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X. Translate the text from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Лорд высокий канцлер Великобритании, или Лорд-канцлер (в прежние времена Канцлер Англии и Лорд-канцлер Шотландии), один из самых старших и важных сановников (functionary) правительствавВеликобритании.

2. Он назначается Сувереномпо рекомендациипремьер-министра.

3. Исторически обязанности лорда-канцлера были довольно широки — он председательствовал в Палате лордов, входил в Кабинет министров, какЛорд-хранитель Большой печати(the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal) хранил Большую печать и возглавлял судебную властьвАнглиииУэльсе.

4. Реформа 2005 года, проведенная администрациейТони Блэра, передала большую часть этих функций другим лицам — Палату лордов возглавил Лорд-спикер, а судебную власть вАнглиииУэльсе—лорд — верховный судья Англии и Уэльса.

5. C 12 мая 2010 должность Лорд-канцлера занимает Кеннет Кларк. В настоящее время Лорд-канцлер в соответствии с законом исполняет обязанности Министра юстиции и является членом кабинета министров. Он отвечает за эффективную работу и независимость судов.

6. Традиционно лорд-канцлеры являются пэрами, хотя законодательных ограничений для назначений простолюдина нет.Джек Стро, Лорд-канцлер в2007-2010 годах, был первым не-пэром на этой должности с 17 века. Кеннет Кларк также занимает пост Лорда-канцлера, продолжая свою службу в качестве члена Парламента в Палате Общин.



I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why.

1. Since the European Communities Act 1972, the United Kingdom has been a member of the European Union, and until that Act is repealed (abolished) its laws must take priority over the UK national laws.

2. The Prime Minister comes to Parliament to answer questions of mass media once a week at 'Prime Minister's Question Time'.

3. Any law passed by Parliament which clashes with, or alters or reverses any part of the common law automatically takes precedence, and becomes the law of the land.

4. The Lords are able to change or delay any laws particularly the ones, which relate to finance and taxation.

5. All Acts of Parliament bear the Union Jack.

II. Answer the questions about the text.

1. What is the implication of the opening quotation on page 59? How does that reflect the society’s attitude to Members of Parliament and why?

2. Why is Parliament referred to as the supreme law-making body in the UK?

3. What two main duties does Parliament perform?

4. What is Parliament made up of?

5. What is the history of the Palace oa Westminster and who does it still belong to?

6. Explain the origin of the terms „Commons“ and „commoners“.

7. Why do you think peers are prohibited from beeing MPs?

8. What is a constituency and how is the election process organised?

9. What two categories of deputies (as regards the party affiliation) are there in Great Britain?

10. What is a by-election? Why and in what circumstances does it take place?

11. What functions do the MPs perform and what are their duties?

12. How does the method of voting in the House of Commons ensure the observance of democracy?

13. What are the advantages of democracy as a state system as explained by Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysberg Address?

14. How do you underctand devolution and why is it applied?

15. Why is leadership indispensable for any efficient system of government? What body provides leadership in the House of Commons?

16. How does the British government differ from the Russian government? Who are the leaders of the British government?

17. What is the role of the Government and how is its functioning balanced by Parliament?

18. What have you learned about the office of the Speaker?

19. What do you think is the reason for there being two types of the Peers of the realm?

20. What is the difference between Hereditary Peers and Life Peers?

21. How and why is the House of Lords being reformed? What and how many peers will probably remain in the Lords as a result?

22. What legislative powers do the Lords have and do not have? Is the House of Lords necessary at all for the legislative process in the UK?

23. What are the roles and duties of the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice?

24. Enumerate and briefly characterise the stages a Bill passes through to become an Act.

25. Is there any power in Great Britain capable of overriding Parliament’s laws?

26. What is the way to change an unpopular law?