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The construction of the bridge was initially quite thorny: the original project created by architect Rennie was unsuccessful, as it turned out after the construction of the bridge: it constantly had to be repaired, which resulted for a city in a tidy sum. In addition, the destruction of the old London Bridge in 1865 led to a change in the currents around the Waterloo piers and the gradual destruction of its piers.

However, in 1878, Waterloo was nationalized and opened for free use. But this did not lead to the best — by 1884, the bridge supports were cracked. The structure was dismantled and replaced with metal granite, which was only possible after 40 years. In 1920, the bridge was closed in order to build a new one.

Construction of the new Waterloo Bridge began in 1942, designed by G. Scott, and lasted only three years. Due to wartime, when men were terribly lacking, all the hardships of construction fell on women's shoulders, for which Waterloo is often called the 'ladies' bridge. Perhaps, partly due to the female energy, that time the bridge came out not only beautiful, but also functional. Total length of the new Bridge was 370 meters, width 24 meters, and with the longest span 71 meters. The overall design of the Bridge was presented as a box girder bridge. It is a bridge in which the main beams comprise girders in the shape of a hollow box. The chosen system for the construction of the bridge made it possible to build it in the shortest possible time, to reduces the slab thickness and selfweight of bridge, to make it cost effective, to increase strength per unit area of concrete. Robust and relatively cheap box girders were prefabricated in a fabrication yard, then transported and installed on site using cranes.

The design of Waterloo, obtained by crossing the Thames at its bend, makes it possible to see the whole of London, located at the top and bottom of the current: the bridge opens up wonderful landscapes, and all the famous objects of the city - the Ferris wheel, Big Ben, city skyscrapers, Canary Wharf, which are visible at a glance.

Located between the Gangerford and Blackfriar city bridges, Waterloo looks elegant and simple: five reinforced concrete spans framed by Portland stone. No bright colors or decorations are common to many London bridges. Monotonous gray, elegant and strict, it serves as a frame for colorful urban landscapes. You can get to Waterloo, which has become a cultural monument, by metro or bus.

The Millennium Bridge is a pedestrian bridge over the Thames in London. It is a steel suspension bridge that connects Bankside to the city. It is located between the Southwark Bridge and the Blackfriars railway bridge. The bridge was opened on June 10, 2000.

The bridge project was the subject of a competition organized in 1996 by Southwark Council. The winners were Arup, foster & partners and Sir Anthony Caro.

Total length of the bridge was 325 meters, width 4 meters and the longest span 144 meters. Eight suspension cables are strung to pull 2,000 tons to the


supports installed in each Bank - enough to support a work load of up to 5,000 people on the bridge at a time. Due to the use of a suspension system, it was possible to achieve a greater distance between the supports and reduce material costs compared to other types of bridges. The main load is carried by the tensioned cables, as a result of which it was possible to reduce the size of the reinforced concrete bridge supports themselves and to increase the bridge's resistance to earthquakes. The use of this bridge technology presented engineers with a new challenge.

The closure of the bridge just three days after it had been opened sparked a storm of public criticism, as another high-profile British Millennium project suffered a shameful failure akin to how many saw the Millennium Dome. There was some surprise that the engineers did not foresee this problem, since computer modeling is such a standard technique today.

The movement of the bridge was caused by the phenomenon of "positive feedback". The natural swaying motion of people walking caused small side swings of the bridge. In turn, this caused the people on the bridge to sway to the beat, increasing the amplitude of the bridge's vibrations and amplifying the effect.

The side vibration problems of the Millennium Bridge are very unusual, but not entirely unique. Other bridges had similar problems: the Birmingham NEC Link Bridge with a side frequency of 0.7 Hz, the Auckland Harbour Road Bridge with a side frequency of 0.67 Hz, during the 1975 demonstration.

After careful analysis by engineers, the problem was solved by installing 37 dampers to control horizontal movement and 52 dampers to control vertical movement. After a period of testing, the bridge was successfully reopened on February 22, 2002. Since then, the bridge has not been subjected to significant vibration. Despite the successful resolution of the problem, the affectionate epithet "shaky bridge" remains in common use among Londoners.

The architecture and construction of bridges make you think about the grandeur of human thought. Bridges are part of the grand legacy left to us by the great minds of engineers, architects and builders. Our research has illuminated a small but important part of it, represented by such structures as Tower Bridge, Waterloo Bridge and Millennium Bridge.


