than most plastics and these temperature differences can lead to cracking. These drawbacks may often be overcome if a thin glass or toughened glass is used.


acid п. кислота

brittlcncss п. хрупкость

corrosive agent коррозирующий агент

scratch 1. п. царапина; 2. v. царапать, оставлять, наносить царапины transparency п. прозрачность

yield v. поддаваться (воздействию), прогибаться, пружинить

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. What are the main properties of glass?

  2. What are its general characteristics?

  3. What can be said about glass durability?

  4. What is the difference of glass from other elastic materials?

  5. What does tensile strength of glass depend on?

  6. What does low thermal conductivity of glass mean?

  7. Why can temperature dif-ferences in glass lead to cracking?

  8. How may it be overcome?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. а) Переведите на русский язык приведенные ниже слова:

annealed glass, concentration (п.), temperature dif-ference, toughened glass, share (v.), manner (п.), rainwater (п.), main (adj.), comparable (adj.).

Какие из перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Как они в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

нагрузка; растягивающее напряжение; растяжение; состояние; растрескивание; сжатие; характеристика; сопротивляемость; поверхность; использование; прочность при сжатии; конструкция; теплопроводность; твёрдость; недостаток;

преодолевать; разрушаться; обеспечивать; находить; заставлять; приводить к; вызывать; означать; зависеть; включать;

долговечный; тонкий; имеющийся; кратковременный; свободный; полный; допустимый; похожий; упругий; хрупкий; вдвое; долговременный; высокий; важный;

чем; такой; почти; другой; часто; хотя; так что; в, внутри; как; также; почти; большинство; иногда; в отличие от; такой как; там; только; поэтому; однако.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные со стеклом: его типами, особенностями и свойствами. Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными. Укажите правильный перевод.








зависящий от



as well as

при этом

point of view

точка зрения











glass fibre





композиционный материал











Упражнение 5. Вам даны четыре термина: metal wood plastic glass

Выберите из приведённого ниже списка слов те, которые соотносятся с этими терминами:

cast-in-place; toughened; expansion; composite; bar; hardness; resin; dry; welding; prefabricate; moisture; cracking; versatile; alloy; rolled section; brittle; wire; heating; elastic; fireproof; timber; durable; formwork; bond; void; harden; fibre; cure; admixture; corrosion; annealed; deflect; flexibility; reinforcement; laminated; plasticity; stiffness; prestress.

Учтите, что некоторые слова могут не относится ни к одному из указанных терминов или относится к нескольким из них.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на

глаголы группы Perfect Active and Passive.

    1. Before modern cement appeared in the nineteenth century natural cement had been used.

    2. After the initial set of the concrete it has been allowed to cure in controlled conditions of temperature and humidity.

    3. These forms cannot be removed until the concrete has hardened.

    4. Glass fibre has been used to reinforce GRP.

    5. Toughened glass has been widely used in buildings.

    6. This paste has hardened and formed from the reaction of water and cement powder.

    7. Loud sounds have been avoided by the use of this acoustic matenal.

    8. Wood has decreased strength under long-term loads.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на

усилительное do/does/did.

      1. A material which does have such strength will be chosen (выбирать).

      2. The amount of deformation does depend on the size and shape of the object

      3. These tests do take a few minutes.

      4. The U of a material does vary directly with its density.

      5. Mass production techniques did make the cost of construction lower.

      6. This building did require a movement joint at 50m intervals.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на

особенности перевода it.

        1. Glass is a very durable material. It has a hardness comparable with steel.

        2. There is a unit stress below which the material will not fail. It is the endurance limit. '

        3. Wood has low strength under long term loads but it has good resistance to short term loads.

        4. It should be taken into account that further deformations due to creep may cause sagging.

        5. It is easy to make high strength connections between steel components by welding or bolting.

        6. It has been shown by the experiments that high quality of a steel joint resulted both from the strength of steel and from its ductility.

It is important to remember that at 480°C (900°F) steel keeps about two-thirds of its original stiffness and strength

.8. Prestressed concrete is particularly useful for beams. Due to it steel can be used at stresses several times larger.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на слова, образованные по способу конверсии.

          1. Annealed glass is difficult to snatch.

          2. Glass is a strong material in compression if it is free of scratches.

          3. Concrete may be useful as a tie.

          4. Precast concrete requires connections to tie the structure together.

          5. The work has been done in time.

          6. In reinforced concrete steel and concrete work together.

          7. Pieces of lumber are glued together to form a glued-laminated member.

          8. Only reliable glues can be used for glued-laminated members.

          9. There are many building materials.

          10. These drawings show how the building will look.

Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на слова-заменители.

