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cathedrals were again overlapped with arched structures similar to antique ones - stone and brick arches.

In 1135 Gothic architects give arched structures lancet outlines.

The arch and arched structures have one serious drawback. They seek to "separate." Before Gothic, architects fought this effect by building thick walls. Then another technique was found: arches and arches began to be made lancet. The construction of such a shape presses more down on the supports than on the sides. In addition, from the sides this system was supported by special "bridges"

-arcbutans, which spread from separate pillars - buttresses. So the walls were freed from any load, made light or even disappeared, giving way to glass paintings

-stained glass windows.

In the Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism, styles are formed regardless of the novelty of the designs which are use.

The Renaissance gave the world the greatest domes, but from that moment on, great styles arose not so much thanks to building innovations, but as a result of changing the very picture of the world. Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque, Rococo, Classicism and Empire were born more due to philosophers, theologians, mathematicians and historians (and to some extent those who introduced gallant manners into fashion) than inventors of new floor designs. Until the era of the industrial revolution, innovations in construction technologies cease to be a determining factor in the change of styles.

In the 19th century the beginning of the ‘railway rush’ led to mass use in the construction of metal structures.

Rails, initially intended only for railways, turned out to be an ideal building material, from which strong metal structures are easily created. The rapid development of ground steam transport contributed to the growth of the capacity of metal rolling industries, ready to provide engineers with any number of channels and I-beams. From such details today the frames of high-rise buildings are made.

In the middle of the 19th century glass becomes a full-fledged building material. The factory production of large-sized window glass made it possible to work out the construction technologies of large greenhouses, and then grandiose buildings for other purposes, in which either all the walls or roofs were made of glass. Fabulous "crystal palaces" began to be embodied in reality.

The next important step is industrial application of reinforced concrete. Attempts to strengthen concrete were made in ancient Rome; metal rods for

reinforcing floors began to be actively used from the beginning of the XIX century. In the 1860s, gardener Joseph Monier, in search of a means to make garden frames more durable, accidentally discovers that if metal reinforcement is laid in concrete, the strength of the resulting part increases many times. In 1867, the discovery was patented, and then sold to professional engineers who developed methods for applying this latest technology. However, the entrepreneurial gardener was only one of several fathers of the new construction


technology. For example, in 1853, in France, engineer Francois Quanier built a house entirely of reinforced concrete, and in 1861 published a book on its use.

The 20th century gave birth to a new ‘modern’ style.

In his manifesto in Esprey Nouveau magazine, one of the leaders of modernist architects Le Corbusier formulates five principles of modern architecture that return it to ancient ideals - not externally, but mainly: the image of the building again began to truthfully reflect the work of structures and the functional purpose of volumes. By the beginning of the 20th century, decor on the facades began to be perceived as a deception. There was a need to turn to the origins, to take an example from ancient Greek churches that truthfully told about the work of the structures. However, now the floors were made of reinforced concrete, the meaning of which is that where the part works on the fracture, the reinforcement walled in it resists tearing. Therefore, modern structures can cover spans of almost any width. Now the buildings were able to completely lose columns, jewelry, were able to have continuous glazing, that is, to find the usual "modern look" for us.


1.Architecture History http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/architecture- history.htm

2.History of architecture https://en.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enwiki/1757856


D.M. Dominnik, E.A. Aleshugina

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


The Russian Federation occupies a significant part of the continent, most of which is located in the Northern climate zone. In our district, the temperature for calculating the heating system is minus 31 °C, so for several months of the year we need to provide heat supply to buildings: residential buildings, offices and other premises.

The heating system must meet modern requirements. This is a high efficiency of the system, profitability and the ability to automatically control and create the most comfortable living conditions.

Heating systems solve one of the tasks of creating a microclimate in the premises. They are used to maintain a set air temperature in the premises of buildings in the cold season.

The heating system is a complex of elements necessary for receiving, transferring and transmitting the amount of heat to all heated rooms. The main elements are heat generators, heat pipes and heating devices.

During the heating season, the heating system must provide a temperature in accordance with GOST 30494-2011 in all rooms. Let's consider the heating system on the example of a hotel. According to SNiP 2.08.02-89, heating in hotels must maintain a temperature of at least 18,5 °C in residential and public areas.

