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to pass an examination with distinction/honours — скла сти ісп и т з вiд зна ко ю

to go through one’s exam/to do well at an exam — усп iшно скла сти ісп и т

to examine smb (in/on smth) — екза менува ти ко го сь (з чо го сь) end-of-examісп и т у кінц і семестр у

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What programmes does Kyiv National Economic University offer to the students? 2. The programmes are aimed to develop individual and professional abilities of the students, aren’t they? 3. What do the Bachelor’s degree programmes represent? 4. What do the students have at the end of each term? 5. The Bachelor’s degree is the first academic degree, isn’t it? 6. How long does the course for Master’s degree last? 7. What do the postgraduate programmes provide?

V. Translate into English:




Ки ївськи й н ац iо н ал ьн и й еко н о мiч н и й у н iвер си тет

п р о п о н у є ши р о ки й ви б iр

н авч ал ьн и х п р о гр ам та ку р сiв. 2.

Во н и

сп р ямо ван i

н а

р о зви то к ін д и вiд у ал ьн и х


п р о фесiй н и х яко стей

сту д ен тiв. 3. Б акал авр ськi п р о гр ами


еко н о мiки та мен ед жмен ту мають п р о фесiй н е сп р яму ван н я. 4.

Во н и н ац iл ен i н а о д ер жан н я б азо во ї ви що ї

еко н о мiч н о ї

о свiти . 5. Стар шо ку р сн и ки сп ец iал iзу ються з ти х

п р ед метiв, що

є су ттєви м и в їх н ій м ай б у тн iй р о б о тi. 6. Навч ал ьн и й р iк тр и ває д ев’ять мiсяц iв i д iл и ться н а д ва семестр и . 7. Сту д ен ти


ісп и то ву

сесiю в

кiн ц i ко жн о го семестр у .

8. У кiн ц i

н авч ан н я во н и

п о ви н н i зах и сти ти д и п л о мн у

р о б о ту та

зд ати

д ер жавн i ісп и ти . 9. М агiстер ськi п р о гр ами

р о зр ах о ван о

н а о д и н аб о д ва р о ки

н авч ан н я. 10. Пр о гр ами

асп iр ан тсько ї

о свiти

заб езп еч у ють

п о гл и б л ен е ви вч ен н я

фiл о со фiї,

iн о земн и х мо в та iн ши х сп ец iал ьн и х д и сц и п л iн .


VI. Speak about the University’s academic activity using the following words and word-combinations:

wide choice of programmes; Bachelor’s programmes in economics and management; Master’s programmes; different level of academic achievement; postgraduate and doctorate programmes; special studies; academic year; term; examination session; candidate degree; to submit a graduation paper; general education; to take the state examination.


The Noun: Singular and Plural

I.Read and memorize the following:

a)room — rooms, hand — hands, tree — trees, shoe — shoes, cup — cups, map — maps, group — groups, student — students;

b)dictionary — dictionaries, city — cities, family — families;

c)boy — boys, toy — toys, key — keys, day — days, play — plays;

d)wife — wives, calf — calves, half — halves, life — lives, thief —


shelf — shelves, wolf — wolves, sheaf — sheaves, knife —



self — selves, leaf — leaves, loaf — loaves; b u t: belief — beliefs, kerchief — kerchiefs;

e)dish — dishes, match — matches, class — classes, box — boxes;

f)tomato — tomatoes, potato — potatoes, hero — heroes;

b u t: piano — pianos, zoo — zoos, photo — photos, kilo — kilos, memo — memos, solo — solos;

g)man — men, woman — women, tooth — teeth, foot — feet, mouse — mice, goose — geese, child — children, ox — oxen, louse — lice;

h)fish, deer, sheep, swine, means, series, species, works, offspring;

i)criterion — criteria, stimulus — stimuli, crisis — crises, index — indices,

analysis — analyses, datum — data, curriculum — curricula.

II. Give the plural of the following nouns:

student, economist, field, day, mark, month, faculty, facility, branch, ox, box, potato, photo, zero, loaf, wife, wolf, life, kerchief, man, child, foot, goose, deer, crisis, basis, text-book, daugter-in-law, woman-teacher.

III. Give the singular of the following nouns:

managers, classrooms, specialists, banks, paths, classes, keys, libraries, activities, cargoes, heroes, pianos, halves, leaves, calves, chiefs, safes, beliefs, women, teeth, phenomena, sheep, boy-friends, sons-in-law.

IV. Choose the correct verb:

1. Economics (is, a re) Tom’s favourite subject. 2. Their information (is, a re) not correct. 3. The news (is, a re) very interesting. 4. Some people (is, a re) coming today. 5. Nick’s trousers (is, a re) out of fashion. 6. Your money (is, a re) not enough to buy this book. 7. The furniture in our classroom (is, a re) of good quality. 8. The police (is, a re) looking for the


V. Choose the correct noun:



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1. Her hair/hairs is dark. 2. We eat a great deal of fruit/fruits. 3. There are a lot of vegetable/vegetables on the table. 4. All the gate/gates were closed. 5. He spent his winter vacation/vacations in Great Britain. 6. This company is engaged in the export/exports and import/imports of different machines. 7. He likes this idea/ideas. 8. He has three watch/watches. 9. Carrot/carrots are rich in vitamins. 10. I have a lot of homework/homeworks to do tonight. 11.There weren’t many people/peoples at the lecture yesterday. 12. The children caught two fish/fishes. 13. Can you give me some advice/advices? 14. I enjoy listening to music/musics.

