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Указательные местоимения “this” (этот; это; эта) и “these” (эти) указывают на предметы, находящиеся в непосредственной близости от собеседника и могут употребляться с наречием “here” (здесь).

Указательные местоимения “that” (тот; то; та) и “those” (те) указывают на предметы, находящиеся на расстоянии от собеседника и могут употребляться с наречиями “there” (там) и “over there” (там, на каком-то расстоянии).

This girl is very nice.

Is that your car over there?

These people are foreigners.

Those books are boring.


Заполните пропуски, употребив “this”, “these”, “that” или “those” с следующими словами:flowers, clock, man, cake, shoes, car


aУпотребите местоимения “this” и “that” в форме множественного числа в следующих словосочетаниях, внеся соответствующие изменения.

this hospital, this sad story, this fire fighter, this angry voice, this lawyer, this shy boy, this personal assistant, this department store, this energetic woman, this cushion, this studio, this factory, this knife

that clerk, that confused mechanic, that photographer, that light room, that soldier, that chief, that slow bus, that new computer, that solid building, that picture, that video, that leaf, that handkerchief

Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания.


Для выражения количества существительные могут употребляться со следующими словами: a jar, bottle, piece, loaf, bar, glass, kilo, carton, bowl, can, jug, slice, tin, packet, pot, tub, a cupful, a teaspoonful, a tablespoonful, lump, box.


Соотнесите слова из правой колонки со словами из левой

a glass of

a slice of

a bar of

a tin of

a carton of

a piece of

a bottle of

a cup of







orange juice





Подберите соответствующее слово для обозначения количества

  1. some biscuits – four …… packets of biscuits…. .

  2. some bread – three ……………………………….. .

  3. some tea – two ……………………………….. .

  4. some pie – three ………………………………. .

  5. some meat – two and a half ………………………. .

  6. some sugar – three ………………………………… .

  7. some water – eight ………………………………… .

  8. some cheese – five ………………………………… .

  9. some sour – half …………………………………… .

  10. some vinegar – two ……………………………….. .

  11. some wine – seven ………………………………… .

  12. some milk – ten ……………………………………. .

  13. some soap – four …………………………………… .

  14. some soda – two ……………………………………. .

  15. some butter – a ……………………………………… .

  16. some jam – three …………………………………… .

  17. some tuna – thirteen ……………………………….. .

  18. some dog food – nine ………………………………. .

  19. some olives – two ……………………………………. .

  20. some yoghurt – forty ………………………………… .


Прочтите записку, оставленную для Джека его подругой.

Заполните пропуски, используя слова, приведенные в рамке.

Где необходимо употребите множественное число.

bottle, tin, jar, packet, can


I’ll be late home from work tonight. Can you do

the shopping for me? We need:

two ………………of milk, six …………………… of Coke,

a …………………….. of pasta, a ……………………… of strawberry jam,

three ………………… of cat food, and a ………………………of champagne.

It’s our wedding anniversary. I hope you haven’t forgotten.




Вы собираетесь провести вечеринку, на которую придет 4 молодые пары, ваши родители и пожилая сестра матери вашей подруги. Напишите список продуктов и их количества, необходимых, по-вашему мнению.

Shopping List

……………………a kilo of apples …………………………..



Role play

(Работа в парах. Вы находитесь в магазине. Один – покупатель, другой продавец. Разыграйте подобные диалоги, употребив как можно больше количественных словосочетаний)

S1: Hello! Can I help you?

S2: Yes please. I need a kilo of strawberries and two kilos of carrots.

S1: Anything else?

S2: Yes. A carton of orange juice and two tin dos beans.

S1: Here you are.

S2: Thank you



It’s Monday morning. It’s about 8 o’clock. This is Brian. As Brian is an early bird, he is already up. He is in his office. He is in a swivel armchair. It is very comfortable. He is at the table. There are a lot of things on his writing table. There is a computer, a desk lamp, a telephone and a mobile phone on the table. The key board is in front of the computer. There is a desk diary, a note pad, a stapler and some paper clips. The in-tray and out-tray are behind the computer. There isn’t a hole-punch or a calculator on the table, but there are some files, two ball point pens, some pencils and a Tipp-Ex (or correction fluid). There is a wastepaper bin (or basket) under the table. The window behind Brian is large. So the room is light. There is a filing cabinet beside the window. There is a fax machine on the filing cabinet. The photocopier is on the right. There are some pictures on the walls. There are some shelves on the walls too.

Brian is an orderly and responsible person. He is a promising engineer in a big company. The company is a world leader in electronics. As it is an international company, a lot of companies from the USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea and China are among their partners. There are also customers in Europe.

