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Preparation and experimental procedure

Materials and equipment: Petri dishes (6 pcs.), filter paper, plant seeds, snow samples, tap water [4].

The study was carried out in laboratory conditions. The seeds of peas and oats were chosen for the experiment, as they quickly germinate and grow intensively. Also, samples of snow were taken: clean snow – in Avtozavodsky park and dirty snow – from the road on Beketov Street.

The seeds were placed in Petri dishes on filter paper. Each cup contained 15 seeds, the distance between the seeds was at least 0.5-1.5 cm from each other. Tap water was added to the first cup, clean snow to the second one, and dirty snow to the third one.

An interval of four days was taken for the experiment. The moisture condition was checked daily. Also, the seeds were provided with constant ventilation for 1 hour daily.

On the fourth day, the results of the experiment were summed up. The number of germinated seeds was counted. The germination energy was also calculated. The calculation results are presented in table 1.

Table 1. Germination energy of oat and pea seeds in%







Control sample






Pure snow






Dirty snow






On the basis of observations, graphs 1 and 2 were built according to the data of seed germination during the period of the experiment.

Graph 1. Germination rate of oat seeds

Chart 2. Germination rate of pea






















1 day

2 day

3 day

4 day

Control sample

Pure snow


Dirty snow




















1 day


3 day

4 day

Control sample

Pure snow


Dirty snow




According to the results of the experiment, it can be concluded that the germination energy of both oats and peas in clean snow is higher than in dirty snow. This is due to the fact that the snow collected near the road contains metals, dust particles, droplets of unburned fuel, soot, which influenced the low germination of seeds.



The experiment confirmed the negative impact of urban snow on the germination of plants. So the germination of oat and pea seeds in the snow collected near the highway on Beketov street is 10%-15% lower than in the snow collected in the park. This is due to the fact that dirty snow contains substances and impurities that slow down the germination of seeds.

To prevent further soil pollution, it is necessary to ensure the timely removal of snow deposits from the city, especially in industrial areas, before the polluted snow begins to melt and substances harmful to plants get into the environment.


1.Sedykh E.S., Sedykh S.E. Influence of factors of winter operation of highways on seed germination // Young scientist. – 2018. – No. 1.

2.Egorova, E.N. Biotesting and bioindication of the environment: Textbook. textbook on the course "Biotesting" / E.I. Egorova, V.I. Belolipetskaya; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation. Obnin. in-t atom. energy. Fac. natures. sciences. – Obninsk: Obnin. in-t atom. Energy, 2000. – 78, [2] p. : ill., table; 20 cm.

3.Germination, germination energy and seed growth force [Electronic resource]:

– Access mode: http://belagrobiznes.ru/agronomiya/zemledelie-i- rastenievodstvo/438-vskhozhest-energiya-prorastaniya-i-sila-rosta-semyan.

4.GOST 12038-84 Agricultural seeds. Methods for determining germination (with amendments N 1, 2, with amendment). Tehexpert [Electronic resource]: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200023365.

E.A. Repnikova, D.A. Loshkareva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)



Information technology surrounds us everywhere. All the services help us to generate a huge amount of data. This data can be used for various purposes, from creating an optimal offer for the product purchase or service to forecasting the required number of specialists in a particular field.

Not long ago conference organizers had to keep all recordings manually, storing huge amount of paper. Information systems help to search and process data greatly. Databases have become the basis of such systems. Now the work of enterprises is possible, only thanks to the creation of advanced systems which facilitate the search and processing of data.


The goal of database model development is to create the most efficient storage system that is easy to use and improve.

A database (DB) is an information model that allows you to store data about a group of objects that have the same set of properties. The correct data model determines how easy the database itself will be to use. A data model is a formalized representation of the main categories of the real world perception, represented by its objects, connections, properties, as well as their interactions. A database management system (DBMS) is a set of language and software tools designed to create, update and delete databases.

The following basic requirements apply to the modern databases and to the DBMS on which they are built:

High responsiveness (short response time). Response time is the period of time from the time of the database request to the actual data receipt.

Easy to update data.

Data independence – the ability to change the logical and physical structure of the database without changing the views of users.

Data sharing by many users.

