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Для обозначения количества с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными употребляются следующие местоимения: some, any, no, much, many, little, a little, few, a few, a lot of, several

All all/ every

Much/a lot of many/a lot of

Some some


A little a few

Little few

No no/none

Местоимение ‘some” употребляется в утвердительных предложениях и в предложениях типа “Would you like some tea?”или “Can I have some coffee?”.

В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется местоимение “any”.

  • Местоимение “no” делает предложение отрицательным, поэтому глагол ставится в утвердительн6ой форме.

There is no coffee in the box.

There are no pens on the table.

Обычно в утвердительных предложениях в значении «много» употребляется “a lot of”, а в отрицательных и вопросительных “much” (с неисчисляемыми существительными) и “many” (c исчисляемыми существительными).

Следует помнить разницу в значении таких выражений, как “little” /“a little” и “few” /“a few”. Выражения “little” (для неисчисляемых существительных) и “few” (для исчисляемых существительных) означают практическое отсутствие «мало, почти нет». Выражения “a little” (для неисчисляемых существительных) и “a few” (для исчисляемых существительных) означают минимальное наличие «мало, но все-таки есть»

There is some cake.

There is some sugar in the bowl.

Is there any bread?

No, there isn’t.

There are some eggs.

There is no tea.

Are there any carrots?

Yes, there are.

There is a lot of bread on the table.

Is there much flour? No, there isn’t much.

Are there many mushrooms? No, there aren’t many.


Употребите “a few” или “a little” со следующими существительными; составьте предложения с данными словосочетаниями.

plates, coffee, honey, cars, ice-cream, milk, women, sheep, cups, flour, forks, babies, apple juice, dolls, pepper, dolls, marmalade, dresses.


Употребите “a few” или “a little” со следующими существительными; составьте предложения с данными словосочетаниями.

chairs, water, tea, books, chocolate, bread, men, deer, jam, glasses, honey, knives, children, butter, Pepsi, lemonade, salt, desks, hats, oil.


 A) Ответьте на вопросы, употребив “a few” или “a little”.

  1. Would you like some biscuits? – Yes, ……………. .

  2. Is there any toothpaste? – Yes, ……………. .

  3. Are there any people at the lecture? – Yes, ……………. .

  4. Would you like some cake? – Yes, ……………. .

  5. Are there any car parks near here? – Yes, ……………. .

  6. Is there any bread? – Yes, ……………. .

  7. Are there any olives on the plate? – Yes, ……………. .

  8. Would you like some soup? – Yes, ……………. .

  9. Are there any dictionaries in the classroom? – Yes, ……………. .

  10. Is there any butter in the cake? – Yes, ……………. .

B) Придумайте и запишите три аналогичных вопроса; задайте их своим товарищам.


aЗаполните пропуски, употребив “few”, “a few”, “little”, “a little”.

  1. Would you like some coffee? There are ……………… cakes in the fridge.

  2. I’m very lonely, there only ……………… familiar faces.

  3. Can I have ……………… milk in my coffee, please?

  4. The shelf is almost empty. There are ……………… books by this author.

  5. It’s OK. There are ……………… stamps at this price.

  6. The fridge is empty. There is very ……………… food in it.

  7. It’s cold. There are ……………… children in the park today.

  8. Her report isn’t interesting. There is ……………… information on the subject and there are ……………… examples.

  9. The meat isn’t tasty. There is ……………… salt and pepper in it.

  10. ……………… sun, ……………… money and ……………… friends. It’s all I need.


aЗаполните пропуски, употребив “few”, “a few”, “little”, “a little”.

  1. I’m very hungry. Can I have ………………sandwiches?

  2. It’s dark in the room. There are ……………… windows in it.

  3. There are ……………… apples. Are they for us?

  4. We need some milk, as there is very ……………… in the fridge.

  5. Nick is very sad. There is ……………… money in his wallet.

  6. There is ……………… ice-cream in the fridge. Would you like some?

  7. Dick is full. There is ……………… left on his plate.

  8. Her collection of butterflies is wonderful. There are ……………… very rare ones.

  9. Lana is sad. There are ……………… modern clothes in her wardrobe.

  10. John is thoughtful. There are ……………… problems in his life.


a Прочтите разговор Пола со своей сестрой; заполните пропуски,

употребив “some” или “any”.