VI. Translate into English:





Е ко н о мiка

— су сп iл ьн а н ау ка.


Я зад о во л ен и й

ваши ми

у сп iх ам и .

3. Вашi п о р ад и

д у же

ко р и сн i, во н и

м ен i д у же д о п о м агають. 4. У су п i н ад то

б агато кар то п л i. 5. Де

гр о шi?

— Во н и н а сто л i, вiзьміть їх .



ви л о ви в б агато

р и б и . 7. У н ас д у же мал о iн фо р мац iї

з ц ьо го п и тан н я. 8.

М о я сестр а д у же л юб и ть фр у кти , во н и

вл ітку д у же д ешеві.

9. Цi н о ви н и д у же важл и вi д л я н ас. 10. Сан ки сто ял и б iл я во р iт. 11. Йо го зар о б iтн а п л ата д у же ви со ка. 12. З мiст й о го л и ста є

н есп о д iван и м

д л я н ас. 13. Но жи ц i л ежал и н а п о л и ц i. 14. Кіт

л юб и ть л о ви ти

ми шей . 15. У н еї світл е во л о сся та го л у б і о ч і.

16. У н ьо го д о си ть зн ан ь, що б зр о б и ти ц ю р о б о ту .

The Noun: Common and Possessive Case

VII. Replace the « o f p h ra se» by the Possessive Case:

1. The lecture of this teacher is very interesting. 2. The text-books of the students are on the desk. 3. The house of their parents is nice. 4. We don’t know the names of these children. 5. The camera of my friend is new. 6. The success of the company is great. 7. The son of Klimenko studies very well. 8. The shirt of Carlos is green. 9. The birthday of my wife is on Sunday. 10. The library of our University is very large.

VIII. Translate into Ukrainian:

students’ life; Marketing faculty; Master’s degree programmes; summer holidays; public figures; education facilities; University’s library; sport centre; correspondence department; Bachelor’s degree programmes; grammar mistake; this student’s graduation paper; candidate degree; examination session; market economy; consumer goods; Oxford University; silk dress.

IX. Complete the following sentences using the words from the right-hand column:


My father’s wife is my ...



My parents’ son is my ...



My parents’ daughter is my ...



My mother’s husband is my ...



My mother’s father is my ...



My father’s sister is my ...



My mother’s brother is my ...



My father’s mother is my ...



My mother’s sister is my ...



My uncle’s son is my ...


11. My brother’s son is my ...



My sister’s daughter is my ...


X.Use the italicized noun or noun phrase in the first sentence as a modifier in the second sentence:

1. My garden has flo wers in it. It is a flo wer g a rd en . 2. Their house has n in e ro o ms. It is _________ . 3. That handbook is for stu d en ts. It is ________ . 4. Their baby is ten mo n th s o ld . They have

______ . 5. Our trip lasted for th ree d a ys. We took _______ . 6. She is a psychologist for ch ild ren . She is ______ . 7. I wrote a check for fifty d o lla rs. I wrote _____ . 8. I will get th ree cred its for that course. It is

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 9. That food is for d o g s. It is _______ . 10. That room is for g u ests. It is _________ . 11. I have a sister who is ten yea rs o ld and a brother who is twelve yea rs o ld . I have _______ . 12. The building has o ffices in it. It is an _________ .

XI. Translate into English:







мiй б р ат —

сту д ен т; д вер i

кiмн ати

зач и н ен о ; д ай те

ц ей сл о вн и к

сту д ен ту ;

н ап и шiть

л и ста

б атькам; я ви п и в

скл ян ку

мо л о ка;


п ер екл ав



вп р ави ,

ви ко н ан i

сту д ен тами ; л и ст, п iд п и сан и й д и р екто р о м; я

н е л юб л ю

п и сати авто р у ч ко ю; во н и го во р ять п р о н о ви й фiл ьм;

б ) всту п н і ісп и ти ; сп ец iал ьн о стi сту д ен тiв; сту д ен тськи й

гу р то жи то к; б акал авр ськi п р о гр ами ; кн и га н ашо го

ви кл ад ач а;

кн и ги

н ашо го

ви кл ад ач а; кн и га

н аши х

ви кл ад ач iв; кн и ги

н аши х

ви кл ад ач iв;

cп о р ти вн и й

ц ен тр ;

фо н д л iтер ату р и ;

д екан ат; п р iзви ща сту д ен тiв; д и п л о мн а р о б о та; ісп и то ва сесiя; п р о мен і со н ц я; п р о п о зи ц ії у р яд у ; зар п л ата за ми н у л и й ти жд ен ь.



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The Article XII. Insert a , a n or th e if necessary:

1. I ate ... sandwich and ... apple yesterday. 2. My sister is ... doctor. 3. It is ... very difficult question. 4. Ukraine is ... agricultural country. 5. It is

... rainy day today. 6. I had ... shower this morning. 7. They are ... friends. 8. We often go to ... cinema. 9. Who invented ... telephone? 10. I have ...

hour and ... half for ... lunch. 11. I have ... headache and ... sore throat. I think I’ve got ... cold. 12. What ... strange man! 13. Do you play ... guitar?

