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Английский Ямченко.doc
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V курс Задание

  1. Проработайте устно темы: «Грузовые работы», «Претензии по грузовым операциям», «Претензии по столкновениям» по учебнику Бобровский В.И. Деловой английский для моряков. – М.: Высш. школа, 1984. Письменно выполните упражнения с заданиями: Answer the following questions; Translate into English по каждой теме.

  2. Бобровский В.И. Судовая документация и переписка на английском языке. – М.: ЦРИА «Морфлот», 1981. Уроки 1-8. Письменно выполните упражнения с заданиями: Answer the following questions; Translate into English по каждой теме.

  3. Выучите стандартные фразы для моряков: Cargo handling, Dockside handling gear and facilities, p. 158-160.

Контрольные работы (V курс) Вариант I

I. Translate the following texts into Russian:

1. Special Discharging Clause Applicable to Brazil

Goods which cannot beе discharged direct to quays or landing places as well as goods which according to Brazi1ian customs regulations will not be admitted into the Custom Hou­se, can, if not immediately received on the ship's readiness to discharge on into lighters through the agents of the ship at the receiver's risk and expense or disposed of in other way. All and every responsibility on the part of the carrier shall cease as soon as the goods have been discharged. In case the carrier should cause the goods to be discharged into lighters procured by him or his agents, he shall be responsible accord­ing to the stipulations in the bill of lading until the delivery from the lighters but only for such goods, which are charter­ed for delivery on the quay and not for merchandize which, according to the bill of lading, is to be received by the con­signee free from alongside but for which lighters were not tendered in time and which therefore will be discharged into lighters by the carrier at the receiver's risk and expense. Especially when the goods, according to the Custom House regulations, have been delivered to the Custom House, the carrier shall never be responsible, if the goods on the part of the customs have been delivered over to any other person than the proper and legitimate receiver.

2. South-east Approach. Caution

U., about 81/2 miles south-westward of Т., in the vicinity of which the currents are unpredictable, consists of two large and several small rocks, on the southern large rock, thereе is an old fort with two towers, and also, а lighthouse. Mariners should exercise particular caution in the vicinity of U. on account of these currents; the position of the vessel should be fixed frequently. For vessels approaching from eastward or southward and uncertain of their position, sounding will give warning as their 20-fathom line lies from 31/2 to 5 miles оff these low islands, but litt1e or no warning can be obtained from soundings in the approach from other directions.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the term "average" mean in maritime insurance?

2. What is "general average"?

3. How are losses distributed in case of general average?

4. How call claims for insignificant damage be settled?

5. What is the way for settling more complicated cases?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Мне кажется, что этот спорный вопрос можно разрешить, не обращаясь в суд.

2. Повреждение груза произошло по независящим от нас причинам.

3. Нам сообщили, что грузовладельцы понесли большие убытки.

4. Удар был очень сильным и в левом борту имеются вмятины.

5. Посмотрите это заявление и подпишите его.

IV. Compose the following letter in English:

Сообщите фирме Браун И Ко. в Манчестере, что, каждое отдельное грузовое место по коносаменту № 1789, адресованному на имя этой фирмы, весит свыше 3 т, расходы по выгрузке таких тяжеловесов должны быть оплачены согласно Чартер-партии за счет получателя грузов.