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10. Какие из этих предложений не соответствуют диалогу?

Tick T (true) or F (false).

1.Ann’s trip to New York was a holiday. ,

2.She did the Well-being in the air programme on the flight to New York.

3.She felt very well after the return flight.

4.The 'Well-being meals are lighter than the normal menu meals.

5.The passengers on Ann’s flight drank more mineral water than champagne.

11.Выберите подходящее по смыслу время.

Underline the correct alternative.

Example Ann didn’t have much/ had a lot of time to see New York.

1.When she arrived in New York she had some problems with jet-lag/didn’t have any.

2.She thinks the Well-being in the air programme made / a lot of/ some differences.

3.She / drank a lot of /didn’t drink any alcohol.

4.She didn’t eat /any /much meat.

5.She did j some / a lot of exercises on the plane.

6.A lot of / Not many passengers did the exercises.

7.The other passengers didn’t drink much/ drank a lot of champagne.

12. Распределите исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные по образцу. Обратите внимание на двоякие существительные. Write the mass and count nouns from the box in the correct columns. Complete the grammar rules.

Magazine coffee plane information problem alcohol champagne passenger

fruit juice vegetable sleep luggage trip advice


Mass fish exercise pasta time food

Count seat exercises menu times foods

13. Вставьте в предложения неопределенные местоимения some или any.

Complete the sentences with some or any.

Example Are there any window seats left?

1.I’d like… information about flights to Madrid.

2.Have you got… hand luggage?

3.I’d like to change … travellers’ cheques, please.

4.I’m afraid there aren’t … seats left in business class.

5.Would you like … magazines?

6.Could I have ….. more champagne?

7.I didn’t buy… duty-free whisky.

8.Would you like… more coffee?

9.Did you buy ….. duty-free goods?

10.I bought …. cigarettes.

14.Вставьте в предложения a lot of, much, many.

Ann wrote a letter to a friend she visited during her business trip. Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, or many.

Dear Jane

It was good to see you in New York last week. Unfortunately I had… meetings every day, so I didn’t have… free time. I didn’t visit… of the interesting

places you recommended. I made….. useful contacts and, with luck, we can do

…… business in the States next year. / know you don’t have ….. free days on your visits, but please try to come and see us. There are …. interesting places in London, too. I’m sure you don’t know ….of them!



15.Работа в парах. Как вы проводите свои выходные? Составьте свои предложения, используя таблицу, и подготовьте вопросы для партнера.

Work in pairs. How do you spend your time every week? Fill in the table. Prepare questions for a colleague using the table below.

Examples How many hours a day do you work?

How much time do you spend on sport or exercise?


Your time survey

Your partner’s time survey






watching TV