XIII. Explain the use of the article:


1. This is a p en cil. It is a red

p en cil. T h e red

p en cil is on th e

ta b le.





2. I am a

tea ch er. I am a t h o me now. This is my ro o m. T h e ro o m is

large and clean. 3. T h e B la ck S ea

is in th e S o u th

o f Ukra in e. 4.

Open yo u r b o o ks a t

p a g e fifteen. 5. T h e d ea n

of o u r fa cu lty



th e

meetin g


A lo t o f stu d en ts of o u r g ro u p

attended th e meetin g . 6. Yesterday

I met my frien d with a

yo u n g g irl. T h e g irl lives on th e seco n d

flo o r in th e h o u se not far from o u r Un iversity. 7. S u mmer is th e mo st b ea u tifu l sea so n of th e yea r. T h e sky is blue and th e su n shines brightly in su mmer.

XIV. Insert the article where necessary. Retell the passage:

I study at ... Kyiv National Economic University. I am ... first-year student of ... day-time department. My friend is ... second-year student of ...

marketing faculty. My father works at ... factory. He is ... economist. My mother is ... book-keeper. My friend and I have ... lot of ... common interests.

... lessons at ... University begin at ... 8.30. When ... lectures are over we go to ... library or to ... reading-hall. When I come home I have ... rest. If ...

weather is very cold I stay at ... home and listen to ... radio or watch ...

television. But if ... weather is fine I go to ... Dnipro for ... walk.

XV. Translate into English:







1. Яки й ч у д о ви й

д ен ь!

Їд ьмо


мiсто . 2. М о л о ко

н ад то х о л о д н е, н е п и й й о го . 3. Во д а й

п о вiтр я н ео б х iд н i

д л я жи ття.

4. Яки й

смач н и й о б iд ! Ви

ч у д о ви й ку х ар . 5.

М iй б р ат сп и ть 9 го д и н

н а д о б у . 6. Во вк — д и ка твар и н а. 7.

Со сн а —

вiч н о зел ен е

д ер ево .

8. Це

д о б р е

ви н о .



п о п р о си в

скл ян ку

во д и . 10.

По кажи

мен i




н ап и сав. 11. Це д у же п р о сте п и тан н я. Шко л яр мо же н а н ьо го від п о вісти . 12. Ви д о б р е від п о ч и л и за місто м? — Т ак, б у л а ч у д о ва п о го д а і ми зд еб іл ьшо го п ер еб у вал и н а п о вітр і. 13. Яка д о б р а п о р ад а! 14. На жал ь, я н е мо жу п о о б iд ати з вами .

The Verb « to b e» in the Present Indefinite Tense

XVI. Answer the following questions:

1.What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What are you?

4.Where are you from? 5. What is your favourite occupation? 6. How many are you in the family? 7. What are your parents? 8. Where are they now?

9.What is your friend? 10. What is his/her name? 11. How old is he/she?

12.Where is he/she now? 13. What’s the date? 14. What day of the week is it? 15. What is the weather like today?

XVII. Give short answers in the affirmative or negative:

Pattern: A re yo u rea d y? — Y es, I a m/No , I a m n o t .

1. Are you a student? 2. Are you a second-year student? 3. Is your friend a student? 4. Is your name Taras? 5. Are you eighteen? 6. Are you from Kyiv? 7. Is your friend from Lviv? 8. Are your parents managers? 9. Are they at home now? 10. Is it Sunday today? 11. Is it cold today? 12. Are you happy?

XVIII. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Pattern: M y frien d is h ere. Is my frien d h ere?

M y frien d isn ’t /is n o t/ h ere.

1. I am right. 2. They are second-year students. 3. They are very busy at that time. 4. Their favourite subject is English. 5. Our teacher is from Kharkiv. 6. Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects. 7. The weather is very rainy in May. 8. They are in the classroom now. 9. It is the end of the term. 10. They are teachers. 11. This exercise is easy. 12. The days are fine in August. 13. Her parents are in London now.

XIX. Fill in the blanks with a m, is or a re:

1. Taras ____ a student. Who ___ a student? Taras ____ . 2. ____

you a student? Yes, I ____ . 3. ____ Nina a student? No, she ____ not. What ____ she? She ____ an economist. 4. ____ they managers? Yes, they

____ . 5. ____ you a financier? No, I ____ not. What ____ you? I ____ a student. 6. ____ they teachers? No, they ____ not. What ____ they? They

____ businessmen. 7. ____ Peter a businessman? No, he ____ not. What he?



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He ____ an engineer. 8. Where ____ your friend? He ____ in the library.

9.Where ____ the students? They ____ in the classroom.

XX. Complete the disjunctive questions:

Pattern: It is fa r fro m L viv, . . . ? — It is fa r fro m L viv, isn ’t it?

It isn ’t co ld , . . . ? — It isn ’t co ld , is it ?

a)1. You are a student, ... ? 2. You are tired, ... ? 3. They are on holiday, ... ? 4. She is in her office today, ... ? 5. He is angry, ... ? 6. Those are your gloves, ... ? 7. It’s very expensive, ... ? 8. These are Susan’s glasses, ... ? 9. That is Mike’s dictionary, ... ? 10. Mary is intelligent, ... ?

b)1. Ann isn’t at home, ... ? 2. You aren’t afraid of snakes, ... ? 3. She is never late for class, ... ? 4. The children aren’t surprised, ... ? 5. Your sister isn’t married, ... ? 6. That isn’t Tom, ... ? 7. I am not fat, ... ? 8. English Grammar isn’t easy, ... ? 9. These books aren’t yours, ... ? 10. Nothing is wrong, ... ?