Paul: Are you ready for the party?

Dora: Well…, there is ……………. lemonade, …………….orange juice

and lots of food.

Paul: Are there …………….cakes?

Dora: Oh no, I need ……………. cakes and

I also need ……………. biscuits.

Paul: Are there ……………. party hats or decorations?

Dora: No, I need ……………. of those, too.

® S.76

Role play

(работа в парах) Задайте вопросы и дайте на них ответы, употребив соответственно “how much”, “how many”, “a little/very little”, “a lot”,

“a few/very few”

S1: How much butter is there?

S2: There is a lot.

(дается картинка кухонный стол, на нем много разной еды)

Преподаватель через какое-то время просит студентов описать, что находится на столе с последующим заданием оформить сказанное в письменном виде.

aСоставьте вопросы с данными словами, употребив S.77

“how much” или “how many”.

money, computers, honey, video games, US dollars, cassettes, staplers, words, teachers, eggs, water, students, lemonade, tea, meat, boys, grapes, milk, apples, sheep, women, jam, salt, paper, foreign money, letters, stamps, books, records, pepper, oil, wine, pens, gas, love, correction fluid, photocopiers

aЗаполните пропуски, употребив “many”, “much”, “a lot of”. S.78

  1. There is …………….milk in the carton.

  2. Are there…………….people at the cinema today?

  3. There is…………….money in my wallet.

  4. There isn’t…………….sugar in the tea.

  5. Is there …………….lemon juice in the jug?

  6. Are there…………….English books in his library?

  7. Are there…………….friends at the party?

  8. There aren’t…………….biscuits in the packet.

  9. There isn’t…………….bread.

  10. There are…………….wild animal in the forest.

  11. There isn’t…………….pepper in the source.

  12. There are …………….toys in her room.

  13. Is there……………. coffee in the mug?

  14. There isn’t…………….salt in the soup.

  15. There aren’t…………….cushions on the floor.

Изучите картинку и задайте вопросы по аналогии. S.79

Are there any sandwiches?

Yes, there are a lot.

Are there any salads?

No, there aren’t many.

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________






aОтветьте на вопросы, употребив соответственно S.80

“a lot”, “much” или “many”.

  1. Are there any stamps?

Yes, ……………. .

  1. Is there any bread in the cupboard?

No, not ……………. .

  1. Are there any biscuits in the bowl?

Yes, ……………. .

  1. How many apples are there on the table?

Not ……………. .

  1. How many sweaters are there in your suit-case?

Not, ……………. .

  1. Is there much money in your wallet?

Yes, ……………. .

  1. Are there many cats in the garden?

Yes, ……………. .

  1. How much honey is there in the jar?

Not, ……………. .

  1. How many ball point pens are there in your bag?

Not, ……………. .

  1. How much mustard is there in the sandwich?

Not, ……………. .

® S.81

Role play

Обсудите в парах, что находится на картинке, используя подсказки.

Затем задайте вопросы другим парам.

clouds, planes, taxi drivers, traffic, people,

sand, waves, snow, trees, coco nuts, ice, houses,

fog, birds, boats, skiers

aЗаполните пропуски, употребив “there is” или “there are” в соответствующей форме. S.82

  1. …………………lots of flats in this building. It’s very high.

  2. …………………eight boys in my class.

  3. …………………any rolls left? – No, I’m very sorry.

  4. It’s winter now. ………………… any leaves on the trees.

  5. ………………… a telephone upstairs.

  6. ………………… any sugar in my coffee?

  7. ………………… lots of rooms in this hotel. It’s very big.

  8. …………………any apples left, I’m afraid.

  9. …………………no snow in the Sahara Desert.

  10. ………………… any textbooks left on the shelf.


A) Посмотрите на картинку и заполните пропуски, употребив соответственно “there is/ there isn’t” или “there are/ there aren’t”

…………………a park in the picture.

…………………some people in the park.

………………a supermarket in the picture.