Data security – protect data from intentional or unintentional breach of secrecy, distortion or destruction.

Standardization of database construction and operation (actually DBMS).

Adequacy of data display of the relevant subject area.

Simple user interface.

The main stages of database design are:

1) Conceptual (infological) design - construction of a formalized model of the subject area. This model is constructed using standard language tools, usually graphical, such as ER charts (Entity-Relationship charts). Such a model is built without focusing on any specific DBMS.

Figure 1. Database Infological Model (ER Model)


Entity is the real or represented type of object that should be stored and is accessible. In diagrams, the entity is represented as a rectangle containing the entity name. The entity name is the name of a type, not a specific instance of that type. Examples of entities: PARTICIPANT, REPORT. Each entity instance (object) must be distinct from any other instance of the same entity. Entities have properties called attributes. For example, MEMBER entity has attributes: name; surname; phone number, etc.

2)Logical (datalogical) design – mapping of the infological model to the data model used in a particular DBMS, for example, to a relational data model. For relational DBMS, a datalogical model is a set of tables, usually indicating key fields, relationships between tables. If the infological model is built in the form of ER-diagrams (or other formalized means), then datalogical design is the construction of tables according to certain formalized rules, as well as the normalization of these tables. This step can be largely automated.

3)Physical design is the implementation of the datalogical model by means of a specific DBMS, as well as the choice of solutions related to the physical storage environment – these tasks are solved mainly by means of the DBMS and hidden from the database developer.

Normal forms are rules that must be followed when designing a database correctly. Each of the following normal forms limits a specific type of functional dependencies, eliminates corresponding anomalies when performing operations on database relationships, and retains the properties of previous normal forms.

• First normal form

The basic rule of the first form is that the value in each field (column) of the row is indivisible – the atomicity of the values. In addition to atomicity, the first normal form includes the following rules:

1)The rows of the tables should not depend on each other, i.e. the first entry should not affect the second and vice versa, the second on the third, etc. Placing records in a table is irrelevant.

2)Similar situation with record columns. Their order should not affect the understanding of information.

3)Each row must be unique, so it defines a primary key consisting of one or more fields (compound key). The primary key cannot be repeated within a table and serves as a record ID.

For example, you can check the table "participants" for normality.

Firstly, we should consider data redundancy. We put all repetitive values into separate tables: degree and academic title, position and scientific direction.

Secondly, all data in this table are not divisible.

• Second normal form

The condition of this form is that the non-key fields do not depend on part of the composite key.

• Third normal form


If the second normal form eliminates non-key fields’ dependences on key parts, then the third normal form excludes non-key fields’ dependence on other key parts.

As a result, it is possible to understand that in the world with the growing amount of information, it is necessary to filter and order it in structural data storages. And creation of such systems has to become one of basic skills of the person.


1.GOSy VMKSS[Электронный ресурс]: [сайт]. – Режим доступа: https://www.sites.google.com/site/gosyvmkss12/bazy-dannyh/1-osnovnye- principy-postroenia-baz-dannyh-problemy-hranenia-bolsih-obemov-informacii

(Дата обращения 05.010.2020)

2.Библиографическое описание: Шилина, Н. В. Что такое BigData? Основные проблемы: хранение и управление данными / Н. В. Шилина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 28 (214). — С. 1-3. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/214/52028/ (дата обращения: 11.10.2020).

3.Основные понятия баз данных[Электронный ресурс]: [сайт]. – Режим доступа:http://inf.susu.ac.ru/Klinachev/lc_sga_26.htm (Дата обращения


4.Нормализация базы данных и ее формы [Электронный ресурс]: [сайт]. – Режим доступа: https://office-menu.ru/uroki-sql/51-normalizatsiya- bazy-dannykh (Дата обращения 25.09.2020)

5.Информатика теория. Базы данных// Волжский Университет им. В.Н.Татищева [Электронный ресурс]: Режим доступа: https://studfile.net/preview/5388757/ (дата обращения: 23.09.2020).

E. A. Rokunova, L. V. Pavlova

(Institute of Food Technologies and Design - a branch of the state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University"

Nizhny Novgorod)



For the current day one of the most promising directions in the creation of author's clothing collections are conceptual forms of creativity, taking into account socio-political, philosophical and cultural approaches when creating a holistic image, where the costume acts as a "specific symbolic form" [1].