The Verb « to h a ve» in the Present Indefinite Tense

XXI. Answer the following questions:

1. Have you a large family? 2. Have you a friend? 3. At what time do you usually have breakfast? 4. Do you usually have a big breakfast? 5. Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? 6. How many times a day do you have tea? 7. Do you have a walk before going to bed?

XXII. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Pattern: He h a s a

lo t

o f

rela tives in

P o lta va .

Ha s h e a

lo t

o f

rela tives in

P o lta va ?

He h a sn ’t /h a s n o t/ a lo t

o f rela tives in

P o lta va .

T h ey h a ve lu n ch a t eleven .

Do th ey h a ve lu n ch a t eleven ?

T h ey d o n ’t h a ve /d o n o t h a ve/ lu n ch a t

eleven .

1. I have dinner at home. 2. The students have an examination session at the end of each term. 3. We have an hour to discuss this question. 4. We have too much snow this winter. 5. Susan has a high temperature. 6. Our University has sport camps and holiday homes at the seaside.

XXIII. Fill in the blanks with h a ve or h a s:

1. I ... a sister. She ... a very interesting profession. 2. Hurry up! We

... no time for tea. 3. Do you ... a rest after lunch? No, I ... not. 4. John and Mary ... a baby. 5. ... you got a grammar book? Yes I ... . It ... twelve chapters. 6. My friend ... a brother. He ... a Bachelor’s degree. 7. ... the students many lectures and seminars during the week? Yes, they ... .

XXIV. Complete the disjunctive questions:

Pattern: Y o u

h a ve time to

d o

it, . . . ?

Y o u

h a ve time to

d o

it, h a ven ’t yo u ?

He h a sn ’t mu ch

mo n ey, . . . ?

He h a sn ’t mu ch

mo n ey, h a s h e?

He h a s b rea kfa st


a t


o ’clo ck . . . ?

He h a s b rea kfa st


a t


o ’clo ck, d o esn ’t h e?

1. His wife has headaches quite often, ... ? 2. She has got lovely blue eyes, ... ? 3. The Smiths have a big house, ... ? 4. You have difficulty in getting a job, ... ? 5. You haven’t got a computer, ... ? 6. Bill hasn’t got a car,

... ? 7. She has a heart attack, ... ? 8. He has a good memory, ... ?

XXV. Translate into English:





1. У мен е є д р у г. У н ьо го б л аки тн i о ч i й

темн е во л о сся.

У н ьо го

завжд и д у же б агато

р о б о ти i в н ьо го

н iко л и

н емає

вiл ьн о го

ч асу . 2. Ви

о б iд аєте вд о ма ч и

в їд ал ьн i? — Iн о д i я

о б iд аю


д о ма,


iн о д i




Я н iко л и

н е о б iд аю в р есто р ан i. —

О ко тр iй

го д и н i ви

зви ч ай н о

о б iд аєте?

— Як

п р ави л о ,

я о б iд аю

о д р у гiй

го д и н i. 3. У теб е є ан гл ій сько -у кр аїн ськи й сл о вн и к? —

Нi. У

мен е й о го

н емає, ал е я д у же х о тiл а б й о го мати . — У теб е є

гр о шi? — Т ак. У мен е є д о си ть гр о шей , що б ку п и ти й о го . 4. У мен е є тр и кiмн атн а квар ти р а в ц ен тр i мiста. Во н а має всi су ч асн i ви го д и .

The Construction « th ere + to b e» XXVI. Make the following interrogative and negative:


T h ere is to o mu ch

sa lt in th e so u p .


Is th ere to o

mu ch sa lt in

th e so u p ?

so u p .

T h ere isn ’t

/is n o t/ to o

mu ch

sa lt in th e






or: T h ere is n o to o mu ch sa lt in

th e so u p .


T h ere a re severa l

b o o ksh o p s in

th is street.


Are th ere severa l

b o o ksh o p s in

th is street?



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T h ere a ren ’t /a re n o t/ severa l b o o ksh o p s in

th is street.

1. There is a telephone in this room. 2. There are fifteen students in our group. 3. There are some interesting articles in this newspaper. 4. There is somebody in the room. 5. There is something on the table. 6. There is a lot of fish in this river. 7. There is too much snow on the roof of the house. 8. There is too much water in the lake in spring.

XXVII. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. There is a man at the bus-stop. There are two men at the bus-stop. There is a man and a woman at the bus-stop. 2. There isn’t any sugar in my tea. 3. There is only one bridge across the river in this place. 4. There is no time to visit the museum. 5. There are several bookshops in this street. 6. There is a lot of coal in the Donbas. 7. There is no oil in our country. 8. There are few offices in this part of the town.

XXVIII. Ask questions using h o w ma n y:

Pattern: ch a p ters in th is b o o k.

Ho w ma n y ch a p ters a re th ere in th is b o o k ?

1. English books in your library. 2. continents in the world. 3. people in your family. 4. states in the United States of America. 5. floors in this building. 6. letters in the English alphabet. 7. students in your group. 8. windows in this room. 9. desks in your classroom. 10. rooms in your flat.