…………………any cars.

………… a cinema beside the supermarket.

……………… a café in front of the cinema.

…………………a book shop to the right of the supermarket.

B) Задайте вопросы, употребив слова в рамке, и запишите ответы на них.

a bus, a restaurant, trees, a lamppost, office blocks, a car park, benches, traffic lights


aA) Дэн остановился в гостинице «Националь», из окна которой открывается прекрасный вид. Вот его письмо к своему другу Алексу.

Прочтите его письмо и подпишите на картинке то, что он описывает.

Dear Alex,

The view from my bedroom window is wonderful. There is a big green park and behind it there is a beautiful old castle. There is a river between the castle and the park. There is a big museum next to the castle and next to the museum there is a French café. My favourite! There is a busy main road in front of the park. Our bus stop for the city center is on this road in front opposite the entrance to the park. In the park there is an enormous statue of a famous man. At the moment there are two ravens sitting on the man’s head.

I’ll write again soon1. Love, Dan.

B) Опишите вид из вашего окна.

aЗаполните пропуски, употребив “there is/there isn’t” или “there are/ there aren’t”. S.85

  1. …………………a good restaurant in our street.

  2. …………………any trains to London tonight.

  3. …………………no people at the reception desk.

  4. …………………some water on the table.

  5. …………………any glasses in the cupboard.

  6. …………………any meetings on Friday.

  7. …………………some customers at the door.

  8. …………………any pictures on the wall.

  9. …………………no tea in the tea pot.

  10. …………………any people in the book shop.

aПосмотрите на картинку, дополните вопросы и дайте на них краткие ответы. S.86

  1. …………………a counter near the

main door?

  1. …………………any small tables near

the counter?

  1. …………………a fax machine on the


  1. …………………any people in the book


  1. …………………a fax machine on the


  1. …………………a computer on the


  1. …………………any flowers on the


8. …………………any magazines on the small tables?

9. …………………any postcards on the counter?

10. …………………a carpet on the floor?


aПрочтите и подчеркните правильный, по-вашему мнению, вариант.

Dear Amanda,

Thanks a lot/much for your letter. I am very happy to be your pen-pal. There aren’t much/many things to tell you about myself.

I’m the only child; there aren’t/isn’t brothers or sisters in my family. I am/is a first year student at a business college. There is/are a lot/little students from different countries in my class, but very few/little of them is/are my friends. There is/are lot/few subjects on the curriculum, so there isn’t much/little free time left. I am/is busy almost all week, as there is/are lessons in the morning and in the afternoon. There is/are a good canteen in the college building. There is/are little/a lot of shops in my town, but I am/is a regular customer only of few/little ones.

Please write to me soon and tell me 1 a little/little about yourself.

Best wishes,



aЗаполните пропуски, употребив “some”, “any”, “no”, “somebody”, “something”, “somewhere”, “anybody”, “anything”, “nobody”.

  1. I’m thirsty. Can I have …………………water, please?

  2. There is …………………at the door. Is it your brother?

  3. There isn’t …………………else left.

  4. It’s very cold outside. There aren’t …………………people in the streets.

  5. There is …………………answer to this question.

  6. There is………………… noise in the hall, there is ………………… there.

  7. Would you like ………………… cream with your coffee?

  8. There aren’t glasses ………………… .

  9. Are there ………………… English-German dictionaries on the tables?

  10. There is ………………… soup in the pan. It’s empty.


a A) Прочтите, задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.

This is a very good canteen. Everything on the menu is quite cheap. The food on the menu is very healthy. There is salad and there are vegetables. There aren’t any chips or crisps. There are two kinds of soup today. There are three main courses. There are two desserts. There is a selection of drinks. The canteen is very popular among students and teachers. There are always a lot of people during the break. Right now there is a long queue.

B) Опишите по аналогии знакомое вам кафе или столовую


a A) Изучите картинку, соответствуют ли истине следующие высказывания.

