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Active vocabulary

Accept (v) 1) принимать, принять They offered her a job, and she accepted without hesitation. The payphones here accept either coins or phonecards.

2) соглашаться (на что-л.) Our clients will never accept this proposal.

3) признавать что-л. Sam accepted her explanation without question.

+ that Most scientists accept that climate change is linked to carbon emissions.

accept blame/ responsibility – признавать вину/ брать на себя ответственность The media must accept their share of the blame.


acceptable (adj) – приемлемый socially/ politically/ morally acceptable Pollution on this level is no longer socially acceptable

+ to sb The proposals must be acceptable to the shareholders

acceptable for sb to do sth By the 1960s, it was becoming more acceptable for women to work in management. 


Arise (v)1) возникать (о проблеме, вопросе и т.д.)Problems arose over plans to build a new supermarket here.

if/ when the need arises – в случае необходимости We can have another meeting if the need arises.

2) происходить Some confusion has arisen as a result of the new system.

+ from/ out of Did anything interesting arise from the meeting? 


Criticise (v) – критиковать Ministers were told not to criticise the policy publicly.

criticise sb for (doing) sth Public health experts criticise the proposals for not going far enough.

be strongly/ severely/ widely/ sharply/ heavily criticised Social services were widely criticised for not taking more action to protect children at risk. 

criticism (n) – критика He finds criticism of his team’s performance hard to take.  

critic (n) – критик, противник (чего-л) Critics say the plan is short-sighted and dangerous.


Demand (v) – требовать Angry MPs are demanding an inquiry into the deal.

demand to know/ see She demanded to know what was happening.

+ (that) The panel demanded that the report be made public.

demand sth of sb Slowly he counted out the amount demanded of him.

demand (n) 1) требование + for She repeated her demand for an urgent review of the system. make a demand – предъявлять требование You are not in a position to make demands right now.

meet/ satisfy sb’s demands – выполнять требования She was not willing to meet his demands.

2) спрос + for Demand for organic food is increasing.

be in demand – пользоваться спросом Our software is in demand all over the world.


Deserve (v) – заслуживать After five hours on your feet you deserve a break.

deserve to do sth I work hard and I think I deserve to be well paid.

deserve better/ more – заслуживать большего He’s worked very hard for the company and deserves better.

 Irritate (v) – раздражать The more intrusive advertisements become, the more they irritate Web users. I was beginning to get irritated at the long delay.


irritation (n) – раздражение contain one’s irritation – сдерживать раздражение He could barely contain his irritation at their rudeness. These drugs can cause stomach irritation.


irritable (adj) -  раздражительный Jo was tired , irritable, and depressed.


Maintain (v) 1) сохранять (отношения), поддерживать/удерживать на том же уровне Maintaining your current weight through exercise and healthy eating is important.

maintain stability/ continuity/ the status quo The problem of maintaining social stability in a period of great economic change is one of the most urgent.

maintain contact/ relations Though now in government, he has maintained close contact with his former colleagues in the oil industry.

2) обслуживать (здание, технику и т.д.) a lovingly maintained houseboat

3) утверждать, отстаивать The company still maintains that the drug is safe.

maintain your innocence – отстаивать свою невиновность She maintained her innocence throughout the trial.

4) содержать He was barely earning enough to maintain himself.


maintenance (n) 1) обслуживание, уход regular/preventive maintenance

2) сохранение the maintenance of international peace and security

3) содержание (алименты)


Possess (v) – обладать, владеть They were all found guilty of illegally possessing firearms. She does not possess the necessary technical knowledge.


possessed (adj) – одержимый She was ranting and raving like she was possessed.


possession (n) 1) предмет, вещь в собственности, имущество a prized/ treasured possession Her most prized possession is a locket that she wears constantly.

2) владение, собственность The seller is entitled to retain possession of the goods until they are paid for.


Reveal (v) 1) раскрывать, раскрыть Cockpit recordings may reveal the cause of the crash.

+ to Plans for rerouting traffic have been revealed to residents.

2) обнаружить The curtains opened to reveal a darkened stage. 


Value (n) 1) цена, стоимость You can’t put a value on a human life.

+ of The value of the painting is not known.

drop/ rise/ fall etc in value The dollar dropped in value on the foreign exchange markets last week.

of great/ real/ little/ no value Thieves had taken a radio and a Walkman, but nothing of great value. The ring was actually of very little value.

value for money – соотношение цены и качества, выгодная сделка Most customers are looking for value for their money rather than cutting-edge fashion.

2) ценность, значение Discussion of the transport link focused on its value to the local community.

values (pl) – ценности (общечеловеческие, моральные, культурные и т.д.)Christian/ Western/ Islamic values 

value (v) 1) ценить, дорожить I value his friendship.

value sth for sth Vitamins and minerals are valued for their protective and energy-giving qualities.

2) оценивать I had the necklace valued then put in the auction.

value sth at sth The terms of the deal value the company at $2million. 

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