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1. About the University

Oleg studies at Mozyr State Teachers’ Training University. The University was founded on February 23, 1944. There were only 210 students and 3 faculties: Physics and Mathematics, History and Geography, Philology.

At present it is one of the biggest and most up-to-date institutions of higher education in Gomel region.

Rector is the head of the University. There are 8 faculties headed by deans:

– Physics and Mathematics,

– Foreign Languages,

– Philology,

– Technology,

– Physical Culture,

– Engineering and Pedagogics,

– Pre-school and Primary Education,

– Biology.

There are 3 departments there: Day-Time, Preparatory and Extra-Mural. The University trains teachers for pre-school establishments, primary and secondary schools.

There are 31 chairs where about 400 professors and teachers train about 8000 students. They give lectures, hold seminars and tutorials, examine students and supervise the students’ research work.

The University occupies 3 large buildings where students have good facilities for study and rest: a lot of classrooms and lecture-halls, an assembly-hall, 3 libraries with reading rooms, some computer rooms, gym-halls and a stadium.

During a break students can have a snack in a buffet in each building of the University.

Most students from other towns or villages live in 3 modern hostels with students’ dining-rooms. A lot of students are busy with social work. They take part in sport competitions and Olympic Games, stage concerts, organize dance ensembles, discos, put out wall newspapers.

Those who are interested in research work can take a post-graduate course at the University which runs for 3 years. At the end of the third year a post-graduate defends his thesis to get a scientific degree.

2. Oleg’s studies

Oleg is a first-year student. In 5 years when he graduates from the University he will be able to work as a teacher of mathematics and information science at school.

Oleg studies at the Day-Time department, at the faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The faculty is rather large. Its 500 students study such subjects as algebra, geometry, mathematical analysis, information science, physics, foreign languages, pedagogics, psychology, methodology, etc. Usually students have 3 or 4 periods a day. They go to the University every day except Sunday. The course of studies is 5 years.

The academic year begins on the 1st of September and ends in June. It lasts 10 months. The academic year is divided into 2 terms: autumn and spring. Each term lasts 4 months and ends with examinations which take place in January and June. Oleg always passes credit tests and examinations successfully and gets a scholarship. Students have holidays twice a year: in winter and in summer. Summer holidays are long. They last 2 months. The winter ones are short. They last only 2 weeks. All the students have a record-book and a student’s pass.


1. Use the text to find synonyms for the following words:

a department, to organize seminars, an elementary school, a Pedagogical University, scientific work, grants, correspondence department, the newest.

2. Use the text to complete the sentences:

              1. The students have good … for study and rest.

              2. The University … 3 large buildings.

              3. Graduates who… in research work can take a … course at the University.

              4. Oleg always… credit tests and examinations successfully.

              5. Students have holidays twice … .

              6. In 5 years Oleg … as a teacher of mathematics and information science at school.

3. Use the information from the text to expand the following sentences:

1. It has 8 faculties and 3 departments.

2. The teaching staff consists of 400 professors and teachers.

3. The University has 3 large building in different parts of Mozyr.

4. Students live in 3 modern hostels.

5. Students take an active part in social life of the University.

6. Graduates from the University can take a post-graduate course.

4. Use the text to put 2–3 questions beginning with the words:

– What

– How many

– Who

– Do (Does)

– Is (Are)

– When

5. Use the text to fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary:

1. … 5 years Oleg will work a teacher … Mathematics and Information science.

2. Students go … the University 6 days … a week.

3. The academic year begins … the 1st of September.

4. Oleg studies … the Day-Time department.

5. After he graduates … the University, he will work … school.

6. Oleg has 3 or 4 periods … a day.

7. The academic year is divided … autumn and spring terms.

8. Students can have a snack … a break.

6. Use the text to find the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations

– 2 семестра в году,

– отдыхать,

– курс обучения,

– заканчивать университет,

– длиться,

– первокурсник,

– готовить учителей,

– первого сентября,

– происходить (иметь место),

– кроме воскресенья,

– делится на осенний и весенний семестры,

– методология,

– психология.

7. Put questions to the following sentences:

  1. Oleg is a first-year student of Mozyr State Teachers’ Training University.

  2. He studies at the faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

  3. In 5 years he will work as a teacher at school.

  4. Oleg studies a lot of subjects.

  5. The academic year is divided into 2 terms.

  6. At the end of each term students take their credit tests and examinations.

  7. After passing their exams students have holidays.

  8. Every student has a record-book and a student’s pass.

8. Use the text to add some more information to the following statements:

              1. Oleg is a first-year student and a future teacher.

              2. Oleg studies a lot of subjects at the University.

              3. The academic year last about 10 months.

              4. Students have holidays.

9. Be ready to speak about the University and your studies there.

Text 2. Oleg’s ORDINARY working day

Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

a dressing-gown – халат

slippers – тапочки

to do one’s bed – застилать постель

to leave for – уходить, уезжать

a time-table – расписание

to be over – заканчиваться

to wash up – мыть посуду

spare – свободный, экономить

to feel tired (sleepy) – чувствовать себя усталым (сонным)

His working day starts early in the morning. He gets up at 6.15. Oleg jumps out of bed, switches on the radio and does his morning exercises to the radio music. Then he puts on his dressing-gown and slippers and goes to the bathroom where he washes his face and neck, cleans his teeth and takes a cold and hot shower if he has enough time. Then Oleg does his bed and dresses himself. It takes him about 25–30 minutes. After that he sits down at the table and has his breakfast. He cooks breakfast himself.

After breakfast Oleg leaves for the University. As he lives not far from the University, he needn’t go to the bus-stop and take a bus. He goes on foot there. In 5 minutes he is at the University. The classes begin at 8 o’clock. According to the time-table students have 3 or 4 periods each day. There are breaks between periods which last 20 or 25 minutes. During a break Oleg goes down to the buffet to have a snack. The classes are over at 13.25 on Mondays and on Saturdays or at 15.20 on other days of the week.

After classes Oleg sometimes goes to the dining-room of the University to have dinner. But usually he has dinner at the hostel. After dinner he washes up. Then he has a short rest, reads books and newspapers, makes some telephone calls or listens to music. After that he does his homework. It usually takes him about 2 hours. Sometimes he goes to the library to read for seminars.

At about 7 or 8 o’clock Oleg and his room-mates have supper. In the evening he always has some spare time. He watches TV or, if the program is not interesting, he operates a computer or goes to the cinema or to the disco with his friends. Late at night he feels tired and sleepy. At 11 o’clock he goes to bed.

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