??? S.55

1. Is it morning or evening?

2. It is 9 o’clock, isn’t it?

3. Why is Brian up?

4. Is he at home or in his office?

5. The armchair he is in is very uncomfortable, isn’t it?

6. Are there a lot or a few things on Brian’s table?

7. Brian’s mobile phone is in his suit case isn’t it?

8. Where is the key board?

9. There aren’t any paper clips on the table, are there?

10. What is there behind the computer?

11. How many pens are there on the table?

12. Is there a wastepaper bin beside the armchair?

13. Where is the Tipp-Ex?

14. Why is Brian’s room light?

15. What is there beside the window? 16. Is there a telephone or a fax machine on the filing cabinet?

17. The photocopier is on the left, isn’t it?

18. There are a lot of maps on the walls, aren’t there?

19. Are there any shelves on the walls?

20. Is Brian a good worker? Why?

21. What kind of company is Brian with?

22. It is an international company, isn’t it? Why?


aПоставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму;

задайте общие вопросы.

There are some pens on the table.

Are there any pens on the table?...

There aren’t any pens on the table….

There are no pens on the table….

  1. There is some water in the glass.

  2. There are some flowers in the garden.

  3. There is some meat in the fridge.

  4. There are some computers in the room.

  5. There is some oil in the bottle.

  6. There are some paper clips on the note pad.

  7. There is some furniture in the room.

  8. There are some files in the filing cabinet.

  9. There is some coffee in the coffee pot.

  10. There are some chairs in the dark corner of the room.

  11. There are some bright engineers in the company.

  12. There some cups in the cupboard.

  13. There are some electricians at the table.

  14. There are some cushions on the sofa.

  15. There is some yoghurt in the fridge.

  • S.57

Role play

(работа в парах) Ваш друг принес вам рекламную брошюру и предлагает поехать отдыхать к морю и остановиться в “Star Hotel”.

Выясните, каков сервис в данном отеле.

S1: Is there a swimming pool?

S2: Yes, there is.

Swimming pool


tennis courts


golf course


sport club




spa course

English for tourists courses



a library


internet café



aВы остановились в “Star Hotel” и пишете письмо своим родителям/друзьям, описывая, что есть в данном отеле. Восполните пробелы, употребив соответственно “there is/ isn’t”, “there are/aren’t”.

Dear ……………. (mother, father, your friend’s name),

I am at the Star Hotel now. It is great!

There is a swimming pool, a ……………., a …………….and a……………. .

There are some ……………. Too, but there isn’t a ……………. . There aren’t ……………. either, but life is wonderful, the sea is warm and people are friendly.

See you soon,

Best wishes,

……………. (your name)

Prepositions of place - Предлоги места S.59

Предлоги места в английском языке являются служебными словами, не несущими на себе ударения, и выражают пространственные отношения. Следует помнить, что одному и тому же русскому предлогу могут соответствовать различные английские предлоги. Ниже приводится значение некоторых предлогов места.

in front of – перед; behind- за, позади; under – под; above – над; in/ inside – в/ внутри; out/ outside – снаружи; by/ near/ at /beside –у, около, рядом; next to – рядом (следующий за этим); on – на; between – между; among – среди; in the middle of – по середине; in the center of – в центре; at the bottom – внизу (листа); at the top – вверху (листа); on top of – сверху; opposite – напротив

Также следует запомнить следующие выражения с предлогами места:

at school/university/college; at work; at home;

at 65, Green Street BUT in Green Street;

in the air; in the sky; in bed; in a picture;

in England; in London; in the world;

on the left, on the right;

to the left, to the right;

on the first, second, third floor;

