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Полный сборник с исправлениями.doc
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VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

1. acquittal; 2. acquitted; 3. allegations; 4. charges (2); 5. found; 6. not guilty; 7. trial

Imelda marcos acquitted

A court in New York has _________ Mrs. Imelda Marcos - the widow of former President Marcos of the Philippines _________ of fraud and racketeering. The _________ related to _________ that Mrs. Marcos stole more than $200 million from Philippines treasury and used some of it to buy four buildings in New York, as well as jewellery and works of arts.

The Saudi arms dealer and businessman, Mr. Adnan Khashoggi, was _________ on _________ of helping her by obstructing justice. In Manila, President Aquino expressed disappointment at the _________ (10) of Mrs. Marcos, and said the ban on her return would remain in effect. However, she added that at the appropriate time, Mrs. Marcos would have to stand _________ in a Philippines court.

IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box.

to (2); before; for (2); in (9); into; if; from; by (2); with (4); of (4).

1. Before trial a defendant will be charged __ an offence.

2. A defendant’s trial will usually result __ a verdict __ either guilty or not guilty.

3. An indictment will contain only charges __ offences which may be tried __ the Crown Court __ a judge and jury.

4. Appeals __ convictions __ the Crown Court go __ the Court of Appeal.

5. Usually a person charged __ a summary offence will have to appear __ magistrates __ person.

6. A sentence __ imprisonment or disqualification may be passed only __ a defendant’s absence.

7. __ these cases a defendant may choose to be tried __ a judge and a jury __ the Crown Court.

8. I admit striking him __ a baseball bat and he was attacking me __ a knife, but I was acting __ self-defence.

9. I should be convicted __ manslaughter and not murder because I was provoked __ losing my self-control.

10. __ the fine is less than 200$ the court may order that __ default __ paying it the defendant will go __ prison __ seven days.

X. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English

1. Существуют сотни различных уголовных преступлений, почти все они предусмотрены законодательными актами. Однако все еще осталось несколько видов преступлений, первоначально предусмотренных общим правом, наказание за эти преступления осуществляется согласно общему праву.

2. В уголовном процессе сторона обвинения предъявляет иск обвиняемому и должна доказать правоту своего обвинения в суде. В свою очередь обвиняемый не должен доказывать свою невиновность.

3. Апелляционные суды решают вопросы о справедливости приговоров, вынесенных при первоначальном рассмотрении дела. Если они приходят к выводу, что приговор не отвечает действующим законам, то апелляционный суд признает приговор недействительным, или требует повторного слушания дела.

4. Почти во всех уголовных процессах государство выступает в качестве обвинителя (преследует в судебном порядке лицо, которое, как утверждается, совершило преступление). Это означает, что обвинение ведется от лица всего общества в целом, а не от отдельного индивидуума.

5. Менее серьезные преступления по решению парламента рассматриваются мировыми судьями. Это так называемые преступления, преследуемые в порядке суммарного производства.

Grammar Revision


I. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form а word that fits in the space in the same line. Read the story. Can you think of any more examples of crimes that may go unrecorded? Why is this and what is the effect?

Once confidently regarded as reflecting the level of crime in society,

(0) criminal _____statistics are now interpreted with caution. Such statistics are based only on notifiable (1) ________ which have been reported and recorded. But not all of these are reported by the public, so there are (2) _________ in what is actually recorded. It has been suggested that routinely compiled statistics seriously under-record some types of crime such as (3) ________ petty theft and domestic violence.

The (4) ______ of a court case, and whether a conviction is actually recorded or not, also depends on a complex mix of ingredients. And changes in police (5) ________or even simple human (6) _______can sometimes mean no record is made of a crime.

Some would argue, therefore, that the criminal statistics we have are less a picture of the (7) ________ of crime than an(8) _______ of what the authorities actually find it (9) ________to police, and also a reflection of the kinds of offences that tend to end up in court and result in convictions. Nevertheless, after a period of criticism and (10) __________, the use of criminal statistics has been regaining broad acceptance.














I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why.

1. Only the Crown Court can try indictable offences.

2. These days the Court of Appeal can order a re-trial of any case.

3. In case of a summary offence а sentence will be passed in а defendant’s absence.

4. All criminal cases are tried by а jury.

5. If two people agree to commit murder, and the police are informed about the plotting, the plotters can be arrested immediately before the crime is committed.