            1. Various kinds of cement are available, for example, those which harden rapidly.

            2. Heat capacity of concrete is less than that of wood.

            3. Glass has good resistance to almost all acids, including those present in rainwater.

            4. The manner glass fail in is a brittle one.

            5. The allowable tensile stresses for short term loads are more than twice higher than those for long term ones.

            6. Dry wood has about twice the strength and stiffness of the green one.

Текст В


Toughened glass is about five times stronger in bending than ordinary annealed glass because the surface of the glass is prestressed in compression. No tensile stresses will take place on the surface if the stress that is applied is not greater than this prestress. In order to make toughened glass its surface, when it is at a high temperature, is rapidly cooled. This process not only produces compression on the surface but tension in the middle of the toughened glass and this accounts for the characteristic way toughened glass shatters into pieces when broken. This is a relatively safe way when a failure takes place. The greater safety of toughened glass over annealed glass is an important reason for its selection. Because toughened glass has a significant tensile strength, it is able to accept not only the applied stress due to loads but also stresses due to temperature difference. In this way it can take thermal shocks and not crack. Disadvantages of toughened glass are its loss of properties above about 300°C (575°F) and the fact that it may not be drilled, cut or shaped after toughening has been finished. Toughened glass has been widely used in buildings. High glass wall elevations have been constructed with the use of toughened glass. In this case the glass wall is hung from supports to avoid buckling.


cool v. охлаждать(ся) safe adj безопасный shatter v. разбиваться

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

              1. How strong is toughened glass?

              2. Why is it so strong?

              3. How is toughened glass made?

              4. What is an important reason for its selection?

              5. Why does toughened glass not crack due to temperature dif-ferences?

              6. What are the disadvantages of toughened glass?

              7. Where is toughened glass used in buildings?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведенные ниже слова:

buckling (п.), shape (v.), support (п.), hang (v.), ordinary (adj.), elevation (п.), drill (v.), selection (п.), finish (v.), fact (n ).

Если Вы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова, в котором оно использовано в тексте.

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.





закалённый раз







происходить растрескиваться accept






compression prestress apply bending










образ, способ time

toughened avoid case cut

disadvantage loss rapidly take place suppor

tУпражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных ниже


compare - compared to - comparable select - selection



Fabric structures have been in use for a very long time as temporary forms of construction. The important characteristics of fabric structures are their flexibility in bending, although the forces that are developed in su pports and foundations by fabric structures can be very large. Fabrics require different methods of design compared to the large majority of building structures which are rigid and cannot change shape when the loads change.

Fabrics may bp made of mineral fibres, such as glass, organic fibr^sucha^ p^tton, metal fibres such as stainless steef; or synthetic fibres. A film or co^Sig is usually applied to a fabric so as to improve its properties. A mesh be used as reinforcement to plastic film. In the latter case the mesh is usually sandwiched between two layers of film and is then known as a reinforced film. Important general characteristics of fabrics and fabric structures compared to other building materials and structures are as follows:

Fabric has moderate to high tensile strength but no effective compressive strength. The strength of the fabric depends mainly on the fibre which is used.

Fabric has a low or zero shear modulus, thaftus. theymatenal can be made that shears with little or no effort. A fabric which does pk>ss6s»^hear stiffness is less tolerant of errors in the design of a structure that is made from it and less easily adapts its shape to changes in load.

Fabric has low weight and a very high strength to weight ratio.

Fabric which is made from synthetic materials loses strength when it is loaded over a period of time. An increase in temperature also causes a loss of strength. A probjem with some fabrics, especially fabrics that arc made from synthetic fibres, is creep, that is, the constant increase in length of the fabric, under a constant load. Temperature and humidity can increase the creep of some materials.

Fabrics are generally elastic materials. At high load they show some plasticity, that is, they have a permanent extension even after the load is removed. The plasticity is influenced by the rate of loading.

Fabrics can be made reasonably durable, that is reasonably resistant to tears. Tears can exist in a fabric under stress for a long period of time.

Fabric structures may be erected in low temperature conditions. They may also be designed for very quick erection. , .

The dimensional stability of a coated fabric, that is, the degree to which it changes its dimensions over time and under different conditions depends mainly on the fibre. On

the other hand the light transmission, fire resistance, permeability, weathering and durability will depend mainly on the coating in use.

High temperatures decrease the strength and increase the stretch of fabric. On the other hand, low temperatures decrease stretch of the fabric but make it easier for tears to develop. The qualities of most fabrics will not become worse to any significant extent in the range of temperatures from at least - 40°C (- 40°F) to + 60°C (+ 140°F).


cotton п. хлопок

dimensional stability стабильность размеров

film п. пленка

majority п. большинство

mineral fibre минеральное волокно

organic fibre органическое волокно

shear modulus модуль упругости при сдвиге

shear stiffness жесткость при сдвиге

synthetic adj. синтетический

tear п. разрыв, разрез

zero adj. нулевой

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

                1. How have fabric structures been used?

                2. What are the important characteristics of fabric structures?

                3. Why do fabric structures differ (отличаться) from most of the other building structures?

                4. What are fabrics made of?

                5. Why is coating applied to fabric?

                6. How is fabric reinforced?

                7. What is the strength of fabrics?

                8. What are the problems of fabrics made from synthetic materials?

                9. What does plasticity of fabric mean?

                10. What does dimensional stability of a coated fabric mean?

                11. How do high temperatures influence fabric?

                12. How do low temperatures influence it?

Лексическое упражнение

В списке А даны некоторые слова и выражения, которые использованы в тексте для домашнего чтения. Найди их правильный перевод в списке В.





* нагружение




.располагать (между слоями) приспосабливать

stainless steel ^ нержавеющая сталь loading ✓'обладать erect у сетк

аweathering обладающий сопротивлением possess

especially ^последний (из перечисленных) temporary 3

plastic временный mesh

transmission yX.двиг adapt

exist возводить support

load П опора coating

foundation ^влажность at least

sandwich чекань decrease

resistant ✓/постоянный constant,'

fabric I C( уменьшать moderate Ц

latter -покрытие rigid; -

on the other hand i jno крайней мере shear О