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X. Define the particular type of word-building process by which the following words were made and say as much as you can about them.

A mike - the short form of the microphone, shortening;

to babysit – back formation from babysitter;

to buzz – late 15c., echoic of bees and other insects. Aviation sense of "fly low and close" is by 1941;

a torchlight – compound word, direct meaning of components;

homelike – compound word, direct meaning of components;

theatrical – suffixation, from theater + -ical {adj. forming suffix};

old-fashioned – compound word, "in an outdated style," from old + past participle of fashion (v.). As a type of cocktail, attested from 1901, American English.;

to book – conversion, Old English bocian "to grant or assign by charter," from book (n.). Meaning "to enter into a book, record" is early 13c. Meaning "to enter for a seat or place, issue (railway) tickets" is from 1841; "to engage a performer as a guest" is from 1872;

unreasonable – affixation, un + reason + able;

SALT – strategic armament limitation talks, shortening, the abbreviated written form is read as though in ordinary English word and sounds as English words it’s called acronym {strategic armament limitation talks.};

Anglo-American - compound word, two stems (основы) are combined by link in vowel or consonant, ;

to murmur – conversion, noun means "expression of discontent by grumbling"{ворчание} from Old French murmure;

a pub - slang shortening of public house;

to dillydally - Phonetically varied rhythmic-twin forms compound word {колебаться};

okay – echoic origin from abbreviation O.K. Spelled out as okeh, 1919, by Woodrow Wilson, on assumption that it represented Choctaw okeh "it is so" (a theory which lacks historical documentation); this was ousted quickly by okay after the appearance of that form in 1929. In the case of O.K., the abbreviation is of "oll korrect";

eatable — suffixation, eat + -able;

a make – conversion from verb, "match, mate, companion" (now archaic or dialectal);

a greenhorn – compound word, mid-15c., "young horned animal," from green (adj.) in sense of "new, fresh, recent" + horn (n.). Applied to new soldiers from c.1650; extended to any inexperienced person by 1680s. {a raw, simple, inexperienced person, easily fooled};

posish – shortening from position;

a dress coat – compound word {a black, long-tailed coat worn by men for formal evening occasions};

to bang - "to strike hard with a loud blow," from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse banga "to pound, hammer" of echoic origin. The noun is recorded from late 16c ;

merry-go-round — compound word, (карусель) The process of deducing the meaning of the hole word from constituents is impossible;

H-bag — shortening {ничего про это слово не нашёл};

B.B.C. — shortening, abbreviation, Brown Boverie Company {Britain Broadcast Company записывается как BBC};

thinnish – affixation, thin + ish – тонковатый, жидковатый – not complete thin;

to blood-transfuse – back formation from blood transfusion;

a go – conversion, "action of going";

to quack - "to make a duck sound," 1610s, quelke, of echoic origin;

M.P. - shortening, abbreviation, military police ;

to thunder – conversion from thunder;

earthquake - compound word, from earth + quake (n.);

D-region - {the lowest region of the ionosphere extending from 60 to 80 km} compound word, D – letter that signed layer;

fatalism – suffixation, fatal + ism, ism - suffix forming nouns of action, state, condition, doctrine;

a find – conversion, from verb to found.

1 mammal one of the class of animals which feed their young with milk from the breast (e. g. human beings, dogs, whales).

2 tidbit very important news.

3 The Afro-American the name of a newspaper.

4 A. A. fire anti-aircraft fire (R. зенитный огонь).

5 stowaway one who hides himself on a ship to make a journey without paying.

5 We'll put you up front. R. 1. Мы пошлем вас на передовую. 2. Мы посадим вас в первый ряд(игра слов).

6 pro (here) professional actor (sl.)

7 GI Government issue. WWII servicemen.

1 O. D. — officer of the day, officer on duty.

2 to hob-nob to be on familiar terms.

3 whipper-snapper young, esp. undersized boy who behaves with more self-importance than is proper.

4 ha-ha fence, hedge or wall hidden in a ditch or trench so as not to interrupt a landscape.

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