A.M. Zinina, E.D. Korableva

(Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University by K. Minin)


Sophisticated technologies and global digitalization lead to changes in all spheres of human life. Education is one of the spheres, which is exposed to influence of global digitalization. In order to satisfy students’ needs, who are referred to as “Generation Z”, the education system has to shift to technologybased education. The term “Generation Z” describes people of the 21st century with their peculiar features such as a high level of computer literacy, multitask orientation, fast decision making, tendency to visualize everything. The idea that generations have their psychological features that influence their education and upbringing process was introduced by William Strauss and Neil Howe. According to the Strauss–Howe generational theory, also known as the Fourth Turning theory, each generation is brought up within a particular political, social, and economic environment, which determines psychological and behavioral peculiarities of generation representatives. [2] As for “Generation Z”, this group of modern people communicates via Skype, WhatsApp, and Facebook. Catching posters and videos in social media networks are inevitable and quite natural phenomena for them. Consequently, traditional approaches (such as GrammarTranslation) don’t work in a proper way. What is more, their tutor should meet the requirements and become more supportive, prepare youngsters for their further careers, and develop necessary competencies. The competency-based approach has been widely applied in education to determine qualification requirements for postgraduates. [3] The educational process is focused on acquiring knowledge which is supposed to form the basis for professional competences; however, the teacher’s aim is not only to broadcast knowledge, he/she should also shape this knowledge with the help of innovative teaching aids and through the active approach. As a result, professional competences consist of knowledge, expertise, and skills acquired in the process of learning or professional activities. [1] So, the role of a teacher is changing with the above process. Tutors have to find the way out to make students more creative, collaborative, and product-oriented. This problem can be easily solved with the penetration of IT. Both sides feel that current effective tools can help them to reach their goals.

Brainstorming improves the cognitive aspect. Mentimeter is a tool that allows pupils to convert their thoughts into the visual product, find other ideas, add, correct, or support them. The use of colourful word clouds as a warming-up activity stimulates them for further discussion. Additionally, a sense of responsibility for their words and actions should be taught.


Teachers filter comments, approve adequate ones, or decline the request with a help of Seesaw. Students learn through their personal experience whether it is appropriate or not.

Modern students prefer interaction and visualization in all aspects of education; therefore even daily classroom routines can be digitalized in order to meet students’ expectations. Classroomscreen application provides the teacher with such tools as picking a random name, throwing dices, working symbols, timer, stopwatch, and calendar.

We have to take into consideration that motivation is a driving force for teenagers to learn foreign languages. To write an essay about the novel may be considered as a boring task. If a teacher asks them to create a new book cover in Piktochart and explain their ideas in a video format, it will inspire the class to do their homework. Furthermore, it gives students food for thought: they have to decide what culture is all about, which word seems to be more authentic, how to use up-to-date technologies, etc. Thanks to this, they may broaden their horizons, understand the meaning of diversity. This example shows that students will acquire skills and competencies while doing such complex and entertaining activities.

Moreover, it takes time to revise or memorize something but this process is easier if Quizlet is used. Students can create study sets in the form of flashcards on their mobile phones.

Socrative appears to be a useful and handy tool for testing in case of e- learning as well as face-to-face learning. It enables the teacher to create tests and quizzes and run them in their virtual classrooms, in addition to regular tests and quizzes the system allows teachers to run various competitions between students. Such competitions increase learning productivity as the participants feel more engaged in the process. Moreover, the results are displayed when students submit their answers, so that teacher can see students’ performance.

Online teaching, organizing webinars has become an essential component of education in the 21st century. The most popular platforms for webinars nowadays are Pruffme, Webinar.ru, Proficonf, and Clickmeeting. Online classes can be organized with the help of Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype, and any other application that allows video conferences. While even a year ago this form of education was not much popular, webinars were rare events, the educational process was mostly based on face-to-face interaction. However, the last year had changed the situation and online classes became an everyday reality.

Particular outcomes and the whole period of making the product go hand- in-hand with its assessment. Speaking about ePortfolio, evaluation is less complicated, teachers are empowered to see all the stages, changes, and achievements of their students. To support this tool, it’s necessary to mention that Portfolio is a widely-spread practice of jobseeker’s assessment. There is no denying that this experience may be helpful in the future to feel confident and technologically advanced on the labour market.