(картинка железнодорожного вокзала)

  1. There is a clock in the picture.

  2. There are four trains.

  3. There are few people.

  4. There isn’t a kiosk at the station.

  5. There are five taxis and eight buses.

  6. There are three men under the clock.

  7. There aren’t any benches on the platform.

  8. There is a buffet at the station.

  9. There aren’t any people at the ticket window.

  10. There aren’t any porters.

B) Задайте 3 дополнительных вопроса, запишите ответы на них.

aСоставьте предложения и вопросы, используя данную таблицу. S.91








a good restaurant here

good quality









many tourists here

a lot of museums

aВыберите правильный, по-вашему мнению, вариант. S.92

A: There is/there are/it is many good hotels in Tokyo. The Tokyo Hilton is

very good. There is/ it is in the center of the city

B: Is there/are there/ is it many small family hotels?

A: No, there aren’t/it isn’t.

B: Is/are they/there very expensive?

A: In Tokyo? Yes, there is/is it/ it is a very expensive city.

Выберите правильный вариант S.93

  1. How many children is/are there in your family?

  2. Some people is/are very talkative.

  3. There is/are a pair of scissors on the table.

  4. There is/are pyjamas under the bed.

  5. His new clothes is/are very expensive.

  6. Where is/are my door key?

  7. The police is/are after this man.

  8. Your jeans is/are very short.

  9. This information is/are very helpful.

  10. Nick’s hair is/are very long.

  11. My spectacles is/are expensive.

  12. Phonetics is/are difficult.

  13. This water is/are cold.

  14. There is/are a lot of fruit in our garden this summer.

  15. The traffic here is/are heavy.

  16. The lemonade is/are icy.

  17. Is/are your coffee tasty?

  18. Is/are the wine sweet?

  19. The paper on the table is/are yellow.

  20. There is/are two pait of shorts in my suitcase.

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. S.94

  1. На картине изображена актриса с зонтиком в руке.

  2. Паспорт лежит на столе. Рядом с ним лежит ручка и мобильный телефон.

  3. В сумке пара модных туфель, красное платье, перчатки и шляпа.

  4. Сыр свежий, макароны горячие. Ужин вкусный.

  5. В этом пироге мясо, перец и лук. Это очень вкусный пирог.

  6. В холодильнике холодный лимонад.

  7. Его советы полезны.

  8. Новости печальны.

  9. На заводе современное оборудование.

  10. Эти данные очень важны для нашей компании.

  11. Где деньги? – Они на столе.

  12. Физика сложна для нас.

  13. У меня есть хлеб и колбаса.

  14. Строители устали.

  15. Яблоко большое, а апельсин маленький.

  16. Мобильный телефон новый и очень дорогой.

  17. Семья Блэков сейчас в отпуске.

  18. Очки не для меня, а для дочери.

  19. На кровати лежит шелковая пижама и пара носков.

  20. В углу стоят большие весы.

  21. Теннис – увлекательный спорт.

  22. Кличка собаки – Чарли.

  23. Кошку зовут Пират.

  24. Это Джейн. Она способная студентка.

  25. Где гитара? – На стуле.


Для того чтобы избежать повторения одного и того существительного (тавтологии), употребляется местоимение one/ones.

It’s a dress – a long red one.

There aren’t big apples on the table – only small ones.


Замените повторяющиеся существительные местоимениями one или ones.

  1. There are two dresses in the wardrobe. The pink dress is mine.

  2. They are gloves – very expensive gloves.

  3. The jeans I need are modern jeans.

  4. These socks are wet. I need some dry socks.

  5. There are clothes on the sofa and in the arm-chair. The clothes on the sofa are mine.

  6. There are some staplers on the writing table. The small stapler is his.

  7. It’s an old story – a very sad story.

  8. There are lions in the Zoo – very hungry lions.

  9. These scissors are blunt. I need sharp scissors.

  10. There are a lot of earrings in the box. The silver earrings are very stylish.


Первого апреля товарищи Дика решили над ним подшутить и

поменяли местами все его вещи. Внимательно изучите его кабинет

и опишите местонахождение вещей.

Eg.: Dick’s briefcase is on the shelf, next to the files.

1 I’ll write again soon – я скоро снова тебе напишу.

1 Please write to me soon and tell me – Пожалуйста, напиши мне и расскажи


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