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Fig. 4. Using Nobility Assembly building’s module in museum’s design

It is important that museum has all the conditions for low mobility groups of visitors and staff such as ramps, lifts for wheelchair at the entrances to the building, elevators and specially equipped bathrooms.

Fig. 5. Courtyard’s viewpoints

Finally, this project is a suggestion of how should look the modern museum. The idea is multifunctional building where everyone can find something for himself and its architectural design meets modern aesthetic requirements. (Fig. 5)

In conclusion, it is necessary to remark that the construction of the museum of modern art and technologies in Nizhny Novgorod contributes to revitalizing of city view from architectural point of view as well as providing new space for holding cultural events.

N.D. Molosnova, O.N. Korneva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)



Recently, the environmental approach to the development of technologies and their application in construction has become relevant. Thus, the concept of sustainable development appeared.

Sustainable development is a concept when the needs of current generations are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Eco-friendly or so called "smart" benches are part of this concept [1].


There are not so many projects of such benches nowadays, and only a few of them are sold and displayed on the streets of some cities. Most of the existing smart benches have a number of functions that contribute to a better rest, as well as collecting information about the environment and weather conditions. This includes additional street lighting, a Wi-Fi module, USB-charging cords, automatic data collection on the content of carbon dioxide in the air, ambient temperature, etc., and a built-in display that can display any information [4].

Fig.1. "Smart" bench Strawberry, "features" of smart benches

A «Smart» bench is a massive autonomous device. It completely independently converts solar energy into electricity through several solar panels built into its corpus. The energy generates when sunlight hits the surface of the solar panel, and then enters the built-in storage system, which allows the bench to work when the sun's rays do not fall on the solar panel: in cloudy weather or at night, for example. However, for high-quality operation of solar panels, you need a lot of other equipment, such as an accumulator, a voltage stabilizer, controller, invertor and so on.

The solar panel can work both in summer and in winter. But there are external conditions that interfere with the maximum energy output of the system installed inside the "Smart" bench. It depends on: ambient temperature; the presence of any barriers to the penetration of sunlight on the solar panel (for example, dust or dirt); angle of incidence of sunlight (ideal – straight) [2].

Fig.2. Solar power supply scheme – Access mode :


During development the shape and size of the bench, we relied on the existing GOST 19917-93 [6] – an interstate standard for furniture for sitting and lying down.

According to the idea, the bench is a kinematic surface formed by moving the generatrix along a complex curved guide. The guide is a geometric contour


that is a conjugation figure, including straight lines and circles connected according to the rules for constructing conjugations and tangents. The surface forms a kind of connected seat, back and roof.

At the first stage of work on the project, a handwritten drawing (main view and plan) of this object was made. It consists of four circles connected in pairs by mating arcs and a tangent, as well as two horizontal segments connected to the first(upper) and fourth(lower) conjugates.

1. 2.

Fig. 3. The first stage of object design (1 – main view; 2 – plan)

However, later it turned out that it was inconvenient and not very accurate, so it was replaced with a digital drawing, and its dimensions were corrected. So, the rounded shape of the roof edge turned out to be impractical, because it complicates the placement of solar panels on it. The dimensions of the main and mating circles, the length of the bench support plane, and the length of the roof were also adjusted.

1. 2.

Fig. 3. The second stage of object design (1 – main view; 2 – plan)

This allowed us to create a digital three-dimensional model of the bench. It can help to determine the stability, practicality and comfort of this form of "smart" bench in the future.


Fig. 4. Photos of a digital three - dimensional model of an object from different angles


1.Постнаука [Electronic resource] – Access mode: https://postnauka.ru/faq/72761 .

2.Совет инженера [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://sovet- ingenera.com/eco-energy/sun/princip-raboty-solnechnoj-batarei.html .

3.Методика выполнения геометрических построений. Методические указания для абитуриентов и студентов всех направлений / Нижегор. гос. архитектур.- строит. ун-т; сост. В.И. Дергунов, Н.Д. Жилина, М.В. Лагунова, М.Н. Пятницына, В.А. Тюрина; – Н. Новгород: ННГАСУ,

2014 – 73 с.

4.ГК «МЦМ» [Electronic resource] – Access mode: https://mcem.ru/articles/umnye-skamejki-iz-ulits-v-doma .

5.Fb.ru [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://fb.ru/article/350673/sadovaya-i-parkovaya-skamya-osobennosti-vidyi- gost-i-rekomendatsii .

6.ГОСТ 19917-93. Межгосударственный стандарт. Мебель для сидения и лежания. Общие технические условия (введен в действие Постановлением Госстандарта РФ от 02.06.1994 N 160) [Электронный ресурс] – Access mode: КонсультантПлюс.