XXIX. Complete the disjunctive questions:

1. There are a lot of people here, ... ? 2. There is a better way to solve this problem, ... ? 3. There aren’t any problems, ... ? 4. There is a meeting tonight, ... ? 5. There isn’t a test tomorrow, ... ? 6. There is nobody at home,

... ? 7. There isn’t a lot to do, ... ? 8. There isn’t a lot of noise, ... ? 9. There are some English books on the shelf, ... ? 10. There are some spelling mistakes in your composition, ... ?

XXX. Complete the questions in your own way:

1. Is there much ... ? 2. Are there many ... ? 3. Is there little ... ? 4. Is there a lot of ... ? 5. Is there a large number of ... ? 6. Is there any ... ? 7. Are there any ... ? 8. Are there a few ... ?

XXXI. Memorize the following proverbs:

1. T h ere a re spots even on the sun. 2. T h ere a re more ways to the wood than one. 3. Where th ere is a will, th ere is a way. 4. T h ere is no rose without a thorn. 5. T h ere is a place for everything, and everything in its place. 6. T h ere is more than one way to kill a cat. 7. T h ere is no fire without smoke. 8. T h ere is no place like home. 9. When a friend asks, th ere is no tomorrow. 10. T h ere is no royal road to learning.

XXXII. Translate into English:




У Ки єві є б агато

мал ьо вн и ч и х

ву л и ц ь.

2. На вашiй

ву л и ц i

є кiн о театр ? —

Т ак, б iл я мо го

б у д и н ку

є вел и ки й

кiн о театр . 3. Чи є в гл еч и ку мо л о ко ? 4. Т ам б агато сн ігу ? Якщо б агато , ми п ід емо катати ся н а л и жах . 5. У н ашій б іб л іо тец і є ч и тал ьн і зал и . 6. Скiл ьки сту д ен тiв у вашiй гр у п i? — У н ашiй гр у п i п ’ятн ад ц ять сту д ен тiв. — Чи є д iвч ата у вашiй гр у п i? —

Т ак, у н ашiй гр у п i п ’ять д iвч ат i д

есять х л о п ц iв. Во н и д у же

д р у жн i. 7. Чи є ц iкавi статтi в ц ьо му

жу р н ал i? — Т ак, у ц ьо му

жу р н ал i є ц iкавi статтi з еко н о міки . 8. Я н е мо жу їсти ц ьо го су п у .

У н ьо му заб агато со л i та кар то п л i,

ал е зо всiм

н емає м’яса.


Скіл ьки сл ів у

ц ьо му

сл о вн и ку ? 10. У тво їй

б iб л iо тец i


тво р и

ан гл iй ськи х ч и

амер и кан ськи х

п и сьмен н и кiв? — Т ак, у

мо їй

б iб л iо тец i є кiл ька тво р ів ан гл iй ськи х п и сьмен н и кiв, ал е

н емає жо д н о го

тво р у

амер и кан ськи х

авто р iв.




I. Choose the correct verb:

1. A lot of students (is, a re) already here. 2. The United States (is, a re) located in North America. 3. One of the countries I would like to visit (is, a re) Italy. 4. The number of students in this room right now (is, a re) twenty. 5. His knowledge of English (is, a re) bad. 6. English (is, a re) not my native language. 7. Fruit (is, a re) cheap in summer. 8. Each of my friends (is, a re) here.

II.Change the number of the italicized nouns and make all necessary changes:

1. T h e b o o k is on th e sh elf. 2. This is an English d ictio n a ry.

3. T h e ro o f of th e h o u se was covered with snow. 4. This fa cto ry has a good la b o ra to ry. 5. A co p y of the contract was sent to Lviv. 6. Where is th e kn ife? 7. T h e ch ild is playing in the yard. 8. T h e to ma to is ripe. 9. The cat caught a mo u se. 10. I have hurt my fo o t. 11. T h e



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sto ry is very long. 12. He is a nice p erso n . 13. T h e sp eech was very interesting. 14. He left th e key on the table. 15. The last lea f fell from th e tree. 16. I like his new p la y.

III. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. There (is, a re) no time for it today. 2. There (is, a re) a students’ hostel in this street. 3. There (is, a re) a lot of problems in the world. 4. There (is, a re) a blackboard, a table and a lot of chairs in our study. 5. There (isn ’t, a ren ’t) any letters in the mail for you today. 6. There (isn ’t, a ren ’t) any mail for you today. 7. (Is, a re) there many students in the classroom? 8. There (is, a re) six desks and a table in the classroom. 9. There (is, a re) some laboratories, a library and a reading-hall on the ground floor. 10. How many kinds of birds (is, a re) there in the world?

IV. Change the following sentences using th ere + to b e:

1. The University’s campus has four hostels. 2. I see a lot of students in the classroom. 3. The University’s laboratories and studies are large and light. 4. The book-keeping department is on the ground floor. 5. How many students have you got in your group? 6. We can’t see anybody here. 7. The library has a large collection of literature on economics. 8. He has only two mistakes in his dictation. 9. We have some meat in the fridge.

