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Part II Professional Activities of a Businessman My Future Speciality

I'm a student of the Economic Institute of Business and Man­agement. There are many departments1 at our Institute: Economic Departments of Accounting2, Finance3, Management4, of Foreign Relations5 and the Law Faculty6. I study at the Economic Depart­ment of Accounting. I'm a first year student. The students are trained to be specialists for different branches7 of our economy. I'm going to be an accountant8.

At the Institute we study many economic subjects9. Econom­ics10 is the science11 which is based upon the facts of our everyday life. The science of economics is concerned12 with all our material needs13 and wants14. Economists study the facts of the economy in which we live and try15 to explain16 how the system works.

1 department - отдел, ведомство, министерство

2 accounting - учет, от­четность

3 finance - финансы. до­ходы

4 management - уп­равление, заведование

5 foreign relations - зарубежные отношения

6 law faculty - юридичес­кий факультет

7 branch - отрасль

8 an accountant -бухгалтер

9 subject - предмет, дис­циплина

10 economic - экономи­ка, экономическая наука

11 science - наука, умение

12 concern - касаться, иметь отношение

13 need - надобность, необхо­димость, нужда

14 want - желание

15 try - пытаться, стараться

16 explain - объяснять, тол­ковать

Accounting is the process of recording', classifying2 and sum­marizing3 economic events4 in a logical manner. The accounting process follows5 accounting principles and rules6. Regardless7 of the type8 of business or the amount9 of money involved10, common11 procedures12 for handling13 and presenting financial14 information are used15. Incoming16 money (revenues)17 and outgoing18 money (expenditures)19 are carefully20 monitored21. Transactions22 are sum­marized23 in financial statements24 which reflect the major25 finan­cial activities26 of an organization. Two common financial state­ments are the balance sheet27 and the income28 statement. The balance sheet shows the financial position of a company at one point29 in time. The income statement shows the financial perform­ance30 of a company over a period of time. Financial statements

1 record - записывать, ре­гистрировать

2 classify - классифициро­вать

3 summarize - суммиро­вать, резюмировать, подводить итог

4 event - событие, исход, ре­зультат

5 follow - следовать, придер­живаться

6 rule - правило, принцип, нор­ма

7 regardless - не обращая внимания, не считаясь с, незави­симо от

8 type - тип. вид

9 amount - количество., сумма, итог

10 involve - включать, вов­лекать

11 common - общий, обще­принятый, распространенный

12 procedure - образ дей­ствия, процедура

13 handle - управлять, регу­лировать

14 financial - финансовый

15 use - употреблять, пользовать­ся, применять

16 incoming - приход, при­бытие, доходы

17 revenue - годовой доход, доходные статьи

18 outgoing - расход, издержки

19 expenditure - потреб­ление, трата, расход

20 carefully - внимательно, аккуратно, с осторожностью

21 monitor - контролиро­вать, проверять

22 transaction - дело, сделка

23 summarize - суммиро­вать, резюмировать, подводить итог

24 statement - официаль­ный отчет, бюллетень

25 major - больший, более важный, главный

26 activity - деятельность, активность

27 balance sheet - (фи­нансовый) баланс

28 income - доход, приход, заработок

29 point - точка, момент

30 performance - испол­нение, выполнение, свершение

Allow1 interested parties2 to compare'' one organization to another and/or to compare accounting periods within one organization.

People who specialize in the field4 of accounting are known as accountants. If you are considering5 setting up6 your own7 business, an accountant is the best person to give you financial advice8. To run your business9 well you must know what money you have re­ceived10, how much money you have spent", and most important12 of all how you spent it. It is the legal requirement13 that proper14 financial records15 are kept16 and the basic principle is to record every single17 transaction. One of the purposes18 is to ascertain19 whether20 you have made a profit21 or loss22 during a given period. Profit could be described23 as24 the difference25 between the value26 of the business at the start of trading period27 and the value of the business at the end of that period. So, the function of an accountant is to provide28 quantitative29 information that managers can use30 to make decisions31.

1 allow - позволять, разрешать, принимать во внимание, учитывать

2 party - партия, сторона

3 compare - сравнивать, сличать

4 in the field - в области, сфере деятельности

5 consider - рассматривать, обсуждать, принимать во внима­ние, учитывать

6 set up- организовать, уч­редить

7 own - свой собственный

8 advice - совет, консультация

9 to run your business - руководить, управлять вашим бизнесом

10 receive - принимать, призна­вать правильным

11 spend - тратить, расходо­вать

12 most important - наиболее значительный, суще­ственный

13 requirement - требо­вание, необходимое условие

14 proper - правильный, дол­жный, надлежащий

15 record - запись, регистра­ция, официальный документ

16 keep- хранить, вести

17 single - один, единственный

18 purpose - намерение, цель, назначение, результат

19 ascertain - устанавли­вать, выяснять, удостоверяться

20 whether - ли

21 profit - прибыль, доход, польза

22 loss - потеря, утрата, убыток

23 describe - описывать, изображать, характеризовать

24 as - как

25 difference - разница, раз­личие

26 value - ценность, стоимость

27 trading period - время, срок торговли, торговый


28 provide - снабжать, обес­печивать

29 quantitative - количе­ственный

30 use - употреблять, применять

31 decision - решение, опре­деление

To become a highly-specialized accountant one must be a dili­gent1 student. When graduating2 from the Institute we can work as governmental3 accountants at governmental agencies or bureaus. We can also work for private companies and individuals and pro­vide accounting services such as auditing4 and tax5 computation6.


I. Read the words to the text Pay attention to their correct pronunciation and learn their Russian equivalents:

to be concerned with – иметь отношение к ...

regardless of – независимо от

amount - количество

performance - деятельность

records- записи

purpose- цель

common - общий

statement - документ

carefully – тщательно

ascertain - убедиться

loss- убыток

quantity- количество

II. Give Russian equivalents to the words «есопоту», «economic», «economics», «economist». Learn their correct pronunciation. Mind the stress.

III. Make a list of international words. Pay attention to their correct pronunciation and Russian equivalents.

IV. Give Russian equivalents to the word combinations:

in different branches of the economy; material needs and wants; in a logical manner; recording, classifying and summarizing economic events; financial statements; to handle and present financial informa­tion; to monitor revenues and expenditures; balance sheet; at one point of time; income statement; accounting period; to compare one organi­zation to another; to specialize in the field of accounting; to give finan­cial advice; to consider setting up one's own business; to receive (spend) money; to run one's business; legal requirement; to record every single transaction; to provide quantitative information; to make decisions; tax computation; to provide accounting services; to keep proper finan­cial records.

V. Answer the following questions to discuss the details of the text. Use the text for reference.

1. What specialists are trained at your Institute?

2. What's your future speciality?

3. Why do you want to become an accountant?

4. What major subjects do you study at the Institute?

5. What do you know about economics?

6. What do you know about accounting?

7. What principles does the accounting process follow?

8. What procedures are used in the accounting process?

9. Where are transactions summarized?

10. What are the main financial statements?

11. What's the role of an accountant in business?

12. Where can you work after graduating from the Institute?

VI. Read and retell the following text (without a dictionary).