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  • Vocabulary Practice

  1. A The following words and word combinations appear in the text. Explain their meaning using a dictionary.

Strike home stir oneself languid paragon

bluffing assiduously blotted out at sea

segments strategically dribble away dipping into

glazed over prime swamp loop

B Write out the verbs that characterize a) the flow of time;

b) advancement.

  • Text Comprehension

  1. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence:

  1. The vice-chancellor's speech _______________ the writer.

a) amused b) failed to convince

c) frightened d) terrified

  1. The lad from Oldham's time at university was _______than the writer's.

a) less successful b) more fun

c) more intellectual d) more strenuous

  1. While he was in the university library the writer _____________.

a) couldn't concentrate b) dozed off

c) read books from cover to cover d) worked hard

  1. Towards the end of his time at university the write ____________.

a) gave up hope b) organised himself better

c) worked harder d) wrote a long dissertation

  1. The writer recommends ____________________.

a) studying for a short time every day

b) finishing one task before starting another

c studying only when you are alert

d) deciding when each kind of task is best done

  1. ‘Circling round a self-monitoring loop’ means ________________.

a) approaching your studies in circuitous way

b) continuing to study for a long time

c) planning your study methods

d) evaluating die success of your study methods

  • Critical Reading

  1. A Make up the plan of the text. Label each paragraph with a word or word combination taken from the text.

B Explain the meaning of the following phrases taken from the article.

  • of conspicuously cool and languid manner;

  • to be vaguely committed to work;

  • The message struck home.

  • a paragon of academic virtue;

  • sticking assiduously to a modest but well-defined, realistic plan;

  • I blotted studies out of my mind.

  • stretches of a day had slipped away;

  • not just to stumble ahead in hope;

  • would bring down my anxiety level;

  • to divide the task into strategy and application;

  • to flee from uncertainty;

  • to take control of your studies rather than letting them swamp you.

  • Talking Points

  1. As any student you are concerned with managing your study time. Answer the following questions (using the thematic vocabulary) to express your opinion on the issue. Share it with your partner. Make notes in writing if necessary.

  • What do you consider the key statements of the text under discussion?

  • Which of the advice given in the passage do you agree with? Why?

  • Which do you already follow? Which ought you to follow?

  • How does life at a British university, as described in the passage, differ from university life in your country? (Use approximately 250 words).

The following useful language may come handy.

Agreeing and Giving Reasons

  • That’s very true, because…

  • Right, especially…

  • Positively, because…

  • You’re absolutely right. For example, when…

Partially Agreeing

  • I’m not sure I totally agree, because…

  • I see what you mean, but on the other hand…

  • There’s a lot in what you are saying. However…

  • I see what you are getting at, but…

  • In a way you are right, but I think it all depends on…

Asking Someone to Justify their Opinion

  • Why do you think that?

  • What makes you say that?

  • Do you really think so?

  • Are you certain about that?

  • Creative Writing

  1. Read the rubric below and write your own article for the magazine.

Your university magazine is planning a feature entitled “How to Be a Successful Learner“. Readers have been asked to send short articles on the issue. You have decided to write an article describing the way you manage your study time. (Use the Thematic Vocabulary).

  • Test Your Knowledge of Vocabulary

  1. Translate the situation into English cramming it with the Thematic Vocabulary.

Ніхто не стане заперечувати, що вміння раціонально використовувати свій час є важливою запорукою успішного навчання.

На жаль, є студенти, які являють собою зразок у навчанні, але не вміють правильно розподілити свій навчальний час. Для них стає проблемою продуктивна робота над великими інтелектуальними завданнями. Хоча вони встигають виконати завдання вчасно, але це робиться за рахунок вільного часу або сну. Це пояснюється, мабуть, лише тим , що вони достатньо амбітні й віддані роботі.

Що ж можна порекомендувати студентам щодо управління часом?

    1. Ви маєте навчитися планувати роботу і відповідно до плану розподіляти завдання на частини.

    2. Важливо старанно й послідовно дотримуватися плану.

    3. Не хвилюйтесь, а думайте стратегічно. Добре продуманий план допоможе знизити рівень невпевненості.

    4. Якщо завдання вимагає концентрації уваги, пам’ятайте, що воно має бути виконаним в продуктивний час дня.

    5. Старайтеся не перевтомлюватися, не засиджуватися доки в ваших очах не потемніє від безлічі підручників. Це не приведе до бажаного результату, а тільки підвищить вашу тривогу і невпевненість.

Ці та інші рекомендації, які ви можете знайти в підручниках з психології, допоможуть вам навчитись управляти своїм часом і стати успішними в навчанні.

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