V. Use it is or th ere is/a re in the following sentences:

1. ... fine today. 2. ... an underground station near my house. 3. ... nearly 11 o’clock. 4. ... a light in the window. Somebody must be at home. 5. ... a pity you can’t go with us. 6. ... easy to understand why she is absent. 7. ... any news in the letter? 8. ... not true to say that she is a close friend of mine. 9. ... time to go to bed. 10. ... important to know the details. 11. ... no central heating in my house. 12. ... too early to leave. 13. ... much money in his purse. 14. ... difficult to study French. 15. ... some interesting articles in the newspaper? 16. ... fifteen students in our group. 17. ... only one cigarette in the box. 18. ... warmer today than ... was yesterday.

VI. Translate into English:

1. У мо го б р ата во л о сся си ве, а б р о ви ч о р н і. 2. У н ьо го п о ган і зн ан н я. 3. Смітти — ку л ьту р н а сім’я. 4. Во н и п о л юють н а о л ен ів. 5. Усі во р о та б у л о зач и н ен о . 6. Ваші п о р ад и мен і д у же д о п о магають. Я завжд и сл ід у ю їм . Во н и д у же ко р и сн і. 7. Ви та сама л юд и н а, яка мен і п о тр іб н а. 8. Я завжд и їд у 17-м авто б у со м . У 17-му авто б у сі зви ч ай н о б у ває мал о

л юд ей . 9. Ко му н ал ежать ц і гр о ші? — Ці

гр о ші н ал ежать

й о му . 10. М ій б атько п ішо в д о шко л и , що б

п о зн ай о ми ти ся

з у ч и тел ем . 11. У н ашо му місті б агато ви щи х

н авч ал ьн и х

закл ад ів. 12. Чи є х то сь у д о ма? — Ні, н емає н іко го

вд о ма. 13. У

теб е є сестр а ч и б р ат? — Т ак, у мен е є б р ат. — Хто

він ? — М ій

б р ат мен ед жер . — Де він зар аз? — Він у

від р яд жен н і у

Льво ві. 14. Скіл ьки д н ів у квітн і? — У квітн і 30 д н ів.



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U N I T 3





GRAMMAR: Participle I. The Present Continuous Tense

The Construction to be going to

The Functions of the Verb to be


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words: a) stress the first syllable:

naval, power, primarily, public, private, enterprise, industry, nationalize, government, ferrous, transport, manage, sector, service, share, agriculture, vital, rise, workforce, company, nation, partly, presence, mineral, marble, granite, tin, slate, lead, copper, zinc, valuable, textile, science;

b) stress the second syllable:

economy, industrial, developed, electric, demand, account, predominate, technology, metallurgy, percentage, deposit, accessible, considerable, employ.

Text A

Great Britain is a highly-developed naval and industrial power. Its economy was primarily based on private enterprises. However, some industries were nationalized after World War II. Now it has a mixed privateand

public-enterprise economy1. The government controls the coal-mining and electric power industries, ferrous metallurgy and shipbuilding. Part of public transport, civil aviation and national bank are also managed by the state.

The main sectors of British economy are manufacturing, services and

agriculture. The share of industry in GNP2 is 11 times more than that of agriculture. Manufacturing plays a vital role in British economy. It accounts

for 1/5 of the GNP and employs less than 1/3 of the workforce3. Small companies predominate, though companies with 500 or more employees employ a larger percentage of the workforce.

The rise of Great Britain as an industrial nation4 was partly due to5 the presence of considerable mineral resources, the most important of them

being coal and iron. Next to coal and iron the chief minerals found on the British Isles are the building stone, marble, granite, slate, lead, tin, copper, zink, salt and china clay. But in the course of the last hundred years many of Britain’s most valuable and accessible deposits have been worked out.

Coal-mining, metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding are the older branches of industry. The new industries are the chemical, electrotechnical, automobile, aeromissile and electronics. The new industries have developed

hand in hand6 with science and technology and are equipped to meet present technical demands.

Big cities and towns such as London, Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield and Birmingham have enterprises of nearly all branches of industry. The main centres of cotton and woolen industry are Leeds, Bradford and Manchester.


1.mixed privateand public-enterprise economy — змiшана економiка, що ґрунтується на приватному та державному пiдприємництвi

2.GNP — ВНП (валовий нацiональний продукт)

3.workforce — робоча сила

4.industrial nation — промислова держава

5.due to — зумовленo

6.hand in hand плiч-о-плiч


I. Find equivalents:


1. coal-mining

a. змiшана економiка

2. GNP

б. авiаракетна промисловiсть

3. hand in hand

в. приватне пiдприємство

4. industrial nation

г. енергетична промисловiсть

5. private enterprise

д. суднобудування

6. power industry

е. промислова держава

7. public transport

є. плiч-о-плiч

8. workforce

ж.чорна металургія

9. shipbuilding

з. громадський транспорт

10. mixed economy

и. ВНП (валовий нацiональний продукт)

11. cotton industry

і. робоча сила

12. aeromissile industry

ї. бавовництво

13. ferrous metallurgy

й. вугледобувна промисловiсть



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II. Give the corresponding nouns to the following verbs:

a)to control, to transport, to service, to share, to work, to force, to rise, to head, to power, to base, to state, to centre, to demand, to mix;

b)to assossiate, to govern, to produce, to manufacture, to predominate, to account, to equip, to employ, to develop, to nationalize, to know.

III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:



British economy was primarily based ... private enterprises.

