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Active vocabulary

Access (n) 1) доступ к чему-л.; + to Access to up-to-date financial information is important to our success.

have access to sth Only 40% of 5-year-olds have access to pre-school  education.

gain access to sth Some groups still have difficulty gaining access to social services.

2) проход к чему-л., возможность добраться куда-л. Access is by means of a door at the back of the stage. + to There is easy access to the countryside by rail. 

access (v) – иметь доступ к чему-л., особенно информации The database allows you to access the sales figures in a number of ways. 

accessible (adj) – доступный; + to information that should be accessible to the public.

 + by The city is easily accessible by road, rail, or air; an accessible person (friendly and easy to talk to).

accessible art, music, literature (easy to understand and enjoy) – opp. inaccessible   

Benefit (n) 1) польза, выгода The new sports centre will bring lasting benefit to the community

get/gain/receive a benefit The costs involved would outweigh any benefits gained.

to be of benefit to sb/sth The new credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers.

for sb’s benefit Molly explained what was happening for my benefit.

have the benefit of sth He has had the benefit of the best education money can buy.

2) пособие housing/sickness/disability benefit

claim (a) benefit There has been an increase in the number of people claiming benefit.

on benefit She’s been on unemployment benefit for six years. 

benefit (v) 1) извлекать выгоду, пользу + from  Patients have benefited greatly from this treatment.

2) приносить пользу The system mainly benefited people in the south of the country.


Conduct (v) – вести, проводить conduct a survey/investigation/interview/experiment The interview was conducted by telephone.


conduct (n) formal поведение criminal, disorderly, improper, offensive, violent conduct


Convey (v) – сообщать, передавать A good photograph can often convey far more than words. Please convey my appreciation to your President. 


Diverse (adj) – различный, разнообразный The newspaper aims to cover a diverse range of issues.

diversity (n) – различие, разнообразие We value the rich ethnic and cultural diversity of the group.

Enable (v) – давать возможность enable sb to do sth Money from her aunt enabled Jan to buy the house. 


Expand (v) 1) расширять(ся), увеличивать(ся) The population of the town expanded rapidly in the 1960s.

2) развивать, расширять (организацию, компанию и т.д.) Britain’s universities expanded at an unprecedented rate at the end of the 20th century.

3) + on/upon sth. развивать тему I refuse to expand any further on my earlier statement.


Immense (adj) – необъятный, огромный immense distances

An immense amount of money has already been spent on the project. 

immensely (adv) – очень, чрезвычайно The visitors had enjoyed the game immensely.


Offend (v) 1) оскорблять, обижать They avoided saying anything that might offend their audience.

2) нарушать закон Over half the prisoners released had offended again within a year.


offence (n) 1) обида cause/give offence The problem was how to get rid of her without causing offence.

2) проступок, преступление Driving while drunk is a serious offence


Rehearse (v)– репетировать (пьесу, речь и т.д.)We’ve been rehearsing for weeks. Angie rehearsed what she was going to say on the phone.

well-rehearsed (carefully planned) I figured I’d better be prepared with a well-rehearsed explanation. 

rehearsal (n) – репетиция 


Rough (adj) 1) неровный, грубый The walls were built of dark rough stone.

2) бурный (о море) Rough seas prevented rescuers from approaching the ship.

3) трудный, тяжелый a rough time You’ve been through rough times, you know what it is like.

4)  приблизительный, черновой This is a rough drawing of the house I want to build.


roughly (adv) – приблизительно The meeting lasted roughly 45 minutes.

roughly speaking There are, roughly speaking, three possible solutions to our problem. 


Vary (v) 1) меняться, изменяться Quentin’s mood seems to vary according to the weather.

2) разниться, варьироваться vary greatly/considerably/enormously Teaching methods vary greatly from school to school. vary in price/quality/size Rooms vary in size but all have television and telephone.

3) разнообразить I’m trying to vary the children’s diet a little.

variety (n)1) разнообразие, ряд (чего-л.)People study yoga for a variety of reasons.

a great/wide variety Students are offered a wide variety of courses in this department. offer/provide variety – предоставлять больший выбор Cable TV offers much more variety than normal TV.

2) вид, разновидность Which varieties of tomato grow well here?

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