7.ArchiCAD 20 [Graphic editor].


A.S. Nevostrueva, I.I. Tusheva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


The article analyses the state of existing squares in Nizhny Novgorod. It deals with the problems of constructing and maintaining recreation areas in the city.

Now, in 2020, Nizhny Novgorod is actively preparing for its 800th anniversary, which will take place next year. This is reflected in various activities carried out within the framework of the Nizhny 800 and Housing and Urban Environment projects. First, these are changes that are noticeable at first glance - the arrangement of squares throughout the city.

The first square, which will be discussed, is located in the Sormovsky district on Nikita Rybakov Street. This site used to be a pedestrian area with poorly functioning fountains, weedy lawns and a half-missing fence. The fountains were repaired in 2019, and they took up the improvement of the square itself this year.

As a result, the park turned from an unsightly place into a resting place for local residents. Landscaping area increased to 70%. Ancient linden trees have been preserved and more than 4,500 additional trees and shrubs have been planted. Plants were selected for the local climate so that even in late autumn the clubs did not lose their meaning. Appeared comfortable benches and adapted paths and slopes for people with limited mobility.

Pic.1 Nikita Rybakov square before

Pic.2 Nikita Rybakov square after

Near the Sormovskiy is the Moskovskiy district, where the Aviastroiteley boulevard fell under the project for the improvement of the Housing and Urban Environment project.

Here, as in the previous example, there were no recreation areas and manicured lawns. The large fountain had not worked for many years, and its appearance left much to be desired. Now, instead of a deep abandoned pit from it, there is a pedestrian fountain, which is very popular with children during hot periods. In addition, playgrounds with modern complexes and sports surfaces on


the ground have been made for children, and convenient benches nearby for their parents.

It is especially beautiful here in the evening when the lights are on. Half of them look like wide vertical pipes with glazing at the end, so the light from them diverges in all directions and creates an even more cozy atmosphere.

Thanks to this modern look and landscaping, this boulevard has become a place of attraction for photographers and young people in general.

Pic.3 Pedestrian fountain

Pic.4 Playground

Another public garden included in this improvement program is located in the Kanavinsky District. Now it bears the name "Mother and Child". The name is due to the large number of areas for children to play and rest. For example, a bicycle path stretches along the entire square, separated from the pedestrian part by a lawn with bushes. There is an area for skateboards and rollers - a closed path with descents, ascents and slopes of the roadway. A separate area is provided for dog training. It is fenced with a high net for the safety of people walking in the square.

The park itself is long and close to a busy road - Moskovskoe highway. Despite this, it is very pleasant to walk on it, thanks to the large number of

green areas and both preserved and new trees.

Pic.5 Pedestrian part of the square

Pic.6 Bike path

However, not all projects are successful. For example, the renovated square on Zvezdinka Street did not live up to expectations. Instead of lawns, long concrete beds appeared there, which caused discontent among the townspeople. In our climate, the proportion of cold days prevails over warm ones, so these


flower beds will be empty most of the time. Without plants, they look scary and repulsive. Locals compare them to tombstones.

Pic.7 Square before renovation

Pic.8 Concrete flower beds

Work on the improvement of this square was not accepted and most likely it will be redone next year.

From the "Nizhny 800" project, work on the renovation of squares is underway at the moment. These are Sverdlov Square near Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street and Markin Square near Rozhdestvenskaya Street and Nizhnevolzhskaya Embankment.

The city really needs such improvement projects. There are many new places for recreation in their area and the area itself is becoming more comfortable. You do not need to travel to large parks to walk, and because of this, such an important resource now as time is saved.


1.https://admgor.nnov.ru/news/5520?utm_source=yxnews&utm_medium=d esktop

2.https://pravda-nn.ru/delonn/betonka-a-ne-zvezdinka-nizhegorodtsy- bespokoyatsya-za-sudbu-skvera-v-tsentre-nizhnego-novgoroda/

D.D. Pak, T.A. Sarkisian

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


Now the world is facing the universal isolation and we are beginning to understand the importance of communication between people. The whole society is based on social contacts. Social contacts affect the work of enterprises, the service sector, the market, the economy of the whole country and the world, politics, physical and mental health of a person.

We know that the right architectural solutions make a person’s life safer and more comfortable. This is also concerned with the pandemic situation.


Recently, an online workshop “Where are the people?” has been held. We discussed this new relevant topic. The discussion was organized by the guys from the “a. kvartirnik”. My team “TABURET” and I took part in it. And I think this is a very important topic. In my opinion there is no problem of the lack of proper working ideas, there is a problem of their implementation and widespread dissemination. For example, we came up with door handles for legs, or “legles”. But for a long time there have been used automatic doors. They are unnecessary to touch, to open, and this is really cool, because it minimizes contact with the surfaces, which is needed during the pandemia. If such a technology has been existing for a long time, why not to use it in public places?

