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and Verkhne-Kumskoye. The external front of the encirclement began to move away from the blocked enemy forces. The breakthrough of the Soviet defense became completely impossible for the Wehrmacht. [1, p. 378-380, 383]

As a result operation of liberation of Wehrmacht 6th Army was failed as a result of the global strategic miscalculations of the German High Command, the elaborate and masterfully executed plans of the Soviet Headquarters and significantly increased military skill of commanders of the Red Army in comparison with the companies of 1941-1942. However, Operation “Winter Thunderstorm” extended the blockade of the 6th Army, forcing the Soviet

Headquarters waste valuable time and forces, unable to completely overturn the Germans in the southern sector of the Eastern Front. In any case, prevention turning into reality this operation tended to historical inflection point in the whole Great Patriotic War.


1.Исаев А. В. Сталинград. За Волгой для нас земли нет. — М.: Эксмо,


2.Самсонов А.М. Сталинградская битва, 4-е изд., испр. и доп.— М.: Наука, 1989

3.Дёрр Г. (Doerr H.) Поход на Сталинград. — М.: Воениздат, 1957 –

140 с.

4.Ерёменко А. И. Сталинград. Записки командующего фронтом. — М.: Воениздат, 1961 - 504 с.

5.История второй мировой войны, 1939—1945 М, 1976 Т6. «Коренной перелом в войне» - 520 c.

6.Жуков Г. К. Воспоминания и размышления. — М.: Изд-во АПН,

1970. — 736 с.

N.S. Katraeva, A.A. Flaksman

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and

Civil Engineering)



Until now, wood was accustomed to being considered an outdated material and buildings made of wood did not look as modern as buildings made of glass, concrete, steel. Nevertheless, the focus on sustainable architecture has led architects and designers to revert to the use of natural materials, especially wood.

The aim of this article is to answer the question “Why wood is the future of architecture?”


Nowadays steel and concrete are produced in huge quantities. Concrete is the most commonly used substance on earth (just after water). According to the BBC, concrete accounts for 85 % of mining and 4-8% of the world’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Wood, in turn, is an excellent alternative to concrete. Its sustainability, strength and flexibility make it a wonderful building material.

A wooden building weighs significantly less than a concrete building, so the gravitational load is reduced. Therefore, a minimum foundation is sufficient to strengthen the building.

The use of wooden structural elements reduces the use of steel.

Wood is an environmentally friendly material. Timber construction can actually reduce carbon dioxide emission in the environment. One cubic meter of wood sequesters one ton of carbon dioxide, thus keeping it out of the atmosphere.

Wood not only removes more CO2 from the atmosphere than it adds during production, but by replacing carbon-intensive materials such as concrete or steel, it doubles its contribution to reducing CO2 emissions.

Wood is an exceptional material. It perfectly emphasizes the minimalistic forms of buildings and creates a kind of unity with the environment, which reflects the latest trends in architecture. It fits perfectly into the architectural environment and gives a modern look to the city's appearance. It can be not only benches, but also sheds, gazebos, various architectural forms. There is a huge number of applications. Wood can also be combined with modern glass and steel buildings.

At the moment, there is a huge number of varieties of wood and materials made on its basis. For example, timber, a high-density wood product that is one of the new ranges of high-tech products the global economy relies upon forests to fill.

Timber can be used to construct buildings with special architectural structures, free-formed constructions. The wide variety of solutions offers an opportunity to create fascinating free-formed supporting structures.

Despite many impressive innovations in wood-based processing, cautions remain valid. Improved monitoring of the timber supply chain will be required to avoid deforestation. Loss of biodiversity and other ecological disturbances are inevitable as a result of misuse of forest resources.

The question that worries many people is the fire hazard of wood, but professional architects claim with the help of fire scientists, it’s possible to make these buildings as fire safe as steel and concrete. Now various modern impregnations and materials allow to increase the fire resistance of wood.

Modern technologies greatly simplify the work with the material and allow you to create new forms.

