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5.Выберите глагол и поставьте его в нужной форме.

come get happen look make start stay try work

1.‘You are working hard today.’ ‘Yes, I have a lot to do.’

2.I for Christine. Do you know where she is?

3.It dark. Shall I turn on the light?


Sally Ride - a career in space 49

Ride’s work lives on 50

Future: will 67

6. Future: will questions 68

Future: Present Continuous questions 69

Future: going to 70

Things to do in Singapore 70

Future: will, 1st Conditional, if and when 74

1st Conditional 74

if and when 75

2nd Conditional 79


Collocations 105

English Grammar: What is Specific for Economics? 115

The Present Indefinite Tense 115

Употребление в экономической литературе 115

The Past Indefinite Tense 117

Употребление в экономической литературе 117

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Past Indefinite Tense: 117

Translate into English using the Past Indefinite Tense: 118

Употребление в экономической литературе 119

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Future Indefinite Tense: 119

Translate into English using the Future Indefinite Tense: 120

The Present Continuous Tense 120

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Present Continuous Tense: 121

Translate into English using the Present Continuous Tense: 121

The Past Continuous Tense 122

Употребление в экономической литературе 122

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Past Continuous Tense: 123

Translate into English using the Past Continuous Tense: 123

The Present Perfect Tense 124

Употребление в экономической литературе 124

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Present Perfect Tense: 125

Translate into English using the Present Perfect Tense: 125

The Past Perfect Tense 126

Употребление в экономической литературе 126

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Past Indefinite Tense: 127

Translate into English using the Past Perfect Tense: 127

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense 128

Употребление в экономической литературе 128

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous Tense: 129

Translate into English using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense: 130

The Past Subjunctive Mood 130

Употребление в экономической литературе 130

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Past Subjunctive Mood: 131

Translate into English using the Past Subjunctive Mood: 131

The Past Perfect Subjunctive Mood 132

Употребление в экономической литературе 132

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Past Perfect Subjunctive Mood Tense 133

Translate into English using the Past Subjunctive Mood 134

6.Используя глаголы в скобках, составьте предложения.

1.“Is Collin working this week? ‘No, he’s on holiday.’ (Colin/work)

2.Why at me like that? What’s the matter? (you/look)

3.‘Jenny is a student at university.’ ‘Is she? What ?’ (she/study)

4. ………to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/listen)

5.How is your English? better? (it/get)