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English for Geographers

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English For Geographers_____________________________________________

7.It still (rain), but it (look) as if it will soon stop.

8.Ask him what he (want).

9.After what has happened, you really (mean) to say that you still (believe) him?

10.You see this box? It (contain) matches.

7. Work in pairs:

Find out if your group-mate likes music.

Do you like music? (You like music, don’t you?)

Yes, I do. And what about you?

So do I./But I don’t.

Find out if your group-mate:

1.Lives in hostel; lives far from the University; gets to the University by bus or by underground; returns home late; is usually tired.

2.Has a large family; lives with his/her family; spends much time with his/her relatives.

3.Find out the time of his/her getting up; having breakfast; leaving home; coming to the University; returning home.

8.Translate into English:

1.Його батьки живуть у Києві, і він їздить до них щомісяця.

2.Я не знаю, чому він завжди запізнюється.

3.Хіба ви не хочете піти з нами на дискотеку?

4.Наш поїзд вирушає о 18.00. У нас ще є час.

5.Я розумію практично все, що говорять в англійських фільмах.

6.Чим ви зазвичай заробляєте собі на життя?

7.Перед заходом сонця вітер завжди посилюється.

8.Його матір не знає, що з ним робити. Він постійно каже неправду.

9.Вони сподіваються заробити багато грошей на цьому проекті.

10.Майже завжди ми проводимо канікули на морі, але цього року ми вирішили поїхати в гори.

Frequency adverbs

0 % never rarely sometimes often usually always 100 % Read these examples and complete the grammar rule.

I’m always very busy.

They never visit us.

We usually drive to work.

He isn’t usually late.

I don’t always get up early.

They’re never on





_____________________________________________English For Geographers


*We write words like always/usually/never after the verb to be but ….. other verbs.


1. Rewrite the sentences adding frequency adverbs to make true sentences. Add three more sentences about your daily routine:


I get up before 6 a.m.


My friend uses a computer.

2. My teacher goes to

6. I speak English to friends.

bed after midnight.


My parents travel on business.


I drive to work.


We are early for English class.


I am late.



Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense



I am working

Am I working?

You/ we/ they are working

Are you/ we/ they working?

He/ she/ it is working

Is he/ she/ it working?

I am not working


You/ we/ they are not working.


He/ she/ it is not working.



1. Talking about an event in progress at the moment of speaking.

“What are you doing?” “I’m trying to find a file”.

“I’m afraid Mr. Daniels can’t see you right now. He’s interviewing someone”.

We also use the continuous with verbs of movement when the action has just started:

I’m leaving. Can you tell Mary I’ll see her tomorrow?”

“Can I speak to John?” “ Sorry, he’s out. No, hold on, he’s just coming down the corridor”.

2. Describing current situations and ongoing projects.

The time reference is at and around “now”, before and after the situations referred to. But the situation may not be in progress literally at the exact moment of speaking.

e.g. We’re waiting for permission to go ahead with the project.

3. Describing temporary situations


English For Geographers_____________________________________________

When the present continuous is used in this way, the situation described will not last permanently.

They’re staying at the Hilton Hotel until the end of the week. They are offering a 20 % discount for the duration of the trade fair.

4. Changing, developing situations

We use present continuous to describe changes which have not yet finished.

The number of people using the Internet is growing.

The Amazon rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate.

5. Personal arrangements and plans

We use the present continuous to refer to future time when talking about arrangements and fixed plans made before the time of speaking. We often use a time expression unless we are sure that the other person knows we are talking about the future:

I’m seeing Mr. Brown next week.

I’m taking the client to the best restaurant in town.

She’s got a new job so she’s leaving the firm in October.

We also use the present continuous with verbs of movement to talk about actions which are just beginning:

It’s 10 o’clock. I’m going to the canteen for lunch. Are you coming?

6. Talking about repeated actions

His daughter is taking driving lessons.

His wife is always telling him not to work so hard.

If we describe repeated situations using the present continuous with always, the situation is often unplanned. Compare:

I always meet her in the car park (planned in advance). I’m always meeting her in the car park (by chance).


1.Fill in with Present Simple or Continuous:

1.A: I ……… (see) there’s a great film on at the cinema tonight.

Would you like to go?

B: No, I ……… (see) the dentist about my toothache.

2.A: I ……… (think) about going on a picnic this afternoon. B: I wouldn’t bother. I ……… (think) it’s going to rain.

3.A: Is John feeling OK? He ……… (look) very red in the face.

B: Yes, I know. I ……… (look) for the doctor’s telephone number now.


_____________________________________________English For Geographers

4. A: How ……… (you/like) you stay in Budapest?

B: I am really enjoying myself. I particularly ……… (like) the

Hungarian food.

5. A: ……… (you/have) a car?

B: Yes, but I ……… (have) some problems with it, so it’s at the garage.

2.Translate into English:

1.Я бачу, у тебе труднощі з цим комп’ютером. Я можу чимнебудь допомогти?