2. Some

... industries were nationalized

... World War II. 3. Part ...


transport, power industry and most ...

civil aviation are managed

... the


4. The rise ...

Britain as an industrial nation was partly due

... the


... considerable mineral resources. 5. Manufacturing plays a vital

role ...

British economy. 6. The new industries have developed hand ...


... science and technology.



IV. Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the list:

GNP; woolen industry; manufacturing; agriculture; private enterprises; industrial power; public-enterprise economy.

1. Great Britain is a highly-developed naval and __________ . 2. British economy was primarily based on _______ . 3. Great Britain has a mixed private and ________ . 4. The main sectors of British economy are _______ , services and ________ . 5. The share of industry in _______ is 11 times more than that of agriculture. 6. The main centres of cotton and ________

are Leeds, Bradford and Manchester.

V. Ask someone

if Great Britain is a highly developed naval and industrial power; its economy was primarily based on private enterprises; now Great Britan has a mixed privateand public-enterprise economy; in the course of the last hundred years many of Britain’s most valuable and accessible deposits have been worked out;

when some industries were nationalized;

what industries the government controls; the main sectors of British economy are; the share of industry in GNP is; role manufacturing plays in British economy; the rise of Britain as an industrial country was due to; the chief minerals found on the British Isles are; the older branches of industry are; the new industries are; cities and towns have enterprises of nearly all branches of industry; the main centres of cotton and woolen industry are.

VI. Translate into English:

1. Великобританiя є дуже розвинутою морською iндустрiальною державою. 2. Вона має змiшану економiку, що ґрунтується на приватному та державному пiдприємництві. 3. Держава контролює вугледобувну та електроенергетичну галузі, чорну металургiю та суднобудування. 4. Промисловiсть, послуги та сiльське господарство є головними секторами британської економiки. 5. Розквіт Великобританiї як iндустрiальної держави зумовлювався наявнiстю значної кiлькостi мiнеральних ресурсiв. 6. Вугледобувна, металургiйна, текстильна та суднобудiвна — це найстарiші галузі промисловостi. 7. Новими галузями промисловостi є хiмiчна, електротехнiчна, автомобiльна та авiаракетна. 8. Лондон, Глазго, Манчестер, Лiверпуль, Шеффiлд та Бiрмiнгем є основними промисловими центрами Великобританiї.

VII. Give the characteristic of British economy using the following words and word-combinations:

highly-developed naval and industrial power; mixed privateand public-enterprise economy; coal-mining and electric power industries; shipbuilding; ferrous metallurgy; private enterprise; public transport; civil aviation; national bank; manufacturing; services; agriculture; vital role; to account for; workforce; GNP; due to; considerable mineral resources; new industries; electrotechnical, automobile, aeromissile industries; hand-in- hand; science and technology; to meet present technical demands.


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words: a) stress the first syllable:

service, income, product, health, retail, wholesale, implement, monetary, policy, tourism, supervise, purchase, partner, textile, business, export, banking, loan, mortgage, leasing, output, lending, futures, Commonwealth, aircraft;

b) stress the second syllable:

increasing, increasingly, particularly, commodity, proportion, domestic, finance, financial, commercial, insurance, responsible, community, machinery, include, accept, comprise, society, facility, deposit, arrange;

c) stress the third syllable: education, international, democratic.



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Text B

Services play an important role in British economy and make up1 an

increasing proportion of the national income2. They account for about 60 per cent of gross domestic product and 68 per cent of employees. This sector

includes health, education, retail and wholesale trade3, tourism, financial

and business services, insurance4, transport, etc.

Banking, finance, insurance, business services and leasing account for 14 per cent of the British economy’s total output. London has the world’s

largest insurance market, and its banks are responsible for5 about a fifth of the international bank lending. London is the world’s principal trading centre for commodities, as well as an increasingly important centre for financial futures markets.

Britain’s banking system comprises the Bank of England, the commercial

banks, branches of foreign and Commonwealth banks6 and building societies7. The Bank of England acts as the government’s bank. It helps to implement the government’s financial and monetary policy and supervises the banking system as a whole. Commercial banks provide financial services to individuals and companies, particularly account and loan facilities. Building

societies accept deposits8 and arrange mortgages9 for house purchase. They also offer home loans and a wide range of banking and insurance services.

Britain has an open economy, in which international trade plays a vital role. About one-quarter of its gross domestic product comes from the export of goods and services. It is the fifth largest trading nation in the world. Since 1973 Britain has been a member of the European Economic Community, an association of 12 democratic states. About half Britain’s trade is with its European Community partners. Britain’s main exports are automobiles, textile, machinery, aircraft, electronic equipment and many others.


1.to make up — складати

2.national income — нацiональний дохід

3.retail and wholesale trade — роздрiбна та оптова торгiвля

4.insurance — страхування

5.to be responsible for — вiдповiдати за, бути вiдповiдальним за

6.Commonwealth banks — банки Спiвдружностi

7.building societies — житлово-будiвельнi товариства

8.to accept deposites — приймати вклади

9.mortgage — застава


I.Name the word-building elements (suffixes, prefixes) and the part of speech of each word:

nation — national — nationally — nationalism — nationalist — nationalistic — nationality — nationalize — nationalization — international — internationalism — internationalist — internationalize; produce — producer — producible — product — production — productive — productively — productivity — unproductive; insurance — insurant — insure — insurer — uninsured; bank — banker — bankable — banking — bankrupt — bankruptcy.