Hotels are often not fully filled, and maintaining a set temperature in nonresidential rooms is unprofitable. To solve this problem, modern systems of automated control of heat in the room will be considered. The automation system consists of:

The heating system controller, where you can download a program that will control the heating system and in non-residential rooms the temperature will be reduced, which will save the budget for heating

Thermocouples for taking temperature parameters

Flow meters for determining the flow rate of liquid in different parts of the system

The same system can be used in multi-room apartments. The heating controller can be loaded with a program that will change the temperature. When the owners of the apartment go to work, the temperature will be lowered at a certain time, and before the owners come to the apartment, the temperature will rise in order to return to comfortable conditions for the residents when they arrive. It will also help families save money on heating. You can find out the benefits using the formulas:


= ( 1 2) × n , where

Q — the amount of heat lost by the structure, W;

R — thermal resistance of the construction material, sq. m °С / W;

S — outdoor fence square, sq. m;

t1 — the temperature of the internal air, °С;

t2 — the lowest outdoor temperature, °С;

n — constant equal to 1

First we find 1 = 0,571 (21 − (−31) × 1 = 456,2 - heat loss in a room with a normal temperature and then we find heat loss with a reduced temperature

of up to 5°C 2 = 0,571 (5 − (−31) × 1 = 315,8 . Now we will be able to find

a benefit where we save: 1− 2 × 100% = 30%.


Now let's find out how the heating control system works. Regulation of the heat flow of heating devices can be qualitative and quantitative.

Quantitative regulation is carried out by changing the amount of the heat carrier supplied to the heating system or radiators. This regulation is carried out on the heating device by installing coupling valves for mechanical regulation, as well as control by means of thermostatic valves controlled by thermostatic heads.

Quality control is carried out by changing the temperature of the heat carrier supplied to the heating system. Regulation is carried out on heating boilers. Therefore, we do not touch the qualitative regulation, but only change the quantitative one.

Regulation with digital controllers makes life much easier, since the temperature is controlled automatically.

In each room there are thermal sensors that tell the controller the temperature of the room. After learning the temperature, the controller can change it with the help of thermo-regulators. How will he change it? In the computer that controls the controller, we enter the desired temperature value for the room. The controller will use a temperature sensor to regulate the room temperature by changing the flow rate of the heat carrier over a certain time interval. (All temperature sensors are connected to the controller inputs, and thermo-regulators are connected to the outputs.)

There are many different controllers and now we will look at the characteristics of several controllers [Table 1].

Table 1. Comparison of controllers for heating systems


ТРМ 232М-Р





























18 W
























of inputs:













of outputs:














SMS management




Voice control




Mobile application



13 570 rub

8580 rub

15889,60 rub




It requires additional


settings in the wizard





Conclusion: the modern automated heat control system has advantages and real savings for hotels and hotel complexes. If there are no guests in the room, the savings will be about 30% for each room with a low temperature. To solve the problem, the features of the heating system adjustment and a number of commercially available controllers for automating heat control are considered. Comparing these controllers, we can say that the ADVANTECH ADAM5000/485 is well suited for hotels, because it has more inputs and outputs, which makes a big difference in saving money. TRM 232M-R can be suitable for one floor of a residential building. For a multi-room apartment it will be enough to use ZONT H-1V as it is easier to manage.


Y.D. Evdokimova1, E.A. Aleshugina2

(1Liceum №87 by L.I. Novikova, 2Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


The article entitled “The Rights of Teenagers” is devoted to the research of rights and duties of teenagers. The research is relevant as it allows every teen child reveal his rights and duties in society, find his place in society, his social status and understand the cases when his rights are violated as well as learn to stand for his interests.

The object of the research is the rights and obligations of minors.

The purpose of the study is to study the rights and obligations of minors Introduction: People constantly interact with each other through various

institutions created by them. One of them is law. Today, thanks to the law, almost the entire cycle of life of the world's population is carried out. Moreover, this social phenomenon has changed many times, thanks to the inherent attributes that every person, citizen or Association of individuals is endowed with without exception. These attributes are rights and obligations.

The concept of the right: Human rights and obligations are elements that make it possible to interact in various spheres of life. All these elements are inextricably linked to one phenomenon – law. Therefore, before considering the concepts of rights and obligations, you need to understand the essence of the General term.

Law is a system of generally accepted, generally binding, guaranteed by state authorities norms that directly regulate the relations of society in a particular field of activity. In each country, the law has its own characteristics. Every young citizen of the Russian Federation has their own rights and responsibilities. The rights and obligations of minors are differentiated according to age. A person under the age of 18 is considered a minor or child in accordance with current Russian and international legislation. You can get acquainted with their main rights in the 11th Chapter of the Family code.

