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V. Arrange the compounds given below into two groups;

A. Idiomatic. B. Non-idiomatie. Say whether the semantic change within idiomatic compounds is partial or total. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

беззаботный; бабочка; домосед; таксист; средней величины; ежевика; колокольчик; никчемный; волкодав; шоссе; стрекоза; зеркало; зеленщик; учёная женщина, "синий чулок"; педантка; крыжовник; ожерелье; землетрясение; лентяй.

Idiomatic compaunds

Non-idiomatic compaunds



















VI. Identify the compounds in the word-groups below. Say as much as you can about their structure and semantics.

Emily, our late maid-of-all-work; a heavy snowfall; an automobile salesman; corn-coloured chiffon; vehicle searchlights, little tidbit2 in The Afro-American;3 German A. A. fire;4 a born troubleshooter; to disembark a stowaway,5 an old schoolmate; a cagelike crate; a slightly stoop-shouldered man; a somewhat matter-of-fact manner; a fur-lined boot; to pick forget-me-nots and lilies-of-the-valley; a small T-shirt; a sportscar agency.

  • Emily, our late maid-of-all-work Эмили наша покойная служанка (прислуга, выполняющая всю работу) Meaning of the whole word can be described as the sum of its constituents. Syntactic compound, because it preserves its preposition. Exocentric

  • a heavy snowfall сильный снегопад; formed of 2 derivational bases noun+noun, Meaning of the whole word can be described as the sum of its constituents. Endocentric, neutral

  • an automobile salesman; продавец автомобилей Meaning of the whole word can be described as the sum of its constituents, formed of 2 derivational bases noun+noun, Endocentric, morphological compound – linking consonant S.

  • corn-coloured chiffon бледно-желтый шифон derivational compound adjective built by suffixation, formed of 2 derivational bases (noun+adjective) exocentric, neutral

  • vehicle searchlights, фары автомобиля derivational compound noun made up of 2 derivational bases (verb+noun), suffix S of plural. Endocentric, neutral

  • little tidbit in The Afro-American – небольшие новости в Афро-Американ.

tidbit very important news (пикантные новости, интересные), The Afro-American the name of a newspaper.

Tidbit- Origin perhaps from tit- (as in titmouse) + bit- formed of 2 derivational bases (noun+noun), idiomatic compound, coordinative – phonetically varied rhythmic lead form, neutral

The Afro-American- derivational compound adjective, formed of 2 derivational bases, suffix an (connected with or belonging to the stated place, group, or type), exocentric, morphological with linking vowel O

  • German A. A. fire; anti-aircraft fire –немецкий зенитный огонь- formed by shortening, consists of initial abbreviations which are pronounced as a series of letters. Neutral contacted compound.

  • aborntroubleshooter; прирожденный слесарь-ремонтник, мастер

derivational compound noun, formed of 2 derivational bases, suffix er- denoting an occupation.

Endocentric, neutral

  • todisembarka stowawayвысадить безбилетного пассажира

derivational compound noun from phrasal verb to stow away- ехать на пароходе без билета, formed of 2 derivational bases.exocentric,neutral

  • an old schoolmate; старый школьный приятель- derivational compound noun, formed of 2 derivational bases(noun+noun), meaning of the whole word can be described as the sum of its constituents.Endocentric, neutral

  • a cagelike crate; ящик как клетка ( клеткоподобный ящик) derivational compound adjective, suffix –like means similarity. Exocentric, neutral

  • a slightly stoop-shouldered man; слегка сутулый человек derivational compound adjective, built be suffixation. formed of 2 derivational bases (noun+adjective) exocentric, neutral

  • a somewhat matter-of-fact manner; несколько(каким-то) прозаичным образом

somewhat-compound pronoun, formed of 2 derivational bases, exocentric, neutral

matter-of-fact- syntactic compound because it preserves its preposition

  • a fur-lined boot; сапог на меху, derivational compound adjective, built be suffixation. formed of 2 derivational bases (noun+adjective) Exocentric, neutral

  • to pick forget-me-nots and lilies-of-the-valley; собирать незабудки и ландыши

both are idiomatic compounds, suffix S of plural, exocentric,syntactic.

  • a small T-shirt; маленькая футболка, neutral contracted compound

  • a sportscar agency агентсво спортивных автомобилей, derivational compound noun

formed of 2 derivational bases (noun+noun), endocentric, morphological compound wuti linking consonant S.

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