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Lesson 9 changing world


1.Прочитайте, как правильно описывать действия в будущем. Распределите три предложения в подходящую строку. Put these examples under the correct rule.

  1. Businesspeople will have to do less travelling.

b)Businesspeople will be able to work from home on the Intranet.

c)Sales are down 35%. We are going to go bankrupt

1.We tend to use will to make general predictions about the future and going to for making predictions based on specific evidence in the present.

More employees will work from home as wireless networking becomes easier.

2.We usually use will at the time we are deciding, but be going to when we have decided and it is more like a plan.

(To a waiter:) I'll have the tomato soup, please.

(After ordering:) I'm going to have the tomato soup.

3.To talk about obligation in the future we use will have to or be going to have to:

4.To talk about future possibility we use will be able to.

5.Newspaper headlines often use the infinitive to talk about future events.

Schools to go digital.

2. Complete the opinions below with the following:

will download are going to have to meet will have (x2) will have to do

will make will face will work won't be are going to be used won't go

will have to migrate will cause will read

Future predictions

As part of our report we recently asked you for your thoughts. Here is a sampling of your emails:

Electronic tags are going to be used for luggage, manufactured goods, goods in shops. They will make it easier to track them. (Miu Kimura)

High street shops increasing competition from Internet shopping as more people shop online. (Tanya Patel)

Air travel will become more expensive and airport security________ it inconvenient. So business people_______ more video conferencing. (Jan Novak)

Many workers will work from home and________ into the office every day. And more business people_______in public places, such as coffee houses, because it is cheaper than hiring offices. (Camille Rousseau)

Jobs_______ for life, and many young people__________ to other countries for their work. (Paul Schmidt)

Viruses and hackers will be increasingly successful and_______serious problems for businesses. (Ibrahim Al Muheiri)

People________what they want to watch and they will no longer need TVs. We_______fewer books and this_______an impact on the publishing industry. (Lizzie Hughes)

Computers________bigger memories and________ faster, which will make our work easier and faster. (Ethan Ross)

3.Write three of your own predictions for the future.


1.I think that digital technology will change the way we are taught. Each student will have a unique educational program.

2.We will be able to work anywhere we like because there will be wireless connection everywhere.

3.Businesses are going to have to think more about their impact on the environment.

Future: will

4.Match a line from each column to write sentences about the 21st century.

a)Air travel; Most people; Families; The Earth’s population; People; Governments

b) will double; will continue; will be; won’t have; will be; will work

c) as much spending power; more common; from home; to cut social spending; by the year 2020; smaller than today.

Example: Air travel will be more common.

Certainty and uncertainty

5.What do you think about your own future ten years from now? Use the words in brackets to write questions. Then write your answers. Use the phrases in the box.

Yes, definitely! I think so. I hope so. I’m not very sure. No, definitely not! I don’t think so. I hope not. I really don’t know.

Q: Do you think you will own more than one car? (own more than one car)

A: I don’t think so.

Q: travel by air more than today; work from home; be unemployed; have a larger family than today; spend more money on leisure; be rich and famous.

Add three more questions, and write answers.

6. Future: will questions

A reporter is asking an expert about Berlin’s new airport. Use the words in brackets to write the questions.

Reporter Where will the airport be ?(bе/airport/will/the/where)

Expert It’ll be south of Berlin.

Sally Ride - a career in space 49

Ride’s work lives on 50

Future: will 67

6. Future: will questions 68

Future: Present Continuous questions 70

Future: going to 70

Things to do in Singapore 70

Future: will, 1st Conditional, if and when 74

1st Conditional 75

if and when 75

2nd Conditional 79


Collocations 106

English Grammar: What is Specific for Economics? 116

The Present Indefinite Tense 116

Употребление в экономической литературе 116

The Past Indefinite Tense 118

Употребление в экономической литературе 118

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Past Indefinite Tense: 118

Translate into English using the Past Indefinite Tense: 119

Употребление в экономической литературе 120

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Future Indefinite Tense: 120

Translate into English using the Future Indefinite Tense: 121

The Present Continuous Tense 121

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Present Continuous Tense: 122

Translate into English using the Present Continuous Tense: 122

The Past Continuous Tense 123

Употребление в экономической литературе 123

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Past Continuous Tense: 124

Translate into English using the Past Continuous Tense: 124

The Present Perfect Tense 125

Употребление в экономической литературе 125

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Present Perfect Tense: 126

Translate into English using the Present Perfect Tense: 126

The Past Perfect Tense 127

Употребление в экономической литературе 127

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Past Indefinite Tense: 128

Translate into English using the Past Perfect Tense: 128

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense 129

Употребление в экономической литературе 129

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous Tense: 130

Translate into English using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense: 131

The Past Subjunctive Mood 131

Употребление в экономической литературе 131

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Past Subjunctive Mood: 132

Translate into English using the Past Subjunctive Mood: 132

The Past Perfect Subjunctive Mood 133

Употребление в экономической литературе 133

Translate into Russian the following sentences with the Past Perfect Subjunctive Mood Tense 134

Translate into English using the Past Subjunctive Mood 135


Expert Yes, there’ll be excellent transport links.

Future: Present Continuous

7.A hotel manager and a journalist want to arrange a meeting. Read their diaries and complete the conversation. Use the Present Continuous form of the verbs in the box.