Responsibilities are an integral part of a person's legal status. They are closely related to the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, which means that the duties are enshrined in Chapter 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The principle of equality of duties concerns every citizen of Russia and is directly related to equality of rights and freedoms. It means that no citizen should be relieved or shirk their duties, and this burden applies equally to all citizens.

The main legislative acts that regulate children's rights in the Russian Federation are:

-UN Convention on the rights of the child.

-Constitution of the Russian Federation.


-Family code of the Russian Federation.

-Labor code of the Russian Federation.

-Civil code of the Russian Federation.

-Federal law No. 124-FZ of 24 July 1998 "on basic guarantees Of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation".

-Federal law No. 48-FZ of 24.04.2008 "On guardianship and guardianship»;

-Federal law No. 159-FZ of 21.12.1996 "on additional guarantees For social support of orphans and children left without parental care".

-Federal law No. 273-FZ of 29.12.2012 "On education in the Russian Federation".

From birth, the child has the right to: on the name; live and be raised in a family as much as possible; know your parents and live with them (if this is not contrary to the interests of the child); for the care and upbringing of parents (or persons replacing them); full development and respect for human dignity; express their opinion when resolving any issue in the family that affects their interests; to protect their rights and legitimate interests by their parents (their surrogates), guardianship and guardianship authorities, the Prosecutor and the court; for citizenship; have the right to own property (received as a gift or inheritance, as well as acquired at the expense of the child); to apply independently to the guardianship and guardianship authority for the protection of their rights; duties: obey parents and their surrogates, accept their care and upbringing, except in cases of neglect, cruelty, rudeness, or humiliation. human dignity of treatment, abuse or exploitation; observe the rules of conduct established in educational institutions, at home and in public places.

Rights are added from the age of 6: make small household transactions; make transactions aimed at receiving benefits free of charge, which do not require notarization or state registration; make transactions for the disposal of funds provided by parents or other people, with the consent of parents for a specific purpose or for free disposal.

Responsibilities of teenagers include: get basic General education (grades 9); observe the rules of the internal regulations of the educational institution, academic discipline; responsibility to teachers, school administration; for committing socially dangerous acts, vagrancy, evasion from study, drunkenness, up to the referral by the Commission on juvenile Affairs to special educational institutions.

Rights are added from the age of 8: to participate in a children's public Association; comply with the Charter of the school, the rules of the children's public Association; the children's public Association and its members.

Rights are added from the age of 10: to take your opinion into account when solving any issue in the family; be heard in any judicial or administrative proceedings; give consent to change your first and last name, to restore the parent's parental rights, to adopt or transfer to a foster family.


Responsibility: from the age of 11, a minor can be placed in a special educational institution for children and adolescents (special school, special school, etc.) in case of committing socially dangerous actions or malicious and systematic violation of the rules of public behavior.

Rights are added from the age of 14: get a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; independently apply to the court to protect their rights; to require cancellation of adoption; consent to change your citizenship; to demand the establishment of paternity in relation to their child in court; work in their free time (for example, during the holidays) with the consent of one of the parents, no more than 4 hours a day with certain benefits under the labor legislation of the Russian Federation; enter into any transactions with the consent of parents or their surrogates; independently manage their earnings, scholarships, and other income; independently exercise the rights of the author of a work of science, literature or art, invention or other result of their intellectual activity; to make deposits in banks and dispose of them; drive a bike while driving on roads, learn how to drive a motorcycle; participate in a youth public Association;

Responsibilities are the following: perform work assignments in accordance with the terms of the contract, labor regulations and labor legislation; observe the Charter of the school, the rules of the youth public Association; expulsion from school for committing offenses, including gross and repeated violations of the school's Charter; independent property liability for concluded transactions; compensation for damage caused; responsibility for violation of labor discipline;

criminal liability for certain types of crimes (murder, intentional infliction of serious or medium gravity harm to health, rape, theft, burglary, robbery, extortion, unlawful seizure of a vehicle, false report about an act of terrorism, vandalism, reduction in disrepair of transport vehicles or means of communication, etc.).

