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I. You are in London and you want to buy a ticket for Glasgow. Complete the dialogue.

Travel agent:


Travel agent:


Travel agent:


Travel agent:


Good afternoon. Can I help you?


Let me see . . . I am very sorry, sir. There are no seats left for Glasgow on Monday.


Just a minute, sir …Yes. There are some seats left for Sunday.


It’s 165 pounds, sir, including airport taxes. Here you are.


    1. Role-play the following situation.

You have a reservation for tomorrow for Los Angeles. Something urgent has

happened and you have to change your booking. Make the telephone

conversation with the travel agency.

II. On the plane.

I. If you want something or want to stop someone, say: Excuse me, . . To ask for something, say: May I . . . ? (very polite) Could I . . . ? (polite). Ask for the things on the plane using the picture.

III. At the airport.

I. Learn the words you may need for your flight.

package tour


book a seat, a flight

first-class ticket

business class ticket

economy class ticket

departure board

international/domestic flights

cancelled: the flight will not take place

delayed: late

go to the check-in desk

check in your baggage/luggage


weigh baggage/luggage

pay an excess baggage charge

smoking or non-smoking?

go through departures

go to passport control

go to the departure lounge

buy presents from the duty-free shop

go to the boarding gate

passengers should proceed to gate 3

show your boarding card

on board the plane

fasten/unfasten your seat-belt

take off/landing

the plane takes off

the flight is 30 minutes late

transfer passengers (changing flights)

go to the transfer/transit lounge

go to baggage reclaim

your luggage is on the conveyor belt

the suitcase is broken


II. Read the following dialogue. Work in pairs.


Mrs Jones:


Mrs Jones:


Mrs Jones:


Mrs Jones:


Mrs Jones:


Mrs Jones:



Receptionist: (At Gate 3)

Any luggage, madam?

Yes, the two cases here. I'll keep this briefcase.

I'll take your luggage to be weighed, madam. You'll find the ticket desk straight across the hall.

Thank you.

Good morning.

Good morning. I have a ticket for flight BEA 987.

May I see your ticket, please?

Here it is.

Is this your luggage?

That's right.

Here is your ticket and this is your luggage label, which you show at

your destination when you get your luggage.

Thank you. Where do I wait?

Will you go upstairs to gate 3 and wait for the announcement of your flight.

British European Airways announce the departure of their flight BEA 987. Passengers travelling on this flight are requested to proceed to gate 3 for customs and immigration formalities.

Have your passport ready. This way, please.