2.Він розуміє правило, але все ще робить помилки.

3.Дивись! Починається дощ!

4.Вибачте, я шукаю пошту. Чи є тут поблизу пошта?

5.Я знаю, що ти не любиш ходити по магазинах.

6.Ми звичайно снідаємо о сьомій годині.

7.Вода завжди замерзає, якщо надворі нуль градусів за Цельсієм.

8.Звичайно автобуси їздять цією вулицею, але сьогодні тут ремонт, і автобуси не їздять.

9.Чому ти запізнився сьогодні? Ти ж звичайно не запізнюєшся по понеділках.

10.Петро вивчає зараз медицину. Він сподівається знайти роботу за кордоном після закінчення університету.

3.The following sentences all refer to the present. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, Continuous or Simple Present:

1.You (see) the house on the corner? That is where I was born.

2.You (listen) to what I am saying? You (understand) me?

3.I (notice) Mary (wear) a new hat today.

4.She (not understand) what you (mean).

5.You (smell) gas? I (think) the new stove is leaking.

6.John (seem) rather tired today.

7.It still (rain), but it (look) as if it will soon stop.

8.You (mind) helping me a moment? I (try) to mend this table.

9.Ask him what he (want).

10.The train still (stand) in the station. You (think) we can just catch it?


English For Geographers_____________________________________________

4. Which of these ideas do you associate with the present simple (PS) and which with the present continuous (PC)?

1.regular activities…......


permanent and






2.temporary situations….


a present

arrangement for


the future………..................

3.fixed timetables…........

8.mental states……….………

4.giving instructions…....








5. an event in progress…..

10. doing by saying….………

Study these sentences and decide which example corresponds to each 1-10 above.

1.I’m replacing Bill because he’s off sick.

2.The scheduled flight leaves next Monday at 8.15 from JFK.

3.The technician is mending the photocopier so you can’t use it right now.

4.I’m seeing Bill tomorrow afternoon, I’ve got it in my diary.

5.The conference room measures 150 square metres.

6.I admit there has been a mistake.

7.I understand they have gone bankrupt.

8.Enter PIN number, select menu, choose language, press OK.

9.With the Internet the world is getting smaller.

10.We have a planning meeting once a month.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms:

Alan is flying to Barcelona tonight. He ……… (already/pack) his suitcase but he ……... (not/call) a taxi yet. His plane ……… (leave) at 8 p.m.

Ann and Sally ……… (be) flat-mates. They sometimes ……… (argue) because Sally ………. (always/make) a mess in the kitchen.

“Look over there! It’s John”. “ Oh, yes! But he ……… (look) so different! He ……… (put on) at least 15 kilos”.

Ever since the accident she ……… (be) afraid to drive. Next week she

……… (see) a psychologist who ……… (specialise) in that sort of problem. “What on earth ……… (you/do)?” Your clothes are all dirty!” “Well,

I ……… (work) in the garden all day. Look! I ……… (already/plant) a lot of flowers. I ……… (plan) to cut the grass now”.


The Present Continuous Tense is also frequently used with future meaning. In this case it is associated with adverbs of future time:


_____________________________________________English For Geographers

Soon, this evening, tomorrow, next week, tonight, in a few minutes, next summer, later this year (month, week).

He intends to go to the cinema this evening = He is going to the cinema this evening.

6. Change these sentences in the same way into the form with the Present Continuous Tense:

1.The Jones family plan to go to Italy this summer.

2.Do you want to go to the concert tonight?

3.John plans to sell his car this week and to buy a new one.

4.I must leave immediately, I hope to catch a bus in a few minutes.

5.Please wait a moment! I promise to come soon.

6.Come and say goodbye. Our guests have to leave in a minute.

7.I’m sorry I can’t come. I plan to shop all morning and have lunch in


8. We mean to visit our friends in London and spend the night with


9.That new Italian film is booked to come to the Odeon Cinema


10.Goodbye! I’ve arranged to play tennis in half an hour.

Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Simple




1. Finished experiences in your

Have you ever been to

life up to now

the USA?


She’s lived in China and



2. Recent situations and actions

We’ve reduced the prices.

in a time up to now



Have you had a holiday this



3. Situations that started in the

He’s been an architect since

past and still continue



How long have you known



4. Past actions in a time up to

She has designed a lot of

now where we give the

fashion items for this firm.




How many tests have you





English For Geographers_____________________________________________

Present Perfect Continuous














1. Actions

that began



We’ve been producing pens since


past and




the 1980s.












He’s been living here for five








2. Actions

that began



You look very tired. Have you


past and have just stopped


been working?






I’m hot because I’ve been







*The Present Perfect Continuous and Simple are similar in meaning. The form we use often depends on whether we are more interested in the action or its result.

e.g. I’ve been fixing the car (My hands are dirty). e.g. I’ve fixed the car (Now I can drive to work).

*We use the Present Perfect Continuous to say how long e.g. They have been interviewing people since 10 a.m.