With 15 years added to the right:

work no more than 24 hours a week on preferential terms stipulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Rights are added from the age of 16:

enter into marriage for good reasons with the permission of the local government (in some subjects of the Federation, the law may establish the procedure and conditions for marriage, taking into account special circumstances, up to 16 years);

work no more than 36 hours a week on preferential terms stipulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

be a member of a cooperative;

drive a moped when driving on roads, learn how to drive a car;

be recognized as fully capable (get all the rights of an 18-year-old) by the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority (with the consent of


parents) or the court (in the case of work under an employment contract or doing business with the consent of parents)


For administrative offenses in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

For committing all types of crimes. From the age of 17, a duty is added:

To register for military service (to pass a Commission and get a certificate of registration).

At the age of 18, a person becomes fully capable, i.e. they can have and acquire all rights and obligations by their actions, as well as bear full responsibility for their actions.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize that the rights of Russian children are under special state protection. Given that children are not always able to understand the consequences of their misdeeds, most of the decisions are made by their parents. As a child gets older, the list of available rights increases, but the responsibility for misdemeanors also increases proportionally.

V.A. Zakharov, G.A. Kalinina, N.V. Patyaeva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


Since the time of the Celtic tribes, the Thames has played a significant role in the life of the places now called London. London is one of the most beautiful cities, striking with its steeped in history architecture. Integral parts of this architecture are bridges, which, like arteries in the human body, connect different parts of London into a single whole. The River Thames plays a major role in the development of London, linking the city to the world and contributing to the development of trade and industry. The mother of English rivers, it is as beloved by the British as the great Volga is by the Russians.

The role of bridges is particularly remarkable in this regard, as they have facilitated the development of relations both between parts of one country and between different countries in general. In our research, we will focus on the unique bridge-building techniques in London, using some of the most famous ones as examples.

Insufficient coverage of this topic, as well as the connection between the structural and architectural solutions for bridges with one of the possible subjects of our future specialty is of interest for our research. In addition, this work, as well as the search for information on our issue, will open to us a large world of classical English architecture and construction features in rather aggressive conditions.


We have started our research with the most famous bridge that has become a symbol of both London and the whole of England – Tower Bridge. Tower Bridge was built by Sir John Wolfe who was appointed engineer and Sir Horace Jones who was the main architect. The Bridge is 244 meters long, and each of the two towers is 65 meters high. Two massive piers, containing over 70,000 tons of concrete, were sunk into the riverbed to support the construction. More than 11,000 tons of steel were used in the framework for the towers and walkways, which were then clad in Cornish granite and Portland stone, to protect the underlying steelwork.

The Central span between the towers is 61 meters long and consists of two adjustable wings that rise up 86 degrees to allow ships to pass through the Thames. The drawbridges weigh 1,000 tons each: they are lifted by a special system of counterweights to minimize the effort and time required to raise the bridge. Due to this, the full lift of the wings is carried out in just 1 minute. The adjustable wings are driven by a hydraulic system located in the towers. At first, this system was based on hydraulic accumulators, in which water was stored under a pressure of 5.2 megapascals. Water was pumped into the batteries by two steam engines with 270 kilowatts of power each. In 1974, this system was replaced by an electrohydraulic system. It uses special oil instead of water, and the engines are replaced with electric ones. Individual elements of the original hydraulic system of the bridge are now part of the exhibition "tower bridge".

This design is highly valued and widespread in the modern world: there are 19 bridges of this type on the Neva River in the St. Petersburg, and the Chicago River in the USA has 38 different types of bridges, the design of which repeats the technology of Tower Bridge.

Sections of the bridge between the towers and the banks of the Thames are suspension bridges with a length of 82 meters. The chains that support the bridge are attached to the towers on one side and to the abutments of the bridge on the other.

In total, the Thames is framed by 30 bridges, including striking architectural masterpieces and conventional metal structures. One of them in the minds of peoples is associated not so much with Great Britain, but with its neighbor-France. This is the famous arch of Waterloo Bridge, connecting Westminster and Lambeth. It was admired by the Russian Emperor Alexander I during his visit to London, and artists John Constable and Oscar Claude Monet immortalized the bridge in their works.

The modern Waterloo Bridge was opened in 1945 after the triumphant victory in World War II. It was built on the site of the bridge of the same name, built in 1817 and named after the great victory in the Battle of Waterloo. The old bridge was being built for six years; it had been made of granite, included 9 arches separated by Greco-Doric double columns. At one time, Waterloo was considered one of the most beautiful European bridges.


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