The necessity of digital education tools has been widely recognized in the modern world. A great variety of apps and programmes for different purposes has been developed in order to meet the expectations of teachers, students, and employers. Teachers and learners shouldn’t underestimate the potential of digital tools in developing key professional competencies. Each instrument is aimed to make lessons more attractive, valuable in real-life situations. Therefore, using various digital tools contributes to the efficient development of informationprocessing, communicative, and professional competences. Taking into account psychological features of students, the use of such instruments keeps students’ motivation, focus, and engagement in the educational process; as a result, students’ performance rises as well.


1.Kadralinova Mariyash Tleugabylovna A competence-based approach as a solution to the problem of education quality // Образование через всю жизнь: непрерывное образование в интересах устойчивого развития. 2015. №13

(eng). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/a-competence-based-approach-as-a- solution-to-the-problem-of-education-quality (дата обращения: 09.10.2020).

2.Воронцова, Ю.А. Теоретическая основа теории поколений / Ю.А. Воронцова// Ученые записки ОГУ. Серия: Гуманитарные и социальные науки. – 2016. – №3 (72). — Режим доступа: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/teoreticheskaya-osnova-teorii-pokoleniy

3.Зимняя И.А. Ключевые компетенции – новая парадигма результата образования / Зимняя И.А. // Высшее образование сегодня. – 2015. № 5.— С. 33-36

F.R. Ibragimova, E.M. Fedotova

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)



Over the past few years, the construction of sports facilities has become widespread, which is associated with the development and strengthening of the role of sports in Russia. Today, investors are increasingly turning their attention to investing in various sports facilities. More and more private sports premises appear - tennis courts, various gyms, ice arenas and other sports buildings. At the same time, the construction of sports complexes and other sports facilities is a process that must be carried out by a specialized organization with strict observance of all the norms and requirements of the law for the construction of various sports centers in Russia.


The construction of sports complex attracts the attention of investors for two main reasons: the profit from the project and the attraction of attention to the residential area. So most experts believe that sports construction is a profitable business. Income from sports fans allows a sports facility to pay off completely quickly. If earlier the bulk of sports facilities were built at the expense of budgets of different levels, today this is done more and more often at the expense of private owners.

The development of the sports industry may not depend on the pace of civil construction, but may have a direct relationship between the state position in this regard and global trends in general [Fig. 1].

Figure.1. Gymnastics Center in Kazan (The bachelor’s project )

Strict requirements are imposed on the latest sports facilities: in addition to the functional architectural aspect, sports grounds must comply with modern ideas about comfort, be technically equipped with the latest technologies

The construction of any sports facility begins with the development and approval of an engineering project. After its approval, a package of basic documentation is formed, on this basis, the necessary construction, installation and other works are carried out. [1]

Strict control over the compliance of building materials and components with the established standards for the arrangement of sports premises is required.[4]

Thanks to the ability to create any space-planning option and the variability of architectural forms, it is possible to meet the individual needs of the customer and create original projects for sports complexes.

Sports and fitness centers follow not only the design standards of the joint venture, each group, whether it is universal or highly specialized sites, also requires constant maintenance, the type of which depends on specific features. Today, the sports facilities construction program allows for pre-fabricated solutions based on a modern approach. They significantly reduce the cost of the duration of work and allow free planning of the structure. Also, in recent years,


tent structures have been increasingly used as stadiums and tennis courts and combined solutions. The most popular, awning, consist of an aluminum or steel frame and a cover made of special fabric with PVC on a polyester basis.[2]

Basically, for the construction of sports complexes, construction organizations use metal structures and three-layer sandwich panels, or use the technology of frameless arched construction.

Sports facilities, built on a steel frame, are given any geometric shapes and sizes, depending on the wishes of the customer. In addition, it is possible to expand an already finished object in any plane.

Structures erected using metal structures have a minimum weight compared to objects made of ordinary materials, but at the same time the building is much heavier in appearance, due to the use of ferrous metal. Regardless of what kind of sports facility is being built, the sports center is erected without the involvement of bulky special equipment and without the typical procedures of traditional construction, which minimizes the cost of building the facility.[3]

The use of these materials and technologies allows the construction of various sports facilities in the shortest possible time and at lower costs.