Questions proposed by the guys from “a. kvartirnik” for the workshop “Where are the people?” were the following: 1."How can public spaces exist in the pandemia?” 2. “Can they fulfill their role?”3. “What could be a public space?”

In the process of our research, we, the TABURET team, asked ourselves a few more questions and immediately tried to answer them. The first question was:

“What is the public space for us?”

We gave the answer that it is the place where you can communicate with people.

The second one sounded as follows: “What is characteristic of such communication?” We named several features: transfer of information and experience; eye contact and the physical stay of people in a common space. The third one was formulated in this way: “What is public space for us during selfisolation?” We answered that these are either virtual platforms (then full isolation becomes possible) or comfortable and safe public places (then people can make contacts, but they are minimized inside closed groups).

These questions should help us find a solution to the problem, because the public space is losing its function and cannot independently exist in isolation. And in the end, our task was to come up with such methods of communication or such public spaces in which people would be comfortably and safely communicating. We also wanted to offer such ideas that will be relevant after the end of the pandemia.

“The TABURET team” created their concept and defended it during the workshop “Where are the people?” Later we discussed our ideas with architects of different courses of our university. Then we published them on the “a. kvartirnik” page. It was also interesting for us to learn and discuss the ideas of other participants in the workshop. We had an interesting dialogue, I think that the dialogue and communication are very important, because everything what we do, we do for society, for people, and in order to do important and right projects,

we need to talk and most importantly hear each other


Now I would like to give you an

idea of our








It means “loading” a person into virtual reality. We see the possibility of creating public interactive virtual locations. These are parks, libraries, corridors and classrooms of universities. At the same time, you can be in a virtual cafe, “copied”


from the real world, with your friends, who are also “loaded” into the general location. This is a combination of video calling and walking on “Google maps”.

The next idea is no isolation.

How to make communication between people in real life safer? The way out is to create low contact surfaces:

- Inclined fences.

They seem unstable, thereby not causing a desire to rely on them once again. -“Legles” or handles for legs.

- Self-cleaning handrails (the contact surface is scrolled and thereby






- Multilevel public spaces.




There was an association with the stairs of Hogwarts from the movie "Harry Potter", which changed its route

If you don’t go to a public place, then a public place comes to you.

The way out is creation of microdistricts in the form of isolated residential complexes. They mean existence of on / above / underground communication between all the houses of the microdistrict. You can create bike paths, treadmills on the roofs and in the transitions between houses. You have shops, kindergartens, and other commercial places in the territory of a multi-storey complex. Everything is organized by people living in the complex. Residents work in stores, offices, cleaning companies, they are gardeners, plumbers, etc. You can also make balconies like seats in the concert hall. They are focused on the arena in the yard.

I believe that all these ideas are real and they can be implemented and there is nothing super new and shocking in them. It's just convenient, it's just safe. These issues are important, they should be discussed by architects, builders, developers, politicians, medical workers, sellers, hairdressers, and everyone. And after discussion they should be turned into reality.


1. Статья команды “TABURET” для воркшопа «А где люди?» – Режим доступа: https://vk.com/wall-154983500_187

2.Коути, Е.К. Недобрая старая Англия. – «БХВ-Петербург», 2013. – 320 с.

3.«Коронавирус Онлайн» – Режим доступа: https://archspeech.com/article/coronavirus-online


A.A. Plehanova, O.N. Korneva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


The modern world is unique and diverse. We are very lucky to live on this planet and admire its beauty. But there are many problems in the world. One of the main problems is demographic.

The topic of our research is important because the world's population is growing every year. People need to think about the importance of this problem.

More than 7 billion completely different people live on our planet. This is 3.5 times more than 100 years ago. According to scientists, population of 10 billion people is the highest limit of the population in terms of food. A huge number of young and healthy people who are willing to work for very small reward appear on the labor market. As a result, the value of their labor falls to a minimum. Another feature is the uneven settlement. About half of the world population lives in India, China, and Indonesia. The demographic problem is typical for the transitional cultures that received sharp access to the benefits of modern civilization. They are not able or do not want to be rebuilt, as a result it leads to severe social and cultural conflicts and even to war.

We have built a chart of population growth over the past 500 years. We used data from the United Nations World Population Prospects. Analysis and charting are theoretical research methods. [Fig. 1]

























































































































Figure1. Population of the Earth

What caused the "demographic boom"? Firstly, the standard of living is improving, so the birth rate is increasing and the death rate is decreasing. Scientists are finding new ways to treat many diseases. Secondly, according to social scientists, the main reason of demographic problem is so-called


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