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Chapter 119: constexpr

constexpr is a keyword that can be used to mark a variable's value as a constant expression, a function as potentially usable in constant expressions, or (since C++17) an if statement as having only one of its branches selected to be compiled.

Section 119.1: constexpr variables

A variable declared constexpr is implicitly const and its value may be used as a constant expression.

Comparison with #define

A constexpr is type-safe replacement for #define based compile-time expressions. With constexpr the compiletime evaluated expression is replaced with the result. For example:

Version ≥ C++11

int main()


constexpr int N = 10 + 2; cout << N;


will produce the following code:

cout << 12;

A pre-processor based compile-time macro would be di erent. Consider:

#define N 10 + 2

int main()


cout << N;


will produce:

cout << 10 + 2;

which will obviously be converted to cout << 10 + 2;. However, the compiler would have to do more work. Also, it creates a problem if not used correctly.

For example (with #define):

cout << N * 2;


cout << 10 + 2 * 2; // 14

But a pre-evaluated constexpr would correctly give 24.

Comparison with const

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A const variable is a variable which needs memory for its storage. A constexpr does not. A constexpr produces compile time constant, which cannot be changed. You may argue that const may also not be changed. But consider:

int main()


const int size1 = 10; const int size2 = abs(10);

int arr_one[size1]; int arr_two[size2];


With most compilers the second statement will fail (may work with GCC, for example). The size of any array, as you might know, has to be a constant expression (i.e. results in compile-time value). The second variable size2 is assigned some value that is decided at runtime (even though you know it is 10, for the compiler it is not compiletime).

This means that a const may or may not be a true compile-time constant. You cannot guarantee or enforce that a particular const value is absolutely compile-time. You may use #define but it has its own pitfalls.

Therefore simply use:

Version ≥ C++11

int main()


constexpr int size = 10;

int arr[size];


A constexpr expression must evaluate to a compile-time value. Thus, you cannot use:

Version ≥ C++11

constexpr int size = abs(10);

Unless the function (abs) is itself returning a constexpr.

All basic types can be initialized with constexpr.

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constexpr bool FailFatal = true; constexpr float PI = 3.14f;

constexpr char* site= "StackOverflow";

Interestingly, and conveniently, you may also use auto:

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domain = ".COM";


const char * const domain = ".COM"



PI = 3.14;


constexpr double






Section 119.2: Static if statement

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The if constexpr statement can be used to conditionally compile code. The condition must be a constant expression. The branch not selected is discarded. A discarded statement inside a template is not instantiated. For

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template<class T, class ... Rest> void g(T &&p, Rest &&...rs)


// ... handle p

if constexpr (sizeof...(rs) > 0)

g(rs...); // never instantiated with an empty argument list


In addition, variables and functions that are odr-used only inside discarded statements are not required to be defined, and discarded return statements are not used for function return type deduction.

if constexpr is distinct from #ifdef. #ifdef conditionally compiles code, but only based on conditions that can be evaluated at preprocessing time. For example, #ifdef could not be used to conditionally compile code depending on the value of a template parameter. On the other hand, if constexpr cannot be used to discard syntactically invalid code, while #ifdef can.

if constexpr(false) {

foobar; // error; foobar has not been declared

std::vector<int> v("hello, world"); // error; no matching constructor


Section 119.3: constexpr functions

A function that is declared constexpr is implicitly inline and calls to such a function potentially yield constant expressions. For example, the following function, if called with constant expression arguments, yields a constant expression too:

Version ≥ C++11

constexpr int Sum(int a, int b)


return a + b;


Thus, the result of the function call may be used as an array bound or a template argument, or to initialize a constexpr variable:

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int main()


constexpr int S = Sum(10,20);

int Array[S];

int Array2[Sum(20,30)]; // 50 array size, compile time


Note that if you remove constexpr from function's return type specification, assignment to S will not work, as S is a constexpr variable, and must be assigned a compile-time const. Similarly, size of array will also not be a constantexpression, if function Sum is not constexpr.

Interesting thing about constexpr functions is that you may also use it like ordinary functions:

Version ≥ C++11

int a = 20;

auto sum = Sum(a, abs(-20));

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Sum will not be a constexpr function now, it will be compiled as an ordinary function, taking variable (non-constant) arguments, and returning non-constant value. You need not to write two functions.

It also means that if you try to assign such call to a non-const variable, it won't compile:

Version ≥ C++11

int a = 20;

constexpr auto sum = Sum(a, abs(-20));

The reason is simple: constexpr must only be assigned a compile-time constant. However, the above function call makes Sum a non-constexpr (R-value is non-const, but L-value is declaring itself to be constexpr).

The constexpr function must also return a compile-time constant. Following will not compile:

Version ≥ C++11

constexpr int Sum(int a, int b)


int a1






+ b;



Because a1 is a non-constexpr variable, and prohibits the function from being a true constexpr function. Making it constexpr and assigning it a will also not work - since value of a (incoming parameter) is still not yet known:

Version ≥ C++11

constexpr int Sum(int a, int b)


constexpr int a1 = a;




Furthermore, following will also not compile:

Version ≥ C++11

constexpr int Sum(int a, int b)


return abs(a) + b; // or abs(a) + abs(b)


Since abs(a) is not a constant expression (even abs(10) will not work, since abs is not returning a constexpr int !

What about this?

Version ≥ C++11

constexpr int Abs(int v)


return v >= 0 ? v : -v;


constexpr int Sum(int a, int b)


return Abs(a) + b;


We crafted our own Abs function which is a constexpr, and the body of Abs also doesn't break any rule. Also, at the call site (inside Sum), the expression evaluates to a constexpr. Hence, the call to Sum(-10, 20) will be a compile-time constant expression resulting to 30.

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