3D printing, which has been actively developing in recent years, allows you to create artificial wood. Despite the fact that technology is still being finalized, in the future it will be able to significantly improve, positively affect construction and the environment.


All things considered, the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that wood is a very promising material. Its quality and sustainability made it an attractive material for construction

D.A. Kiryukhin, A.A. Flaksman

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)



In the 21st century, the digital domain is playing a key role in upgrading cities to a new level of advancement. One of the latest techniques is ‘video projection mapping’. This technique blends visual and audio elements and generates an audio-visual narrative.

Projection mapping is the alignment of projected images with architectural qualities of buildings, 3D objects, or stage sets. High-power projectors are used for projection mapping on buildings.

The aim of the research is to explore 3D projection mapping capability in architectural sphere. For this purpose, it is necessary to study the history of the technique, to analyze it and to point out 3 the most common ways of its usage.

Projection mapping as an entertainment

Urban Projections is home to the work and collaborations of multimedia artists. Fusing hand-crafted art-forms with digital technologies, works seek to surprise and engage audiences with their playful tone and interactivity.

Recently there was a festival of light and visual art “Intervals” in Nizhny

Novgorod. In terms of this event different world known artists created unique installations on facades of the city. Projections made an illusion of full distortion, twisting or even explosion of building elements. Hundreds of citizens were watching this terrific show.

Projection mapping as a political instrument

Let’s take a closer look at this aspect on the example of politically driven Illuminator Art Collective. It’s designed to keep the conversation of the Occupy

Wall Street movement alive. The New York Illuminator van, equipped with a video projector and audio system, appears in a random intervention to induce a political dialogue in the public space. The notable advantage of this video technique on buildings is that the projections do not touch or damage a building, but, nevertheless, leave a notable afterimage.

Projection mapping as a new way to save architectural heritage.

Historical buildings are a component of both local and global cultural heritage; therefore, digitizing them in the form of 3D is a unique advantage which can save them in the era of digitization. Digital recording of monuments,


buildings, sites, and cities along with displaying the recorded images will contribute to the preservation, presentation, and dissemination of architectural heritage.

To sum up, it is necessary to point out that with modern equipment artists and activists do not face a technical challenge anymore. For urban design developments, video mapping, with its large-scale presence in the city, offers the chance to raise greater social awareness for overlooked problems. For artists, the goal will be to create a strong dialogue between media art and architecture. And for architectural heritage it provides reliable way of digital preserving.

D.M. Kokotkina1, E.A. Aleshugina2

(1School №19 N. Novgorod, 2Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


While studying history, we have learned about those figures who were supported and followed by large groups of people and even entire nations. Such people are called leaders. Where there is a leader, there are those who are led by him, that is, his followers, whom the leader leads. In sports, there is an expression

“race for the leader”. In any small group, in any collective, there are people who are listened to, supported by all or many.

Every organization has a leader. Any activity in which many people participate is impossible without organizing influence, without leadership.

Let us recall that politics is a special kind of activity in which the interests of large social groups are represented, aimed at conquering and using state power to protect these interests. The leader influences the behavior of other people. All people, interacting, have an influence on each other to one degree or another. Political leadership is not any influence, but influence, firstly, permanent; secondly, unidirectional from the leader to the object; third, broad, covering the whole society or large groups of people; fourth, based on the authority of the leader. The last difference brings us to the question of the relationship between the concepts of "political leader" and "political leader".

In modern conditions, a political leader is, as a rule, the head of an organization (usually a political party) or a state, that is, a political leader. After all, politics is carried out on a society-wide scale and is associated with the use of state power. Unlike leadership in a small team, modern political leadership cannot be imagined without relying on political organization. In such an organization, including the state, the political leader holds a leading position, performs managerial functions. The status of a political leader is associated with the formal confirmation of his position, rights and powers: the leader influences people not


only by virtue of his personal authority, but also due to his position, the norms contained in official documents that give him the right to make decisions that are binding on others.

It happens that an authoritative politician recognized in society does not occupy a leading position. His position is called informal leadership. The opportunities for informal leaders to influence large groups of people are relatively small.

Another situation is also possible. A leader who has the formal right to make decisions does not enjoy authority, trust, and respect. Such a leader is not a political leader. A political leader is a politician who has numerous supporters, followers who are ready to support him, follow him.

Thus, political leadership is expressed in the influence on large groups of people, associated, firstly, with the personal qualities of the leader, his authority, the ability to lead supporters, and secondly, with the formal official status, which presupposes the possession of power. The political leader is, as we have seen, the leading political figure: the head of state, the head of a political party, a public organization, a movement. What are its role functions?

1.The leader analyzes the political situation, correctly evaluates the state of society. He is sensitive to the demands and needs of various groups in society, generalizes them and takes them into account in his activities. It is also important to timely notice changes in the political mood of the masses and

2.Based on the analysis of the situation, expectations and needs of various groups and in accordance with his ideals, the leader formulates goals, determines the means of achieving them, develops an action program. He makes sure that the goals and planned actions meet the needs of interested groups of the population, correspond to real opportunities, and finds optimal political solutions.

3.The political leader strives to strengthen the connection between the authorities and the people, to clarify his political position, ensuring its massive support.

The political leader considers it necessary to disclose to the public the motives of his actions, to ensure understanding of the developed program. He takes measures to direct the activity of the masses towards the fulfillment of program tasks. At the same time, the coordination of the activities of state bodies, political parties, public organizations, various groups of followers, and the establishment of interaction between them in the process of moving towards the intended goal are of great importance.

4.The political leader cares about the unity of his organization, about the rallying of supporters. The vocation of the national leader is to protect society from schism, civil confrontation, direct efforts towards integration, resist centrifugal tendencies, threats of disintegration of the foundations of social life. It must regulate relations within society, perform the function of an arbiter in the collision of various groups, organizations, and levels of government. Its task is to maintain law and order, to protect citizens from arbitrariness and lawlessness.


5. A political leader, the leader of a party represents the interests of a certain social group in relations with other groups, conducts political discussions with opponents, carries out external relations with parties, organizations, movements. The leader of a country speaks on behalf of the state within it and represents the country in the international arena.

Not every politician can perform these functions. A political leader must have many qualities, in the absence of which his activities will not be successful. He must have a sharp mind, analytical skills, strong will, courage and determination. Followers expect a leader to be honest, loyal to public duty, concern for the public good, and fairness. These qualities would beautify any person, not just a leader. He must be sociable, have the ability to quickly and accurately navigate the situation, political intuition, and unconventional look at problems. He must be inherent in the ability to catch the tendencies of the development of society, to unmistakably choose the best option from those offered to him by his advisers. Expressed managerial abilities, education and competence, the ability to reasonably oppose other opinions, political wisdom, great flexibility, and the ability to maneuver between polar forces are required.

The qualities that cause emotional support of people are also of great importance: the ability to behave well, the talent to attract others to oneself, the ability to persuade, oratory, a sense of humor.

Not every political leader possesses all of these qualities, but the more fully they are represented, the more successfully their inherent functions are carried out. In the science of politics - political science, there are various approaches to defining the types of leadership. One of them is based on the difference in the scale of leadership. Allocate national leaders (nation, whole people); leaders of a certain class or other large social group; leaders of a public organization or movement (primarily a political party). The leaders of social groups or political parties can have influence on the scale of the entire state (nationwide) or in a particular region (in the region, republic, land, state).

Another approach is based on differences in leadership style.

The democratic style is characterized by the fact that the leader, in fulfilling his functions, relies on the activity of the followers, takes into account their opinions, and develops a creative attitude to business. He is friendly to people, open to criticism, creates an atmosphere of cooperation.

The authoritarian style presupposes a single directional influence based on the threat of sanctions. He makes the role of a leader absolute, does not allow criticism or dissent.

The typology of the German scientist M. Weber (1864-1920) was widely recognized. He identified three types of leadership: traditional, legal (based on the law), charismatic.

Traditional leadership is based on established traditions, for example, on the belief in the inviolability of the order of inheritance of power from father to son in monarchical states. However, not every monarch who received power


based on tradition becomes the real political leader of the nation. In general, this type of leadership belongs primarily to history.

Leadership based on the law (legal) has replaced traditional leadership in many countries. The leader is a politician elected through certain legal procedures. His authority rests on the conviction that the election took place according to democratic rules in an environment of competition and competition.

The next type is charismatic leadership. The word "charisma" is of Greek origin and literally means "grace, a divine gift." A charismatic leader is endowed with extraordinary, that is, exceptional, qualities that are absent or weakly expressed in other people. As a rule, leaders of a charismatic type appear during periods of crisis, in conditions of drastic social changes - revolutions, wars, major social reforms, when it is necessary to mobilize all the forces of society to solve the problems of social renewal. The authority and influence of a charismatic leader is based on the people's belief in their special gift, special ability to manage, effectively solve all problems.

Comparison of these three types of leadership allows us to note that the first of them is based on habit, the second is based on reason (which is why it is sometimes called the rational-legal type of leadership), and the third is based on faith. Leaders of the first two types are effective in solving common, everyday tasks during calm periods of society development. Leaders of the charismatic type are catalysts for change, they are characterized by a denial of the past, innovation.

The American political scientist M. G. Hermann tried to identify the factors that influence the nature of political leadership. In her opinion, these factors are:

the main political convictions of the leader;

political style of the leader;

the motives that the leader is guided by in striving to achieve the position of a political leader;

the leader's reaction to pressure and stress;

the circumstances under which the leader first found himself in the position of a political leader;

previous political experience of the leader;

the political climate in which the leader began his activities.

Studying the activities of any political leader from the point of view of these factors allows us to give him a relatively complete description.https://spravochnick.ru/politologiya/politicheskoe_liderstvo_ego_tip y_i_funkcii/tipy_i_vidy_politicheskogo_liderstva/




I.Y. Korotina1, E.A. Aleshugina2

(1High School of Economics, 2N. Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


In the modern world, all spheres of human activity have a very strong development. The field of medicine and information technology is something without which it is impossible to imagine the life of any person now. Unfortunately, the importance of information technology in healthcare now lags far behind its importance in comparison with other areas such as banking, process management and logistics. People around the world regularly and reasonably are questioned why their medical records do not work the way their online banks do. In addition, healthcare professionals ask why electronic health record systems still do not communicate with each other, why they are so expensive and why it is so difficult to maximize the value of the vast amount of available health data. Relying on personal experience and observing how nurses look for a card with a history of diseases, doctor's visits and test results in the registries of local hospitals, can easily conclude that, unfortunately, there is no question of any interoperability. Moreover, your data may not always be immediately found.

It should be noted that data affects every aspect of our life. Much can depend on how a person perceived and transmitted information, even about a person's life, therefore it is very important in the field of medicine to be able to correctly store and transfer information about patients, regardless of the medical institution. Thinking about these problems, it is worth thinking about a single standard for recording medical knowledge. Based on these facts, we can conclude that the chosen topic for research in this work is relevant and should have modern solutions.

Due to the increased interest in the level of use of information technologies in the medical field the task is to conduct research related to the recording, storage and transmission of patient data in medical institutions is very essential. If health information systems use a common reference model for storing patient data, it would greatly facilitate the exchange of medical data and achieve semantic interoperability. Due to the incompletely developed model and methodology, there is a problem of interoperability of medical institutions. After analysis, it is clear that the existing methodology for applying the OpenEHR standard, which can be used to represent medical knowledge, should be improved. The standard can be used for recording, storing and transmitting information, as well as bringing the interoperability of medical institutions to a high level, so its development can bring a great input to medicine,