In the creative practice of designers at the beginning of the XXI century, the basic principles of designing conceptual collections were determined: modeling of ready-to-wear clothes, development of mixed collections, where the attention of conceptual designers is shifted from the plastic form of the costume to its connection with cultural or specific temporal contexts [2].

Still, the main task of conceptual collections is to express design ideas through metaphor, the use of non-standard materials and unusual design solutions.

Let us turn to creative examples of theoretical and practical understanding of the system of conceptuality. They can serve as the historical origins of various social movements, as an example - the 1905 revolution in Russia, which became the beginning of women's emancipation.

In the wake of these sentiments, the trend coming from Europe towards simplification of cut and trimming was well received, straight lines began to invade fashion, therefore, fashion became more practical and more democratic.

There were collections of travel suits, English travel suits, compact hats, which were practical and gave women more freedom of movement. Thus, by 1910, the trend towards more practicality in dress had won out.

It should be noted here that the process of emancipation bore significant contradictions: on the one hand, it expanded the opportunities for women in the direction of their independence and professional growth, but, on the other hand, women had to work and study in difficult economic conditions, surrounded by bearers of conservative views.

But society had to accept not only external changes, when women abandoned uncomfortable things that hindered the movement of things, when "work" and sports suits began to appear in the everyday wardrobe of an emancipated woman, but also to listen to the mood of the era that opened the doors for women to the world of politics, science and equality.

In this case, one can give another example of designing a conceptual costume, filling it with value-semantic content and focused on interaction with the socio-cultural environment.


Picture 1. Author's sketches of the conceptual collection of haute couture costumes (Rokunova E.A.)

A fundamental feature of the creative concept in the formation of modern trends in clothing design is the semantic orientation of the goals and objectives of design, reflecting important issues that concern humanity and society as a whole, providing a modern person with the opportunity to express themselves and form their own unique image [3].

Improvement of the technological base has made it possible to create a conceptual costume for a real consumer, who will wear the suit in everyday life, who will begin to live more responsibly and in accordance with ethical principles.

Picture 2. Author's sketches of the conceptual collection ready-to-wear (Rokunova E.A.)

Lideview Edelcourt predicts that there will soon be a need for well-tailored, timeless clothing made from new durable materials. Now the era of maximum


simplicity is coming: aprons, skirts, straight jackets and trousers made of durable fabrics will be in trend.

Edelcourt also predicts that alternative materials such as nettle and pineapple will increasingly be used. “We need to reduce the use of cotton in the industry and find viable alternatives to this popular fabric,” says the expert.

At the present stage, the gravitation of designers to conceptual forms of creativity is explained by the fact that it makes it possible to create an author's collection of clothes, endowed with symbolic and semantic content and an innovative design idea. At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, the conceptual costume acts as a kind of mediator between contemporary art and the design of ready-to-wear clothes from alternative materials [4,5].


1.Alexandrova I.B. Intellectual aspects of solving the problem of training specialists in the field of art technologies / I.B. Alexandrova, N.G. Burmistrova, I.N. Kamneva // Prospects for Science. 2019 No. 6 (117). C.165-168.

2.Pleshkova I.S. Designing a conceptual costume: modern theories and forecasts // Design and technologies: collection of scientific papers of the Moscow State University of Design and Technology / Mosk. state University of Design and Technology. - Moscow: Information and Publishing Center MSUDT, 2010.C. 18-26.

3.Pavlova L.V., Ryaskina N.A. Organization of design and research activities in the context of continuous education // Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Concept", - 2016. - V. 17. - URL: htttp: //e- koncept.ru/2016/46345.htm

4.Eremina N.A. Problems of the formation of the skill of author's design in design education // Pedagogy of mskustva. 2014. No. 4. C. 17-22.

5.Pyatko L.A. On the development of creative abilities of specialists in the fashion and beauty industry // The quality of the educational environment: concepts, problems, solutions. Materials and reports of the VIII Regional scientific and practical pedagogical conference. 2018. - S. 130-132.