She’s been writing letters all morning.

We use the Present Perfect Simple to say how many e.g. They have interviewed nine people.

She has written five letters.

For and since

We use for with the period of time we use since with a point in time


three days




five hours


8 August


a month


4 o’clock


ten minutes


last summer


a long time






I last saw you


1.Underline the correct verb form:

1.Susan is working/has been working as a designer since 1982.


_____________________________________________English For Geographers

2.She has made/has been making three business trips to Kyiv this


3.Recently she designs/has been designing handbags for Italian companies.

4.She has travelled/has been travelling to the UK many times since


5.She has made/has been making a lot of contacts in the fashion industry since 1982.

2.Complete this fashion magazine article by choosing the Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect Simple form of the verb in brackets:

Fashion fortunes

Since the 1970s, designers like Giorgio Armani, Ralph Lauren, and

Calvin Klein ……… (be) enormously successful. Their companies ………

(grow) for more than twenty years and they ……… (become) rich world businessmen. The fashion businesses of French designers like Pierre Cardin and Louise Feraud ……… (make) even bigger fortunes. Armani, one of Italy’s most successful designers, ……… (start) his company in 1975 with an investment of $10,000. Since then, his company’s turnover ……… (increase) steadily, and in recent years it ……… (grow) to $ 1 billion.

3.Translate into English:

1.Ми познайомились місяць тому, але з тих пір я нічого про нього

не чула.

2.Я ще не розмовляв з ним про це. Я ще його не бачив.

3.Ви коли-небудь були в Австралії?Ні, але я завжди мріяла там побувати.

4.Ви вже скуштували цей пиріг?

5.Дякую вам за все, що ви зробили для мене.

6.Ми були раді побачити твою сестру, ми не бачили її з минулого року. Вона дуже змінилась.

7.Ми надіслали йому листа, але відповіді ще не одержали.

8.Коли ви востаннє були в Криму? – Я взагалі ніколи не був у


9.Дощ перестав, і знову засяяло сонце.


English For Geographers_____________________________________________

10.Він зателефонував мені, щойно я прийшла додому.

4.Fill in “has/have been to/in”, “has/have gone to”:

1.Bertha’s not here. She has gone to the library.

2.I ……… Madrid, but I only spent a few days there.

3.“How long ……… you ……… Birmingham?” “For nearly two


4.Tom is alone because his parents ……… the seaside for the


5.Julia ……… the supermarket – she’ll be back in about an hour.

5.Fill in “since” and “for”:

Sue Wilson has been involved in sports 1) for more than 25 years. Her first interest was gymnastics, which she has been actively involved in

2)……… she was ten, but she has also been interested in other forms of sport

3)……… many years. She has been a keen cyclist 4) ……… 1980, when she made her first bicycle tour of Europe, and 5) ……… her marriage to all-round sportsman Tom Wilson in 1985, she has tried her hand at climbing, sailing and skydiving. Her talent as a writer has kept her busy 6) ……… the past ten years, and she has become familiar to TV viewers as a sports commentator

7)……… her first TV appearance in 1988. Her plans for the future? “ I’ve

been interested in the role of women in sports ever 8) ……… I was a teenager. Now, after being so busy 9) ……… all these years, I’ve decided to take some time off so I can write a book about it.” Since Sue has been part of the sporting world 10) …….… so long, her book should be fascinating.

Unit 4

Past Tenses. Past Simple. Past Continuous. Past Perfect.

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Simple


I/ you/he/ she/ it/ we/ they worked

I/he/she/it was late

I/ you/he/ she/it/we/they/did not work

You/ we/ they were late

Did I/ you/he/she/it/ we/ they work?

Was I/ he/ she/ it late?

Were you/ we/ they late?



1. Talking about completed actions that happened in the past.


_____________________________________________English For Geographers

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

Did you read the contract?” “Yes, and I sent it back to the legal department”.

2.Referring to a definite moment or period in the past.

I met the president yesterday. I spoke to them an hour ago.

Ted Turner launched CNN in 1980.

The standard of living in Europe went up during the 1960s.

3.Describing something, e.g. the history of a company.

When George Eastman introduced the first Kodak camera in 1888, he wanted to supply the tools of photography at the lowest possible price to the greatest number of people. The rapid growth of his business made large-scale production a necessity. The creation of ingenious tools and processes for manufacturing film enabled the Eastman company to turn out high-quality merchandise at prices that put them within the reach of the general public.

4. In reports, e.g. a company’s annual report.

We use the past simple in annual reports when they refer back to the previous year’s trading.

Last year was a tough year for our group. On the one hand, we earned more than a billion dollars, we generated record cash flow. On the other hand, our total earnings declined.

Past Continuous (Progressive)


I was working.

Was I working?

You/ we/ they were working.

Were you/we/they working?

He/she/it was working.

Was he/she/it working?

I was not working.


You/we/they were not working.


He/she/it was not working.



1. Emphasising the duration of a past event

He was working on the report all day long.


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