It is also worth noting that in modern architecture, the use of wooden structures in the design and construction of sports facilities is becoming more and more relevant. Trying to get closer to nature by imitation, architecture is simultaneously moving away from it: the materials from which objects are built, as a rule, are of artificial origin. The use of ecological material allows you to combine natural materials and modern technologies with a creative process, helps to avoid existing contradictions in modern architecture.

Wooden structures were used in designing for my bachelor’s project.. The use of wooden structures in the construction of sports complex entails maintaining the microclimatic balance in the internal space throughout the entire period of operation. Wooden structures have advantages in terms of naturalness, elegance and economy in operation. wooden structures in sports facilities are much more effective than concrete and metal, and wood itself surpasses concrete and metal in simplicity, lightness, originality and environmental friendliness of the material. The tree allows you to emphasize both the unusual functional purpose of the structure and the architectural and planning solution. And in the elements of transformation of sports facilities, the use of wood facilitates the movement mechanism, making the structure more elegant and economical. [5]

The building uses a metal-wood segmented truss supported by steel columns. Wooden trusses have a number of advantages, for example, timber structures are many times lighter, with the same rigidity than metal and reinforced concrete, this greatly simplifies their delivery and installation. Supporting systems can be installed in the design position without welding. The light weight of the structures also reduces the pressure on the supporting columns. The relatively low cost of the trusses is ensured by the low cost of wood and ease of manufacture.


Thus, physical culture and sports facilities are a constantly changing system, inextricably linked with the development of society. Social changes taking place in society give rise to new types and forms of physical culture, healthimproving and leisure activities. There has been a clear integration of cultural and sports activities with an increase in the share of active leisure. Various groups of the population are involved in the classes, various forms of family leisure are developing, the importance of information classes and communication, and mass events is increasing. In parallel with this, the sport of the highest achievements is developing, which puts forward new levels of requirements for physical culture and sports facilities.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the use of wooden structures in the construction of sports facilities is more effective, tectonic and economical in comparison with other materials, both in the design and construction, and during the operation of structures. Wood is well applicable in large-span structures, not only as a separate material, but also in combination with other materials.


1.SP 118.13330.2012 "Public buildings and structures."

2.SP 31-112-2004 "Physical culture and sports halls." Part 1..

3.SP 332.1325800.2017 Sports facilities. Design rules.

4.GOST R 56199-2014 Sports facilities. Safety requirements for sports facilities of educational organizations

K.E Kalinov, O.N. Korneva

(Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)


In this research work, we would like to consider and analyze the operation "Wintergewitter" ("Winter Storm", "Winter Thunderstorm", Kotelnikovskaya operation) - an attempt to unblock the Wehrmacht 6th Army surrounded by Soviet troops. It was carried out by the German command between 12 and 24 of December in 1942 during the Battle of Stalingrad. The purpose of our work is to identify the prerequisites and consequences of this counter offensive of the

German and their allied troops. Also it’s important to define the impact of the operation on the further plans of both sides of the confrontation and the outcome of the battle which changed the history of the entire the Great Patriotic War.

The strategic offensive operation of the Soviet troops "Uranus" was started on 19 of November in 1942 to encircle Wehrmacht 6th Army. Due to detailed planning and successfully hidden preparation, as well as serious superiority in forces, the troops of the Southwestern Front and the Stalingrad Front met in the


area of the Sovetsky farm on the 23 of November and closed the encirclement ring. 22 divisions and 160 separate formations of the 6th and the 4th tank armies (330,000 people) were caught in the "pocket" between the Don and the Volga rivers. They were isolated from the main supply routes, and Soviet troops were already forming external and internal blockade rings to resist breakouts. [6, p. 419-420]

In the evening on the 21st November Hitler gave the order: “The army commander with headquarters will head to Stalingrad, the 6th Army will take allround defense and wait for further instructions.” [2] The German command relied on the experience of the summer campaign of 1942. When the German group had got into the "pocket", it successfully defended because of supply through the "air bridge", inflicting significant losses on the Soviet troops, and later released from the outside. [1, p. 355] Also, this order was caused by desire to hold the captured positions in Stalingrad to keep the most important transport hub and isolate Soviet fronts on the south of the city from supplies. German command planned to capture the Caucasus next and gain access to its oil and other resources. The Reich needed to continue the war.