1.Александрова И.Б. Интеллектуальные аспекты решения проблемы подготовки специалистов в области художественных технологий/ И.Б.Александрова, Н.Г.Бурмистрова, И.Н.Камнева// Перспективы науки. 2019. № 6 (117). С. 165-168.

2.Плешкова И. С. Проектирование концептуального костюма: современные теории и прогнозы // Дизайн и технологии: сборник научных трудов Московского государственного университета дизайна и технологии

/Моск. гос. ун-т дизайна и технологии. - Москва: Информационноиздательский центр МГУДТ, 2010. С. 18-26.


3.Павлова Л. В., Ряскина Н. А. Организация проектноисследовательской деятельности в условиях непрерывного образования // Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2016. – Т. 17. –

URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2016/46345.htm

4.Еремина Н.А. Проблемы формирования навыка авторского проектирования в дизайн-образовании// Педагогика искусства. 2014. № 4. С.


5.Пятко Л.А. К вопросу о развитии творческих способностей специалистов индустрии моды и красоты// Качество образовательной среды: концепции, проблемы, решения материалы и доклады VIII Региональной научно-практической педагогической .– 2018. – с. 130-132

A.I. Ryseva, E.V. Smirnova

(Nizhny Novgorod State University)


It is a well-known fact that speech communication is considered to be one of the ways expressing human feelings and achieving goals. This work studies various concepts such as terms “politeness”, “speech act”, and the ways of expressing speech act of request. The term "politeness" usually means the ability to respectfully and tactfully communicate with people, the desire to come to an agreement and listen to alternative points of view.

The relevance of this work is due to the definition of the place of the politeness strategy as one of the most important categories, the mastering of which leads to the successful achievement of personal or group interests.

The object of the research are linguistic units of different levels that implement politeness strategies.

The subject of the research is the use of speech act of request as strategy of communicative politeness in English-speaking communication.

For a detailed study, it is necessary to formulate the following tasks:

Clarify the concept of "politeness".

Clarify the concept of "speech act".

Identify ways of expressing speech act of request.

The main methods are: methods of linguistic observation and description.

In one of the formulations, “politeness” is defined as a type of social interaction, which is based on respect for the object of communication, his interests and opinions, as well as the presentation of the speaker himself as an educated member of society. (Leech 2005)


Linguists Patricia Brown and Stephen Levinson consider “politeness” as a complex system for reducing conflict-provoking situations. But politeness is not just a means of restraining feelings and emotions in order to avoid conflicts, but also a means of expressing them. However, communicants are not always on the verge of conflict situations. (P. Brown, S. Levinson. 1987).

Another important issue considered in this work are speech acts. The theory of speech acts has become one of the topical studies in modern communication theory.

The theory of speech acts developed by the English philosopher J. Austin established that the main unit of communication is no longer a sentence or an utterance, but a speech act. (Austin, 1986).

What is a speech act? A speech act is considered to be a purposeful speech action that is performed in accordance with the principles and rules of speech behavior which is allowed in a particular society. The main features of a speech act can be considered: intention, purposefulness, and conventionality. (Austin, 1986).

This work gives a full presentation about such speech act as “request”.

When a person makes a request, he must stick to the rules and remember that his statement must be appropriate, and take into account the status of the interlocutor.

Direct expressions of the request take place in sentences for providing information. It can be expressed by a verb in the imperative form:

- “Tell us your name,” said the man. “Quick!” (C. Dickens, Great


- “Pray don’t do it, sir.” (C. Dickens, Great Expectations)

Sometimes such sentences are followed by different modificators, for example please, just, do:

-“Just answer my question. Please!” (Jane Austen, Emma)

-“Please, do tell me how you feel!” (Jane Austen, Emma)

It can also be noted that constructions with lexemes “I need…” or “I want…” are a direct way of expressing a request: “I need the money to-day,” (J.

London, Martin Eden)

- “Poirot, I want you to take this investigation under control…” (Agatha

Christie, The ABC Murders)

More than that, the speech act of request can be accompanied by lexical actualizer “please”:

-“Please, read this…” (C. Dickens, Great Expectations)

-“Stop being so arrogant. Please!” (Jane Austen, Emma)

The request can be expressed not only directly, but also indirectly. In English language an indirect request is realized through interrogative constructions with the modal verbs can (could), will (would), and may.


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