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Английский язык Методичка.doc
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Descriptive words for the heart murmurs:

Timing Intensity Quality

diastolic inaudible coarse

early just audible crescendo

mid faint harsh

late quiet high-pitched

systolic loud low-pitched

continuous soft


Find the English equivalents to the following:

Шум – едва прослушивающийся, громкий, слабый, не выслушивающийся, тихий, нарастающий, резкий/жесткий, механический, высокого тона, мягкий, низкого тона.

Descriptive words for the arterial pulse:

rate: fast, rapid, quick, galloping, slow, sluggish;

rhythm: regular, irregular, regular with dropped beats, regular with extra beats;

character: collapsing, small volume pulse, large volume pulse, absent, present, weak, strong, palpable, impalpable, detectable, undetectable, feeble, faint, thready, bounding.

Find the English equivalents to the following:

Пульс а) учащенный, быстрый, редкий, замедленный, частый,


b) ритмичный с выпадениями, неритмичный, ритмичный с экстросистолами

c) слабый, скачущий, неотчетливый, скорый.

Descriptive words for the heart sounds:

Heart sounds: clear, clicking, dull, muffled/muted, sharp, split, thumping

(ясные, щелкающие, тупые, приглушенные, резкие, расщепленные, глухие тяжелые)

Ex. 1. Give the antonyms to the following words:

weak slow

sharp absent

at rest strong

constant permanent

loud detectable

present dull

rapid on exertion

palpable quiet

Ex. 2. Make up word-combinations and translate them:

defect random

sound irregular heart contraction

rate slow

heart murmur rapid

block noctural

beat paroxysmal

contraction dyspnoea on effort

dyspnea on exertion

of cardiac origin

at rest

Ex. 3. Match the following English word combinations with the Russian ones:

instable angina тетрада Фалло

preinfarction syndrome «барабанные палочки»

abnormal heart rhythm нестабильная стенокардия

insufficient blood flow прединфарктный синдром

narrowing of the mitral valve закупорка артерий

tetralogy of Fallot сердечная недостаточность

hardening of the arteries недостаточность кровообращения

rheumatic fever аритмия

clubbing of the fingers искусственный клапан

heart failure ревматизм

artificial heart valve стеноз митрального клапана

Ex. 4. Mind the prepositions. Make up sentences with these word-combinations:

clotting irregular diet

result in erosion result from overstrain

cardiac insufficiency smoking

infarction heart defect

Ex. 5. Complete the sentences:

emanate (исходить) …

radiate …

pain may spread …

shift (перемещаться)…

be referred from …

Ex. 6. Mind the prefexes:

pre/до precordial, preclinical, prediastolic, precancer, preconscious, predispose, preoperative, prenatal, premedical, preclampsia;

dis=bad=not disability, disorder, dislocation, disorientation, disorganization, disinfection, disintegration, discomfort, distress;

hyper=over/сверх hyperacidity, hyperactivity, hypercardia, hypernutrition, hypersecretion, hypertension, hypersensibility;

hypo=under/ниже hypometabolism, hypotrophy, hyposecretion, hypoglycemia, hypoplastic.