II. Give the English equivalents for:

важлива роль; внутрiшнiй валовий продукт; охорона здоров’я; освiта; нацiональний дохід; роздрiбна та оптова торгiвля; послуги у сферi фiнансiв та бiзнесу; бути вiдповiдальним за щось; мiжнародний банкiвський кредит; страхування; ф’ючерсний ринок; банкiвська система; банки Спiвдружностi; Європейське Економiчне Співтовариство; мiжнародна торгiвля; комерцiйнi банки; експорт товарiв та послуг; житлово-будiвельнi товариства; машинне устаткування; приймати вклади; текстильнi вироби; електронна апаратура.

III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:

1. Services play an important role ... British economy and make up an increasing proportion ... the national income. 2. They account ... about 60 per cent ... gross domestic product. 3. London is the world’s principal trading centre ... commodities, as well as an increasingly important centre ...

financial futures markets. 4. Commercial banks provide financial services ...

individuals and companies. 5. Building societies accept deposits and arrange mortgages ... house purchase. 6. About one-quarter ... its gross domestic product comes ... the export ... goods and services. 7. Great Britain is the fifth largest trading nation ... the world. 8. ... 1973 it has been a member ...

the European Economic Community.

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. Services account for ... . 2. This sector includes ... . 3. Banking, finance, insurance, business services and leasing account for ... . 4. London has the world’s largest insurance market, and its banks are responsible for ... .

5. Commercial banks provide ... . 6. Britain’s banking system comprises ... .

7. Since 1973 Britain has been ... . 8. Britain’s main exports are ... .



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V. Match each term in Column A with its definition in Column B:

Column A

Column B

1. service

a. The activity of selling goods and services in order


to make a profit.

2. national income

b. A financial institution that accepts demand


deposits and makes commercial loans.

3. gross domestic product

c. An economy in which a significant percentage of


its goods and services are traded internationally.

4. trade

d. The total annual money value of the goods and


services produced by a country.

5. bank

e. A financial institution that accepts deposits and


arrange mortgages for house purchase.

6. building society

f. The monetary value of all the goods and services


produced by an economy over a specified period.

7. open economy

g. Intangible commodity.

8. exports

h. Goods and services sold to foreign countries.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the role of services in British economy? 2. What services does this sector include? 3. What does Britain’s banking system comprise? 4.What do you know about the Bank of England? 5. What kind of services do commercial banks provide? 6. What do building societies offer to their customers? 7. What can you say about international trade of Great Britain? 8. What are the main Britain’s exports?

VII. Translate into English:

1. Послуги вiдiграють важливу роль в економiцi Великобританiї i становлять бiльшу частину нацiонального доходу. 2. Цей сектор включає послуги у сферi охорони здоров’я, освiти, роздрiбної та оптової торгiвлi, туризму, фiнансiв та бiзнесу, страхування, транспорту та iн. 3. Послуги у сферi банкiвської справи, фiнансiв, страхування, бiзнесу та лiзингу становлять 14% загального обсягу виробництва. 4. Банкiвська система Великобританiї включає Банк Англiї, вiддiли зарубiжних банкiв та Спiвдружностi й житлово-будiвельнi товариства. 5. Банк Англiї дiє як урядовий банк. Вiн допомагає здiйснювати фiнансову та грошову полiтику уряду i здiйснює нагляд за дiяльнiстю банкiвської системи в цiлому. 6. Мiжнародна торгiвля вiдiграє суттєву роль в економiцi Великобританiї. 7. З 1973 року Великобританія є членом Європейського Економiчного Співтовариства. 8. Великобританiя експортує автомобiлi, текстильнi вироби, машинне устаткування, лiтаки, електронну апаратуру та iн.


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words: a) stress the first syllable:

industry, area, current, structure, occupy, heavy, steel, coal, part, service, health, care, concentrate, region, mineral, output, presently, bias, yield, mining, ferrous, automobile, locomotive, railway, airplane, harvester, integrate, process, light, lack, standard, innovate;

b) stress the second syllable:

considerable, deposit, industrial, towards, equipment, employ, produce, metallurgy, account, accept, however, unable, consumer, process, progressive, material, unwillingness, techniques, approach, initiative;

c) stress the third syllable: education, metallurgical, technological.

Text C

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in British economy. It supplies nearly 2/3 of the country’s food and directly employs about 2.5 per

cent of the working population. However its share1 of the gross domestic

product2 is less than 3 per cent — the lowest figure among the developed countries.

Great Britain is self-sufficient3 in milk, eggs, to a very great extent4 in meat, potatoes and wheat. However it has to import butter, cheese, sugar, tea, fruit and some other agricultural products.

There are more than 250 thousand farms in Great Britan. Most of them are small family farms, where all the work is done by the farmer and his family. The tendency in agricultural development of the country is the

disappearance5 of small traditional farms as they cannot compete6 with big industrial farms.

The types of farms are different in different regions of the country. In the East most farmers grow such crops as barley, wheat, sugar beets and potatoes. In the West climate is good for the production of farm animals. The greater part of the land here is used for dairy and beef cattle breeding, and sheep farming. There are a lot of farms where farmers grow some crops and breed some farm animals. These farms are known as mixed farms.



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