In the evening of the 22 of November Paulus reported on the radio to the headquarters of Army Group B: “The army is surrounded. The fuel reserves will run out soon, Tanks and heavy weapon in this case will be fixed. The situation with ammunition is critical. Food is enough for 6 days. I ask you to give freedom of action if we will fail to create a perimeter defense. The situation may force us to leave Stalingrad and the northern sector of the front.” [3, p. 74]

On the same day Hitler confirmed his order for the 6th Army to defend itself. In the evening of November 23, the commander of Army Group B, ColonelGeneral M. von Weichs, sent a telegram to Hitler's headquarters. He wrote that he considered it necessary to support General Paulus' proposal to withdraw the 6th Army. He justified it by the fact that the encircled forces did not have sufficient reserves for long combat operations. [3, p. 77]

The German Supreme Command - Hitler, V. Keitel and A. Jodl, finally decided that the 6th Army must hold out its positions until beginning of operation to break the blockade. They based on the report of the Air Force command that it would provide air supplies to the encircled troops. Hitler sent a radiogram to Weichs: "The 6th Army is temporarily surrounded by the Russians. The army can believe me that I will do everything in my power to supply it and release it in time." [3, p. 78-79]

The Soviet troops that surrounded the Paulus’ army between strengthened both the internal and external front of the encirclement between the 24 and the 30 of November. [2] Superiority in manpower and equipment, as well as the strategic initiative in the Stalingrad direction were already on the side of the Soviet command. The Germans had no real chance to localize the success of the Red Army's counteroffensive, while the Soviet side had every opportunity to defeat the enemy.


The 4th Panzer Army was renamed into Army Group “Goth” on the 23 of

November under the command of Colonel-General H. Hoth. He received the task to defend the area between the Volga and Don and the area near the lower reaches of the river Chir in order to attack from the Kotelnikovo area. Stubborn battles for this town allowed concentrate the main forces for breaking the blockade there. [2] The German command organized a new Army Group "Don" of Field

Marshal von Manstein to unblock the encircled Paulus’ troops. It included the

Hollidt task force, the remnants of the 3rd and the 4th Romanian armies, the 8th Italian army, the 2nd Hungarian army, German the 2nd and the 4th tank armies. Reinforcements for this Group were redeployed from all over the Europe and from the Caucasus. 17 of its divisions opposed to the Southwestern Front, another 13 were in front of the Stalingrad Front. [2]

The date of the operation was scheduled on the 12 of December. The 4th Panzer Army was to advance from the Kotelnikovo area southeast of the river Don and strike at the flank and rear of the Soviet troops on the internal front. Hollidt task force was to strike at the rear of the Soviet troops from bridgeheads on the Don and Chir rivers in the Nizhne-Chirskaya area. Paulus's 6th army was to continue defense and on a certain day begin a breakthrough in the southwestern sector of the blockade front and join the 4 army. [1, p. 360] The general plan was to provide a "supply corridor" for the 6th Army in order to complete the capture of Stalingrad and devalue the success of Soviet operation "Uranus".

The Soviet command feared that Kotelnikovo group would try to unblock the encircled forces and developed a countermeasure plan. The 1st Guards Army of Colonel General V.I. Kuznetsov should defend the Don, the Krivaya and the Chir rivers area. Two shock groups were created on the Southwestern Front to defeat the 8th Italian Army and the Hollidt task force. The 5th Panzer Army was to defeat the enemy at the junction of the Southwestern and Stalingrad fronts to prevent breakthrough. The 17th Air Force Army supported the actions of these troops. [2]

German offensive began from the Kotelnikovo area in the general direction to the north-east in the morning of the 12 of December. On the 14 of December Stavka (Soviet Supreme Command) ordered the 2nd Guards Army support the defending troops. The 4th Mechanized Corps of General V.T. Volsky started a battle in the area of Verkhne-Kumsky and Vodyansky on the 15 of December. It was one of the largest tank battles of the Great Patriotic War, lasted for three days.

Stubborn defense and counterattacks of Soviet troops managed to slow down the German advance. On the 16 of December the troops of the Southwestern and Voronezh fronts began the offensive operation "Little Saturn", creating a threat to the German airbases. On the 24 of December German command redeployed the 6th Panzer Division from of the 4th Panzer Army of Hoth to protect one of them named Morozovskaya. Thereby the enemy main strike force lost its offensive potential. At the same time, the 2 Guards Army and the 4th Mechanized Corps (renamed in 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps) launched an offensive on Kotelnikovo


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