Due to informatization in the health sector, a large number of different medical information systems have been created. They include the functions of collecting, storing medical knowledge about patients and their treatment processes. Unfortunately, data exchange between systems is very difficult due to incompatibility of protocols and semantic models. The problem of integrating information systems exists within one medical institution and between them (interoperability). This is a pressing and burning problem. In this regard the problem of recording, storing and transferring medical knowledge should be studied and solved in research papers. The main task of such papers should be analysis and development of a methodology on the basis of which the standard for the presentation of medical data can be used. To accomplish these tasks, it is necessary to find a suitable scenario and describe it in accordance with the standard. The task is to analyze the resulting model and, depending on the completeness of the visualization, decisions can be made regarding proposals for improving the methodology to improve its productivity and extensiveness in use. To build the missing elements of the methodology existing archetypes from the OpenEHR Clinical Knowledge Manager (CKM) platform should be used. To succeed in the development and analysis of a methodology of OpenEHR application the following topics should be studied:

Initial ways of recording electronic medical knowledge;

OpenEHR standard;

Open platforms (EHRBase, CloudEHRServer);

Business processes;

Real scenarios.

As a result, the following can be achieved:

A model scenario for the use of medical services in various medical institutions;

Detailed medical script processes with input and output data sets;

Missing archetypes to display the entire dataset in the script can be developed;

Description of new archetypes according to the standards.

In conclusion it is necessary to emphasize that OPENEHR application for representation of healthcare knowledge is a new approach in the field of IT in mecidine.


Yu.A. Krapivina, D.S. Mysyanova, E.A. Pushkareva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil





In diesem Artikel ist eines der Gebäude der Universität für Architektur und

Bauwesen (NNGASU) in Nischni Nowgorod vorgestellt. Das Gebäude zieht mit seiner Schönheit an, und es sieht nicht wie ein gewöhnliches Gebäude einer

Bildungseinrichtung aus. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Geschichte dieses historischen

Denkmals, das derzeit ein Gebäude der Universität ist, zu erforschen und seine

Neugestaltung mit einem entwurflich-konstruktiven Hintergrund darzustellen. Dadurch ist das Gebäude der Universität für Architektur und Bauwesen in Nischni Nowgorod ein Objekt dieser Forschung.

Das Haus samt Nebengebäuden wurde 1905 für den Kaufmann Arsenij Wassiljewitsch Markow errichtet. Der Autor des Entwurfs für ein Gebäude ist unbekannt. Das Gebäude wurde im Stil des Retrospektivismus errichtet und ähnelte einem italienischen Renaissance-Palazzo. Die Innenausstattung und das Interieur spiegelten jedoch eine neue architektonische Richtung wider – den dekorativen Jugendstil, der sich zu dieser Zeit in Nischni Nowgorod abzuzeichnen begann. Das Haus wurde mit Wasser versorgt, und 1916 – mit Kanalisationssystem.

1918 wurde das Hauptgebäude des Herrenhauses verstaatlicht, in

Sowjetzeiten beherbergte es eine Studenten-Poliklinik. Trotz einiger Umbauten blieb das ursprüngliche Layout erhalten. Das architektonische Erscheinungsbild des Gebäudes blieb praktisch unverändert.

Die Universität investierte etwa 1 Million US-Dollar in die Renovierung mit Restaurierungselementen. Heizungs-, Wasser-, Kanalisationsund Elektrizitätssysteme wurden vollständig ersetzt; Informationssysteme wurden eingeführt.

Das neue Gebäude wird über zwei Klassenräume verfügen, die vollständig für computergestützten Unterricht ausgestattet sind, zwei spezialisierte Computerklassenräume, Klassenräume für Seminarklassen in Fremdsprachen, zwei Abteilungen – Internationales Management und Angewandte Informatik – sowie die Direktion des Internationalen Instituts für Wirtschaft, Recht und

Management. Auch Professoren aus dem Ausland – Deutschland und den Niederlanden – werden hier unterrichten.

Da das Herrenhaus ein Objekt des geschützten kulturhistorischen Erbes ist, wurden das Innere, die Glasfenster, Gemälde und Leisten darin erhalten, was


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