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Scene III



  • the activity of collecting money for a particular purpose, or the money that is collected

sack Am. E. slang

get into the sack with sb

  • to have sex with someone that you don’t know very well


(saint act)

  • a saint is someone who has died and been officially recognized and honoured by the Christian church because his or her life was a perfect example of the way Christians should live

ass Am. E. slang

  • your ass is the part of the body you sit down on


  • unattractively thin

to blow

  • if you blow a chance or attempt to do something, you make a mistake which wastes the chance or causes the attempt to fail


People Magazine

  • a US magazine that contains short articles and pictures of famous people, especially people who appear on television and in films


  • people, activities , or ideas that are part of the mainstream are regarded as the most typical, normal and conventional because they belong to the same group or system as most others of their kind


  • a disc jockey

hubby slang

  • a husband

Slim Slicker

  • a disc jockey employed by Metro Radio Network

the Big Apple

  • a popular name for New York City


  • when newspaper articles or television/radio programmes are syndicated, they are sold to several different newspapers or television/radio stations, who then publish the articles or broadcast the programmes


  • a slot in a schedule or scheme is a place in it when an activity can take place


  • the cornerstone of something is the basic part of it on which its existence, success, or truth depends


  • the ratings are the statistics published each week which show how popular each television programme is

to write off


  • to reduce the value of something that you or your business owns to avoid paying too much tax on it


  • a US magazine

the Post

  • the New York Post, a US newspaper


  • if you describe someone’s speech or behaviour as gross, you mean that it is very rude or unacceptable; if you describe someone or something as gross, you think that they are very ugly, tasteless, or repulsive

the Betty Ford Clinic

  • an expensive hospital in the US where rich and famous people go for treatment to help them stop drinking too much alcohol or taking illegal drugs

to insinuate

  • if you say that someone insinuates something unpleasant, you mean that they suggest it is true without stating it openly

to get the boot slang

  • if you get the boot or are given the boot, you are told that you are not wanted any more, either in your job or by someone you are having a relationship with

not to stand for

  • if you will not stand for something, you will not allow it to happen or continue

to bend (rules)

  • if you bend rules or laws, you interpret them in a way that allows you to do something they would not normally allow you to do

belly slang

  • the belly of a person or animal is their stomach or abdomen


  • an entry-level job is at the lowest level in a company or organization


  • if someone has gumption, they are able to think what it would be sensible to do in a particular situation, and they do it. The quality of being brave enough to do the right thing in a difficult situation

Miss Baxter

  • a secretary at Trask Industries


  • trademark. A type of small, sweet, sticky yellow cake filled with a white sugary cream, sold in the US