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1. Government Directions, War, Epidemics, Ice, Strikes, etc.

The master and the carrier shal1 have liberty to comply with any order or directions or recommendations in connection with the transport under this contract given by any government or authority, or anybody acting or purposing to act on behalf of such government or authority, or having under the terms of the insurance on the vessel, the right to give such order or directions or recommendations.

Should it appear that the performance of the transport would expose the vessel or any goods on board to risk of seizure or damage or delay, resulting from war, war1ike operations, blockade, riots, civil commotions or piracy, or any person on board to the risk of loss life or freedom, or that any such risk has increased, the master may discharge the cargo at port of loading or any other safe and convenient port.

Should it appear that epidemics, quarantine, ice-labour troubles, labour obstructions, strikes, lockouts, any of which on board or on shore-difficulties in loading or discharging would prevent the vessel from leaving the port of loading or reaching or entering the port of discharge or there discharging in the usual manner and leaving again, all of which safely and without delay, the master may discharge the cargo at port of loading or any other safe and convenient port.

2. Pataholm. Approach

Pataholm, а loading place near the mouth of А., is situated on the mainland about 7 mi1es northward of S., it is approached by а channel avai1able to vessels with а draught of 18 feet, as far as the anchorage westward of Paslan, and for those with а draught, of 131/2 feet, to the inner road off Saltor, about half а mile south-eastward of Pataholm. The approach is encumbered with numerous shoals, many of which near the fairway are not marked.

Oils, provisions and water can be obtained. The anchorage is usually obstructed by ice from January to April.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Who must be informed about noting sea protest?

2. How must the receivers be informed?

3. What document is made out by the surveyor after the inspection of ship's hatches?

4. What may happen to ships at sea?

5. What party is held liable for the damage?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Это типичный случай частной аварии и весь ущерб должен быть оплачен одной стороной.

2. Груз доставлен для погрузки в рваных мешках.

3. В соответствии с договором о перевозке перевозчик не обязан проверять вес каждого места.

4. Судно должно выйти в море завтра утром независимо от погоды.

5. Так как столкновение произошло по, нашей вине, мы готовы оплатить ремонт вашего судна.

IV. Compose the following letter in English:

Сообщите Вашему агенту в Генуе (Genoa), Messrs. Toronto & Со., Ltd, 17 Piazza Corvette, что при выгрузке груза муки (flours) мешков было порвано вследствие применения грузчиками крючьев.

Укажите, что Вы привезли груз в исправном состоянии, но так как ущерб был причинен по вине грузчиков, Вы отклоняете всякие претензии за причиненный ущерб.

Письмо напишите от имени капитана т/х «Адлер» Василенко В.В.


  1. Составить деловое письмо по заданной теме.

  2. Прочитать и перевести отрывок из коносамента или Чартер-партии.

  3. Диалог с преподавателем по заданной деловой ситуации от имени вахтенного помощника.

  4. Чтение навигационных карт.

  5. Умение использовать стандартные фразы для моряков, стр. 158-160.