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Психология межкультурных различий


The psychology of intercultural differences

Now we can see the dramatic consequences of Russia’s swift en try to the world society. The country with powerful intellectual and cultural potential, rich natural resources takes not a worthy place on the international scene. Besides, being behind the Iron Curtain led Russia to the lack of international contact experience. Brought up in the spirit of collectivism and internationalism, the Russians didn’t consider it necessary to study their own national character. The ex perience of international contacts allows the author to make up this deficiency. The author supposes, that together with economic rea sons, leading to differences in the levels of life, it is important to take into account psychological features of the national character. In the book main concepts and methodological bases of study of the na tional character are considered. Psychological features of Russian and Soviet characters, «new Russians» are described. Distinctions between Russian, American, and German national characters, as well as the concepts of intercultural interaction are given. The results of the research of intelligence distribution in different social levels of the Russian society, conducted together with the Institute of Phi losophy RAS, is presented in the book. The research of intercultural features of decision making style described in this work is the con tinuation of the book V.V. Kotchetkov, I.G. Skotnikova «Individual styles of decision'making. M.: Nauka. 1993. P. 143. In the book the results of the author’s research in the area of trade psychology are reflected. Examples of differences of nonverbal communications be tween the Russians and Germans, reasons causing them; as well as methods of their studies are described. The program of original in tercultural social psychological videotraining «The features of non verbal communications of the Russians and Germans» recommended for people carrying out intercultural contacts is given.

The new in the second edition of the book is the addition of Chapter 5 – a course of lectures on “Psychology of intercultural differences” in which the main ideas of the book have been further expanded.




Information theory of ethnos has been used to explain peculiarities of the Russian national character. Culture is viewed as a psychological phenomenon. G Hofstede’s psychological dimensions of culture (individualism – collectivism – masculinity – femininity – distance of authority, avoidance of uncertainty, simplicity complexity, openness closeness) have been used to describe the Russian national character. A new cultural dimension has been introduced: intensive extensive. A concept of extensive Russian culture has been shaped up. In light of L.N.Gumilev’s theory of ethnogenesis the role of landscape, domain and climate in the formation of the Russian character has been investigated. The impact of culture on such cognitive processes as perception, memory, thinking has also been taken into account, as well as expounded the problems and paradoxes of intercultural testing of intellect. The book contains the concept of the “cultural shock”, description of the “cultural distance”, U curve of adaptation and W – curve of figurative re adaptation to alien culture. Four types of interaction of cultures are described: genocide, segregation, assimilation, multiculturalism. The manifestations of the Russian national character in the language and folklore have been viewed as well in the light of V.Gumbolt’s concept of psycholinguistic determinism. Particular attention is paid to non verbal intercultural communication: gestures, poses, mimics, space and time trends in interaction. In conclusion the Russian national character is compared with American, German, English, French and Jewish character. Roots of Russian drunkenness are analyzed. The notions of “national” and “social” character have been separated and are studied such social characters as the “Soviet man” and “new Russians”.



Chapter 1. Russia in the system of other world cultures

1.1Differences and similarities of American and Russian cultures

1.2Features of Roman German culture

1.3The process of entry of one culture to another. The concept of cultural shock

1.4Attempts to predict the future of Russia and the Russian people



Психология межкультурных различий

Chapter 2. Theoretical basis of psychology of intercultural differences

2.1Scientific content of national character concept

2.2Methoods and methodology of national character research

Chapter 3. Russian national character

3.1Classic Russian national character

3.2Psychological peculiarities of «Soviet man»

3.3Psychological peculiarities of «new Russians»

3.4Criminal subculture as an important feature of the Russian and Soviet national character

3.5National character in the language and folklore

Chapter 4. Experimental study of intercultural differences

4.1Intercultural studies of intelligence

4.2Intercultural studies of decision making style

4.3Intercultural peculiarities of psychology of business

4.4Intercultural peculiarities of nonverbal communication

Chapter 5. Course of lectures in “Psychology of Intercultural Differences”

Lecture 1. Introduction into psychology of intercultural diffe rences.

Lecture 2. Shaping up and development of psychology of intercultural differences as a separate science.

Lecture 3. Methods of research of intercultural differences. Lecture 4. Culture as a psychological phenomenon. Lecture 5. Psychology of ethnicity.

Lecture 6. Intercultural differences in cognitive processes. Lecture 7. Psychology on intercultural interaction. Lecture 8. Verbal intercultural communication.

Lecture 9. Intercultural peculiarities of non verbal commu nication.

Lecture 10. Preparation for intercultural communication. Lecture 11. Psychology o intercultural conflicts.

Conclusion Арреndix




About author

Vladimir V.KOCHETKOV, born in 1958, Dr.Sc. (Sociology), Ph.D. (Psychology).

In 1981 graduated from the department of psychology of the Saratov State University; from 1984 to 1986 post graduate student at Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. After defending in 1986 the dissertation in the theme «Psychological research of style peculiarities of decision making» worked as senior lecturer at the chair of pedagogic; from 1989 – associate professor at the chair of psychology of the Saratov State University. From 1990 to 2000 head of chair of psychology of the Saratov State University.

The senior specialist of the Sredne Volzhsky regional department of Roszarubezhcenter (the Russian Government’s Center for International Scientific and Cultural Cooperation) from 1995 to 1998.

After defending in 2000 of the doctor’s degree dissertation on “Sociological analysis of intercultural differences” and up to now works as the deputy head for new training technologies of the Academic and Methodic Department of the Moscow Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (the former Higher Komsomol School – the Youth Institute). Professor of the chair of sociology of the Academy, head of the Cisco Network Academy Systems program, executive secretary of the Council for the development of information technologies in the Academy.

Dr. Kochetkov is the author of more than 50 scientific papers. His major works include:

1.Individual Psychological Problems in Decision Making. Moscow, “Science” Publishing House, 1993, 145 pp.

2.Psychology of Intercultural Differences. Saratov. Saratov State Technical University, 1998, 268 pp.

3.Sociology of Intercultural Differences. Moscow. “Socium” Publishing House, 2000, 258 pp.





Введение .....................................................................................


Глава 1. Россия в системе мировых культур ............................


1.1. Различия и сходства англо американской


и русской культур .................................................................


1.2. Особенности романо германской культуры ...............


1.3. Процесс вхождения представителей одной культуры в

другую. Концепция культурного шока ..............................


1.4. Попытки предсказания будущего развития России и

русского народа ....................................................................


Глава 2. Теоретические основы психологии межкультурных

различий .....................................................................................


2.1. Научное содержание понятия


«национальный характер» ...................................................


2.2 Методы и методологические принципы изучения


национального характера ....................................................


Глава 3. Русский национальный характер ...............................


3.1. Классический русский национальный характер ........


3.2. Психологические особенности


«советского человека»..........................................................


3.3. Психологические особенности


«новых русских» .................................................................


3.4. Криминальная субкультура как неотъемлемая важная

черта русского и советского менталитетов ......................


3.5. Национальный характер в языке и фольклоре .........


Глава 4. Экспериментальные исследования межкультурных

различий ...................................................................................


4.1. Межкультурные исследования особенностей





4.2. Межкультурные особенности


регулятивного стиля...........................................................


4.3. Межкультурные особенности


психологии бизнеса ...........................................................


4.4. Межкультурные особенности невербальной


коммуникации ....................................................................


Глава 5. Курс лекций по психологии межкультурных


различий ...................................................................................


Лекция 1. Введение в психологию межкультурных


различий ..............................................................................


Лекция 2. Развитие и станoвление психолoгии


межкультурных различий как самостоятельной


науки ....................................................................................


Лекция 3. Методы исследования межкультурных


различий ..............................................................................


Лекция 4. Культура как пcихoлoгичecкий


фенoмен ..............................................................................


Лекция 5. Психология этничности ...................................


Лекция 6. Межкультурные различия


познавательных процессов ................................................


Лекция 7. Психология межкультурного взаимодействия 300

Лекция 8. Вербальное межкультурное общение .............


Лекция 9. Межкультурные особенности невербальной


коммуникации ....................................................................


Лекция 10. Психология национального характера .........


Заключение ..............................................................................


Приложения .............................................................................


Summary ....................................................................................



Учебное издание

Кочетков Владимир Викторович

Психология межкультурных различий

Учебник для вузов

Художник: П.П. Ефремов

Компьютерная верстка: Ю.В. Балабанов

Корректор: Л.В. Гагулина

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