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I. Find the following phrases in the text:

Litigation: preparing cases to be tried in civil or criminal courts.

But not every client has a family fortune to protect or bequeath.

Translate them into Russian paying special attention to the infinitives underlined. What parts of the sentences are they? What kind of infinitive is it?

II. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. There are a number of questions to be considered.

2. This is the procedure to be followed.

3. The next case to be investigated is very difficult.

4. There are always so many more things to be attended to.

III. Now translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. I have a lot of work to do.

2. We have no time to lose.

Why is an active infinitive used here?



I. Say whether each of these statements is true or false. Correct the wrong statements if any.

1. The work of solicitors actually started in XIX century.

2. Associate solicitors have a share in the firm’s profit.

3. Sometimes solicitors represent foreign nationals who are claiming asylum in their country.

4. Solicitors never take part in drawing commercial contracts.

5. Today solicitor advocates are allowed to appear in the Crown Court and in the High Court.

6. When solicitors conduct cases in higher courts they wear lounge suits, if women, dark-coloured suits or dresses.

7. Barristers always have to find solicitors for their clients.

8. The Law Society is responsible for the training of solicitors.

9. The work of solicitors does not require any academic qualifications.

II. Answer these questions.

1. What is the function of solicitors in society?

2. Do they work separately (on their own) or as partners with other solicitors?

3. Enumerate the types of work solicitors usually do.

4. What fields of law can family solicitors specialise in?

5. What must solicitors be able to do as advisers? As recorders?

6. Why do you think family solicitors are thought of as ‘country’ solicitors?

7. Why do you think they are sometimes referred to as ‘high street’ solicitors?

8. What sorts of problems can ‘high street’ solicitors deal with?

9. Can solicitors present and argue their clients’ cases in court? What kinds of courts can they appear in?

10. In what manner should solicitors be dressed when appear in court?

11. How do solicitors and barristers work together?

12. Who are legal executives?

13. What is the professional body for solicitors?

14. What is it responsible for?

15. Is a university degree necessary for becoming a solicitor?

16. Describe the course of training for those wishing to qualify as a solicitor without having special exemptions.

III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarise it.

IV. Discuss these issues.

1. Why do you think the number of people who have the right of audience in courts of Great Britain has been gradually increasing?

2. How can members of the public get skilled advice and representation in legal matters in your country?

Chapter X


Vocabulary List

1. counsel – участвующий в деле адвокат

QC - Queen’s Counsel – королевский адвокат

junior counsel – барристер ниже ранга королевского адвоката

2. bar – барьер; the Bar – адвокатура

3. opinion – мнение, заключение; counsel’s opinion – письменное заключение


4. barrister’s chamber – контора адвоката

5. barrister’s clerk – секретарь адвоката

6. fee – гонорар

7. in-house lawyer – штатный юрист фирмы

8. inn – маленькая гостиница

Inn – «инн», школа подготовки адвокатов

Inns of Courts – «Судебные Инны», юридические корпорации, готовящие


Inns of Chancery – «Канцелярские Инны»

9. legal circuit – судебный округ

on circuit – на выезде

chamber on circuit – контора для работы на выездном заседании суда

10. train for the Bar – учиться на адвоката

11. Call to the Bar – получение права на адвокатскую практику

12. prosecution – обвинение (сторона в уголовном процессе); судебное


13. Bencher – старейшина школы подготовки барристеров

14. advocacy – адвокатская деятельность; адвокатура

15. high treason – государственная измена

16. read for the Bar – готовиться к адвокатуре

17. vocational training / course– профессиональное обучение

18. negotiation – переговоры, ведение переговоров

19. conference skills – умение вести переговоры

20. drafting – составление проекта документа

21. fact management – обработка и представление фактов

21. legal research – поиск решения юридических проблем

22. scholarship – стипендия

23. tenant – владелец адвокатской конторы

24. pupilage – ученичество, стажировка

25. apprenticeship – ученичество

26. treasurer - казначей