on a chair BUT in an arm-chair

Подчеркните правильный, по-вашему мнению, вариант S.60

1. There is a nice photo of our town at/on/in this booklet.

2. The dog is in/under/on the table.

3. There is a good French café in/at/opposite Brand Street.

4. The answer is at/under/ in the bottom of the page.

5. There is a cafeteria at/in/on the fourth floor.

6. Julia is in/near/behind bed at the moment. Her temperature is very high.

7. The butchery is opposite/at/on the bank.

8. There is a cat on/at/in our granny’s favourite arm-chair in/by/behind the fire.

9. Sarah’s seat is under/beside/ in mine.

10. There is a playground at/under/near my house.

11. The stars between/in/at the sky are bright.

12. The cinema is between/on/among the museum and the bank.

13. It’s terrible! There is rubbish in/at/on the floor.

14. I am on/between/at home now.

15. There is a very interesting article about Aristotle in/on/at newspaper today.

aПодчеркните правильный, по-вашему мнению, вариант. S.61

  1. John is on/at/in college.

  2. Sue’s shoes are under/between/at the bed.

  3. The cat is among/in front of/ at the fire place.

  4. Sanchez is under/at/behind Nancy.

  5. The manager is on/in/among his colleagues.

  6. Who is that woman beside/under/on your mother?

  7. Our house is among/near/in the train station.

  8. There is a computer in front of/on/at his desk.

  9. The boys are at/on/in the garden.

  10. The arm-chair is at/next to/among the coffee table.

  11. I am in/at/on the sofa. I am at/in/between my friends.

  12. My desk is the first in/at/on the right.

  13. There are some flowers on/at/in the vase.

  14. There are my old University friends on/under/in the picture.


aЗаполните пропуски, вставив предлоги “in”, “at” или “on”.

  1. What is there ………your pocket?

  2. Where are the parents? – They are ………the living-room.

  3. There is nobody ………home.

  4. My favourite arm-chair is ………the window.

  5. The cat is ………the window-sill.

  6. Moscow is a large city………the Russian Federation.

  7. I am……… Number 19, Mall Cross.

  8. The task is ………the top of the page.

  9. There is a purse……… the chair.

  10. My flat is ………the second floor.

  11. Nick’s car is the second ………the left.

  12. Breakfast is ……… the table.

  13. Susie is ………hospital because she is ill.

  14. The Bakery is ……… Manson Street.

  15. I’m very busy as I am ………work.

a Заполните пропуски, употребив следующие предлоги S.63

near”, “on”, “at”, “in front of”, “in

Dear Sally,

My family and I are ………New Orleans. We are with our relatives. We are ………Christmas holidays.

We are ………my uncle’s house. My cousins are very talkative. There is a park ………their house. There is a lot of snow ………the ground. There is a funny snowman ……… the house.

What is the weather like in Italy?

Write soon,



aЗаполните пропуски, употребив следующие предлоги S.64

under, in, at, next to, near, in front of, between, on

Lana’s room

Lana is ………her desk. The desk is ………the window. There is a lamp ……… it. Lana’s bed is …… two small tables. There is a carpet ………the floor. Her cat Marky is ……… the bed. The wardrobe is ………her desk. Lana’s clothes are ……… the wardrobe. There is an arm-chair ……… the desk.

aЗаполните пропуски, вставив следующие предлоги S.65

at”, “on”, “in”, “behind”, “next to

This is Miss Duran. She’s a young teacher. This is her classroom. There are some shelves………the wall. There are lots of books …….. the shelves. There are some tables………the classroom. There are children………the table. ………the table there is a small basket. There are pencils and soft-tip pens ………this basket. Miss Duran is ………the table, ……… Jackson. The other children are ………their chairs.

a Заполните пропуски, вставив следующие предлоги S.66

on”, “in front of”, “under”, “in”, “opposite”, “between”, “near”, “behind

There is a lot of furniture ……… the room. There is a fire-guard ………the large fireplace. ………the fireplace there is a table. There’s a rug ……..the table. There is a small round table …….two arm-chairs. There is a piano ……..the arm-chairs. There is a small yellow sofa ………the green sofa. There are some pictures ……..the walls.


Role play

(Работа в парах) Один описывает свою комнату, другой схематично зарисовывает местонахождение предметов мебели. Тот, кто рисует, имеет право задавать уточняющие вопросы.

S1: There is a sofa near the window.

S2: Is it far from it?

@ S.68

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Он уже проснулся.

2. Это вращающееся кресло дорогое, но оно очень удобное.

4. Мой мобильный телефон всегда в сумке.

5. Настольная лампа стоит рядом с компьютером.

6. Дырокол и калькулятор лежат справа от телефона.

7. Шкаф для хранения документов стоит за креслом у окна.

8. На стенах картины и полки.

9. В этой компании много аккуратных и ответственных служащих.

10. Она многообещающий дизайнер в большой компании.

11. Среди партеров этой компании крупные компании из разных стран.

12. Сейчас утро и Стив все еще в постели.

13. Она сидит за столом, перед ней чашка кофе и компьютер.

14. Он сейчас в кафе с друзьями.

15. В ее блокноте номера телефонов.

16. Сейчас вечер, и мы хотим есть.

17. На ее тетради лежат скрепки, карандаши и ручки.

18. Эти ножницы тупые, а ножницы на столе острые.

19. В мусорном ведре бумага.

20. У окна находится мое рабочее место.

21. Окно в этой комнате маленькое, поэтому она темная.

22. Пейдж (Page) сейчас дома. Она за письменным столом.

23. Рядом с телефоном настольная лампа.

24. Клавиатура лежит под столом рядом с мусорным ведром.

25. Телефакс стоит на столе за компьютером.


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