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3.Project working.

Choose one of these projects.

  1. Collect information about an important local event. Prepare and give a short talk about it to your group.

  2. Prepare a short advertisement or TV commercial about your local region, city, or town.




1. Ответьте на вопрос (5-6 предложений).

Which city do you think is the most exciting in the world? Give your reasons.

2.Прочитайте текст и сравните тот город, который описывали вы, с городом из текста.


Australia’s most exciting city

Sydney is a city Sydneysiders and visitors get very excited about, and it’s not difficult to understand why.

It’s the biggest, liveliest, and most cosmopolitan city in Australia. It has one of the world’s loveliest harbours, and its Opera House is as famous as the Statue of Liberty. Sydney is also famous for its many beaches, where you can swim, surf, sail, and sun­bathe. The nearest, Bondi Beach, is less than fifteen minutes’ drive away. It’s not surprising that one in five Australians chooses to live in Sydney. Few cities in the world offer a better climate, or a healthier and more enjoyable lifestyle.

The Opera House

Today, it’s difficult to imagine the view of Sydney Harbour without the Opera House. Its adventurous design by a Danish architect won an international competition in 1957. Many people think it’s the most spectacular building of this century. It took nineteen years to complete and the final cost was fifteen times more than the original estimate. Inside there are five theatres, the largest with seats for 2,700 people.

The Harbour Bridge

Sydney’s other famous landmark is a lot older than the Opera House. The Harbour Bridge opened in 1932. One of the best views of the harbour and the city is from the top of its south-east tow­er. There’s an even more impressive view from the 305 metre high Sydney Tower.

The Rocks

This is Sydney’s most historical part, where the British landed in 1788 to build the colony of New South Wales.

It has the city’s oldest buildings, and its shops, museums, and pubs make it one of the most popular tourist attractions. At night, sitting at one of its waterfront cafes with the lights of Sydney Harbour all around you, it’s easy to feel you’re in one of the most exciting cities in the world.

3.Напишите степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий из текста.

Big –bigger – the biggest

Large, near, old, few

Healthy – healthier – the healthiest

lively, lovely

cosmopolitan - more cosmopolitan - the most cosmopolitan

enjoyable, exciting, impressive

good – better – the best

much/many, little

4.Сравните города. Используйте конструкцию as…as и слова в скобках.

New York is as far south as Naples. (New York/far south/Naples)

Vancouver isn’t as far north as London. (Vancouver/far north/London)

__________________ (Montreal/far north/Stuttgart)

__________________(New Orleans/far south/Cairo)

__________________(Lisbon/far south/San Francisco)

__________________(Bordeaux/far north/Minneapolis)

__________________(Cairo/far south/Miami)

Comparative adjectives: one syllable