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2. Directions

Vessels approaching М. from seaward should keep F. an island lying close westward of D., in line with М. beacon, bearing 320°. If approaching from eastward, the northernmost of three tall chimneys at К., bearing about 291° and kept midway between the middle chimney and В. cairn, will lead south­ward of the dangers as far westward at Т., а shoal with а depth of 15 feet over it, and marked on its southern side by а spar buoy with а ball over an upturned broom and radar reflector, about 5 mi1es eastward of Т. Lighthouse, this line leads northward of а 6-fathom patch about three quarters of а mile south-eastward of Т.

В. cairn (56°68'N, 15000'Е) kept well open north-eastward of V., а small bare rock about half а mile south-eastward of it, will lead north-eastward of the dangers on the south-western side of the channel, and the western point of F. in line with М. beacon will 1ead south-westward of the dangers on the north­eastern side of the channel.

II. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Таможенники имеют право осмотреть любое судовое помещение с целью выявления запрещенных товаров.

2. Запрещенные товары должны опечатываться старпомом в присутствии таможенного чиновника.

3. Когда вы сможете доставить продукты на судно?

4. В ряде случаев медицинскую консультацию можно получить по радио.

5. У вас нет никаких оснований не выдавать свободную практику.

III. Translate the following business letter into English:

Пусан (Вusаn), 12 августа 20 .. г.

Фирме Интервессел Мэритайм, (Intervessel Maritime Pte., Ltd.)

Сингапур 079903, (Singapore),

Интернэшнл Плаза, 25-15, д. 10 (10, 25-15 Intemational Plaza, Singapore 079903)

Уважаемые господа!

Прошу обеспечить мое судно дизельным топливом в количестве 100 т. и пресной водой в количестве 200 т., с поставкой во вторник 19 августа 20…. г., с 8 часов утра. Мое судно прибывает в порт Сингапур 18 августа 20.. г.

Разумеется, что качество и цена топлива подлежат нашему предварительному одобрению.

Искренне Ваш,

Капитан т/х «Орел»

Вариант IV

I. Translate the following texts into Russian:

1. Customs The Waterguard Service is the first line of customs defence in the prevention of smuggling. The uniformed customs officers of this service are well-known to the traveling public. The Waterguard provides а network of revenue defence around the coast. Launch patrols on sea and river, and motor-car and foot patrols on land are maintained to prevent illegal imports or exports. Customs officers board all incoming ships, control their dutiable stores and search ships for contraband goods. All receipt of revenue is concentrated at the Collector's office, and it is here that ship's reports, entries and other documents required on the importing and exporting of goods are first lodged. The staffs of the Collector’s Office in London port are situated at the Custom House.

2. Directions

А vessel from seaward, having avoided the dangers southward of L., should pass between L. and G. and thence steer for Р. light-structure, bearing 3180, passing south-westward of Т. light-and-whistle buoy. The western extremities of Р. in line with К. cliff, about 33/4 miles north-westward, bearing318°, are useful leading marks in this approach. From the above mentioned light- and-whistle buoy, the track indicated on the chart should be followed to S.

At night, а vessel should approach L. in the white sector of the auxiliary, bearing between 351о and 3580, and 3200, when she should steer for the latter light, keeping in that sector and passing south-westward of Т. light-and-whistle buoy. Thence the vessel should be guided by the lights to S.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Who is responsible for good sanitary conditions of the port?

2. What is Deratting Certificate?

3. What document is made out before ordering provisions?

4. What documents must the captain produce to customs?

5. Where are prohibited goods usually kept on board?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Таможенные чиновники первыми прибывают на судно.

2. Они должны оформить приход судна.

3. Продукты должны быть доставлены не позднее завтрашнего дня.

4. Никаких инфекционных заболеваний на судне обнаружено не было.

5. Мне только что сообщили, что судно будет поставлено на карантин.

IV. Translate the following business letter into English:

Лондон, 22 октября, 20…г.

Фирме Гарри Кросс & Ко., судовым агентам,

Ул. Блэк Фраерс, 17,

Лондон, Великобритания

Уважаемые господа!

Прошу договориться о присылке санитарного катера, чтобы отвезти нашего раненого матроса в местный госпиталь завтра в 8 утра.

Наш судовой врач будет сопровождать его.

Искренне Ваш,

капитан т/х «Полтава»